--> --> -->In order for the modified gravity theory to be realized in nature, we have to pay attention to the phenomenon at the smaller scale. Modifications of the cosmological scale also affect the predictions of galaxy clusters, galaxies, and the solar system, and they lead inconsistent results with the observations. Thus, we require the screening mechanism [7, 8] to restore the general relativity at certain scales, which suggests that the recovery of the general relativity must show the environment dependence.
The chameleon mechanism [9, 10] is one of the screening mechanisms, and it appears in the scalar-tensor theory and
It should be noted that the chameleon mechanism does not work if the trace of energy-momentum tensor vanishes. In the previous research by two of the authors [11], the chameleon mechanism in the
Towards the complete understanding for the cosmic history of the scalaron field, it is mandatory to take into account the thermal history of the matter sector. Thus, the formulation of the chameleon mechanism in the quantum field theory has a potential significance for the cosmology, which may give us a powerful tool to study the modified gravity in the early Universe. We also expect to find the unique phenomena related to the chameleon mechanism, which allows us to search the new physics originated from the modified gravity.
Based on the previous result [11], the trace of energy-momentum tensor monotonically increases as it goes back to the past in the early Universe. Thus, the chameleon mechanism has a larger effect on the mass of the scalaron field in the earlier Universe. However, there is a crucial room to discuss the weakened or disabled chameleon mechanism in the early Universe, which was not evaluated in the previous work: to our common knowledge in particle physics and cosmology, the electroweak phase transition (EWPT) is supposed to have taken place when the temperature dropped to the EW scale of
On the other hand, as was argued in [12] and [13, 14], one might think that the chameleon mechanism may not significantly be affected even at the quantum loop level as long as the scale-symmetry breaking happens to be only spontaneous, where an ad hoc explicit-scale breaking arising from the renormalization procedure could be gone by a scale-invariant regularization method [15, 16], hence
As a first step for such a completion of the chameleon mechanism in the early Universe, in this paper, we discuss the scalaron dynamics coupled to a class of scale-invariant two-Higgs doublet model (SI-2HDM), chosen as a referenced realistic scenario in terms of thermal history in the early Universe. It has been shown in the SI-2HDM [17] that the thermal effect arising from the presence of heavy Higgs bosons with the masses around the EW scale (at the quantum loop level) successfully causes a strong first-order PT for the electroweak (EW) symmetry as well as for the scale symmetry. Moreover, if we do not impose a
Along such a cosmological scenario, we investigate the chameleon mechanism around EWPT epoch with the realistic setup for parameters in the SI-2HDM supported by the particle phenomenology. Working on a static analysis of matter sector, which suffices to study the EWPT, we explicitly compute the trace of energy-momentum tensor arising from the SI-2HDM matter sector and discuss the effect on the scalaron surrounded by the strong-first order EWPT environment in the early Universe. In particular, our main focus will be on the scalaron mass before and after the EWPT.
We also evaluate the time-evolution of the potential coupled with the SI-2HDM Lagrangian, motivated by the particle physics in the flat background, which is possible because the potential structure does not depend on the background of space-time, although several works [25, 26] had studied the time-evolution of the scalar field in the cosmological background. We demonstrate that the conventional fluid approximation is actually valid after the EWPT, as far as order-of-magnitude evaluation for the trace of energy-momentum tensor, which leads to the scalaron mass and the potential, is concerned.
We thus make a first attempt to evaluate the chameleon mechanism in the early Universe, explicitly based on the Lagrangian formalism. An indirect generation of non-tensorial gravitational waves induced by the strong-first order EWPT is also addressed. Though being somewhat specific to the choice of scenarios beyond the standard model of particle physics, what we provide in this paper involves the essential feature related to the PT for the scale-symmetry breaking, which is applicable also to other similar models beyond the standard model.
