本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09
何志群 职称:教授
1990/01-1993/12: 英国 The University of Reading, 博士学位 (PhD)。
1982/09-1985/03: 中国科学技术大学, 硕士学位。
1978/03-1982/07: 中国科学技术大学, 学士学位。
2003- 今: 北京交通大学, 理学院光电子技术研究所, 教授, 博导, 从事液晶、发光、太阳能电池等有机聚合物光电子材料与器件的研究.
2000-2002: 英国 Freelight Systems Ltd., Senior Scientist, 从事显示及光电子技术产品设计与开发研究.
1994-1999: 英国NapierUniversity of Edinburgh, 应用化学和物理科学系(ACPS),Research Fellow, 从事有机聚合物光电子材料与器件、液晶显示材料与器件物理的研究等.
1990-1993: 英国 The University of Reading, J.J. Thomson Physical Laboratory, 博士研究生, 英国 Courtauld 高分子科学奖学金、英国海外奖学金(ORS)资助, 从事聚合物物理、液晶分子及其取向研究.
1988-1989: 英国Reading大学, J.J. Thomson物理实验室, 皇家学会资助访问, 从事结晶和液晶聚合物凝聚态的研究.
1985-1988: 中国科学院化学研究所, 先后任实习研究员, 助理研究员, 从事功能聚合物的研究与开发工作.
1982-1985: 中国科学技术大学, 硕士研究生, 从事聚丙烯 β-晶型的形成及转化的研究.
国家自然科学基金“面上”:光电子器件中有机软物质共轭分子激发态的形成、迁移及解离过程的研究,2015-01-01--2018-12-31, 90万, 主持
国家自然科学基金"面上":通过抑制有机无机钙钛矿的离子迁移和扩散增强钙钛矿光伏器件的稳定性, 2019-01-01--2022-12-31, 63万,参加
北京市科委:有机/无机杂化高效钙钛矿电池材料与器件稳定性研究, 2018-04-01--2020-03-31, 400万,参加
博士点基金:用大分子的微纳米聚集及有序结构调制有机半导体器件的研究,2013-01-01--2015-12-31,12.0万元, 主持
基本科研业务费:反型叠层聚合物太阳能电池的研制,2013-01-01--2015-12-30,55.0万元, 参加
国家自然科学基金“面上”:分子和聚集态微纳米结构的调控及其光电响应机制的研究,2012-01-01--2015-12-31, 63.0万元, 主持
红果园:特种液晶材料制备,2010-10-01--2013-12-31, 160.0万元, 子课题主持
中国-苏格兰博士生教育及科研合作伙伴关系:杂化结构薄膜太阳能电池研究,2010-01-01--2011-03-31, 主持
本科生: 光信息存储与显示 (双语/英语)
研究生: 现代显示技术(双语/英语)
研究生: 光科专业英语
1. Qi Song, Chunjun Liang, Huimin Zhang, Chao Ji, Mengjie Sun, Fulin Sun, Xiping Jing,Fangtian You, Yanwu Lu, and Zhiqun He*, "Additional Organic-Solvent-Rinsing Process to Enhance Perovskite Photovoltaic Performance."Adv. Electron. Mater. , ** (2019).
2. Mengjie Sun, Chunjun Liang,Huimin Zhang, Chao Ji, Fulin Sun, Fangtian You, Xiping Jing, and Zhiqun He*,“Tailoring a dynamic crystalline process during the conversion of lead-halideperovskite layer to achieve high performance solar cells” J. Mater. Chem. A, 6 :24793–24804 (2018).
3. Chao Ji, Chunjun Liang?, Huimin Zhang, Mengjie Sun,Fulin Sun, Qi Song, Xuewen Zhang, Dan Li, Fangtian You, Zhiqun He?, “C60-assisted crystalengineering for perovskite solar cells with enhanced efficiency and stability” Org.Electron., 63 : 276–282 (2018).
