Eduardo Folco Capossoli1,2, , Miguel Angel Martín Contreras3, , Danning Li4, , Alfredo Vega3, , Henrique Boschi-Filho1, , 1.Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 21.941-972 - Rio de Janeiro-RJ - Brazil 2.Departamento de Física / Mestrado Profissional em Práticas da Educa??o Básica (MPPEB), Colégio Pedro II, 20.921-903 - Rio de Janeiro-RJ - Brazil 3.Instituto de Física y Astronomía, Universidad de Valparaíso, A. Gran Breta?a 1111, Valparaíso, Chile 4.Department of Physics and Siyuan Laboratory, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China Received Date:2019-12-17 Available Online:2020-06-01 Abstract:Because of the presence of modified warp factors in metric tensors, we use deformed AdS5 spaces to apply the AdS/CFT correspondence to calculate the spectra for even and odd glueballs, scalar and vector mesons, and baryons with different spins. For the glueball cases, we derive their Regge trajectories and compare them with those related to the pomeron and the odderon. For the scalar and vector mesons, as well as baryons, the determined masses are compatible with the PDG. In particular, for these hadrons we found Regge trajectories compatible with another holographic approach as well as with the hadronic spectroscopy, which present an universal Regge slope of approximately 1.1 GeV2.
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2.Softwall model and deformed AdS setupThere are at least two interesting reasons behind the emergence of the softwall model. The first is related to the introduction of the soft IR cutoff instead a hard cutoff as in the hardwall model, as this approach seems more natural. The second reason lies in the fact that the softwall model truly yields linear Regge trajectories, which was an established behavior since the beginning of hadronic spectroscopy studies, i.e.,
$ J(m) \approx \alpha' m^2 + \alpha_0, $
where J is the total angular momentum; m represents the hadronic mass; $ \alpha' $ (Regge slope) and $ \alpha_0 $ are constants. The relationship between radial excitation n and its squared hadron mass is given by:
$ m^2 \approx \beta' n + \beta_0, $
with $ \beta' $ and $ \beta_0 $ as constants. In the original formulation of the softwall model, the action of the fields, up to some constant, is described by:
$ S = \int {\rm d}^5 x \sqrt{-g} \; {\rm e}^{-\Phi(z)} {\cal L}, $
where $ \Phi(z) $ is the dilaton field, usually given by $ \Phi(z) = kz^2 $, where $ |k| \sim \Lambda^2_{\rm QCD} $, and $ {\cal L} $ is the Lagrangian density. The main difference between the original softwall model and the present study is the modified $ AdS_5 $ metric tensor using an exponential warp factor for all glueballs and hadrons. In Ref. [29], the authors used different warp factor profiles, usually logarithmic ones, for each hadronic sector. As we employ the same warp factor profile in the AdS space for all glueballs and hadrons, we refer the approach of this study as a deformed $ AdS_5 $ background. Then, we write the deformed $ AdS_5 $ metric as:
where R is the usual AdS radius (from here onwards, we assume $ R = 1 $ throughout this text), $ \eta_{\mu \nu} $ is the flat Minkowski space metric tensor in four dimensions with signature $ (-, +, +, +) $, z is the holographic coordinate, and $ x^{m} = (z, x^{\mu}) $ for $ \mu = 0,\cdots , 3 $. The warp factor $ A(z) $ in Eq. (4) can be read as:
$ A(z) = -\log(z) + \frac{kz^2 }{2}\,. $
In our model, the action for the fields is simply given as:
$ S = \int {\rm d}^5 x \sqrt{-g} \; {\cal L}, $
where g is the determinant of the five-dimensional metric tensor presented in Eq. (4).
