1.Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 China 2.School of Physics Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046 China 3.Department of Physics, College of Sciences, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819 China 4.Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA Received Date:2020-09-08 Available Online:2021-02-15 Abstract:We study the potential of the LHCb 13 TeV single W± and Z boson pseudo-data for constraining the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton. As an example, we demonstrate the sensitivity of the LHCb 13 TeV data, collected with integrated luminosities of 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ and 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$, to reducing the PDF uncertainty bands of the CT14HERA2 PDFs, using the error PDF updating package EPUMP. The sensitivities of various experimental observables are compared. Generally, sizable reductions in PDF uncertainties can be observed in the 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data sample, particularly in the small-x region. The double-differential cross section measurement of Z boson pT and rapidity can greatly reduce the uncertainty bands of u and d quarks in almost the whole x range, as compared to various single observable measurements.
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A.Update from LHCb 13 TeV $ W^\pm $ pseudo-data
In the $ W^{\pm} $ boson leptonic decay, there is a neutrino and a charged lepton in the final state, where the neutrino will escape from the detector, and only the charged lepton can be detected in a hadron collider experiment. This feature makes a $ W^{\pm} $ boson analysis complicated, since the irreducible background contribution is difficult to model. On the other hand, the single $ W^\pm $ production rate is one order of magnitude larger than that of the Z boson at the LHCb. If we could model the background properly for the $ W^{\pm} $ events, such a sample with large statistics could allow us to perform many precision measurements. In this study, we use the charged lepton pseudorapidity distribution ($ \eta $) as an observable in the EPUMP update, with the same binning scheme as the previous LHCb publications [25, 26]. After the EPUMP update, the updated quark PDF distribution is compared with the default one of CT14HERA2. The d quark PDF distribution with its uncertainty is shown in Fig. 3, which indicates that the LHCb 13 TeV $ W^\pm $ boson data have a large impact on the d quark PDF, especially in the small-x range from $ 10^{-5} $ to $ 10^{-3} $. With a 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ LHCb 13 TeV $ W^\pm $ data sample, the d quark PDF uncertainty can be reduced by a factor of 30% around $ x = 10^{-3} $. The LHCb 13 TeV $ W^\pm $ boson data have a smaller impact on the u quark PDF as compared to the d quark PDF, but with a 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data sample, the LHCb 13 TeV $ W^\pm $ boson data do have an impact on the u quark PDF in the small-x region. Figure3. (color online) PDF uncertainties associated with the d quark, as a function of x, in the CT14HERA2 PDFs and EPUMP-updated new PDFs. The denominator is the central value of each PDF set. The blue (red) line represents the central value of the PDF ratio before (after) the EPUMP update, the blue band represents the CT14HERA2 PDF uncertainty, and the red shaded band represents the updated PDF uncertainty. The charged lepton pseudorapidity distributions of $W^{\pm}$ events are used as inputs for the EPUMP update. (top left) The d quark result using 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$$W^+$ events; (top right) the d quark result using 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$$W^-$ events; (bottom left) the d quark result using 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$$W^+$ events, and (bottom right) the d quark result using 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$$W^-$ events.
The impacts of the LHCb 13 TeV $ W^+/W^- $ data, the ratio of $ W^+ $ and $ W^- $ event rates, on the PDF ratios $ d/u $ and $ {\bar{d}}/{\bar{u}} $ are shown in Fig. 4. As we see, even with a 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data sample, the LHCb 13 TeV $ W^+/W^- $ data can already reduce the $ d/u $ PDF uncertainty. Most of the improvements are concentrated in the small-x region, from $ 10^{-5} $ to $ 10^{-3} $. The 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ LHCb 13 TeV data sample could further reduce the uncertainties of both the PDF ratios $ d/u $ and $ {\bar{d}}/{\bar{u}} $ (by about $ \sim $20%) in the small-x region, as well as giving some noticeable improvements in the large-x region. In the current PDF global fitting, the DIS data provide the largest constraint on the PDF ratio $ d/u $, cf. Ref. [37]. In the future, the LHCb data could provide additional information on the PDF ratios $ d/u $ and $ {\bar{d}}/{\bar{u}} $. Figure4. (color online) PDF uncertainties associated with $ d/u$ (left) and $ \bar d/\bar u$ (right), as a function of x, in the CT14HERA2 PDFs and the EPUMP-updated PDFs. The charged lepton pseudorapidity distributions of $W^+/W^-$ events are used as the input for the EPUMP update. The $ d/u$ result (top left) and the $ \bar d/\bar u $ result (top right) using a 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$$W^+/W^-$ data sample; the $ d/u$ result (bottom left) and the $ \bar d/\bar u $ result (bottom right) using a 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$$W^+/W^-$ data sample.
