

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09

王恺 职称:副教授

2004-2007 学士 物理系 - 光电子专业 麦考瑞大学 Macquarie University 澳大利亚 悉尼
2007-2008 荣誉学士(英联邦国家) 物理系 - 光电子专业 麦考瑞大学 Macquarie University 澳大利亚 悉尼 导师:J. Downes 教授
2009-2011 理学硕士 应用物理系 - 物理专业 香港理工大学 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港 导师:Kin Hung Wong 教授
2011-2015 博士 电子工程和计算机系 纳米电子团队 特文特大学 University of Twente 荷兰 导师:M. P. de Jong 教授 和 W. G. van der Wiel 教授

2015.10 - 2018.12, 讲师,硕士生导师(破格), 北京交通大学理学院,光电子技术研究所
2019.1 - 至今,副教授,北京交通大学理学院,光电子技术研究所

本人主要科研方向:有机自旋光电子(organicoptospintronics)是一个将有机光电子学(organic optoelectronics)和自旋光电子学(spin-optoelectronics)相融合的前沿科学领域,该研究方向将电子的自旋极化特性(spin-polarizedcharacteristics)作为信息载体,使其融入到有机光电子材料与器件及有机-无机杂化光电子材料与器件当中,例如:自旋存储器件、光伏器件、发光器件;主要通过自旋极化电学输运和磁场效应做为两大研究手段,探测有机光电子材料与器件中,与自旋相关的各类新奇现象,例如自旋注入、自旋极化输运、自旋探测、自旋界面、磁电阻、磁控光电流、磁控光致发光、磁控电致发光、磁控介电,通过自旋电子学、光物理、光化学、以及相关理论模型加以指导来诠释以上与自旋相关的科学现象,该研究方向在当代有机光电子学、纳米材料学以及半导体物理学中占重要位置,也是现阶段国内外研究热点和发展方向。




国家自然科学基金 - 青年基金,2017-2019,探索自旋界面对自旋极化电子在铁磁-有机杂化自旋电子存储器的意义,主持
国家自然科学基金 - 重点项目,2017-2021,有机/无机杂化钙钛矿光伏、发光、磁光效应综合研究,骨干
国家自然科学基金 - 集成项目, 2017-2021,有源驱动柔性印刷彩色显示材料与器件,骨干
国家自然科学基金 - 面上项目,2017-2020,高效率三元有机光伏器件的制备及其机理研究,骨干
国家自然科学基金 - 专项项目,2020,科技活动项目,第八届有机半导体自旋国际会议,骨干
高端外国专家项目,GDW,基于提高光伏和热电器件能量转换效率的有机自旋机理研究,2016-2018, 骨干
北京交通大学 校内重点项目,S17JB00020,新型光电材料与器件研究,参加

固体物理 (理学院 知行班 中英文双语)
大学物理 新能源班(汉能学院、交通运输学院 全英文)
纳米物理 (理学院 纳米班 全英文)

于海川 (**)利用阻抗谱来研究电荷载流子在聚合物光伏器件中的动态电子输运过程
孙浩文(**) 非富勒烯太阳能电池体系中与自旋相关的电子-空穴复合与解离的动力学控制
尹昭怡(**) 有机-无机杂化钙钛矿纳米线的制备及其在有机光伏器件中的应用
李媛(**) 通过阻抗谱研究准二维有机-无机杂化钙钛矿表面极化和复合效应
金蓓(**) 非富勒烯有机太阳能电池中与自旋态相关的物理过程
陈恒政(**) 自旋极化电子在有机-无机杂化钙钛矿中的注入、输运、探测
陈其武(**) 高效率准二维锡基钙钛矿太阳能电池制备及其光伏性能退化机制研究

硕士研究生 赵丰贵 获得2019年“第十一届全国有机发光和光电性质学术会议” JPCL最佳墙报奖 《非富勒烯受体ITIC有机光伏体系中与自旋态相关的电子-空穴复合和解离过程》
博士研究生 祝熙翔 获得2017年“第17届中国光伏学术大会”优秀论文奖 《能量非均匀分布在有机体异质结太阳能电池中的研究》