3.Hadronic spectra for glueballs statesFritzsch and Gell-Mann pointed out in Refs. [37, 38]: “If the quark-gluon field theory indeed yields a correct description of strong interactions, glue states must exist in the hadron spectrum”. This sentence reveals the importance of those “glue states”, nowadays referred to as glueballs. Glueballs are colorless bound states of gluons predicted by QCD, but not experimentally detected to date. Glueballs are characterized by $ J^{PC} $ where J (even or odd) is the total angular momentum, P is the $ P- $parity (spatial inversion), and $ C = $ is the $ C- $parity (charge conjugation) eigenvalues. For the glueballs case, $ P = (-1)^L $ and $ C = (-1)^{L+S} $. Numerous experimental efforts were conducted in the search for glueballs [39–42]. Some theoretical and non-holographic approaches are described in Refs. [43–48]. The holographic approach is presented in Refs. [49–58]. In this study based on a deformed AdS space, we compute the masses of even spin glueballs with $ P = C = +1 $ and odd spin glueballs with $ P = C = -1 $. Even spin glueballs with $ P = C = +1 $ are particularly interesting, as in the Chew-Frautschi plane, their states lie on the Pomeron Regge trajectory. In contrast, odd spin glueballs with $ P = C = -1 $ lie on the odderon Regge trajectory. We start our calculation using the standard action for a massive scalar field X in $ 5D $ space, given by:
$ S = \int {\rm d}^5 x \sqrt{-g}\; [ g^{mn} \partial_m X \partial^n X + M_5^2 X^2 ]. $
From the action (7) one can find the following equations of motion, such that:
Next, we use a plane wave ansatz with the amplitude only depending on the z coordinate and propagating in the transverse coordinates $ x^{\mu} $ with momentum $ q_{\mu} $,
with $ B(z) = - 3 A(z) $ and $ E = -q^2 $ as eigenenergies. 23.1.Results for even and odd spin glueball spectra
3.1.Results for even and odd spin glueball spectra
To compute the glueball masses, Eq. (12) must be solved numerically. To this end, from the AdS/CFT dictionary, we first relate the masses of supergravity fields in the AdS space $ (M_5) $ with the scaling dimensions of an operator in the boundary theory $ (\Delta) $, such that:
$ M^2_5 = (\Delta - p) (\Delta + p - 4), $
where p is the index of a $ p- $form. For the case of the scalar glueball $ 0^{++} $, we obtain $ p = 0 $. Because the scalar glueball is dual to the fields with $ M_5 = 0 $, its conformal dimension is $ \Delta = 4 $. Second, the scalar glueball state is represented on the boundary theory by the operator $ {\cal O}_4 $, given by:
To raise the total angular momentum J, we follow Ref. [11] by inserting symmetrised covariant derivatives in a given operator with spin S, such that the total angular momentum after the insertion becomes $ S+J $. In the particular case of the operator $ {\cal O}_4 = \,{\rm{Tr}} \,F^2 $, we obtain:
with the conformal dimension $ \Delta = 4 + J $. For $ J = 0 $ we recover $ \Delta = 4 $. Thus, for even spin glueball states after the insertion of symmetrized covariant derivatives, we obtain:
Solving Eq. (17), for even glueball states, one obtains the four-dimensional masses presented in Table 1.
Even glueball states $ J^{PC} $
$ 0^{++} $
$ 2^{++} $
$ 4^{++} $
$ 6^{++} $
$ 8^{++} $
$ 10^{++} $
Table1.Even glueball masses expressed in $ {\rm{GeV}} $ from Eq. (17) with warp factor constant k as $ k_{\rm gbe} = 0.31^2 $$ {\rm{GeV}}^2 $.
Using the data from Table 1, we plotted a Chew-Frautschi plane, here represented as $ m^2 \times J $, where J is total angular momentum, and $ m^2 $ is the squared even glueball mass represented by the dots in Fig. 1. Using a standard linear regression method, we obtain the equation Figure1. (color online) Approximate linear Regge trajectory associated with the pomeron from Eq. (18). The dots correspond to the masses found in Table 1 for even glueball states within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach.
which represents an approximate linear Regge trajectory associated with the pomeron in agreement with Refs. [59, 60]. In contrast, for odd glueball states, the operator $ {\cal O}_6 $ that describes the glueball state $ 1^{--} $ is given by [14, 51, 61, 62]:
where this dual operator creates odd glueball states at the boundary. This operator has the conformal dimension $ \Delta = 6 $, and after the insertion of symmetrized covariant derivatives, we obtain:
Solving Eq. (22) for odd glueball states, we obtain the four-dimensional masses presented in Table 2.
Odd glueball states $ J^{PC} $
$ 1^{--} $
$ 3^{--} $
$ 5^{--} $
$ 7^{--} $
$ 9^{--} $
$ 11^{--} $
Table2.Odd spin glueball masses expressed in $ {\rm{GeV}} $ as from Eq. (22) with the warp factor constant k as $ k_{\rm gbo} = 0.31^2 $$ {\rm{GeV}} ^2 $.
Using the data in Table 2, we plotted a Chew-Frautschi plane $ m^2 \times J $ in Fig. 2 for odd spin glueballs. Using a standard linear regression method, we obtain the equation Figure2. (color online) Approximate linear Regge trajectory associated with the odderon from Eq. (23). The dots correspond to the masses found in Table 2 within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach for odd spin glueballs.
which is in agreement with Ref. [63], within the nonrelativistic constituent model. Notably, the value for the constant k in the warp factor $ A(z) $ for even spin glueball represented by $ k_{\rm gbe} $ and for odd spin glueball represented by $ k_{\rm gbo} $ have the same numerical value $ k_{\rm gbe} = k_{\rm gbo} = 0.31^2 $$ {\rm{GeV}} ^2 $. To facilitate the comparison between our results with the deformed AdS model and other approaches, we summarize several results provided by the literature in Tables 3 and 4.