This paper is organized as follows. We briefly introduce the chameleon mechanism in
2.1.Action and Weyl transformation
The action of generic $\begin{align} S = \frac{1}{2\kappa^{2}} \int {\rm d}^{4}x \sqrt{-g} F(R) + \int {\rm d}^{4}x \sqrt{-g} {\cal L}_{\rm Matter} [g^{\mu \nu}, \Phi] \, , \end{align}$ ![]() | (1) |
The variation with respect to the metric
$\begin{align} F_{R}(R) R_{\mu \nu} - \frac{1}{2} F(R) g_{\mu \nu} + (g_{\mu \nu} \Box - \nabla_{\mu} \nabla_{\nu}) F_{R}(R) = \kappa^{2} T_{\mu \nu} (g^{\mu \nu}, \Phi) \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (2) |
$\begin{align} T_{\mu \nu}(g^{\mu \nu}, \Phi) = \frac{-2}{\sqrt{-g}} \frac{\delta \left(\sqrt{-g} {\cal L}_{\rm Matter} (g^{\mu \nu}, \Phi) \right)}{\delta g^{\mu \nu}} \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (3) |
$\begin{align} g_{\mu \nu} \rightarrow \tilde{g}_{\mu \nu} = {\rm e}^{2 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi } g_{\mu \nu} \equiv F_{R} (R) g_{\mu\nu} \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (4) |
$\begin{split} S = & \frac{1}{2\kappa^{2}} \int {\rm d}^{4}x \sqrt{-\tilde{g}} \tilde{R} \\ & + \int {\rm d}^{4}x \sqrt{-\tilde{g}} \left[ - \frac{1}{2} \tilde{g}^{\mu \nu} (\partial_{\mu} \varphi) (\partial_{\nu} \varphi) - V_{s}(\varphi) \right] \\ & + \int {\rm d}^{4}x \sqrt{-\tilde{g}} \, {\rm e}^{-4 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi } {\cal L}_{\rm Matter} \left[ {\rm e}^{2 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi } \tilde{g}^{\mu \nu}, \Phi \right] \, . \end{split}$ ![]() | (5) |
$\begin{align} V_{s}(\varphi) \equiv \frac{1}{2\kappa^{2}} \frac{R F_{R}(R) - F(R)}{F^{2}_{R}(R)} \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (6) |
By the variation of the action in Eq. (5) with respect to the Einstein frame metric
$\begin{align} \tilde{\Box} \varphi = \frac{\partial V_{s}(\varphi)}{\partial \varphi} + \frac{\kappa}{\sqrt{6}} {\rm e}^{-4 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi } T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (7) |
$\begin{align} V_{s\, {\rm eff.}}(\varphi) = V_{s}(\varphi) + \int {\rm d}\varphi \frac{\kappa}{\sqrt{6}} {\rm e}^{-4 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi } T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (8) |
In general,
$\begin{align} V_{s\, {\rm eff.}}(\varphi) = V_{s}(\varphi) - \frac{1}{4} {\rm e}^{-4 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi } T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (9) |
2.2.Chameleon mechanism and energy-momentum tensor
Next, we discuss the minimum of the scalaron effective potential and the scalaron mass with the matter effect $\begin{align} \frac{\partial V_{s\, {\rm eff.}}(\varphi)}{\partial \varphi} =\frac{1}{\sqrt{6} \kappa} \left( \frac{2F(R) - R F_{R}(R) + \kappa^{2}T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} }{F^{2}_{R}(R)} \right) \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (10) |
$\begin{align} 2F(R_{\min}) - R_{\min} F_{R}(R_{\min}) + \kappa^{2} T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} = 0 \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (11) |
$\begin{split} \frac{\partial^{2} V_{s\, {\rm eff.}}(\varphi)}{\partial \varphi^{2}} =& \frac{1}{3F_{RR}(R)} \\&\times \left[ 1 + \frac{ R F_{RR}(R)}{F_{R}(R)} - \frac{ 2 \left( 2 F(R) + \kappa^{2}T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} \right) F_{RR}(R)}{F^{2}_{R}(R)} \right] \, . \end{split}$ ![]() | (12) |
