
北京生命科学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-汤楠 博士

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-21


汤楠 博士


Nan Tang, Ph.D. Associate Investigator, NIBS, Beijing,China


Fax: 86-



2005年 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校,博士
Ph. D., University ofCalifornia, San Diego,CA,USA

1993年 西安交通大学,医学学士
M.D., Xi’An JiaoTong University, Xi’An, P. R. China

Professional Experience

2019年- 北京生命科学研究所高级研究员
2012-2019 北京生命科学研究所研究员
Assistant Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences,Beijing,China

2006-2012 美国加州大学旧金山分校解剖发育生物学系,博士后
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Anatomy and Program in Developmental Biology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA

2000-2005 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校分子病理学系,博士研究生
Graduate Research Assistant in Molecular Pathology,UniversityofCalifornia, San Diego,CA,USA

1998-2000 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校细胞及发育生物学系,博士后研究员
Postdoctoral Researcher, Cell and Developmental Biology, Division of Biological Sciences,UniversityofCalifornia, San Diego,CA,USA



1. 探究肺再生的机制。肺泡上皮细胞包括肺泡干细胞和主管气体交换的肺泡上皮一型细胞。我们通过建立的肺再生小鼠模型,结合小鼠遗传学、小鼠活体动态成像系统、肺泡干细胞体外三维培养技术和单细胞测序等技术来研究在肺损伤修复过程中肺泡干细胞增殖分化的机制。同时我们对国际上较少有人涉足的肺泡一型细胞进行了深入研究,初步揭示了其在再生过程中的功能及分子机制,并进一步探索其在介导肺泡免疫反应中的作用。
2. 探索肺部常见疾病如:肺癌、特发性肺纤维化、慢性阻塞性肺病等的发病机制和生物靶点,并进行针对性药物研发。我们实验室通过建立的各种肺疾病小鼠模型,结合大量正常人和病人肺组织样本,通过测序、细胞、分子、生化技术等,找到相关的突变、发病机制和治疗靶点。目前我们正在研发针对分子靶点的药物,期望通过恢复和促进肺泡再生功能,以及加速肺功能的修复来达到治疗多种肺疾病的目的。

发表文章 1. Wu H, Yu Y, Huang H, Hu Y, Fu S, Wang Z, Shi M, Zhao X, Yuan J, Li J, Yang X, Bin E, Wei D, Zhang H, Zhang J, Yang C, Cai T, Dai H, Chen J, Tang N. Cell. 2019 Dec 16. pii: S0092-8674(19)31284-X. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.11.027. [Epub ahead of print]

2. Qiqi Chu, ChangfuYao, Xiangbing Qi, Barry Raymond Stripp and Tang N. (2019) STK11 is required for the normal program of ciliated cell differentiation in airways.Cell Discovery.2019 (in press)

3. Van Soldt BJ, Qian J, Li J, Tang N, Lu J, Cardoso WV. (2019) Yap and its subcellular localization have distinct compartment-specific roles in the developing lung.Development. 2019 May 1;146(9).

4. Li J, Tang N. (2018) May the Force Be with You. Dev Cell. 2018 Dec 17;47(6):673-674.

5. Liu L, Lu J, Li X, Wu A, Wu Q, Zhao M, Tang N, Song H. (2018) The LIS1/NDE1 Complex Is Essential for FGF Signaling by Regulating FGF Receptor Intracellular Trafficking. Cell Rep. 2018 Mar 20;22(12):3277-3291.

6. Lin R, Feng Q, Li P, Zhou P, Wang R, Liu Z, Wang Z, Qi X, Tang N, Shao F, Luo M. (2018) A hybridization-chain-reaction-based method for amplifying immunosignals. Nat Methods. 2018 Apr;15(4):275-278.

7. Wang Y, Tang Z, Huang H, Li J, Wang Z, Yu Y, Zhang C, Li J, Dai H, Wang F, Cai T, Tang N . (2018) Pulmonary alveolar type I cell population consists of two distinct subtypes that differ in cell fate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Feb 20.

8. Li J, Wang Z, Chu Q, Jiang K, Li J, Tang N. (2018) The Strength of Mechanical Forces Determines the Differentiation of Alveolar Epithelial Cells. Dev Cell. 2018 Feb 5;44(3):297-312.e5.

9. Tang Z, Hu Y, Wang Z, Jiang K, Zhan C, Marshall WF, Tang N. (2018) Mechanical Forces Program the Orientation of Cell Division during Airway Tube Morphogenesis. Dev Cell. 2018 Feb 5; 44, 1-13.

10. Wang Z, Tang N. (2017) The LUNGe to Model Alveolar Lung Diseases in a Dish. Cell Stem Cell. 2017 Oct 5; 21(4): 413-414.

11.Liu Z, Fu S, Tang N. (2017) A Standardized Method for Measuring Internal Lung Surface Area via Mouse Pneumonectomy and Prosthesis Implantation. J Vis Exp. 2017 Jul 26;(125).

12.Liu Z, Wu H, Jiang K, Wang Y, Zhang W, Chu Q, Li J, Huang H, Cai T, Ji H, Yang C, Tang N. (2016) MAPK-mediated YAP activation controls mechanical-tension-induced pulmonary alveolar regeneration. Cell Reports 2016 Aug16; 16(7):1810-9.

13.Tang N., and Marshall WF (2013) Computational analysis of the spatial distribution of mitotic spindle angles in mouse developing airway. Proc. SPIE 8593, 85930N

14.Tang N, Marshall WF (2012) Centrosome Positioning in Vertebrate Development. J Cell Sci Nov. 1; 125: 4951-4961.

15.Tang N, Marshall WF, McMahon M, Metzger RJ, Martin GR (2011) Control of mitotic spindle angle by the RAS-regulated ERK1/2 Pathway determines lung tube shape. Science Jul 15; 333:342-5.

16.Zheng B, Tang T, Tang N, Kudlicka K, Ohtsubo K, Ma P, Marth JD, Farquhar MG and Lehtonen E (2006) Essential role of RGF-PX1/sorting nexin 13 in mouse development and regulation of endocytosis dynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Nov 7; 103 (45): 16776-81.

17.Tang N, Mack F, Haase VH, Simon MC and Johnson RS (2006) pVHL function is essential for endothelial extracellular matrix deposition. Mol Cell Biol. Apr; 26(7): 2519-30

18.Mendoza MC, Du F, Iranfar N, Tang N, Ma H, Loomis WF and Firtel RA (2005) Loss of SMEK, a novel, conserved protein, suppresses mek1 null cell polarity, chemotaxis and gene expression defects. Mol Cell Biol. Sep; 25(17):7839-53.

19.Tang N, Wang LC, Esko J, Giodano F, Huang Y, Gerber HP, Ferrara N and Johnson RS (2004) Loss of HIF-1alpha in endothelial cells disrupts a hypoxia-driven VEGF autocrine loop necessary for tumorigenesis. Cancer Cell Nov; 6(5): 485-95.
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