Table3.Glueball masses for $ J^{PC} $ states expressed in GeV, with even J, achieved with non-holographic models from the literature. Numbers in parentheses represent uncertainties.
Table4.Glueball masses for $ J^{PC} $ states expressed in GeV, with odd J, achieved with non-holographic models from the literature.
4.Hadronic spectra for scalar mesonsMesons are bound states between a quark and an antiquark that can be represented by a spin singlet with total spin $ S = 0 $ or a spin triplet with total spin $ S = 1 $. The coupling between S and the orbital angular momentum L must be considered, producing a total angular momentum $ J = L $ in the case of the singlet state, and $ J = L - 1, L, L + 1 $ in the case of the triplet state. In mesonic spectroscopy [68], mesons are characterized by $ I^G(J^{PC}) $, where I is the isospin, G is the G-parity defined $ G = (-1)^I = \pm 1 $, and P is the P-parity defined for mesons as $ P = (-1)^{L+1} $. Finally, C is the C-parity defined as $ C = (-1)^{L+S} $. In the boundary theory, scalar mesons are represented by the operator:
where J is the total angular momentum. In this section, we address light scalar mesons, i.e., $ J = 0 $ and unflavored $ (S = C = B = 0) $. Within the holographic approach, the description of the scalar glueball $ (gg) $ and the scalar meson ($ q \bar{q} $) is the same; however, the main difference is provided by the bulk mass, which defines the hadron identity. To study the scalar meson, we must start from the action for a massive scalar field (7), which will leads us to the “Schr?dinger-like” equation (12). 24.1.Results for scalar mesons spectra
4.1.Results for scalar mesons spectra
Employing the relationship $ M^2_5 = (\Delta - p) (\Delta + p - 4) $ and identifying $ M_5 $ as the scalar meson bulk mass, the index of the $ p- $form the total angular momentum ($ p = J = 0 $) for the scalar meson and $ \Delta $ depicts the conformal dimension, which is $ \Delta = 3 $, as each quark contributes with $ 3/2 $. Finally, we rewrite Eq. (12) with $ M_5^2 = -3 $ as:
where $ B(z) = - 3 A(z) $. Solving Eq. (25) numerically with the warp factor constant k, identified as $ k_{\rm sm} = -0.332^2 $ GeV2, we obtain the masses compatible with the family of the scalar meson $ f_0 $, with $ I^GJ^{PC} = 0^+(0^{++}) $, as indicated in Table 5. The error presented in last column of Table 5 (%M) is the error defined by:
Table5.Masses of light unflavored scalar meson $ f_0\,(S = C = B = 0) $. Column $ n = 1,\, 2,\, 3, \cdots $ represents holographic radial excitation of scalar mesons. The ground state is represented by $ n = 1 $. Column $ M_{\rm{exp}} $ represents experimental data from PDG [69]. Column $ M_{\rm {th}} $ represents the masses obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach using Eq. (25) with $ k_{\rm sm} = -0.332^2 $ GeV2. Column %M represents the error of $ M_{\rm {th}} $ with respect to $ M_{\rm{exp}} $, according to Eq. (26).
where $ \delta O_i $ depicts the deviations between the data ($ M_{\rm{exp}} $) and the model prediction ($ M_{\rm {th}} $). Throughout the text, in the cases where the experimental data is provided at intervals, as in the $ f_0(1370) $ state, we use the average value of the interval to evaluate the deviations. We moreover compute the total r.m.s error defined by:
where N and $ N_p $ are the number of measurements and parameters, respectively. From Eq. (27), we find that δrms = 3.77% for Table 5. Using the data from Table 5, we plotted a Chew-Frautschi plane, represented as $ n \times m^2 $, where n is the holographic radial excitation, and $ m^2 $ is the squared scalar meson mass represented by the dots (our model) or squares (PDG) in Fig. 3. Using a standard linear regression method, we obtain the experimental and theoretical Regge trajectories for the scalar meson $ f_0 $ family, such that: Figure3. Scalar meson $ f_0 $ family squared masses as a function of their holographic radial excitation n obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach (dots) and from PDG (squares), as presented in Table 5.