$\begin{align} m^{2}_{\varphi} (T^{\mu}_{\ \mu}) = \frac{1}{3F_{RR}(R_{\min})} \left(1 - \frac{ R_{\min} F_{RR}(R_{\min})}{F_{R}(R_{\min})} \right) \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (13) |
As Eqs. (8) and (13) show, the effective potential and mass of the scalaron depend on the trace of the energy-momentum tensor
$\begin{align} T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} = - (\rho - 3p) \end{align}$ ![]() | (14) |
The simplest case is the pressure-less dust
$\begin{align} \tilde{\Box} \varphi = \frac{\partial V_{s}(\varphi)}{\partial \varphi} - \frac{\kappa}{\sqrt{6}} \rho {\rm e}^{-4 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi } \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (15) |
Here, we emphasize that the trace of the energy-momentum tensor
3.1.A class of general SI-2HDM
We begin with introducing a general SI-2HDM, defined by the following Lagrangian: $\begin{align} {\cal L} = {\cal L}_{{\rm 2HDM|w/o} \ V_{0}} - V_{0} \left( \Phi_{1}, \Phi_{2} \right) \, , \end{align}$ ![]() | (16) |
$\begin{align} \Phi_{i} = \left( \begin{array}{c} \phi_{i}^{+} \\ \displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left[ v_{i} + h_{i}(x) + ia_{i }\right] \end{array} \right) \, , \quad \mbox{for} \quad i = 1,2 \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (17) |
Hereafter, we work in the Higgs-Georgi basis, where all the Nambu-Goldstone (NG) bosons do not show up in the physical Higgs spectra, and the only one Higgs doublet
$\begin{split} H_1 =& \left( \begin{array}{c} G^+ \\ \displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left[ v + h_1^\prime + i G^0 \right] \end{array} \right) \,, \\ H_2 =& \left( \begin{array}{c} H^+ \\ \displaystyle\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left[ v + h_2^\prime + i A \right] \end{array} \right) \, , \\ \left( \begin{array}{c} h_1^\prime \\ h_2^\prime \end{array} \right) & = \left( \begin{array}{cc} c_\beta & s_\beta \\ - s_\beta & c_\beta \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} h_1 \\ h_2 \end{array} \right) \, , \end{split}$ ![]() | (18) |
The tree-level Higgs potential in the Higgs-Georgi basis is defined as
$\begin{split}V_{0} \left(H_{1}, H_{2} \right) = & \frac{\lambda_{1}}{2} \left( H_1^{\dagger} H_1 \right)^{2} + \frac{\lambda_{2}}{2} \left( H_2^{\dagger} H_2 \right)^{2} + \lambda_{3} \left( H_1^{\dagger} H_1 \right) \left( H_2^{\dagger} H_2 \right) \\&+ \lambda_{4} \left( H_1^{\dagger} H_2 \right) \left( H_2^{\dagger} H_1 \right) + \left \{ \frac{\lambda_{5}}{2} \left( H_1^{\dagger} H_2 \right)^{2}\right.\\&\left. + \left[ \lambda_{6} \left( H_1^{\dagger} H_1 \right) + \lambda_{7} \left( H_2^{\dagger} H_2 \right) \right] \left( H_1^{\dagger} H_2 \right) + \mbox{h.c.} \right \} \, ,\end{split}$ ![]() | (19) |
$\begin{split}\frac{\lambda_{1}}{2} v^3 =& 0 \, , \\ \frac{\lambda_{6}}{2} v^3 =& 0 \, .\end{split}$ ![]() | (20) |
$\begin{align} \lambda_{1} = \lambda_{6} = 0 \, , \ \quad V_{0}(v) = 0 \, . \end{align}$ ![]() | (21) |
