M.V. Smirnov , Zhoujun Hu , Shuaijie Li , Jiajie Ling , Department of physics, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China Received Date:2018-11-04 Available Online:2019-03-01 Abstract:This work extends the idea of using a cyclotron-based antineutrino source for purposes of neutrino physics. Long baseline experiments suffer from degeneracies and correlations between $ \Theta_{23} $, $ \delta_{\rm CP} $ and the mass hierarchy. However, the combination of a superconducting cyclotron and a big liquid scintillator detector like JUNO in a medium baseline experiment, which does not depend on the mass hierarchy, may allow to determine whether the position of the mixing angle $ \Theta_{23} $ is in the lower octant or the upper octant. Such an experiment would improve the precision of the $ \Theta_{23} $ measurement to a degree which depends on the CP-phase.
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1.Problem of octant degeneracyIn the framework of 3-flavor neutrino mixing through Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata [1] unitary mixing matrix:
It is clear that if $ \Theta_{23} $=45°, then mixing between $ \nu_{\mu} $ and $ \nu_{\tau} $ becomes maximal. This would indicate symmetry between the $ \nu_e\to\nu_{\mu} $ and $ \nu_e\to\nu_{\tau} $ oscillation processes. The octant problem refers to the degeneracy between $ \Theta_{23} $ and $ \pi/2 -\Theta_{23} $, when the mixing angle enters in the oscillation probability as a term within $ \sin(2\Theta_{23}) $. However, the degeneracy between the lower octant (LO) and the upper octant (UO) can be eliminated if a measurement is sensitive to terms with $ \sin(\Theta_{23}) $ or $ \cos(\Theta_{23}) $. Until recently, there was a quite large uncertainty in the measurements of $ \sin^2(\Theta_{23}) $: $ \sin^2(\Theta_{23})=0.35-0.65 $ (90%C.L.) for normal hierarchy (NH), and $ \sin^2(\Theta_{23})=0.34-0.67 $ (90%C.L.) for inverted hierarchy (IH), from the combined analysis of the MINOS experiment [2]. T2K reported the best fit value of $ \sin^2(\Theta_{23})=0.532 $ (NH) and $ \sin^2(\Theta_{23})=0.534 $ (IH) with smaller uncertainty and consistent with hypothesis of maximal mixing [3]. Recent data from the NO$ \nu $A experiment favors $ \Theta_{23} $ in either LO or UO, and disfavors maximal mixing at 0.8$ \sigma $ significance [4]. Since the leading approximation of oscillation probability for reactor experiments does not depend on the mixing angle $ \Theta_{23} $, the current scientific program of JUNO [5] will not allow for a solution to the problem of octant degeneracy. However, precise measurements of $ {\bar{\nu }}_{e} $ appearance from $ {\bar{\nu }}_{\mu} $ disappearance could provide a possibility to partially resolve this degeneracy.
2.1.Proposal of the experimental setup
The full description of our proposal is presented in [6], which is based on the DAE$ \delta $ALUS experiment project [7]. It is worthwhile to summarize the main aspects of the previous research. We suggest using the appearance channel for electron antineutrinos from muon antineutrinos. In the framework of standard three neutrino mixing theory the oscillation probability without matter effect can be expressed as [8]:
where $ \Delta_{ij}=\Delta m_{ij}^2\cdot L/(4E_{\nu}) $; $ \Delta m_{ij}^2 $ – the neutrino mass squared difference; $ L $ – the distance between source and detector; $ E_{\nu} $ – neutrino energy; $ \delta _{\rm{CP}} $ – Dirac phase of CP violation. The source of $ \bar{\nu}_\mu $ is a three-body decay of $ \mu^+ $ from decay at rest of stopped $ \pi^{+} $, which are produced by a superconducting cyclotron [9]. The contribution to electron antineutrino spectrum is around $ 10^{-4} $ from $ \pi^{-} $, which are created together with $ \pi^{+} $ [7]. Two cyclotrons (near and far) will be located at distances of 1.5 km and 20 km, respectively. The power of the near cyclotron is 1 MW. It is needed as a flux monitor. There are two options for the power of the far cyclotron: 5 MW and 10 MW. We are planning to use JUNO as a liquid scintillator detector, which has a total mass of 20 kt. The expected exposure time of the experiment is 10 years. NH is assumed, because at a distance of 20 km the experiment is insensitive to mass hierarchy. The estimated IBD-event spectrum as a function of energy is depicted in Fig. 1. It is clear that the neutrino rate increases with mixing angle $ \Theta_{23} $. Figure1. (color online) The shape of the IBD-event spectrum as a function of energy for two values of ${ \Theta_{23} }$ (we assume a power of 10 MW of the far cyclotron, 200 kt·year exposure time, ${ \delta _{\rm{CP}}=-\pi/2 }$ ). The green area shows the background.