The authors of Refs. [70, 71] within a holographic softwall model likewise computed the masses for the $ f_0 $ meson family and derived its Regge trajectory slightly differently from Eq. (29). This can be explained, as the data selection scenarios in these references are different from the current study. In these past studies, the scalar meson $ f_0(500) $ was included, which might have caused the slight difference of the slope and the intercept compared to our study. To connect our results with the mesonic spectroscopy data [68, 72–74], we split the isoscalar states $ f_0 $ into two sets. The first set, i.e., set 1, is related to the $ n \bar{n} = (u \bar{u} + d \bar{d})/\sqrt{2} $ states, which are represented by $ f_0 (980) $, $ f_0 (1500) $, $ f_0 (2020) $, and $ f_0 (2200) $. The second set, i.e., set 2, is related to $ s \bar{s} $ states, also called $ f'_0 $, which is represented by $ f_0(1370) $, $ f_0(1710) $, $ f_0(2100) $, and $ f_0(2330) $. Using the states that belong to set 1, we plot a Chew-Frautschi plane represented as $ n_r \times m^2 $, where $ n_r $ is the spectroscopy radial excitation, and $ m^2 $ is the squared scalar meson mass represented by the dots (our model) or squares (PDG) in Fig. 4. Using a standard linear regression method, we obtain the experimental and theoretical Regge trajectories for set 1, given by: Figure4. Scalar meson $ f_0 $$ [n \bar{n} = (u \bar{u} + d \bar{d})/\sqrt{2}] $ states belonging to set 1 squared masses as a function of their spectroscopy radial excitation $ n_r $, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach (dots) and coming from PDG (squares).
For the states belonging to set 2, we plot Fig. 5 and obtain the experimental and theoretical Regge trajectories, given by: Figure5. Scalar meson $ f_0 [s \bar{s}] $ states belonging to set 2 squared masses as a function of their spectroscopy radial excitation $ n_r $, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach (dots) and from PDG (squares).
The Regge trajectories for scalar mesons belonging to the set 1 and 2 from our model, represented by Eqs. (31) and (33), present Regge slopes of $ 1.25\pm 0.15 $ GeV2, which is close to the universal value $ 1.1 $ GeV2 [72, 75].
5.Hadronic spectra for vector mesonsVector mesons have the same internal structure $ (q \bar{q}) $ as the scalar mesons, but with total angular momentum $ J = 1 $. They are represented on the boundary theory by the operator:
In the holographic description, vector mesons are dual to the massive vector field in the $ AdS_5 $. Hence, the action for a massive vector field is needed, given by:
$ S = -\frac{1}{2}\int {\rm d}^5 x \sqrt{-g}\; \left[ \frac{1}{2} g^{pm} g^{qn} F_{mn} F_{pq} +M_5^2 g^{pm} A_p A_m\right], $
where the vector field stress tensor is defined as $ F_{mn} = \partial_m A_n - \partial_n A_m $. The equations of motion are achieved by $ \delta S / \delta A_n = 0 $, such that:
where $ B(z) = - A(z) $. Considering a plane wave ansatz with the amplitude only depending on the z coordinate and propagating in the transverse coordinates $ x^{\mu} $ with momentum $ q_{\mu} $, we obtain
assuming $ A_z = 0 $ and $ \epsilon^{\nu} \epsilon_{\nu} = \eta^{\nu \lambda} \epsilon_{\nu} \epsilon_{\lambda} = 1 $ is the unitary $ 4- $vector defined in the transverse space to the z coordinate, with components $ \epsilon_{\nu} = 1/2(1,1,1,1) $. We use the fact $ \partial_{\mu} A^{\mu} = 0 $, which implies $ q^{\mu} \epsilon_{\mu} = \eta^{\mu \lambda} q^{\mu} \epsilon_{\lambda} = q \cdot \epsilon = 0 $, ensuring that the field can be written as a plane wave. Notably, $ F_{zn} = \partial_z A_n $ and $ \eta^{m \mu} \partial_{\mu} F_{m n} = -q^2 A_n $. After some algebraic manipulation and defining $ v(z) = \psi (z) {\rm e}^{\frac{B(z)}{2}} $, we obtain the "Schr?dinger-like'' equation, given by:
where $ E = -q^2 $ are eigenenergies. 25.1.Results for vector mesons spectra
5.1.Results for vector mesons spectra
We consider the case $ J = 1 $. Then, recalling that $ M^2_5 = (\Delta - p) (\Delta + p - 4) $ and identifying $ M_5 $ as the vector meson bulk mass, the index of $ p- $form as total angular momentum ($ p = J = 1 $) for the vector meson and $ \Delta $ as the conformal dimension, which is $ \Delta = 3 $, as each quark contributes with $ 3/2 $. Finally, we rewrite Eq. (38) as:
with $ B(z) = - A(z) $ and $ M^2_5 = 0 $ for vector mesons. Solving Eq. (39) numerically with the warp factor constant k, given by $ k_{\rm vm} = -0.613^2 $ GeV2 , we obtain the masses compatible with the family of vector meson $ \rho $, with $ I^GJ^{PC} = 1^+(1^{--}) $, as indicated in Table 6. The error presented in the last column of Table 6 (%M) was definied in Eq. (26). We also compute the total r.m.s error defined by Eq. (27). For Table 6, we obtain δrms = 7.87%.