$\begin{split}m_{H^{\pm}}^{2} = \frac{\lambda_{3}}{2} v^2 \, , \qquad m_{A}^{2} = \frac{1}{2} \left( \lambda_{3} + \lambda_{4} - \lambda_{5} \right) v^2 \, , \\ m_{{\rm even}}^{2} \equiv \left( \begin{array}{cc} m_{h}^{2}\quad 0 \\ 0\quad m_{H}^{2} \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{l} 0 \quad 0 \\ 0 \quad \displaystyle\frac{1}{2} \left( \lambda_{3} + \lambda_{4} + \lambda_{5} \right) v^2 \end{array} \right) \, .\end{split}$ ![]() | (22) |
Regarding the choice of the potential parameters, we further assume the custodial symmetric limit to protect the possibly sizable contribution to the
$\begin{align} m_{H^{\pm}}^{2} = m_{A}^{2} \, , \end{align}$ ![]() | (23) |
$\lambda_{4} = \lambda_{5} = \frac{m_{H}^{2} - m_{A}^{2}}{v^{2}} \, .$ ![]() | (24) |
$\lambda_{3} = \frac{2m_{H}^{2}}{v^{2}} \, , \ \lambda_{4} = \lambda_{5} = 0 \, .$ ![]() | (25) |
$\begin{split}V_{0}(\phi) =& \frac{\lambda_{3}}{2} \left(2\phi h + \phi^{2}\right) \left( H^{+} H^{-} + \frac{1}{2} A^{2} + \frac{1}{2} H^{2} \right) \\&- \lambda_{7}\phi H \left( H^{+} H^{-} + \frac{1}{2} A^{2} + \frac{1}{2} H^{2} \right) \, ,\end{split}$ ![]() | (26) |
As long as the effective potential of the background field
Note that the only one exception is on estimation for the cutoff scale
3.2.The one-loop effective potential at zero temperature: EW symmetry breaking
We follow the Gildener-Weinberg method [28] to compute the one-loop effective potential at zero temperature, $V_{1} (\phi) = \sum\limits_{i = H,A,H^{\pm},W^{\pm},Z,t,b} n_{i} \frac{\tilde{m}(\phi)_{i}^{4}}{64 \pi^2} \left( \log \frac{\tilde{m}_{i}^{2}(\phi)}{\tilde{\mu}^2} - c_{i} \right) \, ,$ ![]() | (27) |
$\tilde{m}_{i}^{2} = m_{i}^{2} \frac{\phi^{2}}{ v^{2}} \,.$ ![]() | (28) |
$\begin{split} v^{2} & = \tilde{\mu}^2 \exp \left[- \frac{1}{2} - \frac{A}{B} \right] \, , \\ A & = \sum\limits_{i = H,A,H^{\pm},W^{\pm},Z,t,b} n_{i} \frac{\tilde{m}_{i}^{4}(\phi)}{64 \pi^2 v^{4}} \left( \log \frac{\tilde{m}_{i}^{2}(\phi)}{v^2} - c_{i} \right) \, , \\ B & = \sum\limits_{i = H,A,H^{\pm},W^{\pm},Z,t,b} n_{i} \frac{\tilde{m}_{i}^{4}(\phi)}{64 \pi^2 v^{4}} \, . \end{split}$ ![]() | (29) |
$V_1(v) = - \frac{B}{2} v^4 \, ,$ ![]() | (30) |
$V_1(\phi) = B \phi^4 \left( \log \frac{\phi^2}{v^2} - \frac{1}{2} \right) \,,$ ![]() | (31) |
$(125 [{\rm GeV}])^2 = m_{h}^{2} = \left. \frac{\partial^2 V_{1} (\phi)}{\partial \phi^2} \right |_{\phi = v} = 8Bv^2 \, .$ ![]() | (32) |
3.3.The one-loop effective potential at finite temperature: EWPT
Including the finite temperature effect via the imaginary-time formalism and applying the resummation prescription [32-35], the one-loop potential Eq. (27) receives the corrections, and we obtain the effective potential $\begin{split}V_{h\, {\rm eff.}} (\phi, T) =& \sum\limits_{\substack{i = H,A,H^{\pm}, W_{L,T}^{\pm},\\ Z_{L,T}, \gamma_L,t,b}} n_{i} \left [ \frac{\tilde{M}_{i}^{4}(\phi,T)}{64 \pi^2} \left( \log \frac{\tilde{M}_{i}^{2}(\phi,T)}{\tilde{\mu}^2} - c_{i} \right) \right. \\&\left.+ \frac{T^{4}}{2\pi^{2}} I_{B,F} \left( \frac{\tilde{M}_{i}^{2}(\phi,T)}{T^2} \right) \right ] \, ,\end{split}$ ![]() | (33) |
$\tilde{M}_{H,A,H^\pm}^{2}(\phi,T) = \tilde{m}_{H,A,H^\pm}^{2} (\phi) + \Pi_{H,A,H^\pm} (T)\,,$ ![]() | (34) |
$\tilde{M}_{W_L}^2(\phi, T) = \tilde{m}_W^2(\phi)+\Pi_W(T)\,,$ ![]() | (35) |
$\begin{split} \tilde{M}_{Z_L, \gamma_L}^2&(\phi, T) = \frac{1}{2} \left [ \frac{1}{4}(g_2^2+g_1^2)\phi^2 + \Pi_W(T) + \Pi_B(T) \right. \\ & \left. \pm \sqrt{\left(\frac{1}{4}(g_2^2-g_1^2)\phi^2+\Pi_W(T)-\Pi_B(T)\right)^2 +\frac{g_2^2g_1^2}{4}\phi^4} \right ] \, , \end{split}$ ![]() | (36) |
