本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09
张福俊 职称:教授
1999年, 毕业于中央民族大学 应用物理学专业(学士学位); 2007年, 毕业于北京交通大学 光学(博士学位)
2007年, 北京交通大学 讲师 2009年,破格副教授、硕士生导师 2010年,入选“红果园”人才计划
2011年, 博士生导师 2013年, 破格 教授 2014年,入选“卓越百人”人才计划
2016年, 应邀成为SCI期刊Scientific Reports, Energies 期刊编委
120年风雨交通路,两岸五校今日共享交大荣光 ——收录了我们的研究成果!
课题组内在读研究生主持学校博士生创新基金项目有: 王健、安桥石、李凌亮、孙倩倩、王文斌、张苗(2019年入选“香江”)、马晓玲、苗建利
5篇第一或通讯作者论文被“ESI高被引数据库收录”; 2016年2月发表在 EES上论文为热点论文 (被引用排名前千分之一)-2016年6月。
2016年3月 Prof. Fujun Zhangis the TOP 10% of Highly cited authors in our Physical Portfolio of Journals.
2016年3月 BJTU news highlight 课题组研究进展
光谱响应范围可调的倍增型有机光电探测器的工作被Materials Views China Highlight;
张福俊教授主持完成的北京市自然基金项目成果,入选北京市自然基金“十二五”优秀成果选编 (2016-12-19)
2017年2月,学校新闻网报道了课题组最近研究进展 (链接)
张福俊教授入选英国皇家化学学会Top 1%中国高被引
2019年7月, Prof. Fujun Zhangis in the top 1% of highly cited authors in our Energy & Sustainability portfolio of journals. By RSC
15. Jinhua Gao, Fujun Zhang* et al.,
14. Ming Liu,Fujun Zhang* et al., Broadband organic photodetectors exhibiting photomultiplication with narrow bandgap non-fullerene acceptor as electron trap, Submitted
13. Chunyu Xu, Fujun Zhang* et al., 14.46% efficiency ternary small molecules organic photovoltaics, Submitted
12. Xiaoling Ma, Fujun Zhang* et al., Achieving 17.4% efficiency of ternary organic photovoltaics with two well-compatible nonfullerene acceptors for minimizing energy loss, Submitted
11. Chunyu Xu, Fujun Zhang* et al. J71 based ternary organic photovoltaics exhibiting 13.65% efficiency, Submitted
10. Zhenghu Hu, Fujun Zhang* et al. Over 15.7% PCE of ternary organic solar cellsby empolyingtwo compatible acceptors two similar LUMO levels and complementary photon harvesting range Small 16 (2020) **
9. Kaixuan Yang, Fujun Zhang* et al. Covering violet-visible-near infrared broadband organic photodetectors with photomultiplicationOrganic Electronics83 (2020) 105739
8.Zijin Zhao,Fujun Zhang*et al, Photomultiplication Type Broad Response Organic Photodetectors with One Absorber Layer and One Multiplication Layer, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (2020) 366-373
7. Xiaoling Ma, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Efficient ternary organic photovoltaics with two polymer donors by minimizing energy loss, Journal of Materials Chemistry A8 (2020)1265-1272
6. Qiaoshi An, Fujun Zhang* ,et al.Ternary polymer solar cells with alloyed acceptor exhibitingover 17.2% PCEScience Bulletin 65 (2020) 538-545
5. Jinhua Gao, Fujun Zhang*,et al. Over 14.5% efficiency and 71.6% Fill factor of ternary solar cells with 300 nm thick active layer, Energy & Environmental Science 13 (2020) 958-967
4. Jinhua Gao, Fujun Zhang*, et al.Over 16.7% efficiency of ternary organic photovoltaics by employing extra PC71BM as morphology regulator SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 63 (2020) 83-91
3. Zijin Zhao,Fujun Zhang*et al.Photomultiplication type organic photodetectors with interfacial band bending assisted electron tunneling injection Nanoscale 12(2020) 1091-1099
2. Zhenghao Hu,Fujun Zhang*et al.Semitransparent polymer solar cells with 12.37% efficiency and 22.7% average visible transmittance Science Bulletin 65 (2020) 131-137
1. Xiaoling Ma,Fujun Zhang*et al. Highly efficient quaternary organic photovoltaics by optimizing photogenerated exciton distribution and active layer morphology Nano Energy 70 (2020)104496
20. Chunyu Xu, Fujun Zhang*, et al.Ternary small molecules organic photovoltaics exhibiting 12.84% efficiency Nano energy 66(2019) 104119
19. Jianli Miao, Fujun Zhang*, et al.Photomultiplication type all-polymer photodetectors with single carrier transport property, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 62(2019) 1619
