Transverse momentum balance and angular distribution of \begin{document}${{b\bar{b}}}$\end{docume
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01
Wei Dai1, , Sa Wang2, , Shan-Liang Zhang2, , Ben-Wei Zhang2,3, , Enke Wang2,3, , 1.School of Mathematics and Physics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China 2.Key Laboratory of Quark & Lepton Physics (MOE) and Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China 3.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Institute of Quantum Matter, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China Received Date:2020-05-12 Available Online:2020-10-01 Abstract:In this study, the production of inclusive b-jet and $b\bar{b}$ dijets in Pb + Pb collisions has been investigated by considering the in-medium evolution of heavy and light quarks simultaneously. The initial hard processes of inclusive b-jet and $b\bar{b}$ dijets production are described using a next-to-leading order (NLO) plus parton shower Monte Carlo (MC) event generator, SHERPA, which can be well matched with the experimental data in p + p collisions. The framework uses the Langevin transport model to describe the evolution of the bottom quark. Furthermore, the collisional energy loss and higher-twist description are considered to determine the radiative energy loss from both the bottom and light quarks. We compare the theoretical simulation of the inclusive jet and b-jet $R_{\rm AA}$ in the Pb + Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{ NN}}=2.76$ TeV with the experimental data and present the theoretical simulation of the momentum balance of the $b\bar{b}$ dijet in the Pb + Pb collisions at $5.02$ TeV along with recent CMS data for the first time. A similar trend to that seen in inclusive dijets is observed in $b\bar{b}$ dijets; the distribution of the production shifts to smaller $x_{\rm J}$ owing to the jet quenching effect. Finally, we report the prediction of the normalized azimuthal angle distribution of the $b\bar{b}$ dijet in the Pb + Pb collisions at $5.02$ TeV. The medium-induced energy loss effect of the $b\bar{b}$ dijets will generally suppress its production; however, the same side ($\Delta \phi \to 0$ region) suffers more energy loss than the far side ($\Delta \phi \to \pi$ region), thus leading to suppression on the same side and enhancement on the far side in the normalized azimuthal angle distribution in A + A collisions.
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2.Theoretical frameworkBy definition, a $ b(\bar{b}) $ jet is a full jet with at least one b or $ \bar{b} $ quark inside the jet cone with a jet radius parameter R. The production mechanism of a $ b\bar{b} $ pair can be categorized into three types, which can be used to understand the $ b\bar{b} $ dijet system [35-38]. The flavor creation (FCR) describes the production of both b and $ \bar{b} $ jets that originated from the b and $ \bar{b} $ quarks produced back-to-back azimuthally from the initial hard scattering. Therefore, these jets are expected to be the most difficult to produce in the event. This process is perfect for isolating the type of parton (b quark) that initiates a jet. The gluon splitting (GSP) mechanism allows a pair of $ b(\bar{b}) $ jets to initiate from the b and $ \bar{b} $ quarks created in the gluon splitting process $ g \to b \bar{b} $. This pair of jets is expected to propagate in the same direction. However, the flavor excitation (FEX) mechanism is more complex and the produced $ b(\bar{b}) $ jet pair is more likely to be neither back-to-back nor on the same side. The NLO calculation without further kinetic constraints indicates that there are large fractions of contribution from all three mechanisms in the$ p_{\rm T} $region investigated [39]. Therefore, a suitable kinetic constraint should be imposed to select the desired mechanism. For instance, to consider pairs of $ b(\bar{b}) $ jets that are constrained back-to-back in the azimuth experimentally, one may largely reduce the contribution from GSP and mainly focus on the FCR process by imposing energetic $ p_{\rm T} $triggers as well as restricting the intersection angle between the two $ b\bar{b} $ jets. This configuration is essential for providing a less ambiguous