Victor Avilez 法国图卢兹联邦大学 2016年3月 - 2016年8月

1. Caixia Zhang, Kai Wang,* et al (2020) submitted.
2. Ruiheng Pan, Xiantong Tang, Jinpeng Li, Haomiao Yu, Bin Hu, Kai Wang* (2020) submitted.
3. Kaixuan Yang, Jian Wang,* Zijin Zhao, Fenggui Zhao, Kai Wang, Xiaoli Zhang, Fujun Zhang,* Ultraviolet to near-infrared broadband organic photodetectors with photomultiplication, Organic Electronics (2020) Accepted.
4. Fenggui Zhao, Liangliang Deng,Kai Wang,*et al, Surface Modification of SnO2 via MAPbI3 Nanowires for a Highly Efficient Non-Fullerene Acceptor based Organic Solar Cell, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 5120-5127 (2020).
5. Liying Pei, Haomiao Yu,* Qi Zhang, Jinpeng Li, Kai Wang, Bin Hu,* Concave and Convex Bending Influenced Mechanical Stability in Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells, ACS The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 2340-2345 (2020).
6. H. Yu, M. Wang, C. Han, K. Wang, B. Hu,* Mechanically Tuning Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites, Nano Energy, 67, 104285 (2020).
7. Hanjun Yang,Kai Wang,*et al, Manipulation of Dipolar Polarization at Steady States for a Quasi-Two Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite with a Nanorod Network, Solar RRL, 3, **(2020).
8. Z. Zhao, J. Wang, C. Xu, K. Yang, F. Zhao, K. Wang, X. Zhang, F. Zhang,* Photomultiplication Type Broad Response Organic Photodetectors with One Absorber Layer and One Multiplication Layer,ACS The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11, 366-373 (2020).
9. H. Yu, Q. Zhang, Y. Zhang, K. Lu, C. Han, Y. Yang, K. Wang, X. Wang, M. Wang, J. Zhang, B. Hu*, Using Mechanical Stress to Investigate Rashba Effect in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites, ACS The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10, 5446-5450 (2019).
10.Xixiang Zhu, Kai Wang,* et al. Exploring Deep and Shallow Trap States in a Non-Fullerene Acceptor ITIC based Organic Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic System, ACS The Journal of Physical Chemistry C34, 20691-20697 (2019).
11.K. Wang,*Q. Yang, J. Duan, et al. Spin-Polarized Electronic Transport through Ferromagnet/Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Spinterfaces at Room Temperature,Advanced Materials Interfaces6, **(2019). 封面文章,该文章被同时收录在Hot Topic: Magnetic Materials 中。
12. Q. Zhang, H. Yu,*, F. Zhao, L. Pei, J. Li, K. Wang, B. Hu,*Substrate-Dependent Spin-Orbit Coupling in Hybrid Perovskite Thin Films, Advanced Functional Materials,29, ** (2019).
13.Fenggui, Zhao, Kai Wang,* et al. Spin-Dependent Electron-Hole Recombination and Dissociation in Non-Fullerene Acceptor ITIC based Organic Photovoltaic Systems, Solar RRL, 3, **(2019). 封面文章, VIP 文章
14. Hengxing Xu, Miaosheng Wang, Zhi Gang Yu, Kai Wang,* Bin Hu,* Magnetic Field Effects on Excited States, Charge Transport, and Electrical Polarization in Organic Semiconductors in Spin and Orbital Regimes, Advances in Physics 68, 49-121(2019). 2017年影响因子:30.917
15. Q. Yang, Kai Wang,* et al SurfacePolarization and Recombination in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite SolarCells based on Photo- and Electrically Induced Negative Capacitance Studies, Organic Electronics 62, 203-208 (2018).
16. X. Zhu,Kai Wang*, et al. Revisiting the Imapct of Interfacial Transport Layers on Organic Bulk Heterojunction Systems,ACS Applied Energy Materials1, 3457-3468 (2018).
17. C. Han, Z. Wei, K. Wang*, et al. Effectof Surface Recombination in High Performance White-light CH3NH3PbI3 Single Crystal Photodetectors, Optics Express 26, 26307-26316 (2018).
18. X. Sun, C. Han, K. Wang*, et al. Effectof BCP Organic Addictive on Optoelectronic Properties of Highly EfficientMethylammonium Lead Bromide Perovskite Light Emitting Diodes, ACS Applied Energy Materials (2018). 杂志封面 Magazine Cover
19.L. Deng, K. Wang,* et al. PolymerAssist Crystallization and Passivation for Enhancements of Open-circuit Voltageand Stability in Tin-Halide Perovskite Solar Cells, Journal of Physics D Applied Physics doi: https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/aae2ab(accepted).
20. H. Yu, Q. Zhang, ..., K. Wang, B. Hu, Improving Photovoltaic Performance of Inverted Planar Structure Perovskite Solar Cells via Introducing Photogenerated Dipoles in the Electron Transport Layer, Organic Electronics (accepted).
