--> --> --> $ TKE(A_{i},\beta_{i}) = V_{\rm coul}(A_{L}/A_{H},\beta_{i},d) +V_{\rm nuc}(A_{L}/A_{H},\beta_{i},d), $ | (1) |
The Coulomb energy is defined by [32]
$\begin{aligned}[b] V_{\rm coul} =& {\frac { Z_L \, Z_H \, e^2}{D}} \left( 1+ 0.3785\,{\frac {R_2^2 \beta_2 + R_1^2 \, \beta_1}{D^2}} \\&+0.3164\,{\frac {R_1^2{\beta_1^2}+{R_2^2}\beta_2^2}{D ^2}}+ 0.20472\,{\frac {R_1^ 4{\beta_1^2}+{R_2^4} {\beta_2^2}}{D^4}}\\&\left.+ 0.8598\,{\frac {R_1^2 {R_2^2} {\beta1}\,{\beta2}}{D ^4}} \right),\end{aligned}$ | (2) |
$ V_{\rm prox}(d) = 4 \pi \gamma b \left[\frac{C_1 C_2}{C_1+ C_2}\right] \Phi(\varepsilon) , \qquad \left(\varepsilon = \frac{d}{b}\right), $ | (3) |
$ \gamma = 0.9517\sqrt{(1-2.61I_{1}^2)(1-2.61I_{2}^2)} \quad {\rm MeV/fm^2}, \qquad $ | (4) |
$ I_i = \frac{(N_i-Z_i)}{A_i}, $ | (5) |
$ C_{i} = R_{i}-\left[\frac{b^2}{R_{i}} \right], $ | (6) |
$ R_i({\rm fm}) = 1.28R_{0,i}-0.76+0.8 R_{0,i}^{-1}, $ | (7) |
$ R_{0,i}(\theta) = R_0(1+\beta_iY_{20}(\theta_i)), $ | (8) |
In Eq. (3), the universal proximity relation
$ \Phi (\varepsilon ) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{ - 1.7817 + 0.9270\varepsilon + 0.0169{\varepsilon ^2} - 0.0514{\varepsilon ^3}}\\{\qquad {\rm{for}}\quad 0 \leqslant \varepsilon \leqslant 1.9475},\\{ - 4.41\exp ( - \varepsilon /0.7176)}\\{\qquad {\rm{for}}\quad \varepsilon \geqslant 1.9475.}\end{array}} \right.$ | (9) |
$ Z_{\rm UCD} = {\frac {{\it Z_{cn}}\,{\it (A+ \nu})}{{\it A_{cn}}}}, $ | (10) |
$ TKE = E_{L} {\frac{{\it A_{cn}}}{{\it A_{H}}}}. $ | (11) |
The calculated <TKE> values from the two methods for the neutron-induced fission of
Figure1. (color online) (a) Calculated mean total kinetic energy as a function of fragment mass for neutron-induced fission of
120 | 0.86 | 128 | 0.47 |
121 | 0.85 | 129 | 0.47 |
122 | 0.69 | 130 | 0.46 |
123 | 0.69 | 131 | 0.44 |
124 | 0.61 | 132 | 0.45 |
125 | 0.58 | 133-135 | 0.45 |
126 | 0.54 | 135-142 | 0.5 |
127 | 0.51 | 142-170 | 0.65 |
Table1.Change in
The second method of calculation (calculated results II) is based on Ref. [53]. There is good agreement between the results from this model and experimental data for fission fragments with mass numbers greater than
$ \begin{aligned}[b] TKE(A_{L}/A_{H})\approx & E_{\rm Coul}(A_{L}/A_{H})+E_{\rm shell}(A_{L},A_{H}) \\&+\Delta(A_{L},A_{H})-E_{\rm def}(A_{L},A_{H})+C_{cn}, \end{aligned} $ | (12) |
$ \alpha = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{5 + 0.4|{A_i} - 135|\qquad {\rm{for}}\qquad 125 < {A_i} < 140},\\{4.86 - 0.063{\mkern 1mu} \dfrac{{{Z^2}}}{A}\qquad {\rm{for}}\qquad {\rm{other}}.}\end{array}} \right. $ | (13) |
In Fig. 1(b), the calculated results of the scission point model and the Langevin model are compared with the experimental results. For fission fragments with mass numbers greater than 133, the results of both models are in good agreement with the experimental results. For fission fragments with mass numbers less than 133, however, there are large variations in <TKE> values for the results calculated with the Langevin model. These large variations can also be seen in some of the experimental results; this is related to the influence of target thickness, according to Gook [55]. Of course, the <TKE> results calculated with the scission point model are close to the experimental data because the experimental data are reproduced by fitting the
In Fig. 2, the mean kinetic energy values (
Figure2. (color online) Calculated mean kinetic energy of light fragment
Figure3. (color online) Calculated <TKE> as a function of heavy fission fragment mass number, using the experimental data for total kinetic energy of light fission fragments (Tsekhanovich [16] and Martinez [56]) for neutron-induced fission of
By fitting the calculated results to the experimental data, the deformation parameters of light fission fragments are presented for neutron-induced fission of
74-89 | 0.9 |
89-100 | 0.85 |
100-105 | 0.75 |
Table2.Change in
85-89 | 0.66 | 97 | 0.58 | |
89-93 | 0.64 | 98 | 0.56 | |
94 | 0.57 | 99 | 0.64 | |
95 | 0.61 | 100-105 | 0.52 | |
96 | 0.56 |
Table3.Change in
Martinez [56] has measured the average kinetic energy values for fission of