关键词: 拓扑学/
English Abstract
Topological phonons and phonon Hall effects
Xing Yu-Heng,Xu Xi-Fang,
Zhang Li-Fa
1.School of Physics and Technology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11574154).Received Date:28 September 2017
Accepted Date:06 November 2017
Published Online:05 November 2017
Abstract:The combination of topology and physics is a new field of physics development in recent decades. It is not only active in quantum field theory and high energy physics, but also widely exists in condensed matter physics, including quantum (anomalous, spin) Hall effect and topological insulators (superconductors) etc. Phonon, as the main carrier of heat transport in the crystal, recently, due to the discovery of various phonon devices, phonons has been widely concerned by scientist. In this paper, we introduce the topological properties of phonons and the phonon hall effect. We have reviewed the related physical research progress of phonon hall effect, phonon valley hall effect and so on, which are generated by breaking the time reversal symmetry, spatial inversion symmetry, both breaking the time and spatial inversion symmetry. Finally, the application of topology in other acoustic systems is briefly introduced, and the future development direction is discussed too.
Keywords: topology/
Berry phase/
Berry curvature/
phonon Hall effect