2B.Update from LHCb 13 TeV Z pseudo-data -->
B.Update from LHCb 13 TeV Z pseudo-data
The single Z boson leptonic decay has two charged leptons in the final state. These two charged leptons have large transverse momenta, and are isolated in the detector. Based on these features, the $ Z\rightarrow \ell^+\ell^- $ events are easy to reconstruct and identify in a hadron collider, with small background contamination. Therefore, the $ Z\rightarrow \ell^+\ell^- $ channel is one of the best channels to perform precision EW measurements. We use the Z boson rapidity distribution as an observable for the EPUMP update, explore other observables that could be used in future PDF fitting, and propose a novel way to present Z boson production measurement that provides more valuable information for PDF fitting. In this study, a binning scheme similar to the previous LHCb publication [39] is used. The updated PDF results are shown in Fig. 5 for the d quark. As shown in the figure, with 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ of data sample, the LHCb 13 TeV single Z boson data is not as powerful as $ W^{\pm} $ data, mainly due to its smaller event rate. With 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$, however, the Z boson data has an impact on d quark PDFs in the small-x region, from $ 10^{-5} $ to $ 10^{-2} $. Figure5. (color online) PDF uncertainties associated with the d quark, as a function of x, in the CT14HERA2 PDFs and EPUMP-updated new PDFs. The denominator is the central value of each PDF set. The rapidity distribution of Z boson events is used as input to the EPUMP update. (left) The d quark result using 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data, and (right) the d quark result using 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data.
The impacts from the LHCb 13 TeV 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ single Z boson data on $ d/u $ and $ {\bar{d}}/{\bar{u}} $ are shown in Fig. 6, where the LHCb Z boson data could reduce the $ d/u $ PDF uncertainty in the small-x region. Figure6. (color online) PDF uncertainties associated with $ d/u$ (left) and $ \bar d/\bar u$ (right), as a function of x, in the CT14HERA2 PDFs and EPUMP-updated new PDFs. The denominator is the central value of each PDF set. The rapidity distribution of Z boson events is used as input to the EPUMP update. (left) The $ d/u$ quark result using 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data, and (right) the $ \bar d/\bar u$ quark result using 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data.
We have also explored the sensitivity of the Z boson $p_{\rm T}$, lepton $ \cos\theta^* $ (defined in the Collins-Soper frame [44]), and Z boson rapidity distributions measured at the LHCb to further constrain the PDFs. We consider their impacts one at a time in the EPUMP update. As shown in Fig. 7, we see that each observable has a slightly different impact on the u (d) quark PDFs across the whole x region, as expected. Figure7. (color online) PDF uncertainties associated with the u quark (left) and d quark (right), as a function of x, in the CT14HERA2 PDFs and EPUMP-updated new PDFs. The denominator is the central value of each PDF set. The single Z boson events (300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$) are used in the EPUMP update.
Below, we propose a better way to extract useful information from the LHCb 13 TeV Z data, by performing a multi-dimensional analysis. With more $ pp $ collision data to be collected by the LHCb detector in the future, it is feasible to perform Z boson production cross section measurement with a multi-dimension binning, like double- or triple-differential cross section measurements. Comparisons of updated PDF uncertainties with different numbers of (input) experimental observables are shown in Fig. 8. As shown in the figure, we compare the impacts of the LHCb 13 TeV Z boson pseudo-data on PDFs by performing a single-differential (Z boson $ p_{\rm{ T}} $, labeled ‘1D’ in the figure), a double-differential (Z boson $ p_{\rm{ T}} $ and Z boson rapidity, labeled ‘2D’ in the figure), and a triple-differential (Z boson $ p_{\rm{ T}} $, Z boson rapidity, and lepton $ \cos\theta^* $, labeled ‘3D’ in the figure) cross section measurements. We find that with limited statistics of Z boson events (5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data), the multi-dimensional measurements cannot significantly improve the PDF determination, as compared to one-dimensional measurements of Z boson $ p_{\rm{ T}} $, lepton $ \cos\theta^* $, and Z boson rapidity, respectively. With a 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data sample, however, the multi-dimensional measurement has better constraints on the PDFs, across the whole x range. The triple-differential cross section gives the best constraints on u and d quark PDFs, across the whole x range. The improvement gained in going from ‘2D’ to ‘3D’ measurement is not as strong as that from ‘1D’ to ‘2D’ measurement. From the experimental point of view, a triple-differential cross section measurement could have limited statistics in extreme phase space, such as at the boundaries of observables. Furthermore, it is complicated to calculate correlated systematic uncertainties in a ‘3D’ measurement, compared to a ‘2D’ measurement. Therefore, with large future data samples, a double-dimensional Z boson cross section measurement (a double-differential Z boson $ p_{\rm{ T}} $ and Z boson rapidity) is feasible and recommended, and could provides more valuable information in PDF fitting than a single- or a triple-dimensional measurement. Figure8. (color online) PDF uncertainties associated with the u quark (left) and d quark (right), as a function of x, in the CT14HERA2 PDFs and EPUMP-updated new PDFs. The denominator is the central value of each PDF set. The single Z boson multi-dimensional (1D, 2D, and 3D) differential cross section is used in the EPUMP update. (top left) The u quark result using 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data; (top right) the d quark result using 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data; (bottom left) the u quark result using 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data; and (bottom right) the d quark result using 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data.
