

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-08

基本信息 办公电话: 电子邮件: ajlin@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学理学院 邮编:

教育背景 2008.09–2012.07 博士 北京交通大学
2006.09–2008.09 硕士 北京交通大学

2016.12–至今 北京交通大学 副教授(博士生导师)
2012.07–2016.12 北京交通大学 讲师
2012.07–2014.07 北京交通大学 博士后
2011.01–2011.08 哈佛大学,波士顿大学 访问
2014.09–2015.09 波士顿大学 访问

研究方向 金融统计
招生专业 统计学硕士


教学工作 本科生:《概率论与数理统计》,《统计延拓课》,《时间序列分析法》,《Matlab基础与应用》

论文/期刊 [34] Aijing Lin, Kang K.L. Liu, Ronny P. Bartsch, Plamen C. Ivanov, Dynamic network interactions among distinct brain rhythms as a hallmark of physiologic state and function, Communications Biology 3 (2020) 197. (Nature子刊)
[33] Shuqi Li, Xiaoming Liu, Aijing Lin(*), Fractional frequency hybrid model based on EEMD for financial time series forecasting, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 89 (2020) 105281. (SCI)
[32] Ningning Zhang, Aijing Lin(*), Pengbo Yang, Detrended moving average partial cross-correlation analysis on financial time series, Physica A 542 (2020) 122960. (SCI)
[31] Ningning Zhang, Yupeng Sun, Yongbo Zhang, Pengbo Yang, Aijing Lin, Pengjian Shang, Distinguishing Stock Indices and Detecting Economic Crises Based on Weighted Symbolic Permutation Entropy, Fluctuation and Noise Letters 18 (2019) **. (SCI)
[30]. Ningning Zhang, Aijing Lin(*), Hui Ma, Pengjian Shang, Pengbo Yang, Weighted multivariate composite multiscale sample entropy analysis for the complexity of nonlinear times series, Physica A 508 (2018) 595–607. (SCI)
[29]. Ningning Zhang, Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang, Multiscale Symbolic Phase Transfer Entropy in Financial Time Series Classification, Fluctuation and Noise Letters 16 (2017) **. (SCI).
[28]. Ningning Zhang, Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang, Symbolic phase transfer entropy method and its application, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 51 (2017) 78–88. (SCI).
[27]. Ningning Zhang, Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang, Multidimensional k-nearest neighbor model based on EEMD for financial time series forecasting, Physica A 477 (2017) 161-173. (SCI).
[26]. Plamen C. Ivanov, Kang K.L. Liu, Aijing Lin, Ronny P. Bartsch, Network Physiology: From Neural Plasticity to Organ Network Interactions, In book: Emergent Complexity from Nonlinearity, in Physics, Engineering and the Life Sciences, March 2017, pp.145-165.
[25]. Mengjia Xu, Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin, Multiscale recurrence quantification analysis of order recurrence plots, Physica A 469 (2017) 381-389. (SCI)
[24]. Xiaojun Zhao, Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin, Transfer mutual information: A new method for measuring information transfer to the interactions of time series, Physica A 467 (2017) 517-526. (SCI)
[23]. Pengbo Yang, Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin, Financial time series analysis based on effective phase transfer entropy, Physica A 468 (2017) 398-408. (SCI)
[22]. Aijing Lin, Kang K.L. Liu, Ronny P. Bartsch, Plamen C. Ivanov, Delay-correlation landscape reveals characteristic time delays of brain rhythms and heart interactions,Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A 374 (2016) **. (SCI-英国皇家学会)
[21]. Xiaojun Zhao, Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin(*), Universal and non-universal properties of recurrence intervals of rare events, Physica A 448 (2016) 132-143. (SCI)
[20]. Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang,Multifractality of stock markets based on cumulative distribution function and multiscale multifractal analysis, Physica A 447 (2016) 527-534. (SCI)
[19]. Mengjia Xu, Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin, Cross-correlation analysis of stock markets using EMD and EEMD, Physica A 442 (2016) 82-90. (SCI)
