

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

林志慧,1, 刘宪锋,1,2, 陈瑛1, 傅伯杰21.陕西师范大学地理科学与旅游学院,西安 710119
2.中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085

Water-food-energy nexus: Progress, challenges and prospect

LIN Zhihui,1, LIU Xianfeng,1,2, CHEN Ying1, FU Bojie21. School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China
2. Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS, Beijing 100085, China

通讯作者: 刘宪锋(1986-), 男, 黑龙江人, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 中国地理学会会员(S110001618M), 主要从事气候变化与生态水文研究。E-mail: liuxianfeng7987@163.com


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.41991230
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41801333
Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province.2020JQ-417
Social Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province.2020D039
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.GK201901009
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.GK202003068

作者简介 About authors
林志慧(1988-), 女, 黑龙江人, 博士生, 中国地理学会会员(S110014964M), 主要从事旅游经济与人地耦合研究。E-mail: huihui7987@163.com

关键词: 纽带关系;粮食安全;水安全;能源安全;可持续发展;人地耦合

The water-food-energy nexus (WFE) plays a key role in achieving sustainable development. In this study, we systematically analyzed the concept of the WFE nexus and review its recent progress. We found that the academic communities have not reached a unanimous understanding of the concept of the WFE nexus and research framework. The evaluation methodology of the WFE nexus presents a transition from the traditional sectoral research paradigm to the human-environment system paradigm that considers the intersection of natural science and social science. These methods can also be grouped into three categories: an evaluation based on a critical process, an evaluation based on the whole system, and a comprehensive evaluation that involves coupling the internal and external elements of the WFE nexus. A bibliometric analysis shows that the number of research papers concerning the WFE nexus increased exponentially during 2000 to 2019, and the increase was particularly significant after 2015. Environmental science, food science, and nutrition science are the three main disciplines in WFE nexus research. More important, we need to strengthen the application of geography thinking, that is, comprehensive and systematic thinking, to study the WFE nexus in the future. Based on the literature review, we found that existing research lacked a quantitative understanding of the mutual feedback among the WFE nexus and its evolution. Therefore, we suggest the following five priority areas for future research: establishing a multi-source database of the WFE nexus, revealing the mutual feedback mechanism of the WFE nexus, developing a coupling model of the WFE nexus, establishing a decision-making platform for the WFE nexus, and promoting the collaboration of multiple sectors related to the WFE nexus. This will help to achieve a synergetic sustainable development of the WFE nexus through system governance and scientific management.
Keywords:nexus;food security;water security;energy security;sustainable development;coupled human-environment system

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林志慧, 刘宪锋, 陈瑛, 傅伯杰. 水—粮食—能源纽带关系研究进展与展望. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(7): 1591-1604 doi:10.11821/dlxb202107002
LIN Zhihui, LIU Xianfeng, CHEN Ying, FU Bojie. Water-food-energy nexus: Progress, challenges and prospect. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2021, 76(7): 1591-1604 doi:10.11821/dlxb202107002

1 引言


水—粮食—能源系统安全问题已成为全球三大风险源之一,是影响全球社会稳定和经济发展的关键因素[9],亦是实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标的核心内容[10],因而成为各国政府和学界共同关注的焦点问题。近年来,国内外机构和****从多学科、多视角开展了一系列卓有成效的研究工作,内容涉及纽带关系的概念辨析、基础研究框架的制定、互馈关系分析以及宏观土地利用政策模拟等[4, 6, 11-13],其中Hoff提出的以水资源为核心要素的研究框架,成为纽带关系研究的里程碑之作[13]。值得注意的是,纽带关系具有多系统、多要素、多尺度、多主体、综合性和系统性等诸多特征,同时纽带系统具有高度复杂性、不确定性和多层次性,是一个自然系统与社会系统高度交织的领域,开展纽带关系研究无论在理论上还是技术上均面临较大的挑战。目前多数研究从纽带关系的单一方面进行回顾与总结,且其定量研究方法仍处于探索阶段[14]。学界对纽带关系的全面系统认识尚未完全形成,因而有必要对纽带关系的概念内涵及进展进行全面梳理,旨在推进水—粮食—能源纽带关系研究,促进社会经济可持续发展。