4 Zebang Guo?, Zhiqun He??,* Mengjie Sun, Huimin Zhang?, Yajun Xu, Xiang Li?, Chunjun Liang?,* andXiping Jing?, “Exploring photophysical processes in aternary-blended polymer solar cell.” Polymer,153 : 398–407 (2018).
5. Xuewen Zhang, Chunjun Liang,*Mengjie Sun, Huimin Zhang, Chao Ji, Zebang Guo, Yajun Xu, Fulin Sun, Qi Songand Zhiqun He*, “Improved fill factor in inverted planar perovskite solar cellswith zirconium acetate as the hole-and-ion-blocking layer.” Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys., 20(11) : 7395-7400 (2018).
6. Huimin Zhang, Hong Lin,Chunjun Liang, Hong Liu, Jingjing Liang, Yong Zhao, Wenguan Zhang, Mengjie Sun,Weikang Xiao, Han Li, Stefano Polizzi, Dan Li, Fujun Zhang, Zhiqun He, andWallace C. H. Choy, “Organic–Inorganic Perovskite Light-EmittingElectrochemical Cells with a Large Capacitance” Adv. Funct.. Mater., 25 :7226–7232 (2015).
7. Ying Peng, Nir Yaacobi-Gross,Ajay K. Perumal, Hendrik A. Faber, George Vourlias, Panos A. Patsalas, Donal D.C. Bradley, Zhiqun He*, and Thomas D. Anthopoulos*, “Efficient organic solarcells using copper(I) iodide (CuI) hole transport layers” Appl. Phys. Lett., 106(24) : 243302 (2015).
8. Yong Zhao, Chunjun Liang*,Huimin Zhang, Dan Li, Ding Tian, Guobao Li, Xiping Jing, Wenguan Zhang, WeikangXiao, Qian Liu, Fujun Zhang and Zhiqun He* “Anomalously large interface chargein polarityswitchable photovoltaic devices: an indication of mobile ions inorganic–inorganic halide perovskites” Energy & Environ. Sci., 8 (4) :1256-1260 (2015).
9. Ying Peng, Zhiqun He, AdelDiyaf, Aruna Ivaturi, Zhi Zhang, Chunjun Liang, John I.B. Wilson “ManipulatingHybrid Structures of Polymer/a-Si for Thin Film Solar Cells” Appl.Phys. Lett., 104: 103903 (2014).
10. Huimin Zhang, Chunjun Liang*,Yong Zhao, Mengjie Sun, Hong Liu, Jingjing Liang, Dan Li, Fujun Zhang andZhiqun He*, “Dynamic interface charge governing the current–voltage hysteresisin perovskite solar cells” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 17(15) :9613 – 9618 (2015).
11. Huan Zhao, Zhiqun He*, XiaojinZhang, Zhi Zhang, Adel Diyaf, Anna H. N. Lind, Chunjun Liang, and John I. B.Wilson* “A preliminary investigation on hybrid photovoltaic cells with organicphthalocyanines and amorphous silicon heterojunction” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.48(19) : 195102 (2015).
12. Zhi Zhang, Zhiqun He, ChunjunLiang, Anna H. N. Lind, Adel Diyaf, Ying Peng, John I.B. Wilson “A preliminarydevelopment in hybrid a-silicon/polymer solar cells”, Renew. Energy, 63: 145-152(2014).
13. Hong Liu, Chunjun Liang*, HuiminZhang, Mengjie Sun, Jingjing Liang, Xuewen Zhang, Chao Ji, Zebang Guo, YajunXu, and Zhiqun He*, "Effects of surface morphology on the ioniccapacitance and performance of perovskite solar cells", Jpn.J. Appl. Phys., 56, 090305 (2017).
