

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

杨胜天1,3,, 于心怡2, 丁建丽3,, 张飞3, 王飞3, 马利刚3
1. 北京师范大学水科学研究院 环境遥感与数字城市北京市重点实验室,北京 100875
2. 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院,北京100875
3. 新疆大学资源与环境科学学院 绿洲生态教育部重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830046

A review of water issues research in Central Asia

YANGShengtian1,3,, YUXinyi2, DINGJianli3,, ZHANGFei3, WANGFei3, MAYugang3
1. College of Water Sciences, Beijing Key Laboratory for Remote Sensing of Environment and Digital Cities, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
2. School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
3. Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology, College of Resources and Environment Science, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:丁建丽(1974-), 男, 教授, 博导, 中国地理学会会员(S110010255M), 主要从事干旱区资源遥感研究。Email: watarid@xju.edu.cn
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(U1603241, U1303381, 41261090)国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0402403, 2016YFC 0402409)
-->作者简介:杨胜天(1965-), 男, 教授, 博导, 主要从事水资源与水环境遥感研究。E-mail: yangshengtian@bnu.edu.cn


中亚地区地处内陆干旱区,水资源匮乏,是国际上水问题十分严重的地区。本文收集了自2000年以来近15年的相关文献,从文献数量、研究机构、研究方法和主要水问题等方面,综述国内外中亚地区水问题研究成果。通过对文献分析得出以下认识:① 中亚地区水问题是地理学研究热点之一,中国、德国和美国等国家的研究机构开展了大量研究工作,主要集中在水循环过程对气候变化的响应和流域水环境两个方面,中国在跨界河流管理方面的研究成果相对丰富;② 气温升高与降水增加是中亚地区气候变化的基本特征,受气温升高影响,陆地水储量与河川径流减小趋势明显,水资源日趋短缺;③ 不合理的水资源利用方式,加剧了土壤盐渍化和土地退化,加重了水环境污染,加大了流域水环境的压力;④ 复杂的地缘政治使中亚地区跨界河流管理成为当前国际社会面临的重大难题。从已经获得的成果还可以看出,基础数据获取方法、人口—资源—环境相互关系分析、气候—水文—社会—政治相互作用机制等将是未来中亚地区水问题研究发展的重要方向。

Central Asia, which is an arid inland area, has the most severe water-resource problems in the world. This paper reviews the literature on water issues in Central Asia published in the last 15 years (i.e., since 2000), covering the quantity of literature, the research institutes involved, the research approaches, and the major issues in the subject. The following conclusions can be reached based on the literature: (1) Water issues in Central Asia are an important area of geographical research. Many studies from China, Germany, the USA, and other countries have focused on the responses of water cycling processes to climate change, and on the hydrological environment of the catchment. In addition, Chinese researchers have tended to focus their studies on trans-boundary river management. (2) Temperature rise and precipitation increase are the fundamental features of climate change in Central Asia. Terrestrial water storage and river runoff have an obvious decrease as a result of temperature rise. (3) Soil salinization, land degradation and water pollution have been worsened by irrational utilization of water resources, and all of these have increased the pressures on the environment of the catchment. (4) Complicated geopolitics makes it difficult for the international community to manage the trans-boundary rivers in Central Asia. The water utilization situation in Central Asian countries is getting worse, which causes a series of ecological problems and even endangers the stability of social and economic development. Important future directions for studies on water issues in Central Asia include the relationships between population, resources and environment; the interaction mechanism of hydrology, methodological, social and political aspects; as well as the collection of basic hydrological data.

Keywords:Central Asia;hydrological cycle;water resources;catchment environment;trans-boundary river

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杨胜天, 于心怡, 丁建丽, 张飞, 王飞, 马利刚. 中亚地区水问题研究综述[J]. , 2017, 72(1): 79-93 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201701007
YANG Shengtian, YU Xinyi, DING Jianli, ZHANG Fei, WANG Fei, MA Yugang. A review of water issues research in Central Asia[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(1): 79-93 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201701007

1 引言

中亚地区位于亚洲中部,目前中亚地区范围并没有十分准确的界定。在俄语中,前苏联将中亚地区表述为“Middle Asia”,包括哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦五国;而在英语中,中亚地区使用的名词是“Central Asia”,包括范围更广,有蒙古、中国西部、俄罗斯西伯利亚、伊朗北部、阿富汗、巴基斯坦和印度等国家和地区。在中国一般将伊朗北部、阿富汗、巴基斯坦和印度等国家和地区划为西亚。为了更好地开展相关文献收集和分析,本文按中国分类,中亚地区主要指中亚五国(哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦)和中国新疆维吾尔自治区(图1)。
-->Fig. 1Geographical boundary and major rivers of Central Asia