$\Pi_{H, A, H^{\pm}} (T) = \frac{T^{2}}{12 v^{2}} \left ( 6m_{W}^{2} + 3m_{Z}^{2} + 4m_{H}^{2} + 6 m_{t}^{2} + 6m_{b}^{2} \right ) \, , $ ![]() | (37) |
$\Pi_W(T) = 2g_2^2T^2\,,$ ![]() | (38) |
$\Pi_B(T) = 2g_1^2T^2\,,$ ![]() | (39) |
$I_{B,F} (a^{2}) = \int^{\infty}_{0} {\rm d}x x^{2} \log \left( 1 \mp {\rm e}^{-\sqrt{x^{2} + a^{2}}} \right) \, ,$ ![]() | (40) |
With the effective potential in Eq. (33), we can analyze the EWPT and sphaleron freeze-out after we normalize the effective potential to be 0 at
Therefore, we can directly quote the successful benchmark parameters relevant to the strong first-order PT at the critical temperature
$\begin{split} v_{C}/T_{C} & = 211 [{\rm GeV}]/91.5 [{\rm GeV}] = 2.31 \,, \\ \xi_{{\rm sph}}(T_{C}) & = 1.23 \, , \\ v_{N}/T_{N} & = 229 [{\rm GeV}]/77.8 [{\rm GeV}] = 2.94 \,, \\ \xi_{{\rm sph}}(T_{N}) & = 1.20 \,, \\ E_{{\rm cb}}(T_{N})/T_N & = 151.7 \, , \end{split}$ ![]() | (41) |
The parameters listed in Eq. (41) makes it possible to accumulate the realistic amount of BAU by introducing a moderate size of extra CP-violating Yukawa couplings in the top-charm sector [18] or bottom-strange sector [19]. Actually, the benchmark value for the heavy Higgs mass (
Therefore, the generated BAU in the SI-2HDM is expected to be the same order in magnitude as that estimated in [18, 19] (for theoretical uncertainties of the BAU calculation, see [18, 19]). However, one crucial difference is that our scenarios do not suffer from any severe experimental constraints, such as the electric dipole moment of electron whose upper limit has been improved down to
4.1.The static $T^{\mu}_{\ \mu}$![]()
and decoupling of scalaron
To achieve the complete evaluation of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor, we have to take into account the nonlinear coupling between the scalaron and matter fields, which is technically hard to accomplish. Noting characteristic features which we are generically faced with in evaluation of the trace of energy-momentum tensor, we demonstrate how the complexity of the issue can be relaxed in the present case we mainly concern about.First of all, we note that in contrast to the fluid picture where the couplings to scalaron are implicit, we have to pay our attention to the interactions between the scalaron and the target-matter sector induced by the Weyl transformation: The Lagrangian for the matter sector can be read off from Eq. (5) as follows:
$S_{{\rm Matter}} = \int {\rm d}^{4}x \sqrt{-\tilde{g}} \, {\rm e}^{-4 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi } {\cal L}_{\rm Matter} \left[{\rm e}^{2 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi } \tilde{g}^{\mu \nu}, \Phi \right] \, .$ ![]() | (42) |
However, it is actually not such a complicated case as far as the PT epoch is concerned: Because one can consider that the evolution of the vacuum (including the mass spectra) during the EWPT is (quasi-) static process, the trace of the energy-momentum tensor can be identified with the static one,
$T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} = \left. T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} \right|_{\rm static} \qquad {\rm in}\; {{\rm the}}\; {{\rm EWPT}} \;{{\rm epoch}} \, .$ ![]() | (43) |