21. Li Luan, Kai Wang*, Bin Hu, Sign Reversal of Magneto-capacitance in an Organic Heterojunction based Opto-Spintronic System, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6, 4671 (2018). 杂志封面 MagazineCover
22.Changfeng Han, Kai Wang*, et al, Unravelling Surface and Bulk Trap States in Lead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Using Impedance Spectroscopy, Journal of Physics D Applied Physics (2018).
23. Lin Luan, Kai Wang, Ling Xu, Bin Hu, Magneto-Capacitance Induced by Optically Tunable Electron-hole Pairs in Organic Electronic Devices, Organic Electronics 49, 300-304 (2017).
24. Wenbin Wang, Fujun Zhang, Mingde Du, Lingliang Li, Miao Zhang, Kai Wang, Yongsheng Wang, Bin Hu, Ying Fang, and Jinsong Huang, Highly Narrowband Photomultiplication Type Organic Photodetectors, Nano Letters, DOI: 11.102/acs.nanolett.6b05418, 2017.
25. Mingxing Li, Ling Li, Rupam Mukherjee, Kai Wang, Qing Liu, Qiang Zou, Hengxing Xu, Jeremy Tisdale, Zheng Gai, Ilia N. Ivanov, David Mandrus, and Bin Hu, Magnetodielectric response from spin-orbital interacton occurring at interface of ferromagnetic Co and organometal halide perovskite layers via Rashba effect, Advanced Materials, DOI:10.1002/adma., 2017.
26.Kai Wang*, E. Strambini, J. G. M. Sanderink, T. Bolhuis, W. G. van der Wiel, and M. P. de Jong, The effect of orbital hybridization on spin-polarized tunneling across Co/C60 interfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 28349-28356 (2016)杂志封面 MagazineCover他引:8 次
27.E. van Geijn, K. Wangand M. P. de Jong, Electronic and magnetic properties of TTF and TCNQ covered Co thin films, AIP The Journal ofChemical Physics144, 174708(2016).
28.K.Wang,J. G. M. Sanderink, T. Bolhuis, W. G. van der Wiel, and M. P. de Jong, Tunneling anisotropicmagnetoresistance in an exchange coupled Co/CoO tunnel junction, Nature ScientificReports 5,15498(2015).他引:15 次
29.K.Wang, J. G. M. Sanderink, T. Bolhuis, W. G. van der Wiel, andM. P. de Jong, Tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance in C60 basedorganic spintronic systems, Physical Review B 89, 174419 (2014). 他引:19 次
30.K.Wang, T. L. A. Tran, P. Brinks, J. G. M. Sanderink, T.Bolhuis, W. G. van der Wiel, and M. P. de Jong, Tunneling anisotropicmagnetoresistance in Co/AlOx/Al tunnel junctions with fcc Co (111)electrodes, Physical Review B 88, 054407 (2013). 他引:22 次
31.K. Wang and K. H.Wong, Growth of large grain polycrystalline silicon thin film onsoda-lime glass at low temperature for solar cell applications, Cambridge Uni. Press Proc. MRS 1321,mrss11-1321-a06-12 (2011).
32.K. Wang and K. H.Wong, Low temperature processing of a large grain polycrystallinesilicon thin film on soda-lime glass, Semiconductor Science and Technology 26, 095031(2011).
33.K. Wang , G. Tai,K. H. Wong, S. P. Lau, and W. Guo, Ni induced few-layer graphene growth at lowtemperature by pulsed laser deposition, AIP Advances 1, 022141 (2011). 他引:51 次
34. G.Tai*, K. Wang*,Z. Sun, J. Yin, S. M. Ng, J. Zhou, F. Yan, C. W. Leung, K. H. Wong, W. Guo andS. P. Lau, Nonlithographic fabrication of crystalline silicon nanodots ongraphene,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 532 (2011). (equal contributions)
35. H. F. Wong, K. Wang, C. W. Leung, and K. H. Wong,Magnetoresistance of manganite-cobalt ferrite spacerless junctions, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50, 1 (2014).
36. W.Zhang, S. Jiang, P. K. J. Wong, L. Sun, Y. K. Wang, K. Wang, M. P. de Jong, W. G. van der Wiel, G. van der Laan and Y.Zhai, Engineering gilbert damping by diluted Gd doping in soft magnetic Fe thinfilms,Journal of Applied Physics 115, 17A308 (2014).
37. P.K. J. Wong, W. Zhang, K. Wang, G.van der Laan, Y. Xu, W. G. van der Wiel, and M. P. de Jong, Electronic andmagnetic structure of C60/Fe3O4(001): a hybrid interface for organicspintronics, Journal of Material Chemistry C 1, 1197 (2013).
38. J. Z. Xin, K. C. Hui, K. Wang, H. L. W. Chan, D. H. C. Ong,and C. W. Leung, Thermal tuning of surface plasmon resonance: Ag gratings onbarium strontium titanate thin films, Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing 107, 101(2012).
39. J. Burke, K. Wang, and A. Bramble, Null test ofan off-axis parabolic mirror. I. Configuration with spherical reference waveand flat return surface, Optics Express 17, 3196 (2009).
40. J. Burke, K. Wang and A. Bramble, Testing of adiamond-turned off-axis parabolic mirror, Proc. SPIE 7063, 706312 (2008).