Table6.Masses of light unflavored vector meson $ \rho\, $$ (S = C = B = 0) $. Column $ n = 1,\, 2,\, 3, \cdots $ represents holographic radial excitation of vector mesons. The ground state is represented by $ n = 1 $. Column $ M_{\rm{exp}} $ represents experimental data from PDG [69]. Column $ M_{\rm {th}} $ represents masses obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach and using Eq. (39) with $ k_{\rm vm} = -0.613^2 $ GeV2. Column %M represents the error of $ M_{\rm {th}} $ with respect to $ M_{\rm{exp}} $, according to Eq. (26).
Using the data from Table 6, we plotted a Chew-Frautschi plane, represented as $ n \times m^2 $, where n is the holographic radial excitation, and $ m^2 $ is the squared vector meson mass represented by the dots (our model) or squares (PDG) in Fig. 6. Using a standard linear regression method, we obtain the experimental and theoretical Regge trajectories for vector meson $ \rho $, such that: Figure6. Vector meson $ \rho $ family squared masses as a function of their holographic radial excitation, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach (dots) and from PDG (squares), as presented in Table 6.
We did not include the intercept in Eq. (41), because its value is very close to zero $ (\approx 10^{-18}) $. Moreover, in Eq. (41), the uncertainty in the slope is very small, indicating that this fit is practically a straight line. The authors of Refs. [70, 71] also computed the masses for the $ \rho $ meson family and derived their Regge trajectories within their holographic softwall model, obtaining approximately the same value for the slope and intercept (considering uncertainties) as the present study, Eq. (41). The data selection scenarios in those studies are different from the present study, as they included the vector meson $ \rho(1282) $ as the first radial excited state and excluded the vector meson $ \rho(1570) $, which the authors argue may be an OZI violating decay of the $ \rho(1700) $. If we assume the existence of the $ \rho(1282) $ as the first radial excitation $ (n = 2) $ of the $ \rho $ meson family, then the corresponding percentage error %M in Table 6 would be smaller, and so would the $ \delta_{\rm rms} $ error. As performed for the scalar mesons, we can resort to the mesonic spectroscopy data [68, 72- 74] and note that all vector mesons listed in Table 6 are not in the same spectroscopic state, meaning that only $ \rho (770) $, $ \rho (1450) $, $ \rho (1900) $ and $ \rho (2150) $ belong to the $ S- $wave represented by $ 1^3S_1 $, $ 2^3S_1 $, $ 3^3S_1 $, and $ 4^3S_1 $, respectively. In this study, we used the spectroscopic notation, such as $ n_r^{2S+1}L_J $, where $ n_r $ is the spectroscopy radial excitation. Using these states, we plot a Chew-Frautschi plane represented as $ n_r \times m^2 $, where $ n_r $ is the spectroscopy radial excitation, and $ m^2 $ is the squared vector meson mass represented by the dots (our model) or squares (PDG) in Fig. 7. Using a standard linear regression method, we obtain the experimental and theoretical Regge trajectories for vector meson $ \rho $ belonging to the $ S- $wave, so that: Figure7. Vector mesons $ \rho $ belonging to S?wave squared masses as a function of their spectroscopy radial excitation $ n_r $ obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach (dots) and from PDG (squares).
The Regge trajectory for vector mesons belonging to the S?wave from our model, represented by Eq. (43), yield a Regge slope in the range $ 1.25\pm 0.15 $ GeV2, which is close to the universal value $ 1.1 $ GeV2 [72, 75]. Furthermore, if we follow the original motivation for the softwall model, it would be natural to suppose that $ k_{\rm sm} $ and $ k_{\rm vm} $ are related to the string tension for the flux tube that connects the two quarks inside the meson. This information is contained in the confining part of the $ q\,\bar{q} $ potential, and it is in principle a spin-independent term. Therefore, in the AdS/QCD models with dilatons in the action, the slope parameter must be universal for scalar and vector mesons, as in the conventional softwall model [16, 49]. Interestingly, $ k_{\rm sm} $ and $ k_{\rm vm} $ are related, namely $ 3k_{\rm sm} \approx k_{\rm vm} $. This peculiarity could be attributed to the fact that in the EOM for scalar mesons, Eq. (9), we performed the substitution $ B(z) = -3 A(z) $. In contrast, in the EOM for vector mesons, Eq. (36), we used $ B(z) = - A(z) $, leading to $ k_{\rm vm} \approx 3 k_{\rm sm} $.