14. Jingjing Liang, Chunjun Liang,Huimin Zhang, Mengjie Sun, Hong Liu, Chao Ji, Xuewen Zhang, Dan Li and ZhiqunHe, “CH3NH3I post-treatment improves the performance of perovskite solar cellsvia eliminating the impure phases”,
Funct. Mater. Lett.,10(4) : ** (2017).
15. Xinping Wang, Zhiqun He*,Chunjun Liang, Hai’an Qiu, and Xiping Jing, “Exploring Photocurrent Output fromDonor/Acceptor Bulk-Heterojunctions by Monitoring Exciton Quenching” Chin.Phys. B, 24(6) : 063301 (2015).
16. Zhi Zhang, Zhiqun He*, Min Xu,Chunjun Liang, “Enhancement of polymer photovoltaic performances by doping withmodified carbon black nanoparticles” Appl. Phys. A, 120(2) : 601–607(2015).
17. Dan Li, Chunjun Liang, HuiminZhang, Chunxiu Zhang, Fangtian You, and Zhiqun He*, “Spatially separated chargedensities of electrons and holes in organic-inorganic halide perovskites”J.Appl. Phys,117, 074901 (2015).
18. Kai Sun,Zhiqun He*,andChunjun Liang,“Effect of multiple temperature-step annealing on theperformances of polymer solar cells”,Acta Phys. Sin. 63(4) : 048801(2014).
19. Yong Zhao, Chunjun Liang*,Mengjie Sun, Qian Liu, Fujun Zhang, Dan Li, and Zhiqun He “Effect of doping onthe short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage of polymer solar cells” JAppl. Phys, 116, 154506 (2014).
20. Qian Liu, Zhiqun He*, ChunjunLiang, Yong Zhao, WeiKang Xiao, Dan Li,“Effect of crystallinity offullerene derivatives on doping density in the organic bulk heterojunctionlayer in polymer solar cells ”Chin. Phys. Lett.32(5) :056801 (2015).
21. Teng Hou, Chunjun Liang, Fujun Zhang,Zhiqun He, Kai Sun, “Laminated Polymer Solar Cells with PEDOT:PSS Film asAnode”Chin Phys Lett, 31 : 028801 (2014).
22. Chunjun Liang, Yongsheng Wang,Dan Li, Xingchen Ji, Fujun Zhang, Zhiqun He, “Modeling and simulation of bulkheterojunction polymer solar cells”, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells,127 : 67–86 (2014).
23. Yanrong Wang, Shengang Xu, TaoChen, Hongwu Guo, Qiongyan Liu, Baoxian Ye, Zhi Zhang, Zhiqun He and ShaokuiCao, “Synthesis and preliminary photovoltaic behavior study of a solublepolyimide containing ruthenium complexes”, Polym. Chem., 1, 1048–1055, (2010).
24. Jianyuan Sun, Zhiqun He*,Linping Mu, Xiao Han, Junjie Wang, Bin Wang, Chunjun Liang, Yongsheng Wang,Yingliang Liu, Shaokui Cao, “Preliminary photovoltaicresponse from a polymer containing p-vinylenephenylene amine backbone”, Sol.Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells, 91: 1289-1298 (2007).
1. Huan Zhao, Zhiqun He*, Min Xu,Chunjun Liang and Sandeep Kumar, “Electron transporting organic materials withan exceptional large scale homeotropic molecular orientation” Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys., 18(12), 8554—8560 (2016)
2. Linping Mu, Zhiqun He*, “TransportProperties of Charge Carriers in Pyrazolo-[3,4-b]-quinoline Derivative DopedPoly (N-vinylcarbazole) Film”, Acta Photon. Sin., 47(8) :** (2018).
3. Nan Wu,Zhiqun He*,MinXu, and Weikang Xiao, “Recent Developments of Azatriphenylene Materials asn-Type Organic Semiconductors”, Acta Phys. Chim. Sin. 30(6) : 1001-1016 (2014).