observable. It has been demonstrated in both the ATLAS [33] and CMS [34] reports that the NLO effects are essential for the modeling of such observables, as the NLO QCD calculation with POWHEG provides a better description than that provided by PYTHIA 6 alone. It is also noted that the configurations are slightly different in these two experimental reports. In our simulation, we employ the NLO + parton shower (PS) event generator SHERPA 2.2.4 [40] to produce inclusive jets as well as inclusive dijet events in p + p collisions. We select single b-jet and $ b\bar{b} $ dijet events from these inclusive events as our p + p baseline. In the SHERPA generator, we set the tree-level matrix elements as calculated using Amegic [41] and Comix [42], whereas the one-loop matrix elements are calculated using BlackHat [43]. The parton shower is implemented based on the Catani-Seymour subtraction method [44]. The NLO QCD matrix elements are matched with the parton shower using the MC@NLO method [45]. The NLO PDF sets in NNPDF3.0 [46] with five flavors have been chosen in our simulation. FASTJET [47] with an anti-$ k_{\rm T} $ algorithm is used for event selection and final-state jet reconstruction. The jets are defined in a cone with the jet radius parameter $ \Delta R = \sqrt{(\Delta \phi)^2+(\Delta \eta)^2} $, where $ \phi $ and $ \eta $ are the azimuthal angle and the rapidity of particles, respectively. The corresponding configuration has been set up to be in line with each p + p measurement in CMS [48, 49] and ATLAS [33]. To test the setup used to generate the b-jet events in SHERPA, in the upper plots of Fig. 1, we present a comparison of the results of the theoretical simulation of the production of inclusive b-jets in a p + p collision at $ \sqrt{s_{ NN}} = 2.76 $ TeV with the CMS data. A good agreement was found. We further select the $ b\bar{b} $ dijet events from the SHERPA-generated inclusive dijet events, which naturally include all three production mechanisms of the $ b\bar{b} $ dijets. Thereafter, we reproduce the differential cross section of the $ b\bar{b} $ dijets as a function of the azimuthal angle between the two b-jets. An accurate description of the ATLAS data is presented in the bottom plots of Fig. 1. The figure illustrates that the azimuthal angle distribution of the two b-jets at a certain value of $ p_{\rm T} $ triggers the $ b\bar{b} $ events. It is noted that there is a same-side peak in the small azimuthal angle region, which is unusual for the double inclusive observables that we investigated earlier. The fairly accurate description of the experimental data indicates that the higher-order correction and its matched PS provided by SHERPA are essential for a solid p + p baseline. We also find that this type of double peak distribution is sensitive to the imposed kinetic cut. It requires a leading b-jet,$ p_{\rm T}>270 $ GeV, and the lower threshold of the $ p_{\rm T} $ cut of the b-jet is relatively small, $ p_{{\rm T}, b_{\rm{jet}}}>20 $ GeV, in the ATLAS publication. By increasing the minimum requirement of the b-jet $ p_{\rm T} $ to $ 40 $ GeV, we find that the same-side peak begins to vanish. From this observation, we can conclude that the double-peak structure is primarily caused by the contribution of the GSP process. Moreover, to focus on the FCR process to ensure that a greater proportion of the b-jets are b-quark-initiated, a relatively higher $ p_{\rm T} $ cut of the lower threshold of the b-jet $ p_{{\rm T}, b_{\rm{jet}}} $ will facilitate it. With this basic knowledge on the production of $ b\bar{b} $ dijets and the accurate performance of the SHERPA simulation, we have a strong platform to investigate the in-medium modification of the $ b\bar{b} $ dijets. Figure1. (color online) Upper: NLO + PS result of b-jet production in p + p collisions at $ \sqrt{s_{{ NN}}} = 2.76 $ TeV calculated in SHERPA (indicated by vertical line) is compared with CMS data (indicated by red points with error bars) [49]. Bottom: NLO + PS differential cross section of $ b\bar{b} $ dijet production in p + p collision at $ \sqrt{s_{{ NN}}} = 7 $ TeV as a function of the azimuthal angle between two b-jets,$ \Delta \phi $, calculated using SHERPA is compared with ATLAS data [33].