18. Miao Zhang,Fujun Zhang*et al.13.26% Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells by Optimizing Photogenerated Exciton Distribution and Phase Separation with the Third Component, Solar RRL3 (2019) **
17. Jianxiao Wang, Fujun Zhang*, et al.Two well-compatible acceptors with efficient energy transfer enable ternary organic photovoltaics exhibiting a 13.36% efficiency, Small 15 (2019) **
16. Bohan Yu,Fujun Zhang*et al.Inverted ternary organic photovoltaics with alloyed acceptor exhibiting 12.29% efficiency , Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters (2019) **
15. Jinhua Gao,Fujun Zhang*et al.Ternary organic solar cells with J71 as donor and alloyed acceptors exhibiting 13.16% efficiency Nano Energy 63 (2019) 103888
14. Qiaoshi An,Fujun Zhang*et al. Solvent additive-free ternary polymer solar cells with 16.27% efficiency, Science Bulletin 64 (2019) 504
13. Kaixuan Yang,Fujun Zhang*et al.Progress on photomultiplication type organic photodetectors with hole-only transport property Journal of Materials Chemistry C7(2019) 9633
12. Chunyu Xu,Fujun Zhang*et al..Ternary organic solar cells with two well-compatible donors exhibiting 12.26% efficiency and 75.53% fill factor Organic Electronics71(2019) 272
11. Zijin Zhao,Fujun Zhang*et al..Photomultiplication type Organic Photodetectors with tunable spectral response range, Organic Electronics 69(2019) 354
10. Jinhua Gao, Fujun Zhang* et al..One key issue in characterization of organic solar cells with solution processed interfacial layer, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 (2019) 5790
9. Xiaoling Ma, Fujun Zhang*, et al.Achieving 14.11% efficiency of ternary polymer solar cells by simultaneously optimizing photon harvesting and exciton distribution,Journal of Materials Chemistry A7 (2019) 7843
8. Zhenghao Hu, Fujun Zhang* et al.,Semitransparent polymer solar cells with 9.06% efficiency and 27.1% average visible transmittance by employ smart strategyJournal of Materials Chemistry A 7(2019) 7025
7. Miao Zhang, Fujun Zhang* et al.,Ternary Polymer Solar Cells with Alloyed Non-fullerene Acceptor Exhibiting 12.99% Efficiency and 76.03% Fill Factor Nano Energy 59(2019) 58
6.Jianli Miao,Fujun Zhang*,Recent Progress on Highly Sensitive Perovskite Photodetectors Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7(2019) 1741
5. Qiaosih An,Fujun Zhang*,Ternary polymer solar cells with alloyed donor achieving 13.62% efficiency and 76.2% fill factor Nano Energy 60 (2019) 768
4. Jianxiao Wang,Fujun Zhang*,Combining superiority photovoltaic parameters of two binary polymer solar cells into one ternary cell achieving 11.78% efficiency, Organic Electronics 67 (2019) 253
3. Jianli Miao,Fujun Zhang*, Acceptor-freeAcceptor-Free Photomultiplication Type Organic Photodetectors, Nanoscale 11 (2019) 16406
2. Jianli Miao,Fujun Zhang*,Recent Progress on Photomultiplication type organic photodetectors,Laser & Photonics Reivews 13(2019) **
1. Zhenghao Hu,Fujun Zhang*,Semitransparent Ternary Nonfullerene Polymer Solar Cells Exhibiting 9.40% Efficiency and 24.6% Average Visible TransmittanceNano Energy 55 (2019) 424
19. Simei Zeng, Fujun Zhang*, Efficient polymer solar cells with open circuit voltage of 1.01 V and power conversion efficiency of 8.09%, ACS Omega 3 (2018) 11562 Invited paper
18. Xiaoling Ma, Fujun Zhang*, Stimultaneously Improved PCE and AVT of semitransparent ternary PSCs Journal of Materials Chemistry A6 (2018) 21485
17. Wei Gao, Fujun Zhang*, Chuluo Yang*, Designing asymmetrical isomer to promote LUMO energy level and molecule packing of non-fullerence acceptor for polymer solar cells with 12.6% efficiency, Chem. Sci. 9 (2018) 8142
16. Teng Tang, Fujun Zhang, Liwei Chen*, Improved photomultiplication in inverted structure organic photodetectors vis interfacial engineering, Apl. Phys. Lett.113 (2018) 043303