2 纽带关系的概念内涵

2011年在德国波恩召开的“水—粮食—能源安全纽带关系会议”上,首次提出了水安全、粮食安全和能源安全之间存在着复杂的互馈关系,并将水资源、粮食和能源之间的关系总结为一种纽带关系,成为纽带关系研究的里程碑事件[13]。Endo等认为纽带关系是为实现目标而连接不同利益相关者思想与行动的一个过程[4],而Conway等则将纽带关系视为资源间的悖论,以反映水、能源和粮食间的权衡取舍与潜在冲突[6]。从纽带关系提出的背景和宗旨来理解,纽带关系的本质是在可持续发展框架内,寻求一种能够综合考虑水—粮食—能源三者协同发展的策略,并将其纳入到宏观决策过程中,解决经济发展与资源短缺的矛盾,实现经济社会的可持续发展[19]。从实践操作层面上看,纽带关系连接了自然科学的资源系统和社会科学的宏观决策系统两个维度,倡导运用系统的、综合的方式衡量三者间的关系,并从要素协同、部门协作、系统管控的集成管理视角解决水—粮食—能源问题,推动自然—社会—经济系统的全面可持续发展。同年,斯德哥尔摩国际环境研究院提出了水—粮食—能源纽带关系概念框架,并认为可利用水资源量将是纽带关系研究中的核心要素[6, 20]图1)。应指出的是,水—粮食—能源之间存在复杂的、动态的和不确定的相互作用关系,因此不同地区由于资源禀赋和经济发展方面的差异,纽带系统的互馈关系和研究框架也会发生变化。



Fig. 1Water-food-energy nexus and its external driving forces


3 纽带关系研究进展

3.1 纽带关系研究方法

纽带关系研究最早可追溯到20世纪70年代Meadows等出版的《增长的极限》,该书对全球人口增长、经济增长以及纽带系统供需等问题进行了详细探讨[4, 24]。研究初期,纽带关系研究主要探讨了水—能源、水—粮食以及粮食—能源等两个系统关系的改善,以及粮食和能源贸易过程中所引起的虚拟水流动等问题的探讨[25],而对水—粮食—能源三者间互馈关系的定量研究较为匮乏[26,27]。2011年发布的《全球风险报告》中第一次提出了“水资源—能源—粮食风险群”的概念,指出近年来最突出的非传统安全问题就是水资源—能源—粮食安全问题,并由此开启了纽带关系研究的热潮[7, 28]。在理论探讨层面上,国内外****也从不同领域、不同视角甚至不同尺度,对纽带关系的概念内涵提出了不同的表述和见解。在操作实现层面上,不同****亦采用了不同的研究方法对纽带关系开展研究,包括基于关键过程视角的评估、基于系统整体视角的评估以及耦合纽带系统内外部要素的综合评估(图2表1)。



Fig. 2Selected milestones of water-food-energy nexus research

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Methodology of water-food-energy nexus
WEF Nexus 2.0用于在线核算纽带关系及其与外部环境之间的关系的公共平台[51]


3.1.1 基于关键过程视角的评估 基于关键过程视角的评估认为系统中的关键过程对维持系统的协调可持续发展起到核心支撑作用[29]。因此,该方法是以部分优先为基本原则,着重探讨系统内部起到关键作用的单要素或双要素过程,如水—能源、水—粮食以及粮食—贸易等关键过程。常用的研究工具包括斯德哥尔摩环境研究所开发的用于水资源模拟评估、规划预测及优化配置的水资源评价与规划模型(Water Evaluation and Planning Model, WEAP),以及其与波士顿大学联合开发的基于情景分析的能源—环境核算方法长期能源规划模型(Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning, LEAP),另外还包括经济学和水文学中的相关模型,如一般均衡模型和SWAT模型等在纽带关系研究中的应用。国内****针对关键过程也进行了大量研究,如贾绍凤等对纽带系统中的水资源合理开发与保护进行研究,并以黄河流域为例分析了农业—能源—城市间的用水矛盾问题[30];张培丽等[31]和王春艳等[32]分别对系统内部水—粮食关键过程和水—能源关键过程进行了系统分析;唐霞等对中国能源生产与水资源间的供需矛盾进行全面分析[33];而杨鑫等则对中国粮食生产与水资源的时空匹配格局进行分析,发现不同区域间协调性差异显著,且中国东北地区和华北地区的粮食生产与水资源匹配度较差[34]


