关键词:自由流体;应力跳跃;界面速度;摩擦系数 Abstract The complicated mass and momentum transfer problems in the porous region,especially at the interface between porous and free fluid region were analyzed in an asymmetric and coupled porous-fluid channel. By taking the Brinkman-extended Darcy model in the porous region with the velocity continuity and the shear stress jump interface conditions, the fluid transfer characteristics were solved. The analytical expressions for the fluid flow velocity of each region and friction coefficient in the coupled asymmetric channel were proposed by considering the stress jump interfacial condition. Then the effects of interfacial stress jump coefficient, Darcy number and dimensionless off-center thickness of porous layer on fluid flow velocity and friction coefficient were studied. The results show that under certain conditions changing the interface property can obviously control the velocity profile in each region of the coupled channel. For certain values of Darcy number and porous off-center thickness, increasing the interfacial stress coefficient has a reducing effect on the interfacial velocity but an increasing effect on the fluid friction coefficient, and the effect is more obvious when the interfacial stress coefficient is less than 0, in this case that without considering the effect of the interfacial stress coefficient can cause larger error. When both the interfacial stress coefficient and the porous off-center thickness are smaller negative values, the effect by varying the porous off-center thickness on the interfacial velocity is greater than the effect of altering the interfacial stress coefficient, while when the interfacial stress coefficient and the porous off-center thickness of porous layer are larger positive values, the result is quite the opposite. At a larger Darcy number, both the interfacial stress coefficient and porous off-center thickness have greater influence on the fluid friction coefficient; reducing Darcy number to a certain small value, the influence of interfacial stress coefficient on fluid friction coefficient can be neglected and the fluid friction coefficient is only related to the porous off-center thickness, and much more sensitive to a larger porous off-center thickness.
Keywords:porous media;free flow;stress jump;interfacial velocity;friction coefficient -->0 PDF (494KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 李琪, 赵一远, 胡鹏飞. 多孔介质--自由流界面应力跳跃条件下流动特性解析解[J]. 力学学报, 2018, 50(2): 415-426 https://doi.org/10.6052/0459-1879-17-357 LiQi, ZhaoYiyuan, HuPengfei. ANALYTICAL SOLUTION FOR POROUS-FLUID FLOW CHARACTERISTICS WITH STRESS JUMP INTERFACIAL CONDITION[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2018, 50(2): 415-426 https://doi.org/10.6052/0459-1879-17-357
将本文所得解析解模型进行计算,并与文献[10]在相同工况下的解析结果进行对比,发现不考虑界面应力跳跃时,即多孔 介质--自由流界面采用速度及剪切应力均为连续模型时,文献[10]的解析结果与本文在跳跃系数 时的解析解完全一致,计算结果如图2所示,文献[10]提出的解析解为本文所得结果模型的一个特例,证明了本文结果模 型的正确性. 而由前人研究可知 [16],在某些情况下,界面效应是不可忽略的,特别是界面处固体颗粒对流体动量的非连续影响,利 用本文给出的解析解模型可以更客观的描述考虑界面应力跳跃情况下的多孔介质--自由流耦合通道的流动特性, 从而拓宽及完善非对称多孔介质--自由流耦合通道内复杂界面流体流动特性解析解的应用条件. 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图2本文结果与文献[10]结果比较 -->Fig. 2Comparison between present result and Ref.[10] result -->
3 计算结果分析与讨论
3.1 时, 对流体运动特性影响
当多孔层偏心厚度 时,意味着多孔层填充高度恰在复合通道中心位置处,填充高度为 . 图3所示为 不同时,改变界面应力跳跃系数 对多孔介质--自由流耦合通道内流体运动速度分布的影响. 当 时,为连续应力界面条件. 由图看出,对于具有较大 多孔介质层而言,即 时,可以认为通道几乎全为自由流体区,此时,多孔介质层内的流体速度分布与自由流体区内的流体速度分布差别不大,若不考 虑应力跳跃情况( 时),其速度分布基本呈对称的抛物线样,且与无多孔介质填充的水平通道内流体运动的速度分布形式基 本吻合;而随着 的不断减小,如 及 时,多孔介质层内流体的速度要慢于自由流体层内的流体速度,这是因为具有较小 的多孔层渗透率较小,流体流经多孔层所受到的阻力会更大. 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图3不同Da 下,对流体速度分布影响 -->Fig. 3The effect of on the velocity profiles for various Da -->
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