

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31

摘要:海洋保护区事业正处于从"重面积、重数量"向"重建设、重成效"转型的重要阶段,海洋保护区,特别是滨海湿地类保护区的管理有效性评估引起了国内外生态学家的广泛关注。根据现有评估体系中存在问题,结合广西滨海湿地类自然保护区建设及发展特点,构建了"管理机制-管理基础-管理行为-管理成效"的评估框架,通过专家咨询法、层次分析法设置形成包含4个评估要素,19个评估指标以及6个附加指标在内的评估体系。本评估体系综合考虑了保护区管理工作的产出效益,包括管控成效、生态成效和社会经济成效,在指标设计时突出了保护区的生境特点,管理人员以及社会公众的保护意愿,采用分级分值制量化指标,根据长期有效数据开展评估,适用于监测业务完善的滨海湿地类型保护区。另外,选择北仑河口国家级自然保护区进行实例验证,评估结果表明:(1)保护区指标评估分值总和78分,附加3分,综合评估分值81分,管理级别Ⅱ级,保护区管理成效良好;(2)各要素得分占比情况为:C管理行为(100%) > A管理机制(90%) > B管理基础(87%) > D管理成效(65%)。评估指标级别占比情况为:Ⅰ级(53%) > Ⅱ级(21%) > Ⅲ级(16%) > Ⅳ级(11%);(3)3类管理成效得分占比情况为:D2管控成效(97%) > D1生态成效(60%) > D3社会经济成效(35%)。通过分析可知,保护区管理面临主要问题包括技术能力不足、人才队伍建设薄弱、人为干扰多样等。建议保护区应加强能力建设和管控力度,推行社区共管,并关注红树林以外的其他生态系统的保护,促进区域可持续发展。

Abstract:The development of marine protected areas faces an important transformation. It no longer emphasizes area and quantity but greater attention is paid to construction and effectiveness. Thus, marine protected area management is under tremendous pressure. As an important means to evaluate the degree of realization of protected area management objectives, management effectiveness evaluation of marine protected areas, especially coastal wetland protected areas, has recently received attention from ecologists at home and abroad. Relevant theoretical research and research on methods of construction and application practices have been conducted successfully. At present, most of the assessments of marine protected areas in China draw on mature foreign systems, failing to fully consider the special characteristics of the local oceanic environment, and related domestic research that still needs to be implemented. Based on the problems existing in the current evaluation system and the characteristics of construction and development in the Guangxi coastal wetland nature reserve, the evaluation framework of "management mechanism-management foundation-management behavior-management effectiveness" was developed, and an indicator system was designed using consultation methods and an analytic hierarchy process (AHP), including 4 elements, 19 assessment indicators, and 6 additional indicators. The following four are characteristics of this assessment system:(1) Unlike administrative supervision and inspection, the various output benefits of the protected area management system were considered comprehensively and included control, ecological, social, and economic effectiveness. (2) The indicator design takes into account the habitat characteristics of the coastal wetland nature reserve and the willingness of managers and the public to protect it. (3) To minimize the influence of subjective factors, quantitative work, such as weight setting, grading assignment, and percent distribution, was applied to the indicator system. (4) Assessment of indicators, such as changes in ecological environment quality and landscape, in protected areas requires long-term effective statistical data. This evaluation system is applicable to the coastal wetland type protected areas system with effective monitoring. Finally, the national nature reserve of Guangxi Beilun estuary was used as a research area for verification of the evaluation system. The evaluation results showed that (1) the case area evaluation index score was 78 points with an additional 3 points, for a comprehensive evaluation score of 81 points, and its management level was level II, indicating that the protection management achieved good results. (2) The score ratio of each factor was ranked as follows:C Management Behavior (100%) > A Management Mechanism (90%) > B Management Foundation (87%) > D Management Effectiveness (65%), and the proportion of the number of evaluation indicators at all levels was I (53%) > II (21.05%) > III (16%) > IV (11%). (3) The score ratio of the 3 types of management effectiveness was D2 Control effectiveness (97%) > D1 Ecological effectiveness (60%) > D3 Social and economic effectiveness (35%), thus, indicating that the ecological effectiveness of the case area was generally good, although the social and economic effectiveness was poor. Based on this analysis, the main problems faced by case area management were discovered and included insufficient technical capabilities, weak talent team building, and diverse human intervention. We recommend that protected areas should strengthen capacity building and control, strengthen public awareness, promote community co-management, pay attention to the protection of ecosystems other than mangroves, and promote regional sustainable development.



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