22.2.Statistical evaluation of MC simulations -->
2.2.Statistical evaluation of MC simulations
Event rate analysis is based on statistical treatment of the expected IBD signal rate inside the detector. Initial muon antineutrinos have a continuous spectrum with an endpoint of 52.8 MeV. In order to exclude a significant part of the atmospheric background, we chose an energy window between 20 and 52.8 MeV. However, this is not sufficient to disregard the background completely. The current statistical analysis is devided in two parts. The first part concerns the sensitivity to octant degeneracy; the second part is about the precise measurement of $ \Theta_{23} $. 32.2.1.Sensitivity to discovery of true octant -->
2.2.1.Sensitivity to discovery of true octant
We follow the so-called classical method of calculating a confidence level. This method is based on the calculation of a $ \Delta\chi^2 $ function, which, as Wilks's theorem predicts [10], should follow a chi-square distribution. The number of degrees of freedom can be calculated as the difference between the degrees of freedom of initial chi-square functions. Usually, this number is equal to the quantity of estimating parameters. In our case, there is only one parameter – $ \Theta_{23} $. A $ \chi^2 $ distribution with one degree of freedom has the same distribution as the square of a single normally distributed variable [11]. Therefore, standard Gaussian confidence levels 1$ \sigma $ (68.3%), 2$ \sigma $ (95.4%), 3$ \sigma $ (99.7%) etc. correspond to values of $ \chi^2 $: 1, 4, 9 etc. In general, the sensitivity to octant degeneracy can be calculated by minimization of a $ \Delta\chi^2 $ function, which is given by:
where “min” means that both chi-square functions $ \chi^2(90^\circ -\Theta_{23}) $ and $ \chi^2(\Theta_{23}) $ have to be minimized in their parameter spaces; $ \Theta_{23} $ is a scanning parameter, which is fixed for each iteration of an MC cycle. In our case, the chi-square function has only one minimum, which is close to the test-true value of $ \Theta_{23} $. In the opposite octant this function always increases. Consequently we need to redefine the $ \Delta\chi^2 $ function as:
where the pull-term includes Poisson statistics, and takes into account the background and flux normalization. Additional Gaussian penalties are also added.
Here, $ N_b $ – is the total number of bins in the histogram; $ \mu_i $ – predicted counts in the $ i $-th bin; $ n_i $ – observed counts in the $ i $-th bin; $ s $ and $ b $ – so-called nuisance parameters for signal and background, respectively; $ \sigma_s $ and $ \sigma_b $ – systematic errors for signal and background counts. $ \mu_i $ is given by :
$ \mu_i=N_s^i\cdot(1+s)+N_{bkg}^i\cdot(1+b), $
where $ N_s^i $ and $ N_{bkg}^i $ are the number of counts in the $ i $-th bin for signal and background, respectively. The prior-term in equation (5) corresponds to uncertainties of oscillation parameters and can be written as:
where $ N_p $ – is the number of oscillation parameters; $ \eta_j $ – $ j $-th oscillation parameter; $ \eta_j^o $ – best fit value of $ \eta_j $; $ \delta\eta_j $ – one sigma error of $ \eta_j^o $. 32.2.2.The accuracy of $ \Theta_{23} $ measurement -->
2.2.2.The accuracy of $ \Theta_{23} $ measurement
The estimation of the accuracy of measurement for the current best fit value of $ \Theta_{23} $ can be obtained by minimizing the chi-square function (5) in the whole parameter space. It should be emphasized that from recent experimental data the best fit value of $ \Theta_{23} $ is split between LO and UO [14]. Consequently, we use two values of $ \Theta_{23} $ in the calculation of precision. Further, we give a set of oscillation parameters and their uncertainties taken from PDG in Table 1.
${ \eta_j }$
${ \Delta m_{21}^2}$·10?5/eV2
${ \Delta m_{32}^2}$·10?3/eV2
${ \sin^2(\Theta_{12}) }$
${ \sin^2(\Theta_{23}) }$
${ \sin^2(\Theta_{13})}$·10?2
${ \eta_j^o }$
${ ^{\rm0.597 (UO)}_{\rm0.417 (LO)} }$
${ \delta\eta_j }$
Table1.The list of oscillation parameters and their uncertainties from PDG [14]. Most are used in the prior-term of the chi-square function in our calculations, except the parameter of interest – $ {\Theta_{23} }$. The normal hierarchy is assumed.
32.2.3.Monte-Carlo simulations -->
2.2.3.Monte-Carlo simulations
The expected electron antineutrino event spectra at a distance of 20 km were simulated using the Monte-Carlo method including oscillations. The energy resolution of the JUNO detector is 3% per MeV. The beam power of the far cyclotron is 5 or 10 MW with systematic flux uncertainty $ \sigma_s $=2%, which includes the uncertainties of shape and normalization. We treat neutral current events (NC) as background. The initial estimation gives 439 NC events for an exposure time of 200 kt·year with a duty factor of 33%. Using the technique from [15], which is based on the signal coincidence and pulse shape discrimination, this background can be significantly reduced, to 33 NC events. Adding also fast neutron and charge current atmospheric events, the total background equals 45 events. This number is used in simulations with systematic uncertainty $ \sigma_b $=5%. To investigate the sensitive region of octant degeneracy, 1k MC “fake” experiments were calculated for each sample with particular fixed values of $ \delta_{\rm CP} $. We did not apply any constraints to the parameter $ \Theta_{23} $. Both parts of $ \Delta\chi^2 $ in equation (3) were minimized using the ROOT package Minuit [16, 17]. Finally, the sensitivity region was calculated as defined in section 2.2.1. In order to evaluate the potential of JUNO to accurately measure the mixing angle $ \Theta_{23} $, 5k MC “fake” experiments were simulated for each sample with a particular fixed value of $ \delta_{\rm CP} $. The chi-square function (5) was minimized in the entire parameter space. A histogram was then filled with the extracted values of $ \Theta_{23} $. The shape of the histogram is Gaussian, since we assumed that all parameter uncertainties have Gaussian distribution. The 1$ \sigma $ error of $ \Theta_{23} $ was obtained as a standard deviation of the aforementioned histogram. This procedure was repeated for the whole range of CP-phase, from $ -\pi $ to $ \pi $.