$\left. T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} \right|_{\rm static} = - \delta_{D} V_{{\rm Matter}}$ ![]() | (44) |
Although the intrinsic
$\kappa \varphi \rightarrow \kappa \varphi_{\min} + \kappa \varphi \, , \ |\kappa \varphi| \ll 1 \, ,$ ![]() | (45) |
$\begin{align} {\rm e}^{Q\kappa \varphi} \rightarrow {\rm e}^{Q\kappa \varphi_{\min}} {\rm e}^{Q\kappa \varphi} = {\rm e}^{Q\kappa \varphi_{\min}} \left( 1 + Q\kappa \varphi + \cdots \right) \, , \end{align}$ ![]() | (46) |
One can find that the leading order does not include interaction with the scalaron and that the contributions from the scalaron couplings appear at the loop-order. Because such interaction terms are suppressed by the Planck mass scale
Thereby, Eq. (9) is actually applicable directly to the case in which the scalaron acts as a background field overall coupled to matter-sector dynamics, as has been discussed in the present analysis①. Thus, we can make the scalaron completely decoupled from the dynamics of the target matter sector, which allows us to compute the trace of the energy-momentum tensor as we do in the Jordan frame. We also note that the correspondence between the fluid prescription and field theory is not so straightforward because there are many theoretical difficulties to reproduce the fluid picture starting from the field-theoretical viewpoint although we have derived Eq. (9) under the several relevant assumptions.
4.2.The static $T^{\mu}_{\ \mu}$![]()
around the EWPT epoch in the SI-2HDM
By incorporating the general SI-2HDM in the previous section into the targeted matter Lagrangian, we can evaluate the $T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} = \left. T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} \right|_{\rm static} = - \delta^{\phi}_{D} \left[ V_{h\, {\rm eff}} (\phi, T) \right] |_{\phi = v(T)} \, ,$ ![]() | (47) |
$\begin{split} \delta^{\phi}_{D} \left[ V_{h\, {\rm eff}} (\phi, T) \right] |_{\phi = v(T)} = & \sum_{i} n_{i} \tilde{m}_{i}^{2}(\phi) \left. \left[ \frac{\tilde{M}_{i}^2(\phi,T)}{16 \pi^2} \left( \log \frac{\tilde{M}^2_i (\phi,T)}{\tilde{\mu}^2}\right.\right.\right.\\&\left.\left.\left. - c_{i} \!+\! \frac{1}{2} \right) \! +\! \frac{T^2}{\pi^{2}} I_{B,F}^\prime \left( \frac{\tilde{M}_{i}^{2}(\phi,T)}{T^2} \right) \right] \right |_{\phi = v(T)} \! . \end{split}$ ![]() | (48) |
The scalaron
$\begin{split} V_{s\, {\rm eff}} (\varphi) = & V_s(\varphi) + \frac{1}{4} {\rm e}^{-4 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi} \\ & \times \sum_in_i\tilde{m}_i^2(\phi) \left. \left[ \frac{\tilde{M}_i^2(\phi, T)}{16\pi^2}\left(\log \frac{\tilde{M}_i^2(\phi, T)}{\tilde{\mu}^2}-c_i +\frac{1}{2}\right) \right.\right.\\&\left.\left.+\frac{T^2}{\pi^2}I'_{B,F}\left(\frac{\tilde{M}_i^2(\phi, T)}{T^2}\right) \right] \right |_{\phi = v(T)} \\ = & V_s(\varphi) + \frac{1}{4} {\rm e}^{-4 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi} \left. \left [ 4B\phi^4 \log \frac{\phi^2}{v^2}\right.\right.\\&\left.\left.+ \sum_in_i\tilde{m}_i^2(\phi) \frac{T^2}{\pi^2}I'_{B,F}\left(\frac{\tilde{M}_i^2(\phi, T)}{T^2} \right) \right] \right|_{\phi = v(T)} \, , \end{split}$ ![]() | (49) |