4. Xiangfei Kong, Zhiqun He*,Yinning Zhang, Linping Mu, Chunjun Liang, Bo Chen, Xiping Jing, Andrew NCammidge*, "A Mesogenic Triphenylene-Perylene-Triphenylene Triad", Org.Lett., 13(4) : 764-767 (2011).
5. Junjie Wang, Zhiqun He*,Yingning Zhang, Huan Zhao, Chunxiu Zhang, Xiangfei Kong, Linping Mu, ChunjunLiang, “The driving force for homeotropic alignment of a triphenylene derivativein a hexagonal columnar mesophase on single substrates”, Thin Solid Films, 518 :1973–1979 (2010).
6. Juanjuan Li, Zhiqun. He*, H.Zhao, X. Kong, Hemant Gopee, M. Xu, X. An, X. Jing, Andrew N. Cammidge, “Homeotropic alignmentthrough charge transfer induced columnar mesophase formation in anunsymmetrically substituted triphenylene derivative”, Pure Appl. Chem., 82(11): 1993-2003 (2010).
7. Chunxiu Zhang, Zhiqun He,Jialing Pu, Chunmei Zhang, Qiang Chen, Huan Yan, Wenguang Wang, and YongshengWang “Nano-tubes and Column Formation from a Polymer/Discotic MoleculeComposite Induced by Geometric Confinement”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.,512 : 179[2025]–187[2033] (2009).
8. Chunxiu Zhang, Zhiqun He*,Huaxiang Mao, Junjie Wang, Dongdong Wang, Yongsheng Wang, Zhongxiao Li, JialingPu, “Observation of disorder effects on charged carrier mobility intriphenylene based discotic materials”, J. Lumin., 2007-12, 122-123 :931–935 (2007).
9. Alek R. Tamvee, Zhiqun He*, et.al., “Electron drift mobility inpolystyrene doped with bispyrazolopyridine derivatives”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 81:969 - 971 (2002).
10. AlekR. Tamvee, Zhiqun He*, et.al., “Electron drift mobility inpyrazolo[3,4b]quinoline doped polystyrene layers”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 77:322 - 324 (2000).
1. Xiangfei Kong, Hongkang Gong,Peng Liu, Wei Yao, Zheng Liu, Guixia Wang,* Shufen Zhang and Zhiqun He*,“Synthesis and investigation on optoelectronic properties of mesogenictriphenylene–perylene dyads linked by ethynylphenyl bridges” New J.Chem., 42 : 3211-3221 (2018)
2. Xiangfei Kong, Liting Xia,Haifeng Zhang, Shengping Dai, Caili Yu, Zheng Liu, Linping Mu, Guixia Wang* andZhiqun He*, "Synthesis and investigation on liquid crystal and opticalproperties of dyads based on triphenylene and perylene", RSCAdvances, 7, 17030- 17037 (2017)
3. Ying Peng, Zhiqun He*, Han Li,and Chunjun Liang, “Understanding the phase behavior from multiple-stepisothermally crystallized poly(3-hexylthiophene)s” Polymer, 98, 61-69 (2016)
4 Weikang Xiao, Zhiqun He*,Sonia Remiro-Buenamanana, Rebecca J. Turner, Min Xu, Xiao Yang, Xiping Jing,Andrew N. Cammidge*, “A pi-Extended Donor-Acceptor-Donor Triphenylene TwinLinked via a Pyrazine Bridge”Org. Lett., 17(13) :3286-3289 (2015)
5. Juanjuan Li, Zhiqun He*,Hemant Gopee, and Andrew N Cammidge*, “Synthesis of CrownEther-Linked Discotic Triphenylenes”, Org. Lett., 12 : 472-475 (2010).
