
北京生命科学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-占 成博士

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-21


占成,北京生命科学研究所 影像中心主任, 副研究员

Email: zhancheng@nibs.ac.cn

电话: -8870


Room Number: B058

2011 博士,生物医学工程,华中科技大学
2006 硕士,生物医学工程,华中科技大学
2003 学士,光学工程,华中科技大学
2006-2008 工程师,北京生命科学研究所

NIBS影像中心为研究所各实验室提供生物光学成像服务,中心现有多套高级光学显微成像系统,包括激光点扫描共聚焦显微镜,转盘式共聚焦显微镜,双光子显微镜,以及玻片扫描显微镜,可以对固定切片、培养细胞和活体动植物细胞等多种生物样品进行光学成像实验。在提供服务的同时,影像中心也致力于开发一些新的光学成像技术和方法,解决一些具体的实验技术难题,取得了一系列成果(PNAS 2018, Dev Cell 2018, Oncotarget 2015, Nature 2014)。

另一方面,我们还独立开展神经生物学方面的研究,尤其对大脑如何调控机体的能量代谢感兴趣。大脑通过自主神经系统和神经内分泌系统调控机体各个器官的活动,实现对生理功能与行为的控制。过去和未来的几年中,我们围绕着大脑与外周器官如何相互作用实现代谢控制这一关键问题,从摄食调控(JNS 2013, Frontiers in neuroanatomy2015)、血糖调控(Neuron 2018),以及体温调控等多个方面入手,运用多种技术手段解析大脑调控代谢的神经机制与物质基础。

1、L. Mei, Y.Fan , M. Wang, X. Lv , C. Zhan#, E. Zhang#. Longitudinal in vivo recordingof clock gene transcription in the brains of freely-moving mice. PNAS(2018). #co-corresponding author.
2、L. Mei , C. Zhan , E. Zhang. In VivoMonitoring of Circadian Clock Gene Expression in the Mouse SuprachiasmaticNucleus Using Fluorescence Reporters. JOVE (2018).
3、Z.Zhao, L. Wang, W. Gao, F. Hu, J. Zhang, Y. Ren, R. Lin, Q. Feng, M. Cheng, D.Ju, Q. Chi, D. Wang, S. Song, M. Luo and C.Zhan# (2017). A Central Catecholaminergic Circuit Controls BloodGlucose Levels during Stress. Neuron 95, 138-152 e135. FeaturedArticle. # corresponding author.
4、D.Wang, X. He, Z. Zhao, Q.Feng, R.Lin, Y. Sun, T. Ding, F. Xu #, M. Luo #, C.Zhan # (2015) Whole-brain mapping of the direct inputs and axonalprojections of POMC and AgRP neurons. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 9:40. # co-correspondingauthor.
5、C.Zhan*#, J. Zhou *, Q. Feng, J. Zhang, S. Lin, J. Bao, P. Wu, M.Luo #, Acute and long-term suppression of feeding behavior by POMC neurons inthe brainstem and hypothalamus, respectively. JNeurosci 33:3624-3632, 2013. Selected for F1000Prime. #co-correspondence author, *co-fist author, co-corresponding author.
6、C.Zhan, M. Luo, Diverse patterns of odor representation by neuronsin the anterior piriform cortex of awake mice. J Neurosci 30,16662-16672, 2010.
7、S.Zeng, X. Lv, C. Zhan, W. R. Chen, et al. Simultaneouscompensation for spatial and temporal dispersion of acousto-optical deflectorsfor two-dimensional scanning with a single prism. Optics Letters, 2006,31(8): 1091-1093.
8、 Shen, E.Z.,Song, C.Q., Lin, Y., Zhang, W.H., Su, P.F., Liu, W.Y., Zhang, P., Xu, J., Lin,N., Zhan, C., Wang, X., Shyr, Y., Cheng, H., and Dong, M.Q.Mitoflash frequency in early adulthood predicts lifespan in Caenorhabditiselegans. Nature 508, 128-132.
9、Tang,Z., Hu, Y., Wang, Z., Jiang, K., Zhan, C., Marshall, W.F., and Tang, N. (2018). Mechanical ForcesProgram the Orientation of Cell Division during Airway Tube Morphogenesis. DevCell
10、MengxiaoYu, Fuyou Li, Zhigang Chen, He Hu, C. Zhan, Hong Yang and ChunhuiHuang, Laser Scanning Up-Conversion Luminescence Microscopy for Imaging CellsLabeled with Rare-Earth Nanophosphors, Anal. Chem. 2009, 81(3), 930–935.
11、H.Zhang, C. Zhan, J. Ke, Z.Xue, A. Zhang, K. Xu, Z. Shen, L. Yu, L. Chen, EGFR Kinase domain mutationpositive lung cancers are sensitive to intrapleural perfusion with hyperthermicchemotherapy (IPHC) complete treatment, Oncotarget,DOI:10.18632/oncotarget.6491. Dec. 8, 2015.
12、X.Lv, C. Zhan, S. Zeng, W. R. Chen, et al. Construction ofmultiphoton laser scanning microscope based on dual-axis acousto-opticdeflector. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2006, 77(4).
13、ShaoqunZeng, Xiaohua Lv, Kun Bi, C. Zhan,et al. Analysis of the dispersion compensation of acousto-optic deflectors usedfor multiphoton imaging. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2007,12(2).
ZhanC. POMC Neurons: Feeding, Energy Metabolism, and Beyond. In NeuralRegulation of Metabolism. 2018 (pp. 17-29). Springer, Singapore.
ShaoqunZeng, Qingming Luo, C. Zhan, Xiaohua Lv. LIGHT PULSE POSITIONING WITH DISPERSION COMPENSATION. UnitedStates Patent, Patent No: US 7,821,698 B2, Published on Oct.26, 2010

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