Institute for Gravitation and Astrophysics, College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China Received Date:2019-04-22 Accepted Date:2019-07-11 Available Online:2019-09-01 Abstract:In a previous publication, we claimed that a black hole can be considered as a topological insulator. A direct consequence of this claim is that their symmetries should be related. In this paper, we give a representation of the near-horizon symmetry algebra of the BTZ black hole using the W1+∞ symmetry algebra of the topological insulator in three-dimensional spacetime. Based on the W1+∞ algebra, we count the number of the microstates of the BTZ black holes and obtain the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.
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2.Near-horizon symmetry algebra from ${{W_{1+\infty}}}$ symmetry algebraThe generators $V_n^i$ of the $W_{1+\infty}$ algebra are characterized by a mode index $n \in Z$ and a conformal spin $h = i+1$, and satisfy the algebra [25]
where $q(i,j,n,m)$ are the pertinent polynomials, and $c^i(n)$ represents the relativistic quantum anomaly. The dots stand for a series of terms involving the operators $V_{n+m}^{i+j-1-2k}$. In the simplest case, the generators $V_n^0$ and $V_n^1$ form a sub-algebra of the $W_{1+\infty}$ algebra:
with the central charge $c = 1$. It contains the abelian Kac-Moody algebra and the $c = 1$ Virasoro algebra. All unitary, irreducible, highest-weight representations were found by Kac and Radul [26, 27]. This result was applied to the incompressible quantum Hall fluid by Cappelli et al. [28, 29]. These representations exist only for positive integer central charges $c = m = 1,2,\cdots$. If $c = 1$, the representations are equivalent to those of the abelian Kac-Moody algebra $\widehat{U(1)}$ of $W_{1+\infty}$, corresponding to the edge excitations of the single abelian Chern-Simons theory. For $c = m = 2,3,\cdots$, there are two kinds of representations, generic and degenerate, depending on the weight. The generic representations are equivalent to the corresponding representations of the multi-component abelian algebra $\widehat{U(1)}^m$, which corresponds to the edge excitations of the multiple abelian Chern-Simons theory. On the other hand, the degenerate representations are contained in the $\widehat{U(1)}^m$ representations. Any unitary, irreducible representation contains a bottom state – the highest-weight state, and an infinite tow (descendants) above it. The highest-weight state $|\Omega\rangle$ is defined by the condition
Using the polynomials of $V_n^i (n<0)$ in $|\Omega \rangle$ gives the other excitations. It was claimed that the black hole can be considered as a quantum spin Hall state in three-dimensional spacetime [12, 13]. A quantum spin Hall state can be realized as a bilayer integer quantum Hall system with opposite $T-$symmetry. Hence, the symmetry algebra for a quantum spin Hall state is $W_{1+\infty} \otimes \bar{W}_{1+\infty}$, which has opposite chirality. For the integer quantum Hall fluid $c = 1$, the representation is the same as of the $\widehat{U(1)}$ algebra. For black holes, the corresponding algebra is $W = \widehat{U(1)}\otimes \widehat{\bar{U}(1)}$ , which has opposite chirality. This result can also be obtained from the Chern-Simons theory [30]. We consider now the representation of the algebra $W = \widehat{U(1)}\otimes \widehat{\bar{U}(1)}$ [31]. First, let us consider the chiral part $\widehat{U(1)}$. The generators $\alpha_n^+$ satisfy
$ [\alpha^+_n, \alpha^+_m] = n \delta_{n+m,0}. $
All $V_n^i$ can be written as polynomials of the current modes $\alpha^+_n$. All unitary, irreducible representations can be built on top of the highest-weight state $|r_1 \rangle, r_1 \in R$, which satisfies
Note that the operator $\alpha^+_0$ commutes with all other generators, which means that the eigenvalues of $\alpha^+_0$ are the same for all descendants in a given representation. The Virasoro generator $L_n^+$ can be obtained using the Sugawara construction
The generators $\bar{L}_n^+$ can also be obtained using the Sugawara construction (7), but unfortunately they do not satisfy the standard Virasoro algebra (2). However, it is possible to define new operators
which indeed satisfy the standard algebras (2) and (7), and conditions (5) and (8). Finally, we get two copies of the $\widehat{U(1)}$ algebra,
$ [\alpha^\pm_n, \alpha^\pm_m] = n \delta_{n+m,0}, $
which is the same as the algebra in Ref. [7] , except for the irrelevant factor $1/2$. With these algebras, one can construct the near-horizon symmetry algebra. Let us define
where $T_n$ generates a super-translation, and $Y_n$ generates a super-rotation.
