1.Nano Optical Material and Storage Device Research Center, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430200, China 2.College of Science, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China 3.Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics (MOE) and Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China Received Date:2018-12-27 Accepted Date:2019-02-24 Available Online:2019-05-01 Abstract:Jet shape measurements are employed to explore the microscopic evolution mechanisms of parton-medium interaction in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In this study, jet shape modifications are quantified in terms of the fragmentation function $ F(z) $, relative momentum $ p_{T}^{\rm rel} $, density of charged particles $ \rho(r) $, jet angularity $ girth $, jet momentum dispersion $ p_{T}^{\rm disp} $, and $ LeSub $ for proton-proton (pp) collisions at 0.9, 2.76, 5.02, 7, and 13 TeV, as well as for lead-lead collisions at 2.76 TeV and 5.02 TeV by JEWEL. A differential jet shape parameter $ D_{girth} $ is proposed and studied at a smaller jet radius $ r<0.3 $. The results indicate that the medium has the dominant effect on jet shape modification, which also has a weak dependence on the center-of-mass energy. Jet fragmentation is enhanced significantly at very low $ z<0.02 $, and fragmented jet constituents are linearly spread to larger jet-radii for $ p_{T}^{\rm rel}<1 $. The waveform attenuation phenomena is observed in $ p_{T}^{\rm rel} $, $ girth $, and $ D_{girth} $ distributions. The results obtained for $ D_{girth} $from ${\rm pp} $ to $ {\rm Pb+Pb} $, where the wave-like distribution in $ {\rm pp} $ collision is ahead of $ {\rm Pb+Pb} $ collisions at small jet-radii, indicates a strong medium effect.
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2.Jet shape measurementsJet shape measurements have been suggested for the exploration of the microscopic evolution mechanism of parton-medium interaction in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. For different physical motivations, several jet shape observations have been proposed using jet constituents, overall jet-by-jet quantities, and jet cluster historical information. For example, the fragmentation function, missing $ p_{T} $ method and jet-track angular correlations measurements using intra or inter-jet distributions are dedicated to investigating the longitudinal share of the energy within the jet and large angle radiations. The overall jet shape observations built on the jet-by-jet function of jet constituent four-momenta, such as jet mass, jet granularity, and jet momentum dispersion etc., could probe the jet energy loss dependence on large angle soft particle emission. Jet grooming measurements based on historical information of the jet cluster could locate the splitting phase space where medium-induced effects are expected [18, 19]. This study presents a jet shape investigation in $ {\rm Pb+Pb} $ and $ {\rm pp} $ collisions by inclusive constituents of the jet and jet-by-jet quantity to describe jet evolution and jet energy loss within QCD matter. In [20], ATLAS presented the fragmentation function and transverse profiles in $ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV $ {\rm pp} $ collisions in a wide jet momentum range of 25 GeV/c$ <p_{T, {\rm jet}}< $500 GeV/c and found discrepancies between various models and data. Fragmentation functions show a reduction yield at $ 0.04\leqslant z \leqslant 0.2 $ and an enhancement for $ z\leqslant 0.04 $ in $ \sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} =$ 2.76 TeV $ {\rm Pb+Pb} $ collisions by ATLAS [9]. This measurement was also conducted in ALICE [21] from di-hadron correlations in $ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV $ {\rm pp} $ and $ \sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} $ = 5.02 TeV $ {\rm p+Pb} $ collisions, where no significant cold nuclear matter effect was observed. In [12, 22], the jet shape modifications were studied in small-radius jets to discriminate the relative quark and gluon jet fractions, which also suggested that the medium was able to resolve the jet structure at angular scales smaller than $ r = 0.2 $. However, a detailed and systematic study is highly required to quantify the gluon induced fragmentation modifications, better constrain energy loss models, and isolate the quark and gluon jet fraction at the intermediate momentum range for multiple collision systems. In this study, the below observations are used. The jet fragmentation function $ D_{i}^{h}(z,Q) $ is defined as the probability that a hadron carries a longitudinal momentum fraction $ z $ of $ p_{\rm jet} $ in the experiment. $ z $ is defined:
$ z = \frac{\vec{p}_{\rm jet} \cdot \vec{p}_{\rm ch}}{|\vec{p}_{\rm jet}|^{2}} $
which connects color partons and colorless hadrons to constrain QCD-motivated models from experiments. The quantity of $ F(z, p_{T,{\rm jet}}) $ is measured as:
Here $ N_{\rm ch} $ is the number of charged particles in the jet, and $ N_{\rm jet} $ is the number of selected jets to be used for normalization. Two additional quantities $ p_{T}^{\rm rel} $ and the density of charged particle $ \rho_{\rm ch} $ are also studied. $ p_{T}^{\rm rel} $ is the momentum of charged particles in a jet transverse to that of the jet's axis defined in Eq. (3), and its distribution $ f(p_{T}^{\rm rel}, p_{T, {\rm jet}}) $ is given in Eq. (4):
The density of the charged particle $ \rho_{\rm ch} $ in $ y-\phi $ space is measured as a function of angular distance $ r $ of charged particles from the jet axis, given by:
As a complementary study, the jet-by-jet quantities, namely the first radial moment or angularity (or girth), $ girth $, the momentum dispersion, $ p_{T}^{\rm disp} $, and the difference between the leading and sub-leading track transverse momentum, $ LeSub $ are also studied. $ girth $ and $ P_{T}^{\rm disp} $ are related to the moments of the so-called generalized angularities [23]. $ LeSub $ is not an IRC-safe observable but indicates robustness against soft background particles contributions. The angularity is defined as
where $ p_{T,i} $ is the transverse momentum of the $ i $-th constituent and $ \Delta R_{\mathrm{jet},i} $ is the distance in ($ \eta $, $ \varphi $) space between constituent $ i $ and the jet axis. This shape is sensitive to the radial energy profile of the jet. The momentum dispersion $ p_{T}^{\rm disp} $ is defined as:
For jets with small radii r, it contributes to isolated pure energy loss effect from other medium effects and correlated background. Hence, the differential jet-by-jet quantity $ D_{girth} $ is proposed, which is defined as jet's distribution of $ girth $ inside an annulus of inner radius $ r $ and outer radius $ r+\delta r $ around the jet axis, which is directly related to the jet energy topological structure and its evolution.