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教育背景 2005.9—2010.7 哈尔滨工业大学控制科学与工程学科博士 导师:王常虹教授、吴立刚教授 2001.9—2005.7 华北电力大学自动化系测控技术与仪器专业学士

工作经历 2015.3—至今北京交通大学电信学院 副教授
2011.5—2014.11 北京航空航天大学控制科学与工程学科博士后合作导师:郭雷教授,陈宗基教授

2010.9—2011.3 澳大利亚西悉尼大学计算与数学系访问 合作导师:Wei Xing Zheng教授


研究方向 控制理论与控制工程

招生专业 控制科学与工程硕士

科研项目 1. 受扰随机半马尔科夫跳变系统的精细抗干扰控制(国基面上2018-2021,主持)
2.广义Markovian跳跃系统的故障诊断及容错控制 (国基青年,主持)
3. 网络环境下广义Markovian跳跃系统的故障检测(教育部博士点,主持)
4. 多源干扰广义Markovian跳跃系统的鲁棒分析与综合(博士后特别资助,主持)
5. 广义Markovian跳跃系统的无源性分析及控制(博士后面上资助,主持)

教学工作 本科生:



Selected Journal Papers:
[1]. Xiuming Yao, Ju. H Park, Ligang Wu and Lei Guo. Disturbance-Observer-BasedComposite Hierarchical Anti-Disturbance Control for Singular Markovian JumpSystems. IEEE Transactions onAutomatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2018.**, 2018.
[2]. Xiuming Yao, Ligang Wu and Lei Guo. Disturbance-Observer-Based FaultTolerant Control of High-Speed Trains: A Markovian Jump System Model Approach, IEEETransactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018.
[3]. Xiuming Yao, Ju. H Park, Hairong Dong, Lei Guo and Xue Lin. Robust Adaptive Nonsingular Terminal SlidingMode Control for Automatic Train Operation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Manand Cybernetics: Systems, DOI:10.1109/TSMC.2018.**,2018.
[4]. Xiuming Yao, Nuandi Zhang, Ju H. Park. Composite Hierarchical Controlfor Markovian Jump Systems with Multiple Disturbances and Time-Varying Fault.Transactions of the Institute of Mesurement and Control, 2018.
[5]. Lijun Gao, F .Luo, Xiuming Yao. Finite-time annular domain stability of It?o stochasticimpulsive systems with Markovian jumping under asynchronous switching. International Journal of Control, DOI:10.1080/**.2018.**
[6]. Xiuming Yao and Lei Guo. Composite Anti-Disturbance Control forMarkovian Jump Nonlinear Systems via Disturbance Observer. Automatica, 2013, 49(8):2538–2545.
[7]. Xiuming Yao, Lei Guo, Ligang Wu and Hairong Dong. Staticanti-windup design for nonlinear Markovian jump systems with multipledisturbances, Information Sciences, 2017, 418(24): 169—183.
[8]. Xiuming Yao and Lei Guo. Disturbance Attenuation and Rejection forDiscrete-Time Markovian Jump Systems under Lossy Measurements. Information Sciences,2014, 278(10):673--684.
[9]. Xiuming Yao, Ligang Wu and Wei Xing Zheng. Fault Detection forDiscrete-Time Markovian Jump Singular Systems with Intermittent Measurements.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2011, 59(7):3099–3109.
[10]. Xiuming Yao, Lei Guo, Ligang Wu and Hairong Dong. Staticanti-windup design for nonlinear Markovian jump systems with multipledisturbances, Information Sciences, 2017, 418(24): 169—183.
[11]. Ligang Wu, Xiuming Yao and Wei Xing Zheng. Generalized H2 Fault Detection for Two-dimensionalMarkovian Jump Systems. Automatica, 2012, 48(8):1741-1750.
[12]. Xiuming Yao and Lei Guo. Disturbance Attenuationand Rejection for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Systems under Lossy Measurements.Information Sciences, 2014, 278(10):673--684.
[13]. Xiuming Yao, Ligang Wu and Wei Xing Zheng. Quantized H∞ Filtering for Discrete-TimeLPV Systems with Markovian Switching under Missing Measurements. InternationalJournal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2013, 23(1):1–14.
[14]. Xiuming Yao and Lei Guo. Composite Disturbance-observer-based Output FeedbackControl and Passive Control for Markovian Jump Systems with Multiple Disturbances.IET Control Theory & Applications, 2014, 8(10):873--881.