6. Weikang Xiao, Zhiqun He, MinXu, Nan Wu, Xiangfei Kong, and Xiping Jing “A convenient one-step reactionleading to a key discotic intermediate: mono-hydroxytriphenylene at multi-gramscale” Tetrahedron Lett. 56(5) : 700–705 (2015)
7. Xiangfei Kong, Zhiqun He*, Hemant Gopee and Andrew N. Cammidge*, “Improved synthesis ofmonohydroxytriphenylenes (MHTs) – important precursors to discotic liquidcrystal families”, Tetrahedron Lett., 52 : 77- 79 (2011)
8. Xiangfei Kong, Zhiqun He*,Hemant Gopee and Andrew N. Cammidge*, “Synthesis and liquid crystal propertiesof triphenylene liquid crystals bearing polymerisable acrylate and methacrylategroups”, Liq. Cryst., 38(8), 943 - 955 (2011).
9. XiangfeiKong, Zhiqun He*, Min Xu, Chunjun Liang, Xiping Jing, “A dione approach to modifythe optical and mesophase properties of discotic triphenylene derivatives”, Funct.Mater. Lett., 4(4) : 345 - 349 (2011).
10. Chunxiu Zhang, Zhiqun He*,Junjie Wang, Yongsheng Wang, “Study of mesogenic properties and molecularconformation from a heterogeneous tetramer with a triphenylene centre core andthree cyanobiphenyl tails”,J. Mol. Liq.,138 : 93–99 (2008).
11. Huaxiang Mao, Zhiqun He*,Junling Wang, Chunxiu Zhang, Ping Xie, Rongben Zhang, “A discotic triphenylenedimer as organic hole transporting material for electroluminescence devices”, J.Lumin., 2007-12, 122-123 : 942–945 (2007).
12. Zhiqun He*, Fred J. Davis, RobertH. Olley and Geffery R. Mitchell, "Phase behaviour andnon-periodic crystallisation of random aromatic copolyesters and their sidechain bearing systems", Polymer, 42: 5351 – 5363 (2001).
13. Zhiqun He, Robert H. Olley, “Onspherulitic forms in an aromatic poly(ester amide)”, Polymer, 41: 1157 - 1165(2000).
14. Zhiqun He, Fred J. Davis, Geffery R. Mitchell, "Influence of sidechain bearing units on the phase behaviour of a series of copoly(esterether)s", Eur. Polym. J., 32(6), 735-746 (1996).
15. Zhiqun He, and Geffery R.Mitchell,"Crystallisation of random aromatic copolyesters containing flexiblespacer chains and side groups." Polymer, 35(6), 1322-1325 (1994).
16. Zhiqun He, Fred J. Davis, and GefferyR. Mitchell "Transformable proccessable rigid polyamide system containingflexible side chains for high performance material" Polymer, 35(10),2218-2221 (1994).
17. Zushou Xie, Zhiqun He, DaorongDai, Rongben Zhang, “Study on the synthesis and characterization of thesoluble, high molecular weight and ladderlike polymethyl-silsesquioxane” Chin.J Polym. Sci., 7(2) :183-188 (1989)
18. Guien. Zhou, Zhiqun He, JianminYu, Zhewen Han and Guanyi Shi, “Studies on the beta-form isotacticpolypropylene. 1. Characterisation of the beta-form and study of the alpha-betatransition during heating by wide angle X-ray diffraction.” Makromol.Chem. 187, 633-642 (1986)
19. Guanyi Shi, Bin Huang, Y.H. Caoand Zhiqun He, Zhewen Han, “Studies on the beta-form isotactic polypropylene.2. The melting behaviour of predominantly beta-form sample.” Makromol.Chem. 187, 643-652 (1986)
1. Wenguan Zhang, Zhiqun He,Yongsheng Wang, Shengmin Zhao, “Solution-processable phosphorescence based oniridium-cored small molecules with the trifluoromethyl group” OpticalMater., 42 : 137-143 (2015)
2. Wenguan Zhang, Chunjun Liang,Zhiqun He, Hui Pang, Yongsheng Wang, Shengmin Zhao, “Stable orange and whiteelectrophosphorescence based on spirobifluorenyltrifluoromethyl-pyridineiridium complexes” Synth Met., 210: 214-222 (2015).