2 文献统计分析

文献检索时间范围为2000年1月-2016年5月。英文文献主要从Academic Search Premier(ASP)、ScienceDirect(Elsevier)和SpringerLink(Kluwer Online)等数据库中查询,文献检索方式以标题或关键词“Central Asia+water”、“Central Asia+river”或“Central Asia+basin”查询;中文文献主要从万方数据库查询,文献检索方式以标题或关键词“中亚+水”、“中亚+河”或“中亚+流域”查询。共计检索英文文献近160篇,中文文献60余篇,对其中与中亚地区水问题密切相关的105篇英文文献和51篇中文文献进行统计分析,再选择60余篇重点文献进行综述。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Classification of research subjects of literatures on water issues in Central Asia during the last 15 years

-->Fig. 2Statistics of English literatures on water issues in Central Asia during the last 15 years

-->Fig. 3Research achievements in some countries and methodologies of water issues in Central Asia during the last 15 years

-->Fig. 4Statistics of Chinese literatures on water issues in Central Asia during the last 15 years


3 水循环过程


3.1 气温与降水变化

Chen等[5]利用美国气候中心降水空间数据分析了1930-2009年中亚地区降水变化趋势,结果表明在西风环流控制下,中亚地区降水持续增加,增加速率在1970年后显著上升;龙爱华等[6]通过咸海流域和中国新疆地区大量气候—水—生态统计资料,分析了近80年来中亚地区气候变化态势,认为中亚气候将由“暖干”向“暖湿”方向发展;Manning等[7]利用高分辨率区域气候模式REMO分析了中亚地区气候变化,预测了至21世纪末中亚地区气候变化趋势,其结果表明中亚地区气温在未来100年中将上升7 ℃。
总体来看,中亚地区近60年来气候变化趋势为气温升高、降水增加,与全球气候变化同步。但同时中亚地区具有其特殊性,IPCC第五次评估报告指出,到21世纪末在RCP 8.5情况下全球地表温度将上升2.6~4.8 ℃[8],根据Manning等[7]的计算结果,中亚地区气温上升幅度明显高于全球平均水平,气候变化对水循环过程的影响在中亚地区可能放大,因此研究中亚地区水文循环对气候变化的响应具有重要意义。

3.2 冰川消退

Niederer等[9]的研究结果表明,在1963-2000年期间塔吉克斯坦境内天山山脉地区冰川减少了近28%,且退缩速度在20世纪80年代后明显加快;Li等[10]分析了近50年来中国乌鲁木齐一号冰川观测资料,发现1985年和1996年两年冰川退缩显著,且1996年冰川退缩幅度明显大于1985年;Krigel等[11]利用1970s、1990s后期、2000s中期MSS、TM和ETM+遥感数据以及2007年SPOT遥感影像,分析了天山地区冰川退缩状况,结果显示不到40年的时间内冰川减少了23%;Hagg等[12]应用WGI(World Glacier Inventory)和GLIMS(Global Land Ice Measurements from Space)模型估算中亚地区冰川退缩情况,结果表明到2050年,气温将上升2.2~3.1 °C,冰川将减少36%~45%。

3.3 河流湖泊变化

Deng等[13]应用长时间序列气候和水文观测资料分析了水循环过程对气候变化的响应,结果表明尽管在过去50年中降水增加,但冬季气温升高对水循环过程的影响更明显,冰雪覆盖退缩对径流减少的作用更显著;Aizen等[14]应用水循环模型分析了气候变化对天山地区水循环过程的影响,结果表明气温升高导致蒸散发增加,到2100年时蒸散发将增加83%~87%;气候变化对径流呈非线性影响,径流因此减少17%~13%;White等[15]应用水量平衡模型分析了气候变化条件下里海流域的河流水文变化,结果表明到2070-2099年虽然降水相对增加,但由于气温将升高5 °C,径流将因此减少10%~20%;Morris等[16]在吉尔吉斯斯坦地下水滞留的研究中也发现降水对地下水水量补给几乎没有作用。

4 水资源状况

中亚地区地形地貌变化大,水资源时空分布不均,受气候变化与人类活动的影响,水资源供需矛盾不断加剧,中亚地区的淡水总量约1.09×1012 m3以上,但真正可利用的水资源约为2.66×1011 m3,其中地表水约为2.38×1011 m3,不重复的地下水约为2.80×1010 m3 [21-22]。近15年来对中亚地区水资源状况的研究主要集中在陆地水储量、河川径流量和农业灌溉量等变化分析方面。

