Spectral hardening of cosmic ray protons and helium nuclei in supernova remnant shocks
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01
Wen-Hui Lin , Bi-Wen Bao , Ze-Jun Jiang , Li Zhang , Department of Astronomy, Yunnan University, Key Laboratory of Astroparticle physics of Yunnan Province, Kunming 650091, China Received Date:2018-10-24 Accepted Date:2019-01-22 Available Online:2019-05-01 Abstract:The observed hardening of the spectra of cosmic ray protons and helium nuclei is studied within the model of nonlinear diffusive shock acceleration of supernova remnants (SNRs). In this model, the injected particles with energies below the spectral " knee” are assumed to be described by two populations with different spectral indexes around 200 GeV. The high-energy population is dominated by the particles with energies above 200 GeV released upstream of the shock of SNR, and the low-energy population is attributed to the particles with energies below 200 GeV released downstream of the shock of SNR. In this scenario, the spectral hardening of cosmic ray protons and helium nuclei observed by PAMELA, AMS-02, and CREAM experiments can be reproduced.
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2.1.Review of NLDSA
A full description of the revised NLDSA model can be found in Refs. [18, 19]. Here, we only provide a brief summary of the key ingredients for the sake of completeness. In the shock frame, coordinate x is directed the shock from upstream to downstream with a shock located at $ x = 0 $. Physical quantities measured at upstream infinity, immediate upstream of the shock, and downstream are labeled with subscripts 0, 1, and 2, respectively. $ \tilde{u} = u+u_{{\rm A}} $, where u is the plasma velocity, and $ u_{{\rm A}} $ is the Alfvén velocity. In this case, the distribution function of the ith accelerated particles $ f_{i} $ takes the form
where $ \eta_{i} $ is the fraction of the ith particles crossing the shock injected in the acceleration process, $ n_{0} $ is upstream mass density, $ p_{{\rm inj}, {i}}\propto \xi_{\rm inj} $ is the injection momentum, $ \xi_{\rm inj} $ is the injection parameter, $ U_{{\rm p}, i}(p') $ is the mean velocity effectively felt by a particle with momentum p in the upstream region normalized to $ u_{0} $, and $ q_{{\rm p}, i}(p') $ is the spectral slope relevant for a particle with momentum p. The non-linear effects of NLDSA can be summarized as follows: (i) The dynamical reaction of accelerated particles. The effect was described in Ref. [21], where the slowing down of the upstream flow is significant due to the positive feedback of the pressure of accelerated particles or CRs. Thus, the normalized pressure of the accelerated particles $ P_{{\rm CR}}(x) $ with a plasma density $ \rho_{0} $ can be estimated as
(ii) The magnetic field amplification acts as a self-regulating mechanism of the acceleration process. This arises from the streaming instability of plasma flow. The normalized pressure of the magnetic field can be expressed as
where $ U(x) = \tilde{u}(x)/u_{0} $ is the normalized fluid velocity for a particle. In the absence of a consistent kinetic theory for the CR-magnetic field interplay in the precursor, a constant magnetic field in the upstream be assumed, whose strength is given by the saturation at the shock from Eq. (6). The temporal evolutions of the radius and velocity of the SNR shock are derived at two stages: [22] (1) Ejecta-dominated stage ($ \tau = t/T_{\rm ST} \leqslant 1 $), where the radius and velocity of the SNR are given by