15. Qiaoshi An, Fujun Zhag*, Efficienty ternary polymer solar cells with two compatible non-fullerence as one alloyed acceptor Small (2018) **
14. Miao Zhang, Fujun Zhang*, Liming Ding*, Over 13% PCE ofTernary polymer solar cells with cocked-up asborption edge by incorporating medium band gap material, Adv. Energy Mater., 8 (2018)**
13. Jianxiao Wang, Fujun Zhang*, Highly efficient ternary polymer solar cells with PCE over 11.6%, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6(2018) 11751
12. Wei Gao, Miao Zhang, ...., Feng Liu*, Fujun Zhang*, CHuluo Yang*, Asymmetrical Ladder- Type DOnor Induced Polar SmallMolecules Acceptor to Promote Fill Factors Approaching 77% for High Performance Nonfullerene Polymer solar cells, Advanced Materials, 2018,
11. Li Sun, Xiaoling Ma,...,Fujun Zhang*, Weihua Tang*, et al. Fused Non-fullerene acceptor enabling over 13% efficiency fororganic solar cells, Adv. Mater. 8 (2018) **
10. Xiaoling Ma, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Ternary nonfullerene polymer solar cells withPCE>13.7% by simultaneously improved three key photovoltaic parameters, Energy Enviormental Sicence 11 (2018)2134-2141
9. Huixin Qi, Fujun Zhang* et al., Ternary organic solar cells with high absorption coefficient small moleucle DIB-SQ as the third component Chinese Physics B 27(2018) 058802本科生第一作者
8. Zhenghao Hu, Fujun Zhang*, HIghly efficient ternary organic solar cells based on a new strategy ACS Energy Letters 3 (2018) 555-561
7. Wenbin Wang, Fujun Zhang*, Highly sensitive organic photodetectors with dual response window Advanced Optical Materials 6 (2018) **
6. Jianli Miao, Fujun Zhang*, Highly sensitive organic photodetectors exhibiting broadband and narrowband response ability Adv. Opt. Mater.6 (2018) **
5. Miao Zhang, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Two nonfullerene acceptors for high efficient polymer solar cells with FF exceeding 77%, Energy Enviormental Science 11 (2018) 841
4. Qiaoshi An, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Energy level modulation of Non-fullerene acceptor enables efficient polymer solar cells with low energy loss J. Mater. Chem. A 6 (2018) 2468
3. Jiangsheng Yu, ...,Fujun Zhang* Weihua Tang*, et al. Conformation locking on fused-ring electron acceptor for high performance non-fullerene organic solar cells Adv. Funct. Mater. (2018) **
2. QIaoshi An, Fujun Zhang*, et al. HIgh-efficiency and air stable fullerene-free ternary organic solar cells Nano Energy45(2018) 177-183
1. Xiaoling Ma, Fujun Zhang*, Efficient ternary polymer solar cells with two well-miscible donors and an ultra-narrow bandgap nonfullerence acceptor Adv. Energy Mater. 8 (2018) ** ESI highly cited paper
12. Lingliang Li, Fujun Zhang*, Jinsong huang*, Self-filter narrow-band perovskite photodetectors with ultrafast and tuned spectral response, Adv. Opt.Mater. 2017, **
11. Wei Gao, Qiaoshi An,... Fujun Zhang*, Chuluo Yang*, Side group engineering of small molecular acceptors for high performance Fullerene-free polymer solar cells:Thiophene being superior to selenophen, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017,**
10. Miao Zhang, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Ternary small molecule solar cells with 10.3% efficiency Nano Energy 39 (2017) 571-581
9. Xiaoling Ma, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Highly efficient and stable ternary polymer solar cells with liquid crystal material as the third component, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017) 13145-13153
8. Wenbing Wang, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Highly sensitive mixed Tin-Lead perovskite photodetectors with broad response range from 300 to 1050 nm Adv. Funct. Mater. (2017) **