6.Hadronic spectra for baryonsWithin the quark model, constituent baryons are particles with a semi integer spin formed by a bound state of three valence quarks. In this study, we disregard states of baryons with higher complexity, composed of three quarks added to any number of quark and antiquark pairs, e.g., pentaquark states $ (qqqq\bar{q}) $. Hence, we use the following description for baryons, such that:
The three colors are represented by an $ SU(3) $ singlet, without dynamics and completely antisymmetric. The spatial wave function is related to $ O(6) $, and the spin-flavor wave function is related to $ SU(6) $. A review on baryon physics is provided in e.g., Refs. [76, 77]. In this study, we are interested in light baryons composed of u and d quarks with a spin of 1/2 and with higher spins (3/2 and 5/2). Within the holographic description, baryons are dual to the massive spinor fields in $ AdS_5 $. We start our discussion from the free spinor field action without surface terms [78–81]:
We disregarded the hypersphere $ S^5 $, as for our purposes, the spinor field does not depend on these coordinates. Further, in the action (45), g is the determinant of the metric of the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space, given by Eq. (4). As we deal with fermions in a curved space, we need to construct a local Lorentz frame or a vielbein. To simplify our notation, we will use $ a, b, c $ to denote indexes in flat space, and $ m, n, p, q $ to denote indexes in curved space (deformed $ AdS_5 $ space). The Greek indexes $ \mu, \nu $ are defined in the Minkowski space. Thus, a useful choice is:
where we employed that $ \gamma_a = (\gamma_{\mu}, \gamma_5) $, $ \left\lbrace \gamma_a, \gamma_b \right\rbrace = 2 \eta_{ab} $, and $ \Sigma_{\mu 5} = \frac{1}{4} \left[ \gamma_{\mu}, \gamma_5\right] $. Here, $ \gamma_\mu $ are the usual Dirac's gamma matrices. The first Dirac equation in Eq. (51) assumes the following form:
where $ \partial_5 \equiv \partial_z $, z is the holographic coordinate in the AdS space, and $ m_5 $ is the fermion bulk mass. Considering a solution that can be decomposed into right- and left-handed chiral components, such as:
with $ \Psi_{(4)}(x) $ satisfying the Dirac equation $ ({\not\!\!\! D} - M)\Psi_{(4)}(x) = 0 $ on the four-dimensional boundary space. The left and right modes also obey $ \gamma^5 f_{L/R} = \mp f_{L/R} $ and $ \gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu} f_R = m f_L $. Because the Kaluza-Klein modes are dual to the chirality spinors, we expand $ \Psi_{L/R} $, such that:
where $ M_n $ in Eq. (59) depicts the four-dimensional fermion mass. 26.1.Results for spin 1/2 baryons spectra
6.1.Results for spin 1/2 baryons spectra
Here, we deal with light baryons with spin $ S = 1/2 $ formed by u and d quarks. To this end, we consider the following operator on the boundary theory:
where L is the orbital angular momentum. Here we consider only the case $ L = 0 $. From the AdS/CFT dictionary, we find the following relationship for the fermion bulk mass $ (m_5) $ and its conformal dimension ($ \Delta $), such that:
$ |m_5| = \Delta - 2\,. $
As each quark u or d contributes with $ \Delta = 3/2 $, then the baryon formed by three quarks exhibits $ \Delta = 9/2 $ and consequently $ m_5 = 5/2 $. Replacing $ m_5 = 5/2 $ in the Schr?dinger-like equation (59) and solving it numerically, with the warp factor constant k identified as $ k_{1/2} = 0.205^2 $ GeV2, we obtain the masses compatible with the family of N baryon, with $ I(J^{P}) = 1/2(1/2^{+}) $, as indicated in Table 7. The error presented in last column of Table 7 (%M) is defined in Eq. (26). We also compute the total r.m.s error defined by Eq. (27). For Table 7, we obtain δrms = 4.09%.
Table7.Masses of $ N(1/2^+) $ baryons. Column $ n = 1,\, 2,\, 3, \cdots $ represents holographic radial excitation. The ground state is represented by $ n = 1 $. Column $ M_{\rm{exp}} $ represents experimental data from PDG [69]. Column $ M_{\rm {th}} $ represents the masses of $ N(1/2^+) $ baryons with $ k_{1/2} = 0.205^2 $ GeV2, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach and using Eq. (59). Column %M represents the error of $ M_{\rm {th}} $ with respect to $ M_{\rm{exp}} $, according to Eq. (26).