where $ T_{\rm ST} \simeq 309E_{51}^{-1/2}M_{\rm ej, \odot}^{5/6}n_{0}^{-1/3} $yr is the starting time of the Sedov-Taylor stage [22], i.e., $ T_{\rm ST} \simeq 1900 $ yr for $ n_0 = 0.01 $ cm?3. Here, $ E_{\rm 51} $ is the explosion energy in units of $ 10^{51} $ erg, and$ M_{\rm ej, \odot} = M_{\rm ej}/M_{\odot} = 1.4 $ is the ejecta mass in units of the solar mass. 22.2.Particles injected into the ISM -->
2.2.Particles injected into the ISM
Following the above analysis, Caprioli [19] presented a semi-analytical solution of particle acceleration in non-linear shock waves with a free-escape boundary at an upstream location, which may explain the shape of the cutoff at some maximum momentum. Lin et al. [23] extended this conclusion to show that the knee feature of the observed H + He spectrum at high energy can be efficiently reproduced by using a “three components” scenario. The first component consists of the particles that are advected in the downstream region. Taking the adiabatic loss into account, the energy $ E(t) $ of a particle with energy $ E_{0} $ advected downstream at time $ t_{0} $ is $ E(t) = $$ E_0(V_{\rm sh}(t)/V_{\rm sh}(t_0))^{2/3\gamma} $, $ \gamma = 5/3 $ is the ratio of specific heat. Hence, the particle numbers per unit energy are given by
Some particles are confined in the upstream region and then released from the SNR at the end of its life, which is referred to as the second component. The particle numbers per unit energy are
${q_{{\rm{conf}},{{i}}}}({E_0}) = \lambda \frac{{16{\pi ^2}}}{{{c^2}}}\int_{{T_i}}^{{T_f}} p R_{\rm sh}^2(t){E_0}{f_{{\rm{sh}},{{i}}}}(p)\frac{{{V_{{\rm{sh}}}}({t_0})}}{{{r_{{\rm{tot}}}}}}{\rm d}t.$
Here, $ \lambda $ represents the fraction of the particles confined by the upstream region in the acceleration process. The third component contains the particles that instantaneously escape around a maximum momentum $ p_{{\rm max}}(t) $ from the upstream free escape boundary during the Sedov-Taylor stage with escape flux $ \Phi_{{\rm esc},{i}}(p) $. Therefore, the particle numbers per unit energy are
${q_{{\rm{esc}},{{i}}}}({E_0}) = \frac{{16{\pi ^2}}}{{{c^2}}}\int_{{T_i}}^{{T_f}} p R_{{\rm sh}}^2(t){E_0}\frac{{{\Phi _{{\rm{esc}},{{i}}}}(p)}}{{{r_{{\rm{tot}}}}}}{\rm d}t.$
In this scenario, however, the resulting spectra for protons and helium nuclei at energies below the “knee” resemble power law trends, which are contradictory with the observed hardening spectra at rigidity ~200 GV. The distributions of particles both upstream and downstream of the shock are assumed to be proportional to the distribution of shock in this case. Although adiabatic loss was included, the maximum energy of the particles that are released into the ISM downstream from the shock is close to $ 10^{5} $ GeV (see also Fig. 1 of Ref. [23] or Fig. 4 of Ref. [19]). Figure1. (color online) Injection spectrum of protons. The spectra of two populations (Pop A and Pop B) are presented by short-dashed and long-dashed lines, respectively. The solid line is the sum of populations A and B. Typical parameters of a benchmark SNR are $E_{\rm 51} = 1\;{\rm{and}}\;$$M_{\rm ej, \odot} = M_{\rm ej}/M_{\odot} = 1.4$, and the parameters of the ISM are $n_0 = 0.01$ cm?3 and $B = 5\; $ μG. All quantities are calculated at the SNR ages of 10000 yr. The model parameters of NLDSA are $\lambda_{1} = 0.66$, $\lambda_{2} = 0.34$ and $\xi_{\rm inj} = 3.0$.