In the double- and triple-differential cross section measurements, the binning schemes for Z boson $ p_{\rm{ T}}$, rapidity ($ y_{\ell\ell} $), and lepton $ \cos\theta^* $ are defined as: ● $ 0<{ p_{\rm{ T}}}<250 $: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17.5, 20, 22, 25, 28, 33, 40, 50, 100, 250} GeV/c. ● $ 2<y_{\ell\ell}<4.5 $: {2.00, 2.14, 2.28, 2.42, 2.56, 2.69, 2.83, 2.97, 3.11, 3.25, 3.39, 3.53, 3.67, 3.81, 3.94, 4.08, 4.22, 4.36, 4.50}. ● $ -1<\cos\theta ^*<1 $: {-1, 0, 1}. 2C.Update from LHCb 13 TeV $ {{W^+ + W^-}} {+ Z} $ pseudo-data -->
C.Update from LHCb 13 TeV $ {{W^+ + W^-}} {+ Z} $ pseudo-data
In general, global fitting of PDFs should use all available experimental data as inputs. Therefore, we checked the impact from the LHCb 13 TeV data on the PDF fitting, including both single $ W^{\pm} $ boson and Z boson data samples. In reality, as $ W^{\pm} $ and Z boson results from one experiment are measured with the same data sample, many systematic uncertainties are correlated. In any PDF fitting, correlation matrices between different observables must be provided to avoid potential data bias. In this study, without detector-level simulated events, we cannot calculate the correlation matrices between the single $ W^{\pm} $ and Z boson measurements. So we assume in this study that there is no correlation between the LHCb 13 TeV $ W^{\pm} $ and Z pseudo-data. In the study, the $ W^{\pm} $ and Z boson single differential cross section results are used as the inputs of the EPUMP update, which are the charged lepton $ \eta $ distribution of $ W^{\pm} $ boson events and the rapidity distribution of Z bosons. The updated PDF results are shown in Fig. 9 for u, d, and c quark and gluon PDFs, and the $ d/u $ and $ \bar{d}/\bar{u} $ ratio results are shown in Fig. 10. Based on these figures, the following features are found: Figure9. (color online) PDF uncertainties associated with the u quark (left) and d quark (right), as a function of x, in the CT14HERA2 PDFs and EPUMP-updated new PDFs. The denominator is the central value of each PDF set. The 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ single $W^{\pm}$ and Z boson differential cross section are taken as EPUMP input. (top left) The u quark result; (top right) the d quark result; (bottom left) the gluon result; and (bottom right) the c quark result.
Figure10. (color online) PDF uncertainties associated with $ d/u$ (left) and $ \bar d/\bar u$ (right), as a function of x, in the CT14HERA2 PDF sets and EPUMP-updated new PDF sets. The denominator is the central value of each PDF set. The single $W^{\pm}$ and Z boson differential cross sections are taken as EPUMP input. (top left) The $ d/u$ result using 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data; (top right) the $ \bar d/\bar u$ result using 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data; (bottom left) the $ d/u$ result using 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data; and (bottom right) the $ \bar d/\bar u$ result using 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data.