7. Jianli Miao, Fujun Zhang*, et a., Adjustable, bi-directional narrowband response photomultiplication type organic photodetectors, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (2017) 14424
6. QIanqian Sun,Fujun Zhang*,et al., Enhanced efficiency and stability of polymer solar cells by employing active layer up-side-down drying method, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (2017) 8863
5. Miao Zhang, Fujun Zhang*, et al., Nematic Liquide Crystal Materials as Morphology Regulator for Ternary Solar Cells with Power Conversion Efficiency Excedding 10%, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5(2017) 3589-3598
4. Wenbin Wang, Fujun Zhang*, et., Highly narrowband photomultiplication type organic photodetectors Nano Letters 17 (2017) 1995-2002
3. Xiaoling Ma, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Highly efficient soultion processed small molecules solar cells by syngistically optimizing molecular aggregatopm amd crystallinity ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 5(2017) 1982-1989
2.Mile Gao,Fujun Zhang*,et al,Photomultiplication ternary polymer photodetectors with broad and intense spectral response,Chinese Physics B 26 (2017) 018201
1. Qianqian Sun,Fujun Zhang*,et al, Collaboratively optimizing the active layer self-assembly and methanol soaking time for highly efficient polymer solar cells, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2017) 709-716
2016年发表的影响因子10以上的论文4篇,累计SCI引用超过400次, 2篇论文被ESI高被引数据收录
8. Qiaoshi An, Fujun Zhang*, et al. High-performance ternary organic solar cells by alloying two small molecular donors, Nano Energy, 30 (2016) 276-282
7. Jianli Miao, Fujun Zhang*, et al., HIghly sensitive organic photodetectors with tunable spectral response working bidirectional bias, Advanced Optical Materials 4 (2016) 1711-1717[Communication]
6. Jian Wang, Fujun Zhang*, et al., Efficient ternary organic photovoltaic cells with better trade-off photon harvesting and phase separation by doping QIB-SQ, Journal of Materials Chemistry C4 (2016)7809
5. Qiaoshi An,Fujun Zhang*,et al, Efficient Organic Ternary Solar Cells with the Third Component as Energy Acceptor,Nano Energy 26 (2016) 180-191
4. Jian Wang,Fujun Zhang*,et al, Adjusting acceptor redistribution for highly efficient solvent additive-free poilymer solar cells,Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (2016) 3202-3208
3. Wenbin Wang,Fujun Zhang*,et al, Photomultiplication photodetectors with P3HT:Fullerence-free material as the active layers exhibiting a broad response, Nanoscale 8(2016) 5578-5586
2.Miao Zhang,Fujun Zhang*,et al. Highly efficient ternary polymer solar cells by optimizing photon harvesting and charge carrier transport, Nano Energy 22 (2016) 241-254 ESI 高被引
1. Qiaoshi An,Fujun Zhang*,et al. Versatile ternary organic solar cells: A Critical Review, Energy & Enviromental Science 9 (2016) 281-322 热点论文 ESI 高被引(千分之一)
57. Miao Zhang, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Efficient ternary polymer solar cells with parallel-like structure, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3(2015) 11930-11936
56. JIan Wang, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Enhanced performance of narrow bandgap polymer solar cells by adjusting phase separation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics17 (2015) 29671-29678
55. Wenbin Wang, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Improved performance of photomultiplication polymer photodetectors by adjusting self-assembly process, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (2015) 22660-22668