Unlike the scenario above, Bell [20] showed that the CR particles advected into the downstream region of shock may provide the GCRs component below ~200 GeV, and the maximum energy of these particles is determined by the escaping CR electric charge [24]. The magnetic field is generated by non-resonant hybrid (NRH) instability [25], and the CR streaming with an electric current density $ j_{\rm CR} $ can drive the NRH instability. The condition for CR acceleration to PeV energies is that magnetic field be amplified strongly, which fixes the number of instability e-foldings in the range 5–10: $ \int\gamma_{\rm NRH,max}{\rm d}t\sim 5 $, where $ \gamma_{\rm NRH,max} $ is the maximum NRH growth rate. Since $ \gamma_{\rm NRH, max} = 0.5 j_{\rm CR}\sqrt{\mu_{0}/\rho} $, where $ \mu_{0} $ depicts the permeability of vacuum, the condition is that a CR electric charge $ Q_{\rm CR} = \int j_{{\rm CR}}{\rm d}t = 10\sqrt{\rho/\mu_{0}} $ per unit area must escape through a spherical surface surrounding the SNR to amplify the magnetic field and inhibit CR escape through that surface. By this argument, on the one hand, Bell [20] derived an estimation for the energy $ E_{\rm max,s} $, which is the maximum CR energy at the shock:
where the electron density is $ n_{{\rm e}} = 0.1 $ cm?3, and $ B_5 $ is the magnetic field in units of 5 μG. For typical parameters of the SNR, the energy of CR particles released into the ISM from the interior of the SNR at the end of its life is less than $ \sim 200 $ GeV. On the other hand, Bell [24] showed that CR above 200 GeV can be produced efficiently by young SNRs and released into the Galaxy by escaping upstream of the shock. In summary, the Galactic CR population can be divided into two populations, and the transition region of the two CR populations is at about 200 GeV. Note that the Alfvén instability operates differently from the NRH instability and dominates in a different regime. However, its maximum growth rate is a numerical factor multiplicative of $ \gamma_{\rm NRH,max} $, hence the argument above also applies to the Alfvén instability. Since the maximum CR energy $ E_{\rm max,s} $ is about 200 GeV [20], the two components (Eq. (11) and Eq. (12)) should be reconsidered. The first component (see Eq. (11)) mainly contributes to CRs with an energy of $ \leqslant E_{\rm max,s} $, and the second component (see Eq. (12)) mainly contributes to CRs with an energy of $ > E_{\rm max,s} $. Therefore, both the equations can be recast as
For the sake of comparison with the scenario given by Bell [20], particles described by Eqs. (15) and (16) are defined as populations B and A, respectively. Here, we introduce two parameters in exponential form, $ A_{1} $ and $ A_{2} $, which also consist of fractional factors ($ \lambda_{1} $ and $ \lambda_{2} $), and $ E_{\rm max,s} = 200 $ GeV. For the population B, although the energy of particles advected downstream can be up to the ‘knee’ of CRs in the NLDSA model [19], Bell [20] showed that most of CRs released into the Galaxy from downstream have energies less than 200 GeV, and the number of particles with energies larger than 200 GeV in the center of the shock of SNR is relatively small. Hence, the resulting spectrum should be soft and the flux should be decreased at energies above 200 GeV. Most particles in population A have energies greater than 200 GeV. In order to give a reasonable description of the two populations, we use two parameters in exponential form to describe such characteristics of the spectra of Pop A and Pop B. In Fig. 1, we present the spectrum of protons injected into the ISM. The spectrum from the upstream is labeled with “Pop A”, the spectrum from downstream is labeled with “Pop B”. The solid line (Pop A + Pop B) represents the total injection spectrum. The hardening of spectrum is produced in this case. In contrast, since the distributions of particles in the advection component and the confined component are functions of the particle spectrum at the shock location $ f_{{\rm sh},i}(p) $, we use $ \lambda_{1} $ and $ \lambda_{2} $ in Eqs. (15) and (16) to represent the fractions of the particles that comprise the advection component and the confined component, respectively, where $ \lambda_{1} + \lambda_{2} = 1 $. The dependence of the CR proton flux as a function of energy for three different values of $ \lambda_{1} $ is shown in Fig. 2, demonstrating that the cross-over energy decreases with decrease of the factor $ \lambda_{1} $. Figure2. (color online) Cumulative proton spectra for three different values of $\lambda_{1} = 0.83$, 0.80 and 0.77. The curves are artificially normalized at the energy 10 GeV. Other parameters are the same as those in Fig. 1.
