

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31

摘要:红树林作为海岸带重要的生态系统类型,具有维持海岸生物多样性、防风固岸、促淤造陆等重要的生态功能,在气候变化和快速城市化背景下认识红树林受保护状况具有重要意义。以基于遥感解译的红树林分类数据为基础,通过空缺分析,分析了我国红树林的就地保护状况,结果显示我国分布的红树林总面积为264 km2(尚不含我国港、澳、台的统计数据),其中61.4%在自然保护区内受到保护。从红树林分布的主要省份来看,在海南省分布的红树林面积较少但保护比例高,广西和广东省分布的红树林面积大但受保护面积比例相对较低。在3种红树林类型中,红树-木果楝林和红海榄-木榄林分布面积较小,但受保护的面积都在90%以上,秋茄-桐花树-白骨壤林分布的面积最大,但受保护的面积为52.6%。研究提出自然保护区外红树林分布的关键区域,并建议通过划定生态保护红线等方式来进行保护。

Abstract:Mangrove forests are an important ecosystem type in coastal zones and provide a large variety of ecological functions, including biodiversity conservation, hurricane protection on the banks, and improved land creation. It is vital to recognize the conservation status of mangrove ecosystems, especially when considering the background of climate change and rapid urbanization. In this study, the protection status of mangrove ecosystems was analyzed based on maps classified from remote sensing and using gap analysis. The results showed that the total area of mangrove ecosystems in mainland China was 264 km2, 61% of it covered by nature reserves. Among the provinces with major mangrove forests, Hainan had a relatively small area but a high proportion covered by reserves, while Guangxi and Guangdong had large areas but low coverage proportions. Among the three mangrove forest types, Rhizophora apiculata-Xylocarpus granatum and Rhizophora stylosa-Bruguiera gymnorrhiza had high proportions (> 90%) covered by reserves, but relatively small areas. In contrast, Kandelia candel -Aegiceras corniculatum-Avicennia marina had relatively low reserve coverage (52.6%), but a large area. Priority areas outside the reserves were identified, and an approach to nature reserve expansion and ecological redlining were proposed to further protect these ecosystems.



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