3. Wenguan Zhang, Zhiqun He, HuiPang, Yongsheng Wang, Shengmin Zhao, “Spirobifluorene and biphenylaminophenylfluorene with dimesitylboron as multifunctional electroluminescent materials” OpticalMater., 50: 154-161 ( 2015).
4. Liu Yang, Zhiqun He*, FeiDong, Shu Liu, Shujie Liu, Chunjun Liang, “Improved Performance of Hybrid WhiteOrganic Light Emitting Diodes via Adjusting Spacer Layer”ChinJ Lumin, 36 (6) : 78-84 (2015).
5. Wenguan Zhang, Zhiqun He,Yongsheng Wang, Shengmin Zhao, “Non-doped red–green–blue electroluminescentdevices based on fluorenyl and phenanthryl phenylamino derivatives” ThinSolid Films, 562 : 299–306 (2014)
6. Xiaojin Zhang, Zhiqun He, ChunjunLiang, Yongsheng Wang, Qixin Zhuang, Zhewen Ha, “Trap-induced light enhancementfrom a polymer light emitting device”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 043306(2013).
7. Jiang Zhao, Zhiqun He, JiaoZhang, Xiaojin Zhang, Liu Yang, Shujie Liu, Chunjun Liang, Shu Liu, “Formationand suppression of multi-component exciplex in white organic light emittingdevices.”Acta Opt. Sin., 34(8) : 082300 (2014).
8. Fan Fan, Chunjun Liang*, ZhiqunHe, “Fabrication of White Polymer Light Emitting Diodes Using All Solution Method”Chin. J. Lumin., 35(3) : 337-341 (2014).
9. Yingguang Zhu, Chunjun Liang*,Shu Liu, Shujie Liu, Zhiqun He, “Effect of Interlayer on Phosphorescent WhiteOrganic Light Emitting Diodes”,Chin. J. Lumin., 35(7) : 824-829 (2014).
10. Xiaojin Zhang, Zhiqun He*,Jing Wang, Linping Mu, Huan Zhao,Chunjun Liang, Qixin Zhuang, Zhewen Han,“Optimisation of poly(p-phenylenebenzobisoxazole) based light-emitting devices with a complex cathode”,Chin.Phys. B., 22(11) : 117805 - 117805(2013).
11. WenguanZhang, Zhiqun He, Yongsheng Wang, Hui Pang, Shengmin Zhao., “Non-doped red orblue electroluminescent materials based on fluorenyl-triarylamines withfumaronitrile or fluorene bridge”, Thin Solid Films, 520(7) : 2794 -2799 (2012).
12. TengfeiMeng, Zhiqun He*, Shu Liu, Shujie Liu, Chunjun Liang, Jiao Zhang, “TowardsColor Stable Three band White Organic Light emitting Diodes” Chin.J. Lumin., 33(10) : 1095 - 1100 (2012).
13. Wenguan Zhang, Zhiqun He,Yongsheng Wang, Shengmin Zhao, “Multifunctionalelectroluminescent material based on dimesitylboron and alpha-naphthylaminofluorene bridge”, Synth Met., 161, 2323 – 2328 (2011)
14. Linping Mu, Zhiqun He*, XiangfeiKong, Chunjun Liang, Yongsheng Wang, Andrzej Danel, Ewa Kulig, and G. Harry W.Milburn, “Towards color stable blue primary for displays: suppressfield-dependent color change in a multilayered electroluminescent device”, J.Display Technol., 7 : 96 – 104 (2011)
15. Linping Mu, Zhiqun He*, XiangfeiKong, Guanbao Hui, Min Xu, Chunjun Liang, Xiping Jing, Andrzej Danel and EwaKulig, “Exploring a reversible quenching of fluorescence from apyrazolo[3,4-b]quinoline derivative via protonation”, ChemPhysChem, 11 : 2623 –2629 (2010).
