1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101;
2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049;
3. 中国科学院大学中丹学院, 北京 100190;
4. 北京市劳动保护科学研究所, 北京 100054
作者简介: 童亚莉(1991-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为环境地理学,E-mail:tongyali123@163.com.
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41571473)中图分类号: X171.5
Seasonal Variation of Rare Earth Element Concentrations in PM10 and Their Cytotoxicity in A Typical Rare Earth Mining City
Tong Yali1,2,3,4,Li Kexin1,2,
Tian Shuhan1,2,3,
Liang Tao1,2,3
1. The Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3. Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research, Beijing 100190, China;
4. Beijing Municpal Institute of Labour Protection, Beijing 100054, China
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:为探讨典型稀土矿城市不同季节大气可吸入颗粒物(inhalable particulate matter, PM10)中稀土元素污染特征及其细胞毒性响应,将前期采集于包头市的PM10颗粒物进行提取,检测PM10中的稀土元素(rare earth elements, REEs)含量,并将人肺上皮细胞(A549)暴露于不同浓度水平(25,50,100 μg·mL-1)的PM10样品和标准颗粒物1649b(standard reference material, SRM1649b)暴露液,用WST-1法测定暴露24 h后的细胞活性,用2' 7'二氯荧光素二醋酸盐(2'7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate,DCFH-DA)荧光探针法和彗星实验分别测定暴露3 h后的细胞内活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)产生水平和DNA双链损伤程度。结果表明,包头春、夏季大气PM10和SRM1649b均引起A549细胞活性下降,并诱导细胞内ROS生成量增加,造成显著的细胞内DNA损伤,含REEs的大气颗粒物毒性显著高于标准颗粒物。与春季相比,包头夏季PM10对细胞活性的抑制程度更高,造成更多的DNA双链损伤,从而表现出更强的细胞毒性和遗传毒性。包头PM10呈现明显的轻稀土元素(light rare earth elements, LREEs)富集,铈(Ce)、钷(Pm)、镧(La)和钕(Nd)含量占稀土总量的50%以上。LREEs均与细胞活性和细胞内ROS产生水平呈负相关性,包头春季和夏季PM10中稀土元素含量的差异是导致包头PM10细胞毒性效应不同于标准颗粒物且具有季节性差异的原因之一。
关键词: 稀土/
Abstract:To investigate the toxicity and pollution characteristics of rare earth elements (REEs) in inhalabel particulate matter (PM10) of Baotou City, PM10 samples were collected for exposure experiments. The concentrations of REEs in PM10 were characterized and A549 cells were exposed to PM10 collected in spring and summer, together with a standard reference material 1649b (SRM1649b) at the levels of 25, 50 and 100 μg·mL-1. The WST-1 method was used to measure the cell viability of A549 cells after 24 h exposure time. The 2'7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) method and the comet assay were used to measure the intracellular reative oxygen species (ROS) production and DNA damage of A549 cells, respectively, after 3 h exposure time. The results showed that all samples of PM10 in both seasons and SRM1649b inhibited the cell viability, induced ROS production and caused significant DNA strand breaks of A549 cells. The toxicity of PM10 containing REEs was significantly higher than that of the standard reference material. Compared to PM10 in spring, the PM10 in summer of Baotou City inhibited cell viability much more and caused more DNA strand breaks of A549 cells, indicating stronger cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. PM10 of Baotou City tended to enrich light rare earth elements (LREEs) and the amount of Ce, Pm La and Nd accounted for more than 50% of total REEs in PM10. LREEs were negatively related to cell viability and ROS production. The difference of LREEs in PM10 in different seasons in Baotou was one of the reasons for the seasonal variation of PM10 cytotoxic effects.
Key words:rare earth elements/
A549 cells/
oxidative damage/