● The largest improvement is in the d quark PDFs. The uncertainty of the d quark PDFs can be improved significantly by the LHCb 13 TeV $ W^{\pm}/Z $ data in the whole x region. In the small-x region $ 10^{-5}<x<10^{-2} $ especially, the uncertainty would be reduced by a factor of 60% at $ x\sim10^{-3} $. ● The uncertainty of u, s, and c quark and gluon PDFs can be reduced across the whole x region, and significant improvements are expected in very small- and large-x regions. ● The uncertainties of $ d/u $ and $ \bar{d}/\bar{u} $ ratios can be significantly reduced across the whole x range, even with only 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data. In the very large-x region, the LHCb 13 TeV data could have a large impact on the $ d/u $ ratio. ● The LHCb 13 TeV $ W^{\pm} $ and Z data also has a large impact on the $ \bar{u} $ and $ \bar{d} $ quark PDFs, mainly in the small-x region. For the $ d/u $ and $ \bar{d}/\bar{u} $ ratios, the future LHCb 13 TeV data will provide the most important constraints on them. In Fig. 10, the 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ LHCb 13 TeV pseudo-data provides valuable constraints on the $ d/u $ ratio in the very large-x region ($ > 0.5 $) and $ \bar{d}/\bar{u} $ in $ x > 0.2 $. In these regions, the LHCb data would be the only clean data, as it is free of nuclear corrections, as needed when describing the low energy Drell-Yan data to constrain $ d/u $. It is well-known that fixed-target Drell-Yan measurements provide an important probe of the x dependence of the nucleon (and nuclear) PDFs. This fact has motivated a number of experiments, including the Fermilab E866/ NuSea experiment [45], which determined the normalized deuteron-to-proton cross section ratio $ \sigma_{pd} \big/ 2\sigma_{pp} $ out to relatively large $ x_2 $, the momentum fraction of the target. As can be seen based upon a leading-order quark-parton model analysis, this ratio is expected to have especially pronounced sensitivity to the x dependence of the PDF ratio $ \bar{d}/\bar{u} $. The E866 results stimulated an interest in performing a similar measurement out to larger $ x_2 $ with higher precision — the main objective of the subsequent SeaQuest/E906 experiment at Fermilab [46], from which results are expected soon. The LHCb data could be used to check the impact from the SeaQuest [47] result for $ \bar{d}/\bar{u} $ in the large-x region. In Fig. 11, we compare the theoretical prediction based on the updated CT14HERA2 PDFs (with the 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ LHCb 13 TeV combined $ W^\pm $ and Z pseudo-data as input) and the original CT14HERA2 PDFs. This shows that the LHCb 13 TeV data could further constrain the deuteron-to-proton ratio, $ \sigma_{pd} \big/ 2\sigma_{pp} $, in the large-x region. Figure11. (color online) Theoretical predictions based on the updated CT14HERA2 (red band) and original CT14HERA2 (blue band) for the fixed-target Drell-Yan cross section, $\sigma_{pd} \big/ 2\sigma_{pp}$, in the region of larger $x_2 \gtrsim 0.1$ to be probed by the SeaQuest experiment [46] at Fermilab. For comparison, the higher-$x_2$ portion of the older E866 data [45] (black points) is also presented here.
2D.Update from LHCb 13 TeV $ {{(W^++W^-}}{ )/Z} $ pseudo-data -->
D.Update from LHCb 13 TeV $ {{(W^++W^-}}{ )/Z} $ pseudo-data
At tree level, the Z boson is produced via $ q\bar{q} $ annihilation, where q could be u, d, c, s, and b, while the $ W^\pm $ boson could produced via $ u\bar{s} $ and $ \bar{u}s $. Therefore, the ratio of $ W^\pm $ distribution to that of the Z boson could be sensitive to ${(s+\bar{s})}/{(\bar{u}+\bar{d})}$ at first order [19]. With a uniform binning (18 pseudorapidity/rapidity bins, from 2.0 to 4.5), a $ (W^++W^-)/Z $ ratio in each bin is calculated, where the muon pseudorapidity of the $ W^{\pm} $ boson and the rapidity of the Z boson are used. Correlations between the predicted LHCb 13 TeV $ (W^++W^-)/Z $ ratio and ${(s+\bar{s})}/{(\bar{u}+\bar{d})}$ are shown in Fig. 12. With the calculated $ (W^++W^-)/Z $ ratio as EPUMP input, we checked the impact on ${(s+\bar{s})}/{(\bar{u}+\bar{d})}$ from the LHCb single $ W^{\pm} $ and Z data, as shown in Fig. 12. With 5 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ LHCb 13 TeV pseudo-data as input, the ${(W^++W^-)}/{Z}$ data does not have a visible impact on the PDF ratio ${(s+\bar{s})}/{(\bar{u}+\bar{d})}$. With 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ LHCb 13 TeV pseudo-data as input, the impact on the PDF ratio ${(s+\bar{s})}/{(\bar{u}+\bar{d})}$ becomes significant in the x range of $ 10^{-2} $ to $ 10^{-1} $, which could be used to precisely determine the strange quark PDFs in the future. As expected, larger correlations between $ (W^++W^-)/Z $ and ${(s+\bar{s})}/{(\bar{u}+\bar{d})}$ are seen in the same x range. Figure12. (color online) (left) $\cos\phi$ between the PDF ratio ${({s + \bar s})}/{({\bar u + \bar d})}$ and the $(W^++W^-)/Z$ ratio. Lines with different color represent different bins, and the same index as Fig. 1 is used. (right) The PDF uncertainties associated with ${({s + \bar s})}/{({\bar u + \bar d})}$ distribution, using the 300 $ {\rm{fb}}^{-1}$ data, as a function of x, in the CT14HERA2 PDFs and EPUMP-updated new PDFs. The denominator is the central value of each PDF set. The single ${(W^++W^-)}/{Z}$ boson differential cross sections are taken as the EPUMP input.