Improved eikonal approach for charge exchange reactions at intermediate energies
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01
Jing-Jing Li1, , Dan-Yang Pang2,3, , Yan-Lin Ye1, , Jian-Ling Lou1, , Xiao-Fei Yang1, , Yang Liu1, , Biao Yang1, , 1.School of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 2.School of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 3.Beijing Key Laboratory of Advanced Nuclear Materials and Physics, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China Received Date:2019-07-28 Available Online:2019-12-01 Abstract:In order to describe charge exchange reactions at intermediate energies, we implemented as a first step the formulation of the normal eikonal approach. The calculated differential cross-sections based on this approach deviated significantly from the conventional DWBA calculations for CE reactions at 140 MeV/nucleon. Thereafter, improvements were made in the application of the eikonal approximation so as to keep a strict three-dimensional form factor. The results obtained with the improved eikonal approach are in good agreement with the DWBA calculations and with the experimental data. Since the improved eikonal approach can be formulated in a microscopic way, it is easy to apply to CE reactions at higher energies, where the phenomenological DWBA is a priori difficult to use due to the lack, in most cases, of the required phenomenological potentials.
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2.Theoretical descriptionThe DCS for the CE reaction A(a, b)B is usually expressed as [17, 20]:
where $ J_{\rm i} $ and $ M_{\rm i} $ are the spin and magnetic quantum number of the particle i (i$ \, $ = $ \, $a, b, A and B), respectively. At intermediate energies, the difference between the amplitudes of the initial and final momentum can be neglected, and thus the scattering amplitude $ f(\theta) $ in DWBA approach can be defined in terms of the interaction matrix element [17, 20]:
where $ \mu $ is the reduced mass of the reaction system, $ \chi^{(\pm)}({{R}}) $ the incoming (+)/outgoing (-) distorted wave function, $ {{k}}({{{k}}'}) $ the initial (final) relative momentum, and $ {{R}} $ the vector of the relative position between a and A, or b and B, as seen in Fig. 1 and Fig. 3. In Eq. (2), $ \Phi $ is the internal wave function of the corresponding nucleus, and V the effective interaction potential which results in the charge exchange. Figure1. Schematic of the coordinate system used in the text.
In the eikonal approximation, which is valid at relatively high incident energies, the incoming distorted wave $ \chi_{{k}}^{(+)} $ is assumed to have the form [17, 20]:
where the z axis is parallel to the direction of the incident particles. The outgoing distorted wave $ \chi^{(-)}_{{{k}}^{\prime}} $ is the time reversal of $ \chi_{{{k}}^{\prime}}^{(+)} $. In Eq. (3), $ {\rm e}^{{\rm i} kz} $ with large k is a rapidly oscillating plane wave along the z axis, while $ {\rm e}^{{\rm i}\chi({{R}})} $ is characterized by the relatively slow oscillation. Here, one usually adopts the cylindrical coordinates so that $ {{R}} $ can be replaced by $ {{b}}+z{{{e}}_{{z}}} $ as shown in Fig. 1. The vector in the plane perpendicular to the z axis, $ {{b}} $, is usually called the impact parameter. Again, according to the eikonal approximation, the phase shift function $ \chi({{R}}) $ in Eq. (3) can be replaced by the two dimensional function $ \chi({{b}}) $ [17, 19, 20]:
where U is the overall interaction potential between the initial particles a and A, or the final particles b and B. The product $ \chi^{(-)\star}_{{{k}}'}\cdot\chi^{(+)}_{{k}} $ in the expression of $ f(\theta) $ is then ${\rm e}^{-{\rm i}{{q}}\cdot{{R}}}{\rm e}^{{\rm i}\chi({{b}})} $ [19]. Here, $ {{q}} $, the transferred momentum, is equal to $ {{{k}}'}-{{k}} $$ \, $ , as illustrated in Fig. 2, with $ q\,\approx\,2k\sin\dfrac{\theta}{2} $ at relatively high energies. Figure2. Schematic definition of the scattering angle $\theta$, the angle between the final momentum ${{{k}}'}$ and the initial momentum ${{k}}$. ${{q}}$ is the transferred momentum.
