1.China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China 2.University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 101408, China 3.Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China Received Date:2021-04-17 Available Online:2021-08-15 Abstract:Proton capture reactions on Mg isotopes are significant in the Mg-Al cycle in stellar H-burning. In particular, the resonance strengths and branching ratios of low-energy resonances in 25Mg($ p,\gamma$)26Al reactions determine the production of 26Al, which is one of the most important long-lived radioactive nuclei in nuclear astrophysics. In this article, we report our first experiment using the intense proton beam of approximately 2 mA provided by the JUNA accelerator ground laboratory and a new technique that can minimize the composition change of targets under intense beam irradiation. The resonance strengths and branching ratios of E = 214, 304, and 326 keV resonances in the reactions of 24Mg($ p,\gamma$)25Al, 25Mg($ p,\gamma$)26Al, and 26Mg($ p,\gamma$)27Al, respectively, were measured with high accuracy. The success of this experiment provides a good calibration for the nuclear astrophysical experiment at the Jinping underground laboratory.
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III.MEASUREMENT AND RESULTSFor a narrow resonance, the absolute resonance strength of the ($ p,\gamma $) reaction is determined by the maximum thick-target yield $Y_{\rm max}$, according to [20]
where λ, $ b_{\gamma} $, $ \omega\gamma $, $m_{\rm Mg}$, $ m_{p} $, $\varepsilon_{\rm eff}$, and $ \varepsilon(E_\gamma) $ represent the de Broglie wavelength at the resonance energy, branching ratio, resonance strength, masses of magnesium and proton, effective stopping power, and absolute efficiency at $ E_\gamma $, respectively. Considering the main components of the target, the effective stopping power of Mg targets is expressed by
where $X_{\rm Mg}$ is the relative isotopic abundance of stable magnesium isotope, and $N_{\rm O}$ and $N_{\rm Mg}$ are the number densities of oxygen and magnesium in the target, respectively. The values of $ {\varepsilon_{\rm{Mg}}} $, $ {\varepsilon_{\rm{O}}} $, and $X_{\rm Mg}$ are provided in Refs. [21, 22]. Evaporated Mg targets are expected to consist of a pure layer of magnesium; however, these targets are known to consist of the compound Mg5O owing to oxidization during target preparation [23]. In this study, the $N_{\rm O}$/$N_{\rm Mg}$ ratio was determined to be $ 21.3 \pm $2.0% by measuring the yield of the E = 189 keV resonance in the 25Mg($ p,\gamma $)26Al reaction [16] and E = 143 keV resonance in the 18O($ p,\gamma $)19F reaction [24] simultaneously using a $4 \pi $ BGO detector array and a 150 μg/cm225Mg target. The BGO detector was composed of eight identical BGO segments, each with a length of 25 cm and a radial thickness of 6.3 cm, covering a 45° azimuthal angle. The summing efficiency and energy resolution of the BGO array were 60% and 4% at 7 MeV under the temperature of ?10 °C. As shown in Fig. 4, the summing energy spectrum of the 25Mg($ p,\gamma $)26Al ($ E_{\gamma} $ = 6.5 MeV) and 18O($ p,\gamma $)19F ($ E_{\gamma} $ = 8.1 MeV) reactions were reproduced using the Geant4 simulation. The uncertainties for the $N_{\rm O}$/$N_{\rm Mg}$ ratio ($ \sim 10$%) were due to the uncertainties of the resonance strengths of 18O($ p,\gamma $)19F ($ \sim 6.5$%) and 25Mg($ p,\gamma $)26Al ($ \sim 6.7$%), the geometric uncertainties of the BGO detector simulations ($ \sim 4$%), and statistics ($ \sim 1$%). The ratio supported the Mg5O structure of the target. Using the ratio and the abundance data, the effective stopping power values for proton in 24Mg, 25Mg, and 26Mg target at the resonance energies were deduced to be 22.3, 151.7, and 133.4 eV cm2 10-15 atoms, respectively. The uncertainties ($ \sim 3.7$%) of these values resulted from the stopping power uncertainties ($ \sim 3.9$%) [21] and the $N_{\rm O}$/$N_{\rm Mg}$ ratio ($ \sim 10$%). Figure4. (color online) γ-ray spectrum captured using a BGO detector at E = 189 keV resonance of 25Mg($ p,\gamma$)26Al reaction ($ E_{\gamma}$ = 6.5 MeV) and E = 143 keV resonance of 18O($ p,\gamma$)19F reaction ($ E_{\gamma}$ = 8.1 MeV). The blue dots and solid red line represent the measurement and Geant4 simulation, respectively.