3.W-hairs of the BTZ black holesIn this section we discuss the representations of the algebra (12). According to the rules of the conformal field theory [33], these representations should be closed under the "fusion algebra". For $\widehat{U(1)}$ , this just means addition of r. For $W = \widehat{U(1)}\otimes \widehat{\bar{U}(1)}$, the highest-weight states can be written as $|r_1,r_2\rangle,r_1,r_2 \in R$. The operators (13) acting on this state give
The key problem is to choose which representations correspond to the BTZ black hole microstates. The metric of the BTZ black hole can be written as [34]
where $N^2 = -8 G M+\displaystyle\frac{r^2}{l^2}+\displaystyle\frac{16 G^2 J^2}{r^2}, N^\varphi = -\displaystyle\frac{4 G J}{r^2}$. $M,J$ are the mass and the angular momentum of the BTZ black hole, respectively. Following the horizon fluff proposal, we make the following assumption: the BTZ black hole microstates correspond to the descendants of the absolute vacuum state $|(r_1 = 0,r_2 = 0)\rangle$. Thus, the BTZ black hole microstates can be written as [7]
where $N\{n_i^\pm\}$ is the normalization factor. It is useful to compare the above results with the quantum Hall fluid. For the quantum Hall fluid, $T_0$ represents the electric charge and $Y_0$ the angular momentum of the quasi-particles. For black holes, the meaning of $T_0$ is unclear, but $Y_0$ still represents the angular momentum. Let us define another operator, $H = L^+_0+L^-_{0}$, which is the dimensionless Hamiltonian. Then we can identify the BTZ black hole microstates with parameters $(M,J)$ with the descendants $|B\{n_i^\pm\}\rangle$ , which satisfy
$\begin{split} \langle B'\{n_i^{'\pm}\}|Y_0|B\{n_i^\pm\}\rangle = &c J \delta_{B',B},\\ \langle B'\{n_i^{'\pm}\}|H|B\{n_i^\pm\}\rangle =& c M l \delta_{B',B}, \end{split}$
where $c = 3l/2G$ is the central charge [9]. Substituting (19) into (20) gives
$ \sum n_i^+-\sum n_i^- = c J,\quad \sum n_i^++\sum n_i^- = c M l. $
The solution is very simple,
$ \sum n_i^+ = c \frac{M l+J}{2}, \quad \sum n_i^- = c \frac{M l-J}{2}. $
Different $\{n_i^\pm\}$ correspond to different microstates of the BTZ black hole with the same $(M,J)$. The total number of microstates for the BTZ black hole with parameters $(M,J)$ is given by the famous Hardy-Ramanujan formula [35],
The entropy of the BTZ black hole is given by the logarithm of the number of microstates $|B\{n_i^\pm\}\rangle$,
$ S = \ln p \left(c \frac{M l+J}{2}\right)+\ln p\left(c \frac{M l-J}{2}\right)+\cdots = \frac{2 \pi r_+}{4G}+\cdots, $
which is just the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy with low order corrections. The next question is what do the other highest-weight states $|r_1,r_2\rangle,r_1,r_2 \in R$ mean. Let us turn back to the quantum Hall fluid. In the quantum Hall fluid, there are two kinds of excitations: the neutral excitations and the charged excitations, which correspond to quasi-holes and quasi-particles in the bulk of the fluid. For the integer quantum Hall effect, the highest-weight state is the vacuum state $|0\rangle$. For the fractional quantum Hall effect, the other highest-weight states $|Q\rangle$ appear, which have fractional charges and statistics. In the corresponding case of black holes, the pure black hole could be associated with the absolute vacuum state $|0\rangle$, and the black holes interacting with matter could correspond to the other highest-weight states.