54. Qianqian Sun, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Two-steps strategy to clarify the roles of solution processed PFN interfacial layer in efficient polymer solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (2015) 18432-18441(http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2015/ta/c5ta05117g#!divAbstract) (Hot article)
53. Qiaoshi An,Fujun zhang*, et al. Efficienty ternary small molecular solar cells by synergistic optimized photon harvesting and phase separation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (2015) 16653-16662
52. Lingliang Li, Fujun zhang*, et al. Revealing the underlying mechanism of polymer photodetectors with ultrahigh EQE in exceeding of 100,000%Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2015) 30712-30720
51. Wenbing Wang,Fujun zhang*, et al., Highly sensitive photomultiplication polymer photodectors with wide spectral response from UV to NIR, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (2015) 7386-7393
50. Miao Zhang,Fujun Zhang*, et al., HIgh efficient ternary polymer solar cells based on absorption complementary materials as electron donor,Solar Energy Materials & Solar cells 141 (2015) 154-161
49. Lingliang Li, Fujun Zhang*, et al.Trap-assisted photomultiplication polymer photodectors obtaining an external quantum efficiency of 37,500%,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7(2015) 5890-5897
48. Qianqian Sun, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Revealing Donor/Acceptor Intermolecular Arrangement effect on Soultion Processed Organic Solar Cells Performance Organic Electronics 24(2015) 30-36
47. Qiaoshi An, Fujun Zhang* et al.,Simultaneous improvement three key parameters of P3HT:PC71BM solar cells through ternary strategy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7(2015)3691 ESI高被引论文(前1%)
46. Jian Wang, Fujun Zhang,* Optimization of charge carrier transport balance for performance improvement of PDPP3T-based polymer solar cell from hot solution, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17(2015) 9835
45. LingLiang Li, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Achieving EQE of 16,700% in P3HT:PCBM based photodetectors by trap-assisted photomultiplication, NPG Scientific Reports5(2015)9181
44. Zihong Han, Fujun Zhang* et al., Solution processed polymer photodetectors with trap-assisted photomultiplication, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 58 (2015) 054201
43. Dong Yang, Ping Fu, Fujun Zhang, Nan Wang, Jian Zhang*, Can Li*,High efficiency inverted polymer solar cells with room temperature TiO2/polyethylenimine films as electron transport layer, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 41(2) (2014)17281-17285
42. Qianqian Sun, Fujun Zhang * et al. Photovolatic performance of D-A polymer and its application in ternary polymer solar cells, Electronic Materials Letters 11 (2015) 236IF=3.9
41. Xixiang Zhu, Fujun Zhang* et al. Effect of solvent additive and ethanol treatment on the performance of PIDTDTQx:PC71BM polymer solar cells, Solar Energy Materials & Solar cells,Accepted 132 (2015) 528-534, IF=5.0
40. Dun Wang, Fujun Zhang*, et al., Tuning Nanoscale Morphology by mixed solvents and solvent varpor treatment for 7.58% efficiency PBDTTT-EFT based on polymer solar cells RSC Advances 4(89) (2014) 48724-48733 , IF=3.7
39. Jian Wang, Fujun Zhang*, et al. Enhanced performance of polymer solar cells by dipole-assisted hole extraction, Solar Energy Materials & Solar cells, 130 (2014) 15-19, IF=5.0
38. Qiaoshi An, Fujun Zhang* et al.Enhanced performance of polymer solar cells by employing ternary cascade energy structure, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,16 (2014) 160103-16109, IF=4.1
37.Qiaoshi An, Fujun Zhang*, Lingliang Li, Jian Wang, JianZhang, Lingyu Zhou, Weihua Tang, Improved Efficiency of Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells by Doping Low Bandgap Small Molecule, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6 (2014) 6537-6544, IF=5.9