A key parameter affecting the spectral shape of accelerated particles through NLDSA inside the SNR is the injection parameter $ \xi_{\rm inj} $. In Fig. 3, we show the cumulative proton spectra for various values of $ \xi_{\rm inj} $. For the convenience of studying the tendency of these spectra, the curves are normalized artificially at the energy of 10 GeV. A larger $ \xi_{\rm inj} $ (smaller $ \eta_{i} $) leads to a flatter spectrum and more prominent hardening features. Figure3. (color online) Cumulative proton spectra for three different values of $\xi_{\rm inj} = 2.5$, 3.0, and 3.5. Other parameters are the same as those in Fig. 1 except for $\lambda_{1} = 0.80$. Note that the curves are artificially normalized at the energy of 10 GeV.
Finally, the temporal evolution of CRs proton spectrum is illustrated in Fig. 4. Two earliest time-steps (300 yrs and 600 yrs) are in the ejecta-dominated stages, while the others are in the early, intermediate, and late Sedov-Taylar stages. The total CR flux grows rapidly during the early stage, and reaches saturation around ~20000 yr. More importantly, the cross-over energy moves towards lower energies with the aging of SNRs. Figure4. (color online) Cumulative proton spectra at different SNR ages. The parameters of NLDSA are $\lambda_{1} = 0.80$, $\xi_{\rm inj} = 3.0$, and other parameters are the same as those in Fig. 1.
3.Comparison with dataAfter escaping from SNRs, CRs supposedly propagate diffusively across the Galaxy. We calculate the spectra of protons and helium nuclei on the Earth by using the leaky box model, taking the relative abundance $ \eta_{\rm He}/ \eta_{\rm H} = 0.26 $ into account. Both spectra below ~50 GeV $ \rm nucleon^{-1} $ are not considered, since both solar modulation and possible advection effects are significant at these energies [26]. Under these assumptions, the energy spectrum $ N_{{\rm obs}, i}(E) $ of the ith particles observed at the Earth can be expressed as [27]
where $ \lambda_{{\rm esc}, i} $ is the escape path length and $ \lambda_{{\rm esc}, i} = 7.3(R_i/$$ 10\; {\rm GV})^{-\delta}\beta(p) $ g/cm2 with a function of the particle magnetic rigidity $ R_i = pc/Z_i $ where $ Z_i $ is the charge of the particle and c is the speed of light, $ \beta(p) $ is the dimensionless speed of a nucleus with a momentum p and $ \delta = 0.3 – $ 0.6 is chosen in order to reproduce the observed proton spectrum. The interaction length is $ \lambda_{{\rm int}, i} = \lambda_{0, i}(E/10\; \rm GeV)^{-\epsilon_i} $, where $ \lambda_{0, \rm H} = 50 $ g·cm?2 and $ \lambda_{0, \rm He} = 21 $ g·cm?2, $ \epsilon_{\rm H} = 0.05 $, and $ \epsilon_{\rm He} = 0.0416 $. The difference between proton and helium spectra are probably related to the propagation effect. In Fig. 5, the calculated energy spectra of protons and the data observed by the AMS-02 [6], PAMELA [4], and CREAM [28] are shown. Two kinds of model parameters are used: $ \xi = 3.7 $, $ \lambda_{1} = 0.81 $, $ \delta = 0.58 $ (red line for AMS-02), and $ \xi = 3.5 $, $ \lambda_{1} = 0.78 $, and $ \delta = 0.58 $ (green line for PAMELA). The results show that the overlap of the two populations can naturally lead to a spectral hardening of the proton spectrum at $ \leqslant $ TeV energies, and this is in good agreement with the data of AMS-02 (the red line). However, when reproducing the data of the PAMELA, scenarios may become complicated (the green line). A similar hardening is also found in the helium spectrum (Fig. 6). Figure6. (color online) Comparison of predicted helium flux with the data detected by AMS-02 [6], PAMELA [4], and CREAM [28].
Figure5. (color online) Comparison of predicted proton flux with the data provided by AMS-02 [5], PAMELA [4], and CREAM [28].