$\begin{split} V_{s\, {\rm eff}} (\varphi) \mathop{\simeq}_{{\rm{high-}}T} & V_s(\varphi) + \frac{1}{4} {\rm e}^{-4 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi} \left. \left [ 4B\phi^4\ln\frac{\phi^2}{v^2} + \Pi_\phi(T)\phi^2 \right.\right.\\&\left.\left.- 4B\phi^4\ln\frac{\phi^2}{v^2} - 3ET\phi^3 + \lambda_T \phi^4 + \cdots \right] \right|_{\phi = v(T)} \\ \rightarrow \ & V_s(\varphi) + \frac{1}{4} {\rm e}^{-4 \sqrt{1/6} \kappa \varphi} \left[ \Pi_\phi(T) (v(T) + \phi)^2 \right.\\&\left.- 2 E T (v(T) + \phi)^3 + \lambda_T (v(T) + \phi)^4 + \cdots \right] \, . \end{split}$ ![]() | (50) |
$\begin{split} \Pi_\phi (T)& = \sum_{i = {\rm bosons}} n_i \frac{m_i^2}{v^2} \frac{T^2}{12} - \sum_{i = {\rm fermions}} n_i \frac{m_i^2}{v^2} \frac{T^2}{24} \,, \\ E & = \sum_{i = {\rm bosons}} n_i \frac{m_i^3}{12 \pi v^3} \, , \\ \lambda_T & = 4 B - \sum_{i} n_i \frac{m_i^4}{16 \pi^2 v^4} \log \frac{m_i^2}{\alpha_{B,F} T^2} \, , \end{split}$ ![]() | (51) |
Note that the
A similar discussion of the chameleon mechanism affected by the Higgs potential term has been made in [43] at zero temperature, in which the scalaron plays a role of compensator for the scale invariance in the matter sector (i.e. the standard model) and develops its VEV at the tree-level of the standard model to trigger the scale-symmetry breaking and subsequently breaking the EW symmetry. In comparison with the earlier work, in the present our case, the scale symmetry is spontaneously (radiatively) broken by the matter-sector dynamics (SI-2HDM) at the one-loop level, and explicitly broken by introduction of the renormalization scale and temperature, which gives the significant effect on the chameleon mechanism at around the EWPT epoch (
Nevertheless, one might simply suspect that the chameleon mechanism may not significantly be affected as was indicated in [12] and [13, 14], unless the scale-symmetry breaking is supplied by emergence of non-derivative couplings (i.e. potential terms); for instance, the Higgs portal coupling [43]. Going beyond the tree-level, this observation might still be operative even including radiative corrections if they are regularized by a scale-invariant dimensional regularization [15, 16]. The scale-invariant dimensional regularization could wash out scalaron couplings to the Higgs potential independent of the temperature T, as displayed in Eq. (50). However, in the present our scenario, the scalaron would still be left with finite temperature terms as seen in Eq. (50), which serve as another explicit-breaking source.
Note also that such a temperature-dependent part will not be moved away in contrast to an artificial renormalization-scale dependence, which manifests the fact that the scale symmetry for the matte sector is explicitly broken once it is put in the the thermal bath with the characteristic temperature. Moreover, its breaking effect arises to be seen at the loop level of the thermal field theory.
4.3.Comparison with conventional fluid picture
Now we evaluate the
Figure 1 clearly demonstrates that the SI-2HDM with the exact analysis based on the quantum field theory does not show a large deviation from the approximated fluid description in the trace of energy-momentum tensor, though they are somewhat different by a factor of order one. Thus, it has been shown that the conventional approach actually works appropriately in the evaluation of the chameleon mechanism although it cannot describe the EWPT.