36. Dun Wang, Jian Wang, Fujun Zhang* et al. ultrathin anode buffer layer for enhancing performance of polymer solar cells, International Journal of Photoenergy VOl. 2014, 846581
35. Zixuan Wang, Fujun Zhang*, Lingliang Li, Qiaoshi An, Jian Wang, Jian Zhang, The underlying reason of DIO additive on the improvement polymer solar cells performance, Applied Surface Science 305 (2014) 221-226 IF=2.5
34. Xixiang Zhu, Qiaoshi An, Hui Huang, Chaoqun Jiao, Fujun Zhang*, Improved efficiency of the ternary blend polymer solar cells by doping a narrow band gap polymer material, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy (Accepted) IF=1.3
33. Jian Wang, Chaoqun Jiao, Hui Huang, Fujun Zhang*, The effect of DIO additive on performance improvement of polymer solar cells, Chinese Science Bulletin 36 (2014) 3227-3231IF=1.4
32. Qianqian Sun, Qiaoshi An, Fujun Zhang*, A simple encapsulation method for organic optoelectronic devices, Chinese Physics B 23(8) (2014) 083302 IF=1.3
31. Jian Wang, Fujun Zhang*, Jian Zhang, Weihua Tang, Aiwei Tang, Hongshang Peng , Zheng Xu, Feng Teng, Yongsheng Wang, Key issues and recent progress of high efficient organic light-emitting diodes, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews 17 (2013) 69-104 IF=11.3
30. Enwei Zhu, Jiefeng Hai, Zixuan Wang, Bin Ni, Yaohua Jiang, Linyi Bian, Fujun Zhang*, Weihua Tang*, Two-Dimensional Polyfluorenes Bearing Thienylenevinylene π-Bridge-Acceptor Side Chains for Photovoltaic Solar Cells, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (47) (2013) 24700–24709 IF=4.6
29.Qiaoshi An, Fujun Zhang*, Jian Zhang, Weihua Tang, Zixuan Wang, Lingliang Li, Zheng Xu, Feng Teng, Yongsheng Wang, Enhanced performance of polymer solar cells through sensitizationby a narrow band gap polymer, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 118 (2013) 30-35 IF=4.6
28. Yang Liu, Fujun Zhang*, Haidao Dai, Weihua Tang, Zixuan Wang, Jian Wang, Aiwei Tang, Hongsheng Peng, Zheng Xu, Yongsheng Wang, Interfacial layer for efficiency improvement of solution-processed small molecular solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 118 (2013) 135-140 IF=4.6
27. Lingliang Li, Fujun Zhang*, Qiaoshi An, Zixuan Wang, Aiwei Tang, Hongshang Peng, Zheng Xu, Yongsheng Wang Organic ultraviolet photodetector based on phosphorescent material, Optics Letters 38 (2013) 3823-3826 IF=3.3 (NEWSbreaks highlighted by Laser Focus World Oct. 2013, 11)
26. Lingliang Li, Fujun Zhang*, Zixuan Wang, Qiaoshi An, Jian Wang, Zheng Xu, Organic Visible-Blind Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Rare Earth Complex, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 29 (12) (2013) 2624-2629, 2013年第12期封面故事
25. Zixuan Wang, Fujun Zhang*, Jian Wang, Yang Liu, Zheng Xu, effect of doping phosphorescent material and annealing treatment on the performance of polymer solar cells, International Journal of Photoenergy, 2013, 273586 IF=2.6
24. JianWang, Fujun Zhang*, Bo Liu, Zheng Xu, Jian Zhang, Yongsheng Wang, Emission colour-tunable phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes based on the self-absorption effect and excimer emission, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 (2013) 015104 IF=2.5
23. Jiefeng Hai, Enwei Zhu, Linyi Bian, Jin Wang, Zixuan Wang, Yang Li, Liangming Yin, Fujun Zhang*, Weihua Tang*, Synthesis, optical, electrochemical and electroluminescent properties of novel ?uorene-alt-bithiophene copolymers bearing phenylvinyl bridged accepting side chains, European Polymer Journal, 49 (2013) 3610–3618 IF=2