[18]. Aijing Lin(*), Hui Ma, Pengjian Shang, The scaling properties of stock markets based on modified multiscale multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, Physica A 436 (2015) 525-537. (SCI)
[17]. Kang K.L. Liu, Ronny P. Bartsch, Aijing Lin, Rosario N. Mantegna, Plamen C. Ivanov, Plasticity of brain wave network interactions and evolution across physiologic states, Frontiers Neural Circuits 9 (2015) 62. (SCI)
[16]. Wenbin Shi, Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin, The coupling analysis of stock market indices based on cross-permutation entropy, Nonlinear Dynamics 79 (2015) 2439-2447. (SCI)
[15]. Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang, Huachun Zhou, Cross-correlations and structures of stock markets based on multiscale MF-DXA and PCA,Nonlinear Dynamics 78 (2014) 485-494. (SCI)
[14]. Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang, Bo Zhong, Hidden cross-correlation patterns in stock markets based on permutation cross-sample entropy and PCA, Physica A 416 (2014) 259-272. (SCI)
[13]. Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang, Huachun Zhou, Effects of exponential trends on correlations of stock markets, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (2014) 340845. (SCI)
[12]. Xiaojun Zhao, Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin, Distribution of eigenvalues of detrended cross-correlation matrix, European Physics Letters 107 (2014) 40008. (SCI)
[11]. Wenbin Shi, Pengjian Shang, Jing Wang, Aijing Lin, Multiscale multifractal detrende cross-correlation analysis of financial time series, Physica A 403 (2014) 35-44. (SCI)
[10]. Jing Wang, Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin, Yuechen Chen, Segmented inner composition alignment to detect coupling of different subsystems, Nonlinear Dynamics 76 (2014) 1821-1828. (SCI)
[9]. Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang, Xiaojun Zhao, The cross-correlations of stock markets based on DCCA and time-delay DCCA, Nonliear Dynamics 67 (2012) 425-435. (SCI)
[8]. Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang, Guochen Feng, Bo Zhong, Application of EMD combined with KNN approach in financial time series forecasting, Fluctuation Noise Letters 11 (2012) **. (SCI)
[7]. Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang and Hui Ma, The orthogonal V-system detrended fluctuation analysis, Fluctuation and Noise Letters 10 (2011) 189-206. (SCI)
[6]. Aijing Lin(*), Pengjian Shang, Minimizing periodic trends by applying Laplace transform, Fractals 19 (2011) 203-211. (SCI)
[5]. Xiaojun Zhao, Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin, Multifractal Fourier detrended cross correlation analysis of traffic signals, Physica A 390 (2011) 3670-3678. (SCI)
[4]. Keqiang Dong, Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin, Chaotic SVD method for minimizing the effect of seasonal trends in detrended cross-correlation analysis, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete, Impulsive Systems 18 (2011) 261-277. (SCI)
[3]. Aijing Lin(*),Pengjian Shang, B-Spline detrended fluctuation analysis for minimizing the effect of trends, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete, Impulsive Systems 17 (2010) 387-396. (SCI)
[2]. Hui Ma, Aijing Lin, Ruixia Song, Haiming Lu, Surface model analysis based on quadratic v-system in triangular domain, Journal of Software 21 (2010) 94-110. (EI)
[1]. Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin, Liang Liu, Chaotic SVD method for minimizing the effect of exponential trends in detrended fluctuation analysis, Physica A 388 (2009) 720-726. (SCI)
专著/译著 Plamen C. Ivanov,Kang K.L. Liu,Aijing Lin,Ronny P. Bartsch,Network Physiology: From Neural Plasticity to Organ Network Interactions,In book: Emergent Complexity from Nonlinearity, in Physics, Engineering and the Life Sciences, March 2017, pp.145-165.
专利 一种公交路链速度确定方法及装置



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