Kai Wang, Spinterfaces - Spin-polarized electronic transport through ferromagnet-organic hybrid interfaces, 自旋电子学物理、材料与器件大会, Spintronics Physics, Materials and Devices Conference, 济南, 山东, 2018
Kai Wang, Spinterfaces - Spin transport through Co and C60 hybrid interfaces, International Conference on Optoelectronics and Microelectronics Technology and Application OMTA, Shanghai, China 2016
Kai Wang, C60/Cospinterfaces, 2015 SpinTech Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 2015.
Kai Wang, Spin transport through Coand C60 hybridized interface, SpinOS V, Himeji, Japan, 2014.
Kai Wang, Tunnelling anisotropicmagnetoresistance in C60-based spin valves, Parallel session PA02 Nanoscienceand technology I, PA02.09, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 2014.
Kai Wang, Spin transport andmanipulation in C60 based spintronic devices, SpinOS IV, London, British, 2012
Kai Wang, Spin polarized conductionin C60 - based spintronic devices, Spintronics and spin phenomena I,poster 229, ICPS, Zurich, Switzerland, 2012.
Kai Wang, Surface plasmon resonanceof Ag gratings on barium strontium titanate thin films, Metamaterials,S-PO2-28, ICMAT, Singapore, 2011.
Kai Wang, ZnO nanowire arrays:controllable preparation and effect of annealing temperature on opticalproperties, Semiconductor nanowires and heterostructures, 11-A-2830, ICMAT,Singapore, 2011.
Kai Wang, Temperature and pH effecton deoxygenation of exfoliated graphite oxide in aqueous solution,Semiconductor nanowires and heterostructures, E-PO3-23, ICMAT, Singapore, 2011.
Kai Wang, Vapor-liquid-solid growthof silicon nanowires fabrication by electron beam evaporation, Semiconductornanowires and heterostructures, 11-A-3391, ICMAT, Singapore, 2011.
Kai Wang, “Raman spectroscopic studyof metal induced graphene fabricated by pulsed laser deposition”, E-PO3-27,ICMAT, Singapore, 2011.
Kai Wang, Growth of large grainpolycrystalline silicon thin film on soda-lime glass at low temperature forsolar cell applications, Amorphous and polycrystalline thin-film siliconscience and technology, mrss11-1321-a06-12, MRS spring meeting, USA, 2011.
K.Wang, Organic light emitting diode(OLED) fabrication and modification of OLED photoluminescence (PL) propertiesthrough photo-induced damage, 麦考瑞大学,悉尼,澳大利亚。
论文链接: http://voyager.mq.edu.au/vwebv/holdingsInfo?bibId=**&pds_handle
K.Wang, Investigation of metal-inducedcrystallization of silicon thin films and silicon based nanostructures, 香港理工大学,中国香港。
论文链接: http://repository.lib.polyu.edu.hk/jspui/bitstream/10397/5493/2/b**_ir.pdf
K. Wang, Cobalt/fullerene spinterfaces, University of Twente, 荷兰。

Advances in Graphene Science,Chapter 4 Laser Based Fabrication of Graphene, Advances in GrapheneScience, DOI: 10.5772/55821, 2013. 他引:19 次




· 2004 年 最高完成奖(The Highest Achievement award)及奖学金,西悉尼大学附属学院
2006年 获得国际大学生金钥匙奖项
2009年 至2010年,香港理工大学应用物理系研究生代表
2009年 获得香港理工大学两年全额奖学金用于哲学硕士研究,项目: J-BB9Q
2011年 获得FOM四年全额奖学金用于博士研究, 项目:10PR2808
2016年 北京交通大学 “青年教师教学研修班”考核优秀
2017年 获“2017年中国光学十大进展”奖,题目:具有超窄带响应的倍增型有机光电探测器

AIP, IOP, ACS, RSC 期刊审稿人

相关话题/北京交通大学 理学院