22. Yusheng Xin, ZixuanWang, Lu Xu, Xiaowei Xu, Yang Liu, Fujun Zhang*, UV-Ozone Treatment on Cs2CO3 Interfacial Layer for the Improvement of Inverted Polymer Solar Cells, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013, 104825, DOI: 10.1155/2013/104825 IF=1.3
21. Yang Liu, Fujun Zhang*, Jian Wang, Organic photovoltaic cells based on PbPc nanocolumns prepared by glancing angle deposition, International Journal of Photoenergy, 2013, DOI:10.1155/2013/346818 IF=2.6
20. Linyi Bian, Enwei Zhu, Jian Tang, Weihua Tang, Fujun Zhang*, Recent progress in the design of narrow bandgap conjugated polymers for high-efficiency organic solar cells, Progress in Polymer Science 37(2012) 1292-1331, IF=26 被ESI高引数据库收录
19. Xiaowei Xu, Fujun Zhang*, Jian Zhang, Hui Wang, Zuliang Zhuo, Yang Liu, Jian Wang, Zixuan Wang, Zheng Xu, High efficient inverted polymer solar cells with different annealing treatment, Materials Science and Engineering C 32 (2012) 685–691
18. Fujun Zhang*, Zuliang Zhuo, Jian Zhang, Xin Wang, Xiaowei Xu, Zixuan Wang, Yusheng Xin, Jian Wang, Jin Wang, Weihua Tang, Zheng Xu, Yongsheng Wang, Influence of PC60BM or PC70BM as electron acceptor on the performance of polymer solar cells, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 97 (2012) 71–77
17. Weihua Tang*, Jiefeng Hai, Yun Dai, Zongjun Huang, Bingqin Lu, Fujun Zhang*, Recent development of conjugated oligomers for high-efficiency bulk-heterojunction solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 94 (2010) 1963-1979
16. Fujun Zhang*,Dewei Zhao, Zuliang Zhuo, Hui Wang, Zheng Xu, Yongsheng Wang, Inverted small molecule organic solar cells with Ca modified ITO as cathode and MoO3 modified Ag as anode, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 94 (2010) 2416–2421
15. Fujun Zhang*,Xiaowei Xu, Weihua Tang, Jian Zhang, Zuliang Zhuo, Jian Wang, Jin Wang, Zheng Xu, Yongsheng Wang, Recent development of the inverted configuration organic solar cells,Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 95 (2011) 1785–1799 被ESI高引数据库收录,2012年被评为中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文。
14. Fujun Zhang*,Fengyong Sun, Yuzhu Shi, Zuliang Zhuo, Lifang Lu, Dewei Zhao, Zheng Xu, Yongsheng Wang, Effect of an ultra-thin molybdenum trioxide layer and illumination intensity on the performance of organic photovoltaic devices,Energy Fuels, 24 (2010) 3739–3742
13. Fujun Zhang*,Xiaojun Liu, Feng Huang, Zuliang Zhuo, Lifang Lu, Zheng Xu,Yongsheng Wang, Xutang Tao, Wensheng Bian, WeiHua Tang, The effect of metal electron cloud on the luminescence characteristics of organic ligands: An experimental and theoretical investigation,Chinese Science Bulletin, 56 (2011) 479-483
12. Jian Wang, Fujun Zhang*,Zheng Xu, Yongsheng Wang, Luminescence Characteristics of Blue Emission Phosphorescent Material Flrpic,Acta Physico-Chmica Sinica, 28 (2012) 949-956(2012年第4期期刊封面)
11. XiaoWei Xu, Enwei Zhu, Linyi Bian, ZiXuan Wang, Jin Wang, ZuLiang Zhuo, Jian Wang, Fujun Zhang*,WeiHua Tang, Luminescent and photovoltaic properties of poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-bithiophene) in organic electronic devices,Chinese Science Bulletin, 57 (2012) 970-975
10. Fujun Zhang*,Yuan Li, Weihua Tang, Jian Wang, Xiaowei Xu, Zuliang Zhuo, Zheng Xu, Yongsheng Wang, David Carroll, Pentacene nanostructural interlayer for the efficiency improvement of polymer solar cells,Thin Solid Films, 520 (2011) 676-679
9. Zuliang Zhuo, Fujun Zhang*, Yuguang Lv, Zheng Xu, Lifang Lu, Junming Li, YongshengWang, Synthesis and characterization of the europium (III) complex as an organic luminescent material,Physica Script, 2010, 82, 055703
8. Zuliang Zhuo, Fujun Zhang*, Jian Wang, Jin Wang, Xiaowei Xu, Zheng Xu, Yongsheng Wang, Weihua Tang, Efficiency improvement of polymer solar cells by iodine doping,Solid-State Electronics, 63 (2011) 83–88