Using the data from Table 7, we plotted a Chew-Frautschi plane represented as $ n \times m^2 $, where n is the holographic radial excitation, and $ m^2 $ is the squared $ N(1/2^+) $ baryon mass represented by the dots (our model) or squares (PDG) in Fig. 8. Using a standard linear regression method, we obtain the experimental and theoretical Regge trajectories for the $ N(1/2^+) $ baryon, such that: Figure8.$ N(1/2^+) $ baryon family squared masses as a function of their holographic radial excitation, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach (dots) and from PDG (squares), as presented in Table 7.
As performed for the scalar and vector mesons, we resort to baryonic spectroscopy and attempt to recognize which baryons among those listed in Table 7 belong to the same spectroscopy state. According to Refs. [76, 77], we see that the states $ N(939) $, $ N(1440) $, $ N(1710) $, and $ N(2100) $ belong to the state $ D_L \equiv(56,^28)_0 $ with spectroscopy radial excitation $ n_r $, corresponding to $ n_r = 1, 2, 3, 4 $, respectively, with orbital angular momentum $ L = 0 $. In this notation, D represents the 56-plet, which can be broken into an octet with spin 1/2 ($ ^2 8 $) and a decuplet with spin 3/2 ($ ^4{10} $). For these mentioned states, we plot a Chew-Frautschi plane represented as $ n_r \times m^2 $, where $ n_r $ is the spectroscopy radial excitation, and $ m^2 $ is the squared $ N(1/2^+) $ baryon mass belonging to the $ (56,^28)_0 $ state represented by the dots (our model) or squares (PDG) in Fig. 9. Using a standard linear regression method, we obtain the experimental and theoretical Regge trajectories for $ N(1/2^+) $ baryon in the $ (56,^28)_0 $ state, such that: Figure9.$ N(1/2^+) $ baryons belonging to the $ (56,^28)_0 $ state squared masses as a function of their spectroscopy radial excitation $ n_r $, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach (dots) and from PDG (squares).
The Regge trajectory for the $ N(1/2^+) $ baryon belonging to the same multiplet comes from our model, represented by Eq. (65), and presents a Regge slope near to $ 1.081 \pm 0.036 $ GeV2 [82], which is close to the universal value $ 1.1 $ GeV2. 26.2.Results for higher spin baryons spectra -->
6.2.Results for higher spin baryons spectra
Here, we deal with light baryons, according to the same structure as in the previous section and a higher spin, meaning e.g., $ S = 3/2 $ or $ S = 5/2 $. To this end, we employ the same approach for the higher spin glueball, as in Subsection 3.1. To obtain the spectrum for spin $ 3/2 $ baryons, we insert symmetrized covariant derivatives in the operator $ {\cal O}_{B} $, given by Eq. (60). Then, the conformal dimensions related to the spin $ 3/2 $ baryons is now $ \Delta_{3/2} = 11/2 $, with $ m_5 = 7/2 $. Solving Eq. (59) with the warp factor constant k given by $ k_{3/2} = 0.205^2 $ GeV2, we obtain the masses compatible with the family of N baryon, with $ I(J^{P}) = 1/2(3/2^{+}) $, as indicated in Table 8. The error presented in last column of Table 8 (%M) is defined in Eq. (26). We also compute the total r.m.s error defined by Eq. (27). For Table 9 one finds δrms = 9.00%.
Table8.Masses of $ N(3/2^+) $ baryons. Column $ n = 1,\, 2,\, 3, \cdots $ represents holographic radial excitation. The ground state is represented by $ n = 1 $. Column $ M_{\rm{exp}} $ represents experimental data from PDG [69]. Column $ M_{\rm {th}} $ represents the masses of $ N(3/2^+) $ baryons with $ k_{3/2} = 0.205^2 $ GeV2, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach and using Eq. (59). Column %M represents the error of $ M_{\rm {th}} $, according to Eq. (26).
Table9.Masses of $ N(3/2^+) $ baryons. Column $ n = 1,\, 2,\, 3, \cdots $ represents holographic radial excitation. The ground state is represented by $ n = 1 $. Column $ M_{\rm{exp}} $ represents experimental data from PDG [69]. Column $ M_{\rm {th}} $ represents masses of $ N(3/2^+) $ baryons with $ k_{3/2} = 0.205^2 $ GeV2, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach and using Eq. (59). Column %M represents the error of $ M_{\rm {th}} $ with respect to $ M_{\rm{exp}} $, according to Eq. (26). In the first line, we present a possible baryon prediction within our model.