5.1.Model of F(R) gravity
In order to examine the chameleon mechanism in the EWPT background, we consider the following model [44], $F(R) = R - \beta R_{c} \left[ 1 - \left( 1 + \frac{R^{2}}{R^{2}_{c}} \right)^{-n} \right] + \alpha R^{2} \, .$ ![]() | (52) |
The curvature scale R should be larger than the dark energy scale
$0 = R_{\min} - 2 \beta R_{c} + 2 (n+1) \beta R_{c} \left( \frac{R_{\min}}{R_{c}} \right)^{-2n} + \kappa^{2} T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} \, .$ ![]() | (53) |
$R_{\min} \approx - \kappa^{2} T^{\mu}_{\ \mu} \, .$ ![]() | (54) |
$\begin{split}m_{\varphi}^{2} (\rho) \approx &\frac{R_{c}}{6n (2n\!+\!1) \beta} \left[ \left( \frac{\kappa^{2} \rho}{R_{c} } \right)^{-2(n+1)}\right. \\&\left.+ \frac{\alpha R_{c}}{n(2n+1)\beta} \right]^{-1} \frac{1}{1 + 2 \alpha \kappa^{2} \rho} \, .\end{split}$ ![]() | (55) |
5.2.Chameleon mechanism in the EWPT environment
Next, we convert the trace of energy-momentum tensor as in Fig. 1 into the temperature-dependence of the scalaron mass. We show the result in Fig. 2. As an illustration, we take the parameters in Eq. (52) as
We note that the constancy of the scalaron mass is due to
$m^{2}_{\varphi} \approx \frac{1}{6\alpha} \, .$ ![]() | (56) |
5.3.Scalaron potential in the EWPT environment
Finally, we discuss the scalaron potential over the EWPT environment created from the SI-2HDM. We consider the effective potential of the scalaron field before and after the EWPT. Right after the EWPT (

In this analysis, we set
From the potential analysis, we can conjecture the new thermal history of the scalaron field with taking into account the EWPT; the scalaron field at the original potential minimum is pushed away from the minimum by the EWPT via the chameleon mechanism, and the scalaron field would locate around the new potential minimum. As the Universe expands, the matter effect is decreasing in the effective potential, and the potential form is approaching to the original one. The above scenario gives the nonperturbative effect to the time-evolution of the scalaron field, and the behavior of the scalaron field after the EWPT is nontrivial, but expected to be around the potential minimum.
A couple of comments and discussions on future prospects regarding what we have clarified in the present paper are as follows. Two of authors have studied the scenario that the scalaron can be dark matter [42]. When we quantize the excitation or perturbation around the potential minimum of the scalaron field, we have the particle picture of the scalaron field. This scenario relies on the assumption that the scalaron field keeps the harmonic oscillation to act as a dust in the cosmic history, and thus, the initial condition for the oscillation seemed to be given by hand in analogy with the harmonic oscillation of the axion dark matter.
Regarding the origin of the harmonic oscillation, we could find the species of the oscillation in the present paper. For the scalaron, the matter sector works as an external field, and the scalaron field would receive the nonlinear effect to start the forced oscillation when the external field suddenly changes. Because the EWPT in the matter sector “kicks” the scalaron field through the chameleon mechanism, we can expect that such a kick generates the harmonic oscillation of the scalaron field. We also expect that the initial condition for the scalaron field at the original potential minimum would be wiped out by the matter effect, to avoid the fine-tuning for the harmonic oscillation of the scalaron.
The kick solution had been already argued in [25, 26]. This is induced by the comparison to the Hubble friction term in the cosmological background, which causes the continuous change of potential form. On the other hand, the kick by the EWPT is not the continuous one, and thus, we can conclude that we have found another possibility of the kick solution in the early Universe. We also emphasize that the PT does not happen in the scalaron sector because the scalaron field decouples from the thermal equilibrium due to the Planck-suppressed couplings to the other fields. Thus, the discrete change of the potential shape in the chameleon sector should be regarded as a transition-like phenomena induced by the genuine EWPT in the matter sector.
In relation to the oscillation of the scalaron, we might find the intriguing effect in the phenomenology. As we have mentioned, the EWPT deforms the potential shape of the scalaron field, which may generate the oscillation of the scalaron field. Since the scalaron field originates from the gravity sector through the Weyl transformation, the oscillation of the scalaron field would imply generation of an intrinsic gravitational wave. It has been suggested that the