7. 卓祖亮, 张福俊*, 许晓伟, 王健, 卢丽芳, 徐征, 退火处理提高P3HT:PCBM聚合物太阳能电池光伏性能, 物理化学学报,27 (2011) 875-880
6. Zixuan Wang, Fujun Zhang*, Jin Wang, Xiaowei Xu, Jian Wang, Yang Liu, Zheng Xu, Organic photovoltaic cells: Novel organic semiconducting materials and molecular arrangement engineering,Chinese Science Bulletin, 57 (2012) 4143-4152
5. Fujun Zhang*, Zheng Xu, Dewei Zhao, Guangcai Yuan, Zhiming Cheng, Improved performance of organic light emitting diodes by pentacene as hole transporting layer,Applied Surface Science 255(5) (2008) 1942-1944
4. Fujun Zhang*,Zheng Xu, Enhanced red electroluminescence intensity of Eu(o-BBA)3 (phen) by red dye co-doping and inorganic semiconductor as charge carrier function layer,Solid-State Electronics, 52(11) ( 2008) 1806
3. Fujun Zhang*, Suling Zhao, Zheng Xu, Jinzhao Huang, Guancai Yuan, Yuan Li, Yong Wang, Xurong Xu, How to restrain electroplex emission and enhance red emission intensity of Eu3+ complex? Optical Materials 30 (2007) 427
2. Fujun Zhang*,Zheng Xu, Dewei Zhao, Suling Zhao, Weiwei Jiang, Guangcai Yuan, Dandan Song, Yongsheng Wang, In?uence of evaporation conditions of Alq3 on the performance of organic light emitting diodes, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007) 4485
1. Fujun Zhang, A.Vollmer, J. Zhang, Z.Xu, J. P. Rabe, N. Koch*, Energy level alignment and morphology of interfaces between molecular and polymeric organic semiconductors,Organic Electronics 8 (2007) 606 (IF=3.9) 被ESI高引数据库收录 SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry (Accepted) SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry (Accepted)
1. 张福俊.Research on Luminescent Characteristics of Organic Europium Complexes[M] 国外:Nova Publisher,2010-12
1、 基于并五苯为空穴传输层的电致发光器件, 张福俊等,专利号:ZL 2.9
2、 高真空场调制有机小分子定向纳米薄膜的制备方法及系统, 张福俊等,专利号:ZL 2009 1 **. 6
3、 倾斜式生长形貌可控的纳米发光柱状薄膜的方法及装置, 张福俊 等;专利号:ZL 2009 1 **.9
4、 同步光泵浦的有机薄膜晶体管, 张福俊 等,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **.1
5、 一种有盖的蒸镀用的石英舟, 张福俊 等,专利号:ZL 2007 2 **.7 (实用新型)
6、 一种提高光输出耦合效率的有机电致发光器件及其制备方法, 张福俊 等; 专利号:ZL 2010 1 **.1
7、基于单一发光材料实现发光颜色可调的有机电致发光器件,张福俊 等; ZL:2011 1 **
8、制备有机太阳能电池的方法及制备其薄膜的装置,辛宇圣;张福俊 等; ZL:2012 1 **
2020 马晓玲
2019 张苗
2018年 张苗 优秀学生
2018年 张苗
2019年 马晓玲
2018 年 张苗
2017 年 安桥石
2018 年 马晓玲
2017 年 张苗、王文斌
2015 年 王健
2015 年 王健
2015 年 王文斌
2014 年 祝熙翔
2013 年 安桥石,李凌亮
2012 年 王健、王梓轩、刘杨
2019年 马晓玲、苗建利、胡拯豪
2018 年 马晓玲、苗建利
2017 年 王文斌、 张苗
2016 年 安桥石
2015 年 李凌亮、孙倩倩
2014 年 王健
卓祖亮 (2011)、许晓伟(2012)、王梓轩(2014)、祝熙翔(2015)、王剑晓(2019)
安桥石 (2017)、张苗(2019)
2013年 获北京交通大学青年教师智瑾奖;
2013年 获北京交通大学教书育人先进个人;
2013年 评为优秀主讲教授;
2012 年 获北京交通大学教学成果, 二等奖;
2012 年 指导本科生参加北京市大学生物理竞赛,获北京市二等奖;
2011 年 开设的专业实验评为校级优秀实验项目;
2011 年 指导本科生参加北京市大学生物理竞赛,获北京市二等奖;
2011 年 指导本科生参加“挑战杯”获校一等奖;
2010 年 评为学校优秀主讲教师;
2010 年 入选北京交通大学红果园“双百”人才培养D计划;
2010 年 指导“北京市大学生科研与创新行动计划”项目,获科技创新成果一等奖,授予单位:北京市教育委员会;
2010 年 指导北京市大学生物理竞赛,获北京市 二等奖;
2009 年 第7届青年教工教学基本功大赛,理学院一等奖,学校三等奖;
2009 年 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖,自然科学类一等奖,第5完成人;
2007 年 第十一届全国发光会议,获“徐叙瑢发光学优秀青年论文奖二等奖”;
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Invited to be the Editorial Board of The Scientific World Journal as part of the journal's Optics subject area. 【影响因子1.7】 【http://www.tswj.com/editors/optics/】
RSC Advances, Nanoscale, New Journal of Chemistry, Journal of Chemistry Materials A, Journal of Chemistry Materials C, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Display, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,IEEE Quantum Electronics, Applied Surface Science, Material Science and engineering B, ACS Energy & Fuels,Journal of Photonics for Energy,Chinese Physics, Chinese Physics Letters,China Science G,Synthetic Metals,科学通报,物理化学学报,兰州大学学报等期刊的审稿人。 Invited to be the Editorial Board of Invited to be the Editorial Board of
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