[15]. Xiuming Yao, Lianqing Zhu and Lei Guo. Disturbance-observer-basedControl & H∞ Control for Nonlinear Markovian Jump Singular Systems withMultiple Disturbances. IET Control Theory & Applications. DOI:10.1049/iet-cta.2014.0324.
[16]. Xiuming Yao, Ligang Wu, Wei Xing Zheng and Changhong Wang. Robust H∞Filtering of Markovian Jump Stochastic Systems with Uncertain TransitionProbabilities. International Journal of Systems Science, 2011, 42(7):1219–1230.
[17]. Xiuming Yao and Wei Xing Zheng. On H∞ Consensus Filtering for Multi-AgentSystems. International Journal of System Science, 2014, 45(3):523–531.
[18]. Xiuming Yao, Ligang Wu, Wei Xing Zheng and Changhong Wang. Passivity Analysisand Passification of Markovian Jump Systems. Circuits, System and SignalProcessing, 2010, 29(4):709–725.
[19]. Ligang Wu, James Lam, Xiuming Yao and Junlin Xiong. RobustGuaranteed Cost Control of Discrete-Time Networked Control Systems. OptimalControl Applications and Methods, 2011, 32(1):95–112.
[20]. Xue Lin, Hairong Dong *, Xiuming Yao* and Bai Weiqi. Neural AdaptiveFault-tolerant Control for High-speed Trains with Input Saturation and UnknownDisturbance. Neurocomputing, 2017, 260, 32-42.
[21]. Weiqi Bai, Xiuming Yao, Hairong Dong* and Xue Lin. Mixed H_/ H∞ Fault Detection Filter Design for theDynamics of High Speed Train. Science China Information Science, 2017, 60(4):338-340.
[22]. Hairong Dong, Xue Lin, Xiuming Yao* and Weiqi Bai. Composite Disturbance-observer-basedControl and H∞ Control for High Speed Trains withActuator Faults. Asian Journal of Control, 2018, In Press.
[23]. Hairong Dong, Qi Meng, Xiuming Yao* and Xiaoxia Yang. Analysisof Dynamic Features in Intersecting Pedestrian Flows. Chinese Physics B. 2017, 26(9):98902.
[24]. Xue Lin, Hairong Dong, Xiuming Yao. Tuning Function-basedAdaptive Backstepping Fault-Tolerant Control for Nonlinear Systems withActuator Faults and Multiple Disturbances. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, In Press.
[25]. Xue Lin, Hairong Dong, Xiuming Yao. Adaptive ActiveFault-Tolerant Controller Design for High-Speed Trains Subject to UnknownActuator Faults. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2018, In Press.
[26]. Min Zhou, Hairong Dong, Ding Wen, Xiuming Yao, et al. Modeling of CrowdEvacuation with Asailants via a Fuzzy Logic Approach. IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems. 2016, 17(9):2395-2408.
[27]. Xiaoxia Yang, Hairong Dong, Xiuming Yao and Sun Xubin. Pedestrian Evacuationat the Subway Station under the Fire. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25(4): 048902.
[28]. Xiaoxia Yang, Hairong Dong, Xiuming Yao, et al. Necessity of Guidesin Pedestrian Emergency Evacuation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics & ItsApplications, 2016, 442:397-408.
[29]. Xiaoxia Yang, Hairong Dong, Xiuming Yao, et al. Bottleneck Effectson the Bidirectional Crowd Dynamics. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25(12): 128901.

专著/译著 [1] XiumingYao, Ligang Wu and Wei Xing Zheng. Filtering and Control of Stochastic JumpSystems. Springer: London, 2016

专利 已授权发明专利:

宁滨, 董海荣, 姚秀明, 林雪, 李浥东, 一种基于马尔可夫跳跃系统的列车容错控制方法。
董海荣, 姚秀明, 林雪, 宁滨, 唐涛, 一种针对列车执行器故障的复合控制方法。
董海荣, 姚秀明, 林雪, 宁滨, 李浥东, 一种针对列车未知扰动的神经自适应容错控制方法。
董海荣, 林雪, 姚秀明, 李浥东, 宁滨, 针对列车输入受限和执行器故障的自适应容错控制方法。
董海荣, 陈静, 姚秀明, 魏成杰, 一种城市轨道交通乘客上下车时间的预测方法。
董海荣, 杨晓霞, 康元磊, 姚秀明, 李浥东, 宁滨, 一种城市轨道交通通道内客流检测和预测方法及其系统。



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