3.1.2 基于系统整体视角的评估 基于系统整体视角的评估将纽带关系内部的各子系统视为同等重要,注重对系统整体的协调性进行评估[22, 39]。指标体系方法作为测度复杂系统协调性的有效方法,被广泛应用于基于系统整体视角的评估,即通过在不同系统中选取相应的表征指标,并根据指标重要性赋予相应权重的方法测度纽带系统的协调性和安全性[12]。目前国内外****采用该方法已开展大量的研究工作[39,40],孙才志等通过构建基于指标体系的耦合协调度模型,对中国纽带系统协调性和安全性进行了系统的评价[27];尹庆民等通过综合评价指标体系,评估了中国水—粮食—能源耦合系统的协调发展水平[41,42];李东林等则采用综合指标体系的方法对一带一路主体水资源区在非洲涉及的六个国家水—粮食—能源安全状况进行分析[43]。省域尺度上,方兰等[44]和邓鹏等[45]分别采用指标体系法刻画了陕西省和江苏省纽带关系耦合协调演化特征;张杰等则采用实测统计和定额推算相结合的方法,对鄂尔多斯能源开发利用和粮食生产的用水总量和过程进行分析[46]。值得一提的是,刘建国等也采用指标体系的方法在国际上首次系统评估了中国可持续发展目标发展状况[47]。综上所述,在尚未建立定量评估方法的过程中,指标体系法表现出了一定的优势,主要体现在操作简单、数据获取性强,能够通过一系列的指标关联表征纽带关系的发展状态。然而该方法的缺陷也相对明显,不同地区在资源禀赋、社会发展、经济基础和技术条件等方面的差异,导致评估中指标的选取不同,难以建立统一的评估框架,阻碍了区域间纽带关系研究现状的对比。


3.1.3 耦合内外部要素的综合评估 气候变化和土地利用与纽带关系系统联系紧密,其任何变化势必会对纽带关系系统产生重要影响,因而学界逐渐将纽带关系研究从传统的三要素扩展到四要素(水—土地—能源—粮食)和五要素(水—土地—能源—粮食—气候变化)开展研究。同时,人口规模、经济贸易以及快速城市化等社会外部因素同样对纽带关系系统的互馈关系产生至关重要的影响。而耦合内外部要素的综合评估同时考虑了自然系统和社会系统的诸多要素和过程。当前国内外****对耦合内外部要素的综合评估模型进行了大量的探索,其中代表性的分析模型有斯德哥尔摩皇家理工学院Bazilian等开发的粮食—能源—水关联研究框架CLEW模型[50],该模型不仅考虑了能源(LEAP)、水文(WEAP)和农业(AEZ)模型,同时考虑了气候变化和土地利用等外部因素的影响[23],成为该领域的奠基成果。另外,Daher等开发的WEF Nexus Tool 2.0模型,主要用于在线核算纽带关系及其与外部环境之间的关系,为****们和决策者评估与确定资源分配方案提供了公共平台[51]。Zhang等基于生产系统构建的WEFO模型以及牛津大学开发的LIPSOM优化模型分别在生产成本、社会经济需求和环境约束等条件下,对纽带关系需求进行优化模拟,以实现资源高效利用和低成本管理[52,53]。就国家尺度而言,WEFSiM模型综合考虑了水—粮食—能源间的互馈关系,实现了资源供给和需求量的定量刻画,且该模型中的优化模块可提供多种资源管理的政策建议,不仅能够协助决策者选择适宜的资源分配方案和管理对策,而且能够对国家能源规划、水资源规划和粮食安全规划提供实践指导[54]。此外,最新提出的欧洲地平线项目亦将土地利用和气候变化等外部要素作为纽带关系研究的重要议题。

纽带关系系统搭建了知识与决策间的桥梁,实现了科学知识和宏观决策的有机结合。当前学界对纽带系统与政策的关系也开展了相关研究,如Petra Hellegers等剖析了政策导致的水资源、粮食和能源之间存在的冲突及其影响[55];Bojic等则强调了建立纽带关系模型时要考虑将政策部分纳入[56]。需要指出的是,耦合内外部要素的综合评估方法实现了自然系统与社会系统的集成,综合考虑了自然科学的资源系统和社会科学的决策系统,被认为是系统解决纽带关系系统和可持续发展问题的有效途径[57]。当前国内外机构和****开展了大量的研究工作,并在综合评估模型方面取得了一定的成果,代表性的社会—生态系统多尺度综合分析模型(MuSIASEM)已经被广泛应用于资源利用和政策实践的研究中[58]。然而耦合内外部要素的综合评估仍存在一系列瓶颈问题,如综合评估系统边界和研究框架的缺失、刻画纽带关系内部及其与外部相互作用的定量化过程耦合模型尚未建立。同时,耦合研究过程中所需的模型参数、数据获取等困难均阻碍了纽带系统由定性分析向定量模拟的过渡。


3.2 纽带关系文献分析

为了更好揭示纽带关系研究的发展历程,本文进一步从文献计量分析视角全面系统回顾了2000—2019年纽带关系的发展脉络。检索中以“water-food-energy”和“水—粮食—能源”作为关键词在Web of Science核心数据库和中国知网进行主题检索(检索时段为2000—2019年,检索时间为2020年3月15日)。文献统计结果表明,2000—2019年研究水—粮食—能源纽带关系的文献发文量呈现指数增加态势,其中2015年之后增长态势尤为显著,说明纽带关系研究日益受到国内外****的广泛关注(图3a)。当前主要研究多分布在中国、欧洲、美国和澳大利亚等地区,进一步统计不同国家和研究机构的发文量发现,排在前5名的国家分别是美国、中国、英国、德国和澳大利亚;排名前5名的研究机构则分别是美国加州大学系统、中国科学院、法国科学院、荷兰瓦赫宁根大学和德国赫姆霍兹研究所。以上分析可以看出,当前主要关注纽带关系与可持续发展研究的地区仍集中在欧美发达国家、澳大利亚以及亚洲的中国、日本等地区。



Fig. 3Bibliometric analysis of water-food-energy nexus from 2000 to 2019


4 纽带关系研究的挑战与展望

2015年联合国制定了17项可持续发展目标,其中有3项目标(消除饥饿、清洁饮水和卫生设施、清洁能源)与纽带系统直接相关,其他14项也都不同程度地与纽带系统间接相关(图2)。需要说明的是,纽带关系作为解决跨学科、多层次复杂系统问题的有效方法,是实现可持续发展的重要基础和突破点,同时纽带关系具有从要素协同、部门协作的集成管理视角推动自然—社会—经济系统可持续发展的优势。然而,当前国内外学界针对纽带关系的研究仍主要集中在理论探讨层面,虽然针对系统中部分要素关系开展了大量的研究工作,但针对水—粮食—能源三者间互馈关联、耦合机理和定量化建模分析研究鲜有涉及[58, 69],导致目前对纽带关系中三者的演化关系缺乏定量化理解,尚未形成部门间相互协调的可持续发展战略规划[70,71]。因此,无论是在基础数据搜集、耦合系统机理、定量模拟模型、知识决策平台以及多部门协同管理机制等方面都亟需开展系统性和综合性的研究,以实现纽带关系从理论框架探讨向实践操作应用方向的全面系统推进(图4)。



Fig. 4Priority directions of water-food-energy nexus

4.1 建立纽带关系多源信息数据库



4.2 揭示纽带关系耦合系统互馈机理



4.3 发展纽带关系耦合系统过程模型



4.4 搭建纽带关系耦合系统决策平台


纽带关系耦合系统决策平台亦是黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展和“一带一路”倡议等重大国家战略实施的现实需求。黄河流域在中国经济社会发展和生态安全方面具有十分重要的地位[30],流域水资源发展既要满足生态系统保护的要求预留足够的生态需水,也要保障产业发展的合理需水。在实践层面上,应充分结合国土空间规划政策体系,将水—粮食—能源专项规划纳入纽带系统知识决策平台,以解决中国突出的资源供需矛盾问题,如中国水资源与耕地资源、矿产能源空间并不匹配,华北平原耕地面积占全国耕地的38%以上,而水资源仅占全国的6%[21, 73]。因此,水—粮食—能源纽带关系研究能够为水资源的空间调配提供重要依据,如南水北调、引汉济渭等工程。虽然目前学界主要强调以水资源为核心的纽带关系研究框架,然而不同区域资源禀赋和产业结构存在差异,主要限制因素和资源环境承载力也不同,因此应建立区域匹配的纽带关系研究框架,以适应区域可持续发展的内在需求。

4.5 促进纽带关系多部门协同合作


参考文献 原文顺序

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As the basis of regional development, water-energy-food (W-E-F) is usually a bottleneck too. China’s strategy of sustainable development has been threatened and challenged by the spatially unbalanced distribution and the insufficient total amount of the water-energy-food supply, and the unbalanced socioeconomic development. Each year from 1997 to 2015, three pressure indices (i.e. water pressure index, energy pressure index and food pressure index) were decomposed into three orthotropic vectors by using principal component analysis, and the W-E-F pressure index were then calculated and created by vector synthesis method. For the thirty province units in China (no data are available for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and no energy data for Tibet), after the temporal variations of the water pressure index, the energy pressure index, the food pressure index and the W-E-F pressure index were checked, eight variables (i.e. degree of per capita education, per capita GDP, per capita farmland area, per capita meat production, per capita aquatic product, population density, effective irrigation area, urbanization rate) which related to the W-E-F pressure were employed and three cross-section (i.e. 1997, 2004 and 2015) were chosen to carry out the geographically weighted regression (GWR) analysis. In the three developed GWR models, the dependent variable was the z-score standardized W-E-F pressure index differences between the start year and the end year, i.e. 1997 and 2004 (for model 1), 2004 and 2015 (for model 2), 1997 and 2015 (for model 3), and the eight independent variables were the respective z-score standardized differences (i.e. for the eight employed variables) between the start year and the end year. The factors which influence the variation of W-E-F index can be discovered from the developed GWR models and the conclusions are as follows: 1) The W-E-F pressure index rose initially and then declined from 1997 to 2015. Spatially, the W-E-F pressure decreased progressively from Southeast China to Northwest China, and larger pressure happened in Northeast China and those coastal provinces where urbanization level was higher. 2) The energy pressure index had made more significant contribution to the W-E-F pressure index than the water pressure index and the food pressure index. The energy pressure index was higher in central and east China and the water pressure index was bigger for those provinces in the north of Huaihe river. However, the food pressure index was higher for those coastal provinces in the south of the Yangtze River and for those provinces in west China. 3) In China, the water pressure index rose in most provinces, and the energy pressure index and the food pressure index declined in most provinces from 1997 to 2015. 4) The driving forces of the W-E-F pressure changes were different for the different phases. Overall, the same change direction was observed between most of the variables and the W-E-F pressure index. However, the opposite change direction existed between degree of per capita education and the W-E-F pressure index, so did between per capita GDP and the W-E-F pressure index. The main causes of the increased W-E-F pressure were the increased population density, the changed component of food supply, the conditions of food production and the economic development. The influences of socioeconomic factors on the W-E-F pressure rose progressively from 1997 to 2015. The effectual ways to reduce the W-E-F pressure were to improve the degree of per capita education and to reshape the economic development.
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Intricate associations exist between the internal elements of urban ecosystems, with the adjustment in one element can exert impacts of varying degrees on others. The rapid urbanization has brought numerous challenges on the urban sustainable development. To basically solve these problems, the nexus approach needs to be adopted. We clarified three application scenarios of nexus and their corresponding definitions. Meanwhile, the development of urban nexus theory was also provided. The analysis between any two characters among energy, water, food, land and climate change (EWFLC) systems was presented from the perspective of the physical nexus and policy effect nexus, respectively. From the perspective of the physical nexus, most the present stu-dies are concentrated on the urban scale, and aim at the direct nexus, lacking of indirect nexus reaches relatively. Most of the relationships between each two characters will have positive impacts on the society or economy. From the perspective of the policy effect nexus, current policies focused on the five systems are mostly oriented to directly solve problems of targeted system. The intermediate objectives of policy implementation are mostly quantifiable. There are generally multiple indicators of the policy effect evaluations. Furthermore, an analysis framework of urban EWFLC systems simultaneously combining physical and policy nexus was proposed in this study, which aimed to help make policy selections and realize urban sustainable development.
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Song Changqing, Zhang Guoyou, Cheng Changxiu, et al. Nature and basic issues of Geography
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2020,40(1):6-11.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2020.01.002 [本文引用: 1]
A discipline has typically the following four key features, namely independent research objects, independent research questions, unique characteristics, and unique social services. This paper first discusses the nature of Geography from three aspects, to reveal the characteristics of modern Geography. First, the research object of Geography is changing from simple to complex evolution. In performing geographic research, we should well recognize the complexity of geographic systems. Second, the framework of geographic research questions is structured by the fusion among geographic features, space, and time. This paper explains the essential distinction between different geographic research questions, which promotes the development of the methods and technologies for answering these questions. Third, the philosophy of combining reductionism and holism is growing continuously. A new pattern of research has been formed based on new disciplines and technologies, which is the parallel development of the research on geographic features and that on systems. This paper then identifies the essential characteristics of geographic research, summarizes the key research questions in Geography, and discusses the multiple effects of driving mechanisms on the laws of Geography. An understanding of the fundamental characteristics and the modern value of Geography illustrated in this paper will be contribute to the societal development of Geography.
[ 宋长青, 张国友, 程昌秀, . 论地理学的特性与基本问题
地理科学, 2020,40(1):6-11.]

[本文引用: 1]

Song Changqing, Cheng Changxiu, Shi Peijun. Geography complexity: New connotations of geography in the new era
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(7):1204-1213.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201807002 [本文引用: 1]
Since the 20th century, geography came into being with distinctive disciplinary characteristics by sustained effort of geographers. This paper puts forward predicament from cognitive and thought in the new era, and depicts new geographic characteristics from five aspects: new technology, new orders, new data, new approaches and new driving factors. According to new content of geo-regionality and new approaches of geo-comprehensiveness, the paper proposes that complexity research would be a successful new path in geography, and the complexity would be the third characteristic of geography. Then, the paper details some complex spatial patterns, complex time processes and complex spatio-temporal mechanisms in geography research. Based on the concept of a geographic complex system, this paper presents core issues and corresponding complex research tools. Finally, the paper puts forward new challenges and new requirements for geography in the new era.
[ 宋长青, 程昌秀, 史培军. 新时代地理复杂性的内涵
地理学报, 2018,73(7):1204-1213.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhao Rongqin, Li Zhiping, Han Yuping, et al. The coupling interaction mechanism of regional water-land-energy-carbon system
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016,71(9):1613-1628.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201609012 [本文引用: 1]
Water, land, energy and carbon are key elements of earth's surface system. Researches on regional water-land-energy-carbon system (WLEC system) will not only help to reveal the impact mechanism of resource coupling exploitation on carbon emissions, but also has great significance to explore low-carbon development mode based on water, land and energy saving. Based on the literature review, this paper analyzed the element relationship of regional WLEC system, discussed the coupling interaction mechanism, research perspectives and impact factors of regional WLEC system, and put forward the future research points in this field. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Regional WLEC system reflects the interactions among different spheres of earth's surface system. Through water cycle, land use, energy flow and carbon cycle, WLEC system becomes the core of regional natural-economic-social system. It not only reflects the matching relationship and exploitation efficiency of regional resources, but also embodies the impact extent of human activities on environment. (2) Regional WLEC system can be divided into three subsystems: water system, land system and energy system. They interacted with each other and together formed the resource base for the regional socio-economic development. Regional carbon emission intensity is mainly determined by the need relationship among three subsystems, industrial activities and energy structure. (3) Regional WLEC system can be studied from different perspectives such as microscopic view, industrial activities and land use. (4) Regional WLEC system is influenced by natural, economic, social and pressure factors, in which economic factor, especially economic development level, production efficiency and technology, is the determinant factor of the function and efficiency of regional WLEC system. (5) In the future, modeling of regional WLEC system, relationship between WLEC system and climate change and food security, carbon emission efficiency of resource coupling exploitation and the integrated evaluation and regulation of WLEC system should be strengthened.
[ 赵荣钦, 李志萍, 韩宇平, . 区域“水—土—能—碳”耦合作用机制分析
地理学报, 2016,71(9):1613-1628.]

