--> --> -->Figure2. The energy spectrum of charged particles emitted from the d-9Be reaction with a beam energy of 90 keV.
Figure3. The thick-yield of an α particle from 9Be (d, α0)7Li (top) and 9Be (d, α1) 7Li* (bottom) reactions. The solid curve and dashed curve denote with and without the screening effect, respectively.
According to Eq. (1), the thick-target α-particle yield [Yαthick (Ed)] is related to Sscreen(E) and can be expressed as
$\begin{aligned}[b] Y_\alpha ^{\rm thick} =& \frac{{{N_d}{N_t}\Delta {\varOmega _{\rm lab}}}}{{4\pi }}\mathop {\mathop \int\nolimits_0^{{E_d}} } \frac{{{\rm d}{\varOmega _{\rm c.m.}}}}{{{\rm d}{\varOmega _{\rm lab}}}}W(E){S_{\rm screen}}(E) \\&\times \exp( - 2\pi {\rm{\eta }}) \times {\left(\frac{{{\rm d}E}}{{{\rm d}x}}\right)^{ - 1}}{\rm d}E , \end{aligned}$ | (1) |
Therefore, the Sscreen(Ei) can be calculated using the thin-target yield differentiated by two adjacent thick-target yields.
$ {{Y}}_{{\alpha}}^{{\rm thin}}\left({{E}}_{{0}}\right){=}{{Y}}_{{\rm exp}}{(}{{E}}_{{0}}{)}{-}{{Y}}_{{\rm exp}}{(}{{E}}_{{0}}{-\Delta E}{)}. $ | (2) |
$\begin{aligned}[b] {{Y}}_{{\alpha}}^{{\rm thin}}{(}{{E}}_{{0}}{)}{=}&\frac{{{N}}_{{d}}{{N}}_{{t}}{{\Delta \varOmega}}_{{\rm lab}}}{{4\pi}}{ \times S}{(}{{E}}_{{\rm eff}}{)}{ \times }\mathop {\mathop \int\nolimits_{{{E_0} - \Delta E}}^{{E_0}} } \frac{{\rm d}{{\varOmega}}_{{\rm c.m.}}}{{\rm d}{{\varOmega}}_{{\rm lab}}}{W}\left({E}\right)\frac{{1}}{{{E}}_{{\rm c.m.}}}\\&{ \times \exp}{(}{-2\pi \eta }{(}{{E}}_{{\rm c.m.}}{))}{ \times }{\left(\frac{{{\rm d}E}}{{{\rm d}x}}\right)}^{{-1}}{{\rm d}E}, \end{aligned}$ | (3) |
$ {E_{\rm eff}} = {E_0} - \Delta E + \Delta E\left\{ { - \frac{{{\sigma _2}}}{{{\sigma _1} - {\sigma _2}}} + {{\left\{ {\frac{{{\sigma _1}^2 + {\sigma _2}^2}}{{2{{({\sigma _1} - {\sigma _2})}^2}}}} \right\}}^{\frac{1}{2}}}} \right\}, $ | (4) |
Then, the S(Ei) can be obtained from Eq. (4), which is shown in Table 1. It is found that S(Ei) only slightly fluctuate from our expectation. Since the data of most works in high energy region are far from this work, we only compare with the results of Yan’s work, as shown in Fig. 4. To calculate the thick target yield, the S(Ei) were fitted using the parametric Sbare(E) = a + b·E + c·E2 + d·E3 multiplied by the enhancement factor f (E, Us):
Ec.m./keV | 9Be(d, α0)7LiS(Ei)/(MeV·b) | 9Be(d, α1)7Li*S(Ei)/(MeV·b) |
55.6 | 9.0±2.3 | 29.3±4.5 |
57.3 | 8.9±1.4 | 22.2±2.8 |
58.9 | 9.0±1.8 | 15.3±3.4 |
60.5 | 9.5±1.1 | 23.1±2.3 |
62.2 | 7.1±1.5 | 17.9±3.2 |
63.8 | 4.7±1.1 | 16.7±2.2 |
65.5 | 4.9±1.1 | 19.6±2.4 |
67.1 | 6.7±1.0 | 17.1±2.0 |
68.7 | 7.9±1.0 | 12.7±2.0 |
70.4 | 8.3±1.0 | 14.6±2.5 |
72.0 | 6.9±1.0 | 16.4±1.7 |
73.6 | 6.2±0.9 | 14.2±2.0 |
75.3 | 4.8±0.9 | 17.2±1.4 |
Note: The error values include the statistical error of the alpha particle number, detection efficiency, and beam current measurement. Besides, for all S(Ei), the angular distribution introduces a 4% uncertainty; an error of 3% comes from the change in target environment in the experiment; a 1% uncertainty is due to the uncertain detection angle, and another error of 7.4% occurs in the stopping power (5.4%, mean errors). |
Table1.The S factor and its error of the 9Be (d, α0)7Li and 9Be (d, α1) 7Li* reactions.
Figure4. (color online) Comparison of S(Ei) factor between this work (solid black circles) and previous work (solid red circles). The top one is the S factor of 9Be(d, α0)7Li reaction, and the bottom one is the S factor of 9Be(d, α1)7Li* reaction. The solid and dashed curves are the Sscreen(E) and the Sbare(E), respectively.
$ {f}{(}{{E}{,}{U}}_{{s}}{)}{=}\frac{{{\sigma}}_{{\rm screen}}{(}{E}{)}}{{{\sigma}}_{{\rm bare}}{(}{E}{)}}{=}\frac{{{S}}_{{\rm screen}}{(}{E}{)}}{{{S}}_{{\rm bare}}{(}{E}{)}}{ \approx }\frac{{E}}{{E+}{{U}}_{{s}}}{\rm exp}\left({\pi \eta }\frac{{{U}}_{{s}}}{{E}}\right), $ | (5) |
The results of Sscreen(E) and Sbare(E) are the solid and dashed curves shown in Fig. 4, respectively. It is clear that the polynomials can describe the trend of the S factor well in the energy region presented in this work (below 140 keV), while it is difficult to predict the S(E) of the 9Be(d, α) reaction at the Gamow window by extrapolation because it may lead to considerable uncertainty due to the significant statistical error in a lower energy region (below 50 keV). Finally, we used the polynomial to calculate the thick target yields. However, it cannot explain the experimental thick target yield well; as shown in Fig. 3, the solid curve and dashed curve denote with and without screening effect, respectively. The main reason is the errors of S(Ei). Therefore, more measurements in the low energy region are needed, especially for E < 50 keV.