Observing the column (%M) in Table 8, the errors between $ M_{\rm{exp}} $ and $ M_{\rm {th}} $ are excessively high, especially for $ n = 1 $ and $ n = 2 $ states. A possible reinterpretation would be a missing state, which represents the ground state for the $ N(3/2^+) $ baryons family. Taking into account this assumption, regarding a possible missing state, we can reinterpret Table 8 as in Table 9, where in the first line we present a possible baryon prediction obtained within the deformed AdS model. The error presented in last column of Table 9 (%M) is defined in Eq. (26), and we compute the total r.m.s error defined by Eq. (27). For Table 9, we find that δrms = 2.13%. We excluded our prediction of the error calculation. The errors in Table 8 are greater than in Table 9. However, this possible ground state $ N(1330) $ that we are reinterpreting is not found in PDG. In PDG the $ \Delta^ + $ states with $ J^P = 3/2^+ $ and mass around 1320 MeV is found; hence, our model is possibly not capable to distinguishing these two states. This first state could be $ \Delta (1232) $ as both trajectories, $ \Delta $ and $ N(3/2^+) $, are supposed to be degenerate in the chiral limit, as it happens with mesons $ \rho $ and $ \omega $. Using the data from Table 9, we plotted a Chew-Frautschi plane represented as $ n \times m^2 $, where n is the holographic radial excitation, and $ m^2 $ is the squared $ N(3/2^+) $ baryon mass represented by the dots (our model), by the triangle (our model prediction), or squares (PDG) in Fig. 10. Using a standard linear regression method, we obtain the experimental and theoretical Regge trajectories for $ N(3/2^+) $ baryons, such that: Figure10.$ N(3/2^+) $ baryon family squared masses as a function of their holographic radial excitation, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach (dots), our model prediction (triangle), and from PDG (squares), as presented in Table 9.
For the linear fit in Eq. (67) we took into account our predicted state. The Regge trajectory for the $ N(3/2^+) $ baryon family from our model, represented by Eq. (67), presents a Regge slope near to $ 1.081 \pm 0.036 $ GeV2 [82], which is close to the universal value $ 1.1 $ GeV2. At this point, we deal with baryons of spin 5/2. To this end, once again, we insert one more symmetrized covariant derivative in the operator $ {\cal O}_{B} $ given by Eq. (60). Then, we obtain the conformal dimension, given by $ \Delta_{5/2} = 13/2 $, which provides $ m_5 = 9/2 $. Solving Eq. (59) with the warp factor constant k given by $ k_{5/2} = 0.190^2 $ GeV2, we obtain the masses compatible with the family of N baryons, with $ I(J^{P}) = 1/2(5/2^{+}) $, as indicated in Table 10. The error presented in the last column of Table 10 (%M) is defined in Eq. (26). We compute the total r.m.s error defined by Eq. (27). For Table 10 one finds δrms = 2.76%.
Table10.Masses of $ N(5/2^+) $ baryons. Column $ n = 1,\, 2,\, 3, \cdots $ represents holographic radial excitation. The ground state is represented by $ n = 1 $. Column $ M_{\rm{exp}} $ represents experimental data from PDG [69]. Column $ M_{\rm {th}} $ represents the masses of $ N(5/2^+) $ baryons with $ k_{5/2} = 0.190^2 $ GeV2, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach and using Eq. (59). Column %M represents the error of $ M_{\rm {th}} $ with respect to $ M_{\rm{exp}} $, according to Eq. (26).
From Table 10, we plotted a Chew-Frautschi plane as $ n \times m^2 $, where n is the holographic radial excitation, and $ m^2 $ is the squared $ N(5/2^+) $ baryon mass represented by the dots (our model) or squares (PDG) in Fig. 11. Using a standard linear regression method, we obtain the experimental and theoretical Regge trajectories for $ N(5/2^+) $ baryons, such that: Figure11.$ N(5/2^+) $ baryon family squared masses as a function of their holographic radial excitation, obtained within the deformed $ AdS_5 $ space approach (dots) and from PDG (squares), as presented in Table 10.
The Regge trajectory for the $ N(5/2^+) $ baryon family from our model, represented by Eq. (69), present a Regge slope near to $ 1.081 \pm 0.036 $ GeV2 [82], which is close to the universal value $ 1.1 $ GeV2. Notably, the numeric values of the warp factor constant k for the baryons in this study are approximately independent of their spin, meaning that $ k_{1/2} = k_{3/2} \approx k_{5/2} $.