Presently, the exact mechanism of the in-medium interaction between heavy quarks and the QCD medium is still an open question, which has been extensively investigated using both perturbative and nonperturbative approaches [50, 51]. Transport models such as the Langevin and Boltzmann approaches incorporated with the evolution profile of the bulk medium have been employed earlier for the description of the in-medium evolution of the heavy quark [44, 50, 52-60]. In a framework in which the in-medium evolution and energy loss of heavy and light quarks can be considered simultaneously, we employ a modified Langevin transport equation with an additional radiation term to include the radiative energy loss to describe the transport and energy loss (elastic and inelastic) of heavy quarks in hot and dense medium [54, 61, 62] as follows:
where $ \Delta t $ is the evolution time step defined in the simulation; $ \Gamma $ is the drag coefficient that can control the strength of the elastic energy loss, and $ \vec{\xi}(t) $ is the stochastic term representing the random kicks by quasiparticles in such a thermal medium and obeys $ \left \langle \xi^i(t)\xi^j(t') \right \rangle = \kappa \delta^{ij}\delta(t-t') $, where $ \kappa $ is the diffusion coefficient. The classic fluctuation-dissipation relation [63] between $ \Gamma $ and $ \kappa $ has been employed:
$ \kappa = 2\Gamma ET = \frac{2T^2}{D_s}, $
where $ D_s $ is the spatial diffusion coefficient. Over the years, $ D_s $ has been used as a parameter to represent the strength of the elastic interaction between heavy quarks and the thermal medium, and it has been calculated using several theoretical models [64-67]. We note that lattice calculations allow the prediction of a range of values of $ D_s $: $ 2\pi TD_s\sim 3.7-7.0 $ [51, 68]. The inclusion of the last term $ \vec{p}_g $ in the momentum update equation is an effective treatment; it is assumed that the radiative energy loss of the heavy quark is carried away by the radiative gluon. The calculation of such a term is based on the higher-twist scheme [69-72], which can provide the radiative gluon spectrum:
where x and $ k_\perp $ are the energy fraction and the transverse momentum of the radiated gluon, respectively, and M is the mass of the parent parton. In addition, $ C_s $ is the quadratic Casimir in color representation, $ P(x) $ is the splitting function in vacuum [73],$ \tau_f = 2Ex(1-x)/(k^2_\perp+x^2M^2) $ is the time required for the gluon to form, and $ \hat{q} $ is the jet transport parameter proportional to the local parton density in the medium when the jet is probed. The time-space evolution of the QCD medium can thus be considered by altering the value of $ \hat{q} $ relative to its initial value $ \hat{q}_0 $ in the exact center of the overlap region at the initial time when the QGP is formed [74]. Therefore, $ \hat{q}_0 $ is the other parameter used for controlling the strength of the bremsstrahlung jet-medium interaction. In the simulation, the particles listed in the p + p events with the full vacuum parton shower produced by SHERPA, with their initial positions sampled from the Glauber model, serve as the input for the in-medium evolution. A heavy quark evolves in the QCD medium with the modified Langevin formalism, described above, in a fixed evolving time step when the position and momentum of a light quark update simultaneously. A Poisson probability distribution is implemented to compare with uniform random numbers to determine whether radiative energy loss occurs in a given Langevin evolution time step for both heavy and light quarks. It is expressed as
where $ \left\langle N(t,\Delta t)\right\rangle $ is the averaged radiative gluon number in the fixed update time step $ \Delta t $ at a certain evolution time t and can be derived by integrating Eq. (4). If radiation occurs, the number of radiated gluons can then be sampled by this distribution [Eq. (5)]. x and $ k_\perp $can be sampled according to the radiative gluon spectrum expressed in Eq. (4) to obtain the momentum of the radiated gluon. Therefore, the $ \vec{p}_g $ term of Eq. (2) in each time interval is determined. Note that the four-momentum of the heavy quark will first be boosted into the local rest frame, then will be updated according to Eq. (2), and will be boosted back into the laboratory frame at every evolution time step, so that it can update its position. The smooth iEBE-VISHNU hydro model [75] has been used to provide the evolution information in a hot and dense medium. During the in-medium simulation, each parton propagates in the expanding medium until the probed temperature of the local medium is under $ T_c = 165 $ MeV. In this manuscript, we directly set the free parameter $ \hat{q}_0 = 1.2 $GeV2/fm, which is the best value taken from the global extraction of the identified hadron production in Pb + Pb collisions at $ 2.76 $ TeV in our previous work [76], as the properties of the QGP medium are also described by the smooth iEBE-VISHNU hydro model therein. It is noted that the treatment of including radiative energy loss in the Langevin equation [Eq. (2)] is an effective approach to simulate the in-medium evolution of heavy quarks, as it is difficult to include radiative energy loss without disturbing the fluctuation-dissipation relation. A lower energy cut to the radiative gluon is imposed to ensure that the heavy quark can reach thermal equilibrium in the low-$ p_{\rm T} $ regime, as it can naturally be dominated by elastic energy loss in such a regime [54, 77]. There are actually two free parameters in this framework:$ \kappa $, which controls the elastic energy loss of the heavy quark, and $ \hat{q}_{0} $, which controls the strength of the medium-induced radiative energy loss from both the light and heavy quarks. In addition, we neglect the energy loss caused by the collision of the light quark and the gluon, owing to their small contributions to the total energy loss of the light quark at a higher value of $ p_{\rm T} $ [78]. Recently, this framework was extended to the study of the medium modifications of the radial distributions of $ D^0 $ meson inside jets in Pb + Pb collisions relative to those in the p + p collisions at the LHC, and a decent agreement was observed between the model calculations and the experimental measurement [62].