16. Wenguan Zhang, Zhiqun He*, Linping Mu, Ye Zou, Yongsheng Wang,Shengmin Zhao “Red non-dopedelectroluminescent dyes based on arylamino fumaronitrile derivatives”, Dyes& Pigments, 85 : 86 – 92 (2010).
17. Wenguan Zhang, Yongsheng Wang,Zhiqun He, Linping Mu, Ye Zou, Chunjun Liang, Shengmin Zhao, “Efficientelectrophosphorescence based on 2-(9,9-diethylfluoren-2-yl)-5-trifluoromethylpyridine iridium complexes”, Synth.Met., 160 : 354–360 (2010).
18. Linping Mu, Zhiqun He, JingWang, Guanbao Hui, Yongsheng Wang, Xiping Jing, and Andrzej Danel, Ewa Kulig, “A color stable blue lightemitting device using a pyrazolo[3,4-b]quinoline derivative as an emitter”, IEEEPhoton. Technol. Lett., 20(21): 1781-1783 (2008)
19. Junling Wang, Zhiqun He*,Yongsheng Wang, Linping Mu, Anmin Cao, “Photoluminescence and electroluminescencefrom a hybrid of lumogen red in nanoporous-silica”, J. Nanosci. & Nanotechnol.,8(3):1336-1340 (2008).
20. Junling Wang, Zhiqun He*,Huaxiang Mao, Yufan Du, Yongsheng Wang, “Optical properties ofBBOT-doped silica films prepared via sol-gel processing”, J. Lumin., 2007-12,122-123 : 268–271 (2007).
21. Zhiqun He*, Andrzej Danel, G.Harry W. Milburn, “Thin-layer photoluminescence and electroluminescence observed frompyrazoloquinoline-doped polymer matrices”, J. Lumin., 2007-12, 122-123 :605–609 (2007).
22. Andrzej Danel, Zhiqun He*, et.al., “Pyrazol-based blueelectroluminescent polymers” J. Mater. Chem. 9(2), 339-342(1999).
23. Zhiqun He*, G.Harry W. Milburn, et.al., “Blue electroluminescence ofnovel pyrazoloquinoline and bispyrazolopyridine derivatives in doped polymermatrices”, J. Mater. Chem. 7: 2323 - 2325 (1997).
1. 何志群等 “太阳能电池”,中国发明专利申请,ZL 2004 1 **. 5
2. 何志群等 “节能型建筑透光板”,中国发明专利,ZL 2007 1 **.8
3. 何志群等 “一种苯并菲衍生物分子取向的控制方法”, 中国发明专利,ZL 2008 1 **.6
4. 孔翔飞、何志群等 “一种苝环桥接苯并菲类化合物及其制备方法”, 中国发明专利,ZL 2011 1 **.X
5.肖维康、何志群等 “一种单羟基取代苯并菲的制备方法”, 中国发明专利,ZL 2013 1 **.7
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富鸣 职称:教授 学历:研究生 学位:博士 电话:** 邮箱:mfu@bjtu.edu.cn ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张福俊
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胡煜峰 职称:教授 学历:研究生 学位:博士 电话:** 邮箱:yfhu@bjtu.edu.cn ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王申伟
王申伟 职称:工程师 学历:研究生 学位:博士 电话: 邮箱:shwwang@bjtu.edu.cn ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋丹丹
宋丹丹 职称:副教授 学历: 学位:博士 电话: 邮箱:ddsong@bjtu.edu.cn ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王恺
王恺 职称:副教授 学历: 学位:博士 电话: 邮箱:kaiwang@bjtu.edu.cn ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09北京交通大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-纪丰民
纪丰民 职称:副教授 学历:研究生 学位:博士 电话:**-606 邮箱:jifm@bjtu.edu.cn ...北京交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-09