Generally, the potential U in Eq. (4) includes the nuclear and Coulomb parts. Correspondingly, $ \chi({{b}}) $ is also the sum of $ \chi_{\rm{N}} $ and $ \chi_{\rm{C}} $, the nuclear and Coulomb phase shift functions. In order to make a direct comparison with the results of DWBA calculations, we may simply take U as the phenomenological optical potential (OP), and use it in both the CEX and DWBA codes. In case the phenomenological potential U, alternatively, is unavailable, a microscopic method, called the “$ t_{\rho\rho} $” method, can be adopted to calculate $ \chi_{\rm{N}} $:
where $ f_{\rm{NN}} $ is the NN scattering amplitude, and $ \rho_{\rm{p}} $ and $ \rho_{\rm{t}} $ the nucleon densities of the projectile and target. Using this method, the application of the eikonal approximation can be extended to higher incident energies ($ E\, $ up to $ \sim 1\,\rm{GeV} $), where the phenomenological potential U is rarely available [11]. Based on the eikonal approximation, $ f(\theta) $ in Eq. (2) becomes:
where $ T_{{\rm i}} $ is the isospin of the nucleus i (i$ \, $ = $ \, $a, b, A and B). V in Eq. (7) is the residual interaction between the valence nucleons, which is responsible for the CE reaction. More specifically, V is given by [19]:
where ${{r_{{\rm t}_i {\rm p}_j}}}$ is the spatial coordinate between the interacting target nucleons “${\rm t}_{i} $” and projectile nucleons “$ {\rm p}_{j}$” , as indicated in Fig. 3. Here, $ s_{0} $, the change of spin of the interacting nucleons, has two values, 1 and 0, corresponding to the spin-flip and non-spin-flip processes, respectively. The change of isospin, $ t_{0} $, is 1 for CE reactions. In Eq. (8), $ K\, = \,0 $ and $ K\, = \,2 $ correspond to the central and tensor forces, respectively. The constants $ A^{K}_{s_{0}} $ have the values $ \sqrt{4\pi} $, $ -\sqrt{12\pi} $ and $ \sqrt{4\pi/5} $, for $ A^{0}_{0} $, $ A^{0}_{1} $ and $ A^{2}_{1} $, respectively [19]. In Eq. (8), the NN interaction strength functions $ V^{K}_{s_{0}t_{0}}(r) $ include both the central (K = 0) and the tensor (K = 2) parts. Their parameters are taken from [21, 22]. Given the exchange and medium effects, the modified NN interaction strength functions are given in [21], which were adopted in the present work. Figure3. The coordinates used in the text. $R$ is the distance between the center-of-mass of the nuclei, and $r_{{\rm p}_{j}}$/$r_{{\rm t}_{i}}$ the distance between the interacting nucleons ${\rm p}_{j}$/${\rm t}_{i}$ and the center-of-mass of the projectile/target.
Combining Eq. (8) with Eq. (7), $ F({{R}}) $ can be decomposed into the partial form factor $ F^{JSL_{{\rm tr}}} ({{R}}) $ weighted by the C-G coefficients:
where $ J/S $ is the total spin transferred to the intrinsic motion of the target/projectile system, $ L_{\rm{tr}} $ the total transferred angular momentum, and $ M_{\rm{tr}} $ the associated magnetic quantum number. It is natural that the partial form factor (matrix element) $ F^{JSL_{{\rm tr}}}({R}) $ requires the states and wave functions of the interacting (valence) nucleons as input. One possibility is to use the One Body Transition Densities (OBTD), including the configuration mixing, which can be obtained from the shell model calculations using for instance the OXBASH code [1, 23]. The exact expressions for OBTD, together with the corresponding single-particle wave functions, can be found in [12–15, 24, 25]. The detailed expressions for OBTD are beyond the scope of this article and, hence, are omitted. For simplicity, the numerical calculations are performed in momentum space. Therefore, $ F({{R}}) $ is expressed by the inverse Fourier transformation of the form factor in the momentum space $ F({{p}}) $:
According to NEA, the integral over z on $ {\rm e}^{-{\rm i}({{q}}+{{p}})\cdot{{R}}} $ in Eq. (11) is performed and yields a delta function $ \delta(q_{{\rm z}}+p_{{\rm z}}) $. Further, by using $ q_{{\rm z}}\,\approx\,0 $, Eq. (11) in this approach becomes:
where $ {{p}}_{\perp} $ is a two-dimensional momentum in the plane perpendicular to the z axis. In this way, $ F({{R}}) $ is reduced to a two-dimensional function $F^{{\rm NEA}}({{b}}) = $$ \int{\rm d}{{p}}_{\perp}\,{\rm e}^{-{\rm i}{{p}}_{\perp}\cdot{{b}}} F({{p}}_{\perp}) $. For comparison, in IEA $ q_{{\rm z}}\,\approx\,0 $ is directly used in ${\rm e}^{-{\rm i}{{q}}\cdot{{R}}} $, so that ${\rm e}^{-{\rm i}{{q}}\cdot{{R}}} $ is replaced by $ {\rm e}^{-{\rm i}{{q}}\cdot{{b}}} $ and Eq. (11) becomes:
One can see that the form factor $ F({{R}}) $ in IEA is a three-dimensional function. In other words, $F^{{\rm IEA}}({{R}})\!= $$ \!\int {\rm d}{{p}}{\rm e}^{-{\rm i}{{p}}\cdot{{R}}}F({{p}}) $. The term $ {\rm e}^{-{\rm i}{{p}}\cdot{{R}}} $ above can be expanded into a series of three-dimensional partial terms:
The detailed expression for the partial amplitude $ \beta(\theta) $ can be easily deduced for NEA or IEA using the above derivations. Apart from CE reactions, the eikonal approximation can also be applied to the elastic scattering cross-section. DCS for elastic scattering can be written as [11, 19]: