The influence of China-Europe Express on the production system of enterprises:A case study of TCL Poland Plant
LIU Hui1,2, GU Weinan1,2, LIU Weidong
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刘慧, 顾伟男, 刘卫东, 王姣娥. 中欧班列对企业生产组织方式的影响——以TCL波兰工厂为例. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(6): 1159-1169 doi:10.11821/dlxb202006005
LIU Hui.
1 引言

Fig. 1The evolution of enterprise production system
关于企业生产组织方式,已有研究更多的是论述某种生产组织方式的性质和特征及其在企业中的运用。例如,Youssef认为产品有两种类型,一类是市场需求很高的产品,需要采用备货型(Make-to-Stock, MTS)生产,一类是市场需求较低的产品,需要采用订货型(Make-to-Order, MTO)生产[3]。随着全球化进程和现代化技术的运用,以福特制为主的大规模生产组织方式已经不能满足多变的市场需求,也不能适应产品多样性的新型环境,从而使得产品生产效率低下而丧失竞争力[4,5,6]。对于后福特制生产组织方式的研究,更多的是突出以弹性生产为主的精益生产在企业生产组织方式中的运用[7,8,9]。在地理学研究视角上,郑京淑等[10]和孙斌栋等[11]研究了柔性生产的理论背景、内涵以及经济地理学对“柔性”空间的实现形式,并提出了弹性生产下新产业空间的概念,丰富了企业区位选择理论,对经济地理、城市地理的理论研究产生了较为重要的影响;刘卫东等[12]探讨了全球汽车企业生产组织变化导致的空间演化过程及其影响机制。因此,已有关于企业生产组织方式的地理学研究意义在于发现此类生产组织方式得以实现的空间形式及其空间影响,成为全球化时代下的必然产物。关于企业生产组织方式的影响机制的研究,Poon等[13]和Hesse等[14]论述了政府政策对于跨国企业生产组织方式的影响;Storper等[15]和王殿奎[16]对于弹性生产方式背后的制度支撑、知识溢出以及技术环境等就企业生产组织方式多样性的影响进行了深入探讨。此外,交通条件的改善对企业生产组织方式也产生了重要影响,以空运、集装箱水运运输、铁路运输为主的交通技术条件造成了时空压缩,企业生产所需的原料以及生产的产品流动性大幅度提升,大大促进了企业生产的空间分离[17],例如,戴尔企业通过互联网和现代交通技术,将六大生产基地和全球的供应商、物流中心结合起来,维持企业庞大的全球运营系统。
2 中欧班列与TCL波兰工厂发展简介
中欧班列指中国开往“丝绸之路”沿线国家的快速货物班列(目的地主要是欧洲),自2011年开通以来,国内已有24个城市陆续开行中欧班列,到达境外16个国家31个城市,常态化运营的中欧班列线路已达75条(截至2019年8月),形成了以“渝新欧”“合新欧”“苏满欧”“汉新欧”“义新欧”“郑新欧”“蓉欧”和“长安号”等班列为主体的常态化运输系统。其中,2013年开通的“蓉欧”快铁是影响TCL波兰工厂生产组织方式的主要线路,它由成都始发途经哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯等国直达波兰罗兹站,全长9826 km,运行时间11 d。目前,每周一、周二、周四、周六定期稳定开行,2015年以后已实现稳定双向运行。与其他中欧班列一样,“蓉欧”快铁采用集装箱或者整装运输的模式,形成了定点(装车定点)、定线(固定线路)、定时(准时化的时间)、定车次、定价(运输价格稳定)的“五定班列”,特别是时间上的优势缩短了企业的生产周期,从原材料采购、运输、组装到销售的供应链时长缩短,企业对生产可以重新规划与安排,使得产品能够快速满足欧洲当地市场的需求,为沿线企业生产组织方式的变革提供了可能。TCL集团股份有限公司创立于1981年,覆盖了消费电子产业链的主要环节。随着全球化的进程,TCL加快在海外新兴市场的拓展布局,已经形成多个海外生产基地(图2)。2004年TCL完成了对法国汤姆逊的兼并,汤姆逊波兰工厂也随即划拨到TCL旗下并运营至今,成为TCL在“一带一路”沿线投资最大的工厂。TCL波兰工厂隶属于TCL多媒体控股有限公司的一个海外液晶电视组装基地,专门从事欧洲地区TCL液晶电视的生产和销售,其生产装配线所需的原材料占总成本的80%,绝大部分来源于中国,主要是上游的液晶电视面板等核心零部件和电子元件(图3)。2016年TCL波兰工厂摒弃了传统的海运运输方式,开始使用以“蓉欧”快铁为主的中欧班列将生产所需的原材料从中国成都运到波兰罗兹(图2),原材料的装箱量占成都至罗兹班列货运量的三分之一。此外,TCL波兰工厂位于波兰的Zyrardow(日拉尔多夫市),距离罗兹车站只有1 h的车程,同时也是欧洲心脏地带和交通枢纽,中东欧地区的物流中心,货物的运输和销售均能在3~4 d时间覆盖欧洲大部分国家。

Fig. 2Global layout, supply relationship of TCL production bases and raw material transport lines of Poland Plant

Fig. 3Raw material supply and product sales of TCL Poland Plant
3 TCL波兰工厂生产组织方式的变化
3.1 TCL波兰工厂传统的生产组织方式(2004—2016年)

Fig. 4The original production system of TCL Poland Plant—"Rigid Mass Production System"
TCL波兰工厂在2016年之前主要采用传统的刚性大规模生产组织方式(Rigid Mass Production System),即原材料供应速度始终赶不上市场的需求,只能采用大批量生产满足市场需求,是一种刚性的生产组织方式。根据对TCL波兰工厂的实地调研得知,TCL波兰工厂传统的生产组织方式主要是:追求规模经济,不能及时满足欧洲市场对产品的需求,市场响应程度低;以电视机为主的产品类型较为单一,生产的灵活性和应变性较弱;与此同时,产品的刚性标准化大规模生产,削弱了对于产品质量的把控程度;零部件和成品的库存积压,造成了一定程度上的资源和空间浪费;成品积压时间过长,加之产品更新换代速度快,也造成了部分积压成品的浪费。
3.2 中欧班列影响下的TCL波兰工厂现有的生产组织方式(2016年至今)
随着全球化进程的加快,交通运输技术的发展带来的空间压缩效应对世界经济地理格局产生了重要影响,全球企业生产呈现出“碎片化”的趋势,企业生产过程的不同环节在国内或者国际尺度上形成空间分离[32]。大量的零部件供应商、仓储等在企业周边形成集聚,满足了企业生产的需求,但是零部件和成品的仓储成为企业的巨大成本,这就要求企业拥有准时化的物流,减少仓储物流成本。两大交通运输方式的发展给企业带来了准时化的物流:航空运输和铁路集装箱运输[33]。航空运输主要对高附加值产品和新鲜产品的流通起着至关重要的作用,因此,在以机场为中心的临空经济区内通常会形成高附加值产品企业的集聚,从而享受航空运输便捷、准时化的物流;而铁路集装箱运输则适用于体积或质量较大,附加值相对不高的产品的准时化物流。3.2.1 中欧班列对TCL波兰工厂生产组织方式的影响路径 TCL波兰工厂主要以中下游的组装和销售为主,其所需要的零部件(液晶显示屏幕等)主要来自上游的中国,附加值不高,零部件也相对较重,航空运输成本较高。随着“一带一路”倡议得到越来越多国家的认同,中国与“一带一路”沿线国家的关系日益提升,为中欧班列的高效稳定运行提供了便利条件。2016年,TCL波兰工厂开始使用中欧班列运输原材料,从原材料供应时效、库存、市场响应能力等多方面促进其生产组织方式的不断完善(图5)。

Fig. 5The influence path of China-Europe Express on production system of TCL Poland Plant
首先,TCL波兰工厂多年来致力于缩短原材料运输时间,但收效甚微。中欧班列的开通为波兰工厂带来新的契机,通过中欧班列运输零部件(成都—罗兹)比以往通过海运运输(深圳—格但斯克或深圳—汉堡)零部件所用的时间从38 d缩减至16 d(图2)。同时,中欧班列的稳定性也使得集原材料供应、生产制造和销售于一体的供应链系统的管理相对更加容易,原材料的运输环节缩短是影响整个供应链时长的关键因素,成为TCL波兰工厂改变其生产组织方式的基本条件。
其次,根据市场和顾客的订单,通过中欧班列将所需原材料运抵波兰并进行及时生产,波兰工厂原材料储存仓库积压的现象得以解决,改善了库存周转率,减少占用资金,实现了“原材料的零库存”。因此,可以将中欧班列跨国运输理解为“移动的仓库”(Moving Inventory),实现了零部件仓库的灵活性。同时,原来用于储存原材料的仓库转变为新的生产车间,生产线由原来的1条增加到现在的5条。
第三,中欧班列带来的原材料运输时间效益以及零库存效益可以使工厂对市场需求产品快速做出响应。工厂的生产安排经常是早上收到零部件等原材料,利用一天的生产便能将成品迅速投放到整个欧洲市场,企业响应欧洲市场需求的速度大大提升。通过欧洲境内便捷的公路交通系统,成品在1 d之内就能运输到法兰克福和巴黎,3 d之内抵达包括里斯本、马德里在内的欧洲全境客户手中,实现了“成品的零库存”效应。
3.2.2 TCL波兰工厂现有的生产组织方式——“全球流动的即时生产” TCL波兰工厂在吸收丰田制生产组织方式精髓的基础上,以中欧班列跨国准时运输为载体,保证原材料及时供应,使得产品生产能够实现以“即时生产”为核心的精益生产,从而形成“全球流动的即时生产”。它与丰田制的“地方流动的即时生产”(丰田城内部原材料供应商与总装厂之间的准时化物流)形成鲜明对比,体现在“即时生产”的跨区域尺度跃升。
“全球流动的即时生产”组织方式包含3层内涵:① 以市场需求为主导的快速反向拉动式的信息流动;② 中欧班列准时、快速的跨国原材料的运输流动;③ 基于中欧班列准时快速原材料运输带来的内部准时组装的生产流动。即根据欧洲市场的订单需求进行生产,信息技术流的反馈应用使“即时生产”取代高昂的“充分备料”系统[31]。所需的零部件通过中欧班列的跨国准时化运输,实现波兰工厂装配线上原料的准时补给和原材料的零库存。多余的库存空间则用来增加生产线,从而实现多条自动化、单元化生产线上的多样化产品的准时组装与同步生产,并且能够保证在规定时间内交付市场(图6)。

Fig. 6The current production system of TCL Poland Plant—"Global Fluid Just-in-Time"
3.3 TCL波兰工厂现有生产组织方式与传统生产组织方式的区别
随着交通、通信技术和生产技术的发展,制造标准零部件的转包活动可以跨越更大的空间。因此,TCL波兰工厂的生产组织方式以“全球流动的即时生产”为主的精益生产方式逐渐取代原有的以刚性生产为主的福特制生产方式。TCL现有的生产组织方式与传统的生产组织方式的区别主要体现在准时化的中欧班列运输、零库存效益、准时化、精益化生产、以及质量和市场效益的显著提升等(表1)。Tab. 1
Tab. 1
传统生产组织方式(2004—2015年) | 现有生产组织方式(2016年至今) | |
原材料运输方式 | 海运 | 中欧班列 (以“蓉欧”快铁为主) |
时长 | 38 d | 22 d (整个供应链缩短,尤其运输环节) |
原材料库存 | 库存堆积 | 无库存 (中欧班列充当“移动的库存”) |
生产线 | 1条 | 5条生产线 (原有的库存占地变成生产线) |
生产方式 | 刚性化、大规模生产 | 单元化、准时化、精益化生产 |
产品类型 | 单一:以彩电为主 | 多样化:液晶电视、手机等,以及其他代工 |
产品质量 | 产品质量存在一定问题 | 多样化的质量检查 |
市场响应时效 | 市场响应能力差 | 市场响应能力强 |
3.3.1 准时化的中欧班列跨国运输 TCL波兰工厂原材料运输环节的准时化和便利化是促成其原有生产组织方式变革的重要因素之一。TCL波兰工厂传统的原材料运输主要采用海洋运输方式,使得整个生产流程需要的时间较长。依赖于现代信息网络技术和中欧班列的准时跨国运输,加上有效的供应链管理,使得TCL波兰工厂供应链缩短,尤其体现在原材料的运输环节上,有效缩短了原材料的运输时间,为波兰工厂实现快速准时组装和及时响应欧洲市场打下了坚实基础。
3.3.2 零库存效益 TCL波兰工厂传统的生产组织方式主要依靠海运运输原材料,时效性差,因此需要加大批量来提高库存,并且在生产的每个阶段都要有工序间的原材料库存储备,从而造成大量原材料积压。而TCL波兰工厂现有的“全球流动的即时生产”方式则采用中欧班列准时化的运输,原材料到达波兰工厂直接投入生产。“准时化”可减少零部件的库存,中欧班列则充当着“移动的库存”。
3.3.3 准时化、精益化生产 2016年之前TCL波兰工厂依托海运从国内将原材料运输到波兰工厂需要花费较长时间,因此不得不依靠大规模生产的存货来满足欧洲市场的需求,从而造成了大量的原材料积压现象。2016年采用中欧班列运输之后,得益于中欧班列的准时化运输,TCL波兰工厂的原材料仓库空间转换为生产线空间,零部件的组装也采用单元化的混合组装形式,实现多种产品的均衡化生产,相应的生产方式则采用“准时化”和“精益化”的柔性生产(Flexible Production)组织方式[33,34]。
3.3.4 质量和市场效益的显著提升 由于运输时效性较差,不能及时满足市场需求,传统的批量生产更加强调生产的连续和不中断,不能即时发现有问题的部件,导致牺牲产品质量为代价实现最大生产量。在TCL波兰工厂现有的生产组织方式中,由于中欧班列的时效性较好,因此,有充足的时间在源头和生产过程中及时发现和解决质量问题,追求产品零部件和成品的零缺陷。此外,中欧班列的准时化运输带来的产品准时化、精益化生产和产品种类多样化,使得各种产品的生产都能灵活适应市场变化,及时满足市场的多样化需求。
4 结论与讨论
4.1 结论
本文以TCL波兰工厂为例,深入研究了中欧班列对企业生产组织方式的影响,主要结论如下:(1)中欧班列对TCL波兰工厂的生产组织方式产生了重要影响。① 降低原料配送时间成本,显著提升物流效率,稳定和缩短了供应链时长;② 降低了原材料库存浪费现象,成品的运输也基本实现了“零库存”,从而实现整个流通环节向精益流通系统的转变;③ 增强TCL响应欧洲市场的速度和拓展欧洲市场的能力;④ 中欧班列带来的时间、仓储和市场响应的综合效应,给TCL波兰工厂的生产效率、产品品质和产品多样化程度带来了极大提升,促使其生产方式逐渐变成柔性化单元化生产。
4.2 讨论
中欧班列的运行对TCL波兰工厂新型生产组织方式产生的作用进一步证明了现代化交通运输方式的技术变革会对企业生产组织方式产生重要影响。也有其他的企业案例证明了中欧班列的影响,如中国南京高精传动设备制造集团(南高齿)在德国的杜伊斯堡建立分厂,就是通过中欧班列(“渝新欧”)将产品部件从中国运往德国的杜伊斯堡,从而建立与欧洲市场的实质性联系。但是,也应该看到中欧班列的稳定、高效运行离不开中国政府及沿线国家的支持,这些都与“一带一路”倡议的深入实施和中国与沿线国家国际关系的日益提升密不可分。此外,虽然TCL波兰工厂属于一般性制造类项目,对制度文化的敏感不是很高,但是其生产组织方式的变革也在一定程度上受到这些因素的影响。特别是波兰与中国有着相似的企业文化氛围,加之TCL波兰工厂的员工普遍教育素质较高,研发中心也能从当地招到高素质的研发人员,从而满足了TCL波兰工厂技术水平和生产方式不断革新的需求。当然,中欧班列自身尚存在一些问题,这些问题也会对企业生产组织方式产生一定的影响。① 短短8年时间中欧班列的体量增加了300多倍,面对这样快速的发展,市场参与各方,特别是外方的准备明显不足,沿线国家口岸换装能力和时间成为中欧班列运输中的一大制约点,并且中欧班列欧洲目的站容量逐渐趋于饱和,而中欧班列给企业带来稳定的时效性是在沿线各国共同配合基础上才能完成,铁路沿线各国的口岸换装能力和基本保障应成为未来研究沿线企业生产组织方式变化需要关注的问题。② 目前中欧班列的顺利运行是建立在各地政府对企业运费补贴的基础上,存在各地方政府无序竞争和公共资源浪费等问题。这也从一个侧面说明近期中欧班列对企业生产组织方式的作用实际上离不开政府的政策支持。因此,虽然中欧班列对沿线企业生产组织方式带来了较多积极影响,但未来的研究还需要关注中欧班列自身存在的问题及其对企业生产组织方式可能带来的负面影响,挖掘中欧班列产生作用的深层次原因。
参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.1023/B:ANOR.0000012277.97069.a6URL [本文引用: 1]

In this paper, we consider a mixed MTS/MTO policy to manage a single manufacturing facility producing two classes of end-products. A few end-products have high volume demands, whereas a fairly large number of end-products have low volume demands. In this situation, it is appealing to try to produce the high volume products according to an MTS policy and the low volume products according to an MTO policy. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare the impact of the choice of the scheduling policy on the overall performance of the system. We consider two policies: the classical FIFO policy and a priority policy (PR). The PR policy gives priority to production orders corresponding to low volume products over production orders corresponding to high volume products. Under some simple stochastic modeling assumptions, we develop analytical/numerical solutions to optimise each system. We then provide insights regarding this issue with the help of numerical examples. It appears that for some range of parameters, the PR rule can outperform the FIFO rule in the sense that, to achieve the same service level constraint, the corresponding cost under the PR rule is much lower. This situation is encountered when the low volume products can be managed with an MTO policy under the PR scheduling rule, while they have to be managed according to an MTS policy under the FIFO scheduling rule. We also derive some theoretical properties that support our empirical findings.
DOI:10.1068/d080007URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/ijur.1989.13.issue-4URL [本文引用: 1]
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Emerging at the end of 1980s, urban theorists, cultural critics and social commentators have devoted a tremendous amount of attention to the study of Los Angeles. This attention derives from the complex theoretical and practical urban issues in Los Angeles, and also from the continuous competition among the power of globalization, which obviously influenced the general economic order all over the world. Los Angeles School (LA School) is constructed by a group of geography scholars, such as Edward W. Soja, Allen J. Scott, Michael J. Dear, Mike Davis et al., to generalize their systematic academic points of view. This article aims to make a detailed and systematic introduction to the LA school, and tries to sort out its impacts on many disciplines in the field of human geography. According to the summarization, this article supports that the LA school is based on Soja's social-spatial dialectics theory. This theory strongly suggests that spatiality also plays a big role in the formation of social relations when the basic production mode in the era and keeps unchanged. Under this theoretical framework, we can see that crisis and reconstruction are just the dialectic's projection in reality, which means that crisis tends to cause urban reconstruction, and the reconstruction may lead to some new urban crisis at the same time. Los Angeles metropolitan area has provided a vivid interpretation and reasonably exemplified LA school's basic academic points of view, as well gives us an accurate demonstration of the circulation between urban crisis and reconstruction. Many views of LA School have already made an important influence on the branches of human geography, such as economic geography, urban geography and social geography, providing a lot of important academic hypothesis and ideas for follow-up researches. The main contribution that the LA school has made includes the significant enrichment on the core and traditional idea of the relationship between mankind and nature, as well as the promotion of the new industrial space concept in the field of economic geography. Meanwhile, the case of Los Angeles metropolitan's typical polycentric spatial structure may be the representative of cities and city-regions in the future, which has already led to much more researches concerning about the description and definition of urban spatial structure, as well as the emergence of some new conceptions such as sub-centers and edge cities. As to social issues LA school regards them as results of social and spatiality relationship, for example, economic restructuring has increased employment but also increased poverty and social polarization, so that LA school strongly stands for the concept of spatial justice, which means no matter which columns or groups the citizens belong to, they should be given equal rights to live, work and enjoy the entertainment in the city. However, the LA school also bears some critical voices and doubts, such as some doubts about its basic epistemologies, which cannot be proved and certificated by regular methods, we have to accept that the LA school still has significant and positive influence in promoting the crucial disciplines in human geography.
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Emerging at the end of 1980s, urban theorists, cultural critics and social commentators have devoted a tremendous amount of attention to the study of Los Angeles. This attention derives from the complex theoretical and practical urban issues in Los Angeles, and also from the continuous competition among the power of globalization, which obviously influenced the general economic order all over the world. Los Angeles School (LA School) is constructed by a group of geography scholars, such as Edward W. Soja, Allen J. Scott, Michael J. Dear, Mike Davis et al., to generalize their systematic academic points of view. This article aims to make a detailed and systematic introduction to the LA school, and tries to sort out its impacts on many disciplines in the field of human geography. According to the summarization, this article supports that the LA school is based on Soja's social-spatial dialectics theory. This theory strongly suggests that spatiality also plays a big role in the formation of social relations when the basic production mode in the era and keeps unchanged. Under this theoretical framework, we can see that crisis and reconstruction are just the dialectic's projection in reality, which means that crisis tends to cause urban reconstruction, and the reconstruction may lead to some new urban crisis at the same time. Los Angeles metropolitan area has provided a vivid interpretation and reasonably exemplified LA school's basic academic points of view, as well gives us an accurate demonstration of the circulation between urban crisis and reconstruction. Many views of LA School have already made an important influence on the branches of human geography, such as economic geography, urban geography and social geography, providing a lot of important academic hypothesis and ideas for follow-up researches. The main contribution that the LA school has made includes the significant enrichment on the core and traditional idea of the relationship between mankind and nature, as well as the promotion of the new industrial space concept in the field of economic geography. Meanwhile, the case of Los Angeles metropolitan's typical polycentric spatial structure may be the representative of cities and city-regions in the future, which has already led to much more researches concerning about the description and definition of urban spatial structure, as well as the emergence of some new conceptions such as sub-centers and edge cities. As to social issues LA school regards them as results of social and spatiality relationship, for example, economic restructuring has increased employment but also increased poverty and social polarization, so that LA school strongly stands for the concept of spatial justice, which means no matter which columns or groups the citizens belong to, they should be given equal rights to live, work and enjoy the entertainment in the city. However, the LA school also bears some critical voices and doubts, such as some doubts about its basic epistemologies, which cannot be proved and certificated by regular methods, we have to accept that the LA school still has significant and positive influence in promoting the crucial disciplines in human geography.
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DOI:10.1111/tran.2000.25.issue-4URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/grow.2006.37.issue-4URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/0048-7333(91)90066-YURL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2015.02.003URL [本文引用: 1]

Plans for the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) include construction of two axes, two belts and two radiated areas. As a significant national strategy for China, the emphasis is on the construction of roads and achieving economic agglomeration and radiation through the construction of traffic axes. Using published literature and data analyses, this paper studied current traffic patterns between China and other regions within the SREB from the perspective of rail, ocean and air transportation. With regard to existing problems and development prospects of these three types of transportation, we propose construction modes for the traffic economic belt across continental plates and that future construction within the SREB should consider key cities as joints and arterial traffic lines as development axes, promote connecting of joints by lines, advance deep construction through joints and axes, connect lines into net, and develop informationalized traffic economic belt on the basis of trans-regional cooperation.
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DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.05.006URL [本文引用: 1]

China's transnational container transport by land in the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) has increased quickly, and rail is the most important method for land transport. By analyzing the current transnational container transport between China and other countries in the SREB, we first build a simulation model for multimodal transport competition, and then examine the economically suitable areas for China's transnational container transport by rail and maritime transport based on travel distance, travel time, and transport cost. The results show that Central Asia, Mongolia, and the central and eastern areas of Russia have comparative advantages for transnational container transport by rail as compared to maritime transport. To Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, and the western areas of Russia, transnational container transport by rail has relative comparative advantages. Meanwhile, maritime transport (or sea-land intermodal transport) costs less than rail transport from China to most of the remaining areas of Europe and Asia.
DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.05.006URL [本文引用: 1]

China's transnational container transport by land in the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) has increased quickly, and rail is the most important method for land transport. By analyzing the current transnational container transport between China and other countries in the SREB, we first build a simulation model for multimodal transport competition, and then examine the economically suitable areas for China's transnational container transport by rail and maritime transport based on travel distance, travel time, and transport cost. The results show that Central Asia, Mongolia, and the central and eastern areas of Russia have comparative advantages for transnational container transport by rail as compared to maritime transport. To Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, and the western areas of Russia, transnational container transport by rail has relative comparative advantages. Meanwhile, maritime transport (or sea-land intermodal transport) costs less than rail transport from China to most of the remaining areas of Europe and Asia.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201808010URL [本文引用: 1]

In the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, the analysis of Eurasian land and sea transport spatial equilibrium pattern which is formed on the basis of cost coopetition is an important economic and geographic topic with both theoretical and practical significance. This article takes Beijing and Berlin as destinations on the two sides of Europe-Asia and, on the basis of existing rail networks and maritime data, adopts accessibility analysis to build a land and sea transport spatial equilibrium analysis model. Using this model, this study draws balance lines for land and sea transport in Eurasia in order to clarify patterns of Eurasian land and sea transport spatial coopetition in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. This study shows that: (1) When only transportation costs are compared, sea transport holds an absolute advantage, while the balance line for land and sea transport passes through Russia along the Baltic Sea coastal region-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Tajikistan-Northwest China-Mongolia-the Russian Far East. Herein, the spatial coopetition pattern between land and sea transport divides Eurasia into an equilibrium pattern described by a 1∶2 ratio. (2) While considering time costs, balance line shifts distinctly toward coastal regions, following the route Berlin-north coast of the Black Sea-Turkey-Tibetan Plateau-Baoji, China-Da Hinggan Prefecture, China-Chumikan, Russia. Here, the coopetition pattern between land and sea transport forms a balance posture by a 1∶1 ratio. (3) The above Eurasian land and sea transport balance lines share a strong spatial similarity with the corresponding results of the geopolitical theories of land power theory and rimland theory. This indicates an inherent common regularity in Eurasian geo-economic and geopolitical spatial differentiation. On this basis, this paper proposes a spatial division scheme for Eurasian inland area (land transport advantage zone), sea area (sea transport advantage zone) and land-and-sea area. As such, a comprehensive analysis of the spatial equilibrium relationship of land and sea transport may become a new perspective for exploring geopolitical and economic spatial patterns in Eurasia, and provide a solid geoscientific basis for the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201808010URL [本文引用: 1]

In the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, the analysis of Eurasian land and sea transport spatial equilibrium pattern which is formed on the basis of cost coopetition is an important economic and geographic topic with both theoretical and practical significance. This article takes Beijing and Berlin as destinations on the two sides of Europe-Asia and, on the basis of existing rail networks and maritime data, adopts accessibility analysis to build a land and sea transport spatial equilibrium analysis model. Using this model, this study draws balance lines for land and sea transport in Eurasia in order to clarify patterns of Eurasian land and sea transport spatial coopetition in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. This study shows that: (1) When only transportation costs are compared, sea transport holds an absolute advantage, while the balance line for land and sea transport passes through Russia along the Baltic Sea coastal region-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Tajikistan-Northwest China-Mongolia-the Russian Far East. Herein, the spatial coopetition pattern between land and sea transport divides Eurasia into an equilibrium pattern described by a 1∶2 ratio. (2) While considering time costs, balance line shifts distinctly toward coastal regions, following the route Berlin-north coast of the Black Sea-Turkey-Tibetan Plateau-Baoji, China-Da Hinggan Prefecture, China-Chumikan, Russia. Here, the coopetition pattern between land and sea transport forms a balance posture by a 1∶1 ratio. (3) The above Eurasian land and sea transport balance lines share a strong spatial similarity with the corresponding results of the geopolitical theories of land power theory and rimland theory. This indicates an inherent common regularity in Eurasian geo-economic and geopolitical spatial differentiation. On this basis, this paper proposes a spatial division scheme for Eurasian inland area (land transport advantage zone), sea area (sea transport advantage zone) and land-and-sea area. As such, a comprehensive analysis of the spatial equilibrium relationship of land and sea transport may become a new perspective for exploring geopolitical and economic spatial patterns in Eurasia, and provide a solid geoscientific basis for the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative.
DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.11.002URL [本文引用: 1]

Since the initiative of the Belt and Road strategy, the Chinese government greatly encourages the operation of China Railway Express (CR express), aiming to transform China's traditional international trading transport system. The growth of CR express helps to strength the transport role of the New Eurasian Land Bridge and promotes change of China's transport system for international trading from single maritime transport to a combination of maritime and land transport. The largest barrier for developing CR express, however, is that the freight sources are dispersed and the transport organization is nonstandard. This has led to the disorderly competition for international container transport due to the very recent growth of transport volume, which is brought by subsidies of local governments. This study examined the development history and problems in the last five years since the operation of the first CR express, and pointed out that the Chinese government must understand that the CR express cannot compete with the maritime transport for freight going from China to the EU market. The CR express has its economic transport hinterlands from the border ports and it is necessary to establish a hub-and-spoke transport mode at the national level and build the transport hubs for profiting from the operation of CR express. A model was built to define the economical transport hinterlands of the three border ports in China-Alashankou, Erenhot, and Manzhouli. The result indicates that Northeast China is the hinterlands of Alashankou and Northwest China is the hinterlands of Manzhouli. Other hinterland areas are defined by the traffic rate abroad from Erenhot. Finally, the article identifies the transport hubs for CR express including Chongqing, Urumqi, Harbin, Zhengzhou, among others, and puts forward suggestions and police recommendations to the Chinese government.
DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.11.002URL [本文引用: 1]

Since the initiative of the Belt and Road strategy, the Chinese government greatly encourages the operation of China Railway Express (CR express), aiming to transform China's traditional international trading transport system. The growth of CR express helps to strength the transport role of the New Eurasian Land Bridge and promotes change of China's transport system for international trading from single maritime transport to a combination of maritime and land transport. The largest barrier for developing CR express, however, is that the freight sources are dispersed and the transport organization is nonstandard. This has led to the disorderly competition for international container transport due to the very recent growth of transport volume, which is brought by subsidies of local governments. This study examined the development history and problems in the last five years since the operation of the first CR express, and pointed out that the Chinese government must understand that the CR express cannot compete with the maritime transport for freight going from China to the EU market. The CR express has its economic transport hinterlands from the border ports and it is necessary to establish a hub-and-spoke transport mode at the national level and build the transport hubs for profiting from the operation of CR express. A model was built to define the economical transport hinterlands of the three border ports in China-Alashankou, Erenhot, and Manzhouli. The result indicates that Northeast China is the hinterlands of Alashankou and Northwest China is the hinterlands of Manzhouli. Other hinterland areas are defined by the traffic rate abroad from Erenhot. Finally, the article identifies the transport hubs for CR express including Chongqing, Urumqi, Harbin, Zhengzhou, among others, and puts forward suggestions and police recommendations to the Chinese government.
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//Daniels P, Bradshaw M, Shaw D, et al. An Introduction to Human Geography: Issues for the 21st Century.
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