The 24Mg($ p,\gamma $)25Al, 25Mg($ p,\gamma $)26Al and 26Mg($ p,\gamma $)27Al reactions were measured at $ E_p $ = 242, 330, and 354 keV, respectively, over an minimum charge integration of 10 C using a proton beam of approximately 2 mA. The γ-ray spectra of the measurements are shown in Figs. 5, 6, 7. The triple-line γ-ray sets in the figures denote the full-energy, single-escape, and double-escape peaks. Since the reaction yields measured in this experiment were relatively large, both resonance strength and branching ratio were accurately obtained even at a distance of 25 cm. Some natural and beam-induced γ-ray lines can be observed in the figures, such as 40K, 208Tl, and the reactions of 13C($ p,\gamma $)14N and 19F($ p,\alpha\gamma $)16O. They resulted from the adsorption of air by the target and reagent of the machining. These peaks had a slight effect in obtaining resonance strengths and branching ratios because of the high energy resolution of the HPGe detector. The dead time rate was less than 5%, which was corrected in the data analysis. In the measurement, the target composition was established with the yields of 24Mg($ p,\gamma $)25Al at E = 214 keV before and after the measurement. Figure5. HPGe γ-ray spectra of 24Mg($ p,\gamma$)25Al at E = 214 keV with accumulated proton beam of 12 C. All the primary transitions and secondary transitions are labeled.
Figure6. HPGe γ-ray spectra of 25Mg($ p,\gamma$)26Al captured at the E = 304 keV using an accumulated proton beam of 16 C. The primary transitions with a branching ratio greater than 2% and two important secondary transitions ($ 417 \rightarrow 0$ and $ 1057\rightarrow 228$) are labeled.
Figure7. The HPGe γ-ray spectra of 26Mg($ p,\gamma$)27Al at E = 326 keV using an accumulated proton beam of 10 C. The primary transitions with a branching ratio greater than 2% and an important secondary transition $ 844\rightarrow 0$ are labeled.
The branching ratio of the primary γ-rays in the reactions can be calculated using
where $ Y_{i} $ is the yield for the ith γ-ray, and $ \varepsilon(E_{\gamma_{i}}) $ is the absolute efficiency of the corresponding primary γ-rays. The level energies for the compound nuclei were referenced from level diagrams of online nuclear data at the NNDC [25]. The peak area was extracted by fitting the spectra with a Gaussian distribution and linear background, and it was then used to determine the total yields with the Geant4 simulation. For the very weak and overlapped γ-ray lines, the simulation results were used to obtain the peak areas. By analyzing the energy spectra of three proton capture reactions on Mg target, the branching ratios for the 24Mg($ p,\gamma $)25Al, 25Mg($ p,\gamma $)26Al, and 26Mg($ p,\gamma $)27Al reactions were extracted and listed as given in Tables 1, 2, and 3, together with other existing results. The results of this study were in agreement with the data from Refs. [15, 23, 26]. The ground state fraction $ f_{0} $ of the 25Mg($ p,\gamma $)26Al reaction at 304 keV resonance was determined to be 85.9 $ \pm 1.0$% using our study's primary γ-ray branching ratio and the cascade branching ratio data from NNDC [25]. The value agreed with the value of Limata et al., (87.8 $ \pm $$ 1.2$%) [15], and this indicated a more 26Al isomeric state production in the stellar Mg-Al reaction cycle.
Table3.Primary γ-ray branching ratios of the 26Mg($p, $$ \gamma$)27Al E = 326 keV resonance from this and previous studies.
Using the branching ratios determined in this study, the absolute resonance strengths ωγ could be obtained from the maximum thick-target yield using Eq. (1). The resonance strengths of E = 214 keV in 24Mg($ p,\gamma $)25Al, E = 304 keV in 25Mg($ p,\gamma $)26Al and E = 326 keV in 26Mg($ p,\gamma $)27Al determined in this and other studies are listed in Table 4. The uncertainties of the our results were due to the uncertainties in the statistics ($ \sim 1$%) in HPGe measurement, efficiency calibration ($ \sim 2$%), effective stopping power ($ \sim 3.7$%), and charge integration ($ \sim 2$%).
Table4.Absolute resonances strengths of proton capture reaction in magnesium isotopes.
For the E = 214 keV resonance in the 24Mg($ p,\gamma $)25Al reaction, the $ \omega\gamma $ = 11.5 ± 0.5 meV was determined in this study, and the value was in agreement with the data from the previous studies [15, 26-28]. We recommend a resonance strength of $ \omega\gamma $ = 11.3 ± 0.5 meV for the 24Mg($ p,\gamma $)25Al 214 keV resonance using the method of weighted average [29]. The resonance strength of 25Mg($ p,\gamma $)26Al at E = 304 keV was determined to be 31.2 ± 1.5 meV, which closely agreed with the NACRE value [28] and the results reported in Refs. [15, 23, 30, 31] but with a small uncertainty. Based on the results, we recommended a value of $ \omega\gamma $ = 31.0 ± 1.0 meV for the resonance strength. For the resonance strength of E = 326 keV in 26Mg($ p,\gamma $)27Al, this study indicated a resonance strength of $ \omega\gamma $ = 279 ± 13 meV, which was consistent with the value reported in Refs. [15, 32] within error bars but much smaller than the earlier NACRE compilation value [28] from the very earlier studies [23, 33-37]. Therefore, after discarding the questionable threefold higher values [34-37], we recommend a resonance strength of $ \omega\gamma $ = 274 ± 8 meV for the 26Mg($ p,\gamma $)27Al 326 keV resonance.