[本文引用: 1]

Yu Chaoqing. Food and environmental security in China under water-nitrogen coupling mechanism
Scientia Sinica Terrae, 2019,49(12):2018-2036.

DOI:10.1360/SSTe-2019-0041URL [本文引用: 1]

[ 喻朝庆. 水—氮耦合机制下的中国粮食与环境安全
中国科学: 地球科学, 2019,49(12):2018-2036.]

[本文引用: 1]

Keairns D L, Darton R C, Irabien A. The energy-water-food nexus
Annual Review Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 2016,7(1):239-262.

DOI:10.1146/annurev-chembioeng-080615-033539URL [本文引用: 1]

Fu Bojie, Leng Shuying, Song Changqing. The characteristics and tasks of geography in the new era
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015,35(8):939-945.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2015.08.939 [本文引用: 1]
Geography is a subject of "exploring the laws of nature, declaring the human essence", with characteristics of comprehensiveness and interactiveness. Since the 1980s, Geography plays an important role in global environmental change research programs. Theories, methods and techniques of Geography have become the basis for solving the problems of the sustainable development of human society is facing. Originated in the global environment change research, and combined with the social science research, The " Future Earth" research plan represents the direction of the development of Geography in the new period. In contemporary, Geography research methods have shift from survey, observation, and records, drawings and other traditional research methods to the modern scientific methods such as spatial statistics, earth observation, GIS, indoor and outdoor simulation and modeling, decision-making system, etc., and are gradually tend to comprehensive and quantitative. As the problems that Geography is facing are more complex and more comprehensive, the Geography research issues become more comprehensive and diverse, and attract more extensive subjects to participate in. In more and more field, the angle of Geography are considered. The discipline boundary that concepts and tools belonging to is blurring. In the new era, the geography, is heading for geographical science. China is an ideal geography test sites of studying the problem of the sustainable development of human society. The future development of Chinese Geography needs to deepen the comprehensive and integrated understanding of the complex man-land system, and strengthen the research of global problems. To achieve the goal of geographical science and social service value, the internationalization level of Chinese geographical science needs to be promoted, and the ability of using advanced technology to parse geographical phenomenon needs to be improved.
[ 傅伯杰, 冷疏影, 宋长青. 新时期地理学的特征与任务
地理科学, 2015,35(8):939-945.]

[本文引用: 1]

Wang Hao, Yang Guiyu, Yang Zhaohui. Thinking of agriculture development in China based on regional water resources and land cultivation
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013,28(3):329-336, 321.

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[ 王浩, 杨贵羽, 杨朝晖. 水土资源约束下保障粮食安全的战略思考
中国科学院院刊, 2013,28(3):329-336, 321.]

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