4.1 陆地水储量

陆地水储量是一个地区地表水与地下水总的水储量,可用重力卫星数据(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, GRACE)和全球陆面数据同化系统(Global Land Data Assimilation System, GLDAS)反演计算。目前大多数****应用GRACE重力卫星数据进行区域水储量计算,揭示陆地储水量变化,评价地区水资源状况。
Yang等[23]利用GRACE计算中亚地区2003年1月-2013年3月月尺度陆地等效水高,结果表明陆地水储量有明显年际和季节性波动,总体呈下降趋势,年均减少量为0.42±0.12 cm;孙倩等[24]利用2003年1月至2013年1月GRACE数据,辅以TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)/CMAP(Climate Prediction Center's Merged Analysis of Precipitation)降水数据、NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)植被指数和DEM(Digital Elevation Model)等多种数据,分析了中亚地区陆地水储量动态变化,结果表明中亚地区自东向西陆地水储量变化程度呈逐渐增加的趋势,陆地水储量总体呈下降趋势,但哈萨克斯坦东南部的巴尔喀什湖地区呈持续增长趋势。

4.2 径流量变化

Cai等[25]以DTVGM模型为基础,结合多源空间数据(MS-spatial data),构建了基于多源空间数据的DTVGM模型(MSDTVGM),用于伊犁河流域径流计算与变化分析,减少了对常规观测的依赖;Radchenko等[26]应用了gap filling、MODAWEC(Monthly to Daily Weather Converter)方法解决了资料缺少的难题,并评价了这些方法对HBV-light模型计算精度的影响;Wang等[27]利用改进的SWAT模型模拟了1961-2007年天山地区冰川面积比率与径流的关系,量化了冰川退化在水文过程的作用;Siegfried等[28]通过气候变化、冰雪覆盖和降水径流耦合模型揭示了由气候变化导致的冰雪融化对径流季节性变化的直接影响;Ma等[29]在1961-1985年水文资料的基础上率定了SWAT模型,将GCMs(Global Circulation Models)数据进行降尺度,计算表明未来气候条件下楚河径流量将减少1.0%~26.6%。

4.3 灌溉用水

灌溉是中亚地区农业活动的重要手段。该地区约8.0×106 hm2的耕地面积依赖于地表水灌溉,中亚两大河流阿姆河和锡尔河灌溉用水量占总取水量的90%[21, 30],灌溉用水是中亚地区最主要的水资源利用方式。然而由于供水渠道蒸发量大和水利设施运行低效,水资源损耗巨大,如何提高农业灌溉用水效率是当前亟待解决的问题。
在WUAs农业灌溉用水管理基础上,建立可靠的农业用水效率评价方法十分重要。Awan等[33]利用相对蒸散发量(RET)、传输性能比(DPR)、径流系数(DR)、总消耗比(OCR)、田间利用比(FAR)和传送率(CR)作为指标,评价了WUAs灌溉管理的效益;Karimov等[34]应用经济核算方法分析农业节水潜力,通过上游冬季盈余水量在夏季重新分配供给下游,提高了灌溉效益;Platonov等[35]利用Landsat ETM+长时间序列数据生成灌溉作物的水分生产力图WPMs,并应用到灌溉管理中;Pereira等[36]应用ISAREG灌溉模型模拟改进后的灌溉制度,监测灌溉制度下作物根系区的渗流,提高灌溉效率20%;Conrad等[37]将基于对象的遥感分类数据与联合国粮食农业组织(FAO)提出的CropWat模型耦合,获取了棉花和冬小麦灌溉的作物分布和用水数据。

5 流域水环境


5.1 植被—气候响应机制

索玉霞等[39]利用1982-2002年NDVI数据和气候研究组(CRU)降水与气温数据分析NDVI年际、季节变化特征与气候因子的相关关系,结果表明49%的地区年均NDVI与年降水量呈正相关,52%的地区NDVI与春季降水量正相关,34%的地区NDVI与夏季降水量正相关;Gessner等[40]利用1982-2006年的NDVI和网格化降水数据(GPCC Full Data Reanalysis)分析了植被生长对降水变化的敏感性,发现降水异常对中亚地区植被状况影响程度接近80%;张琪等[41]对中亚地区1982-2012年植被变化对气候变化的响应研究表明,NDVI的空间变化特征与降水的空间变化特征较为一致;Kariyeva等[42]应用1981-2008年遥感植被绿度数据分析了中亚地区植被物候与气候动态的关系,结果表明大多数物候响应变量与降水呈正相关,且气温升高使植被生长季提前,生长期延长。

5.2 环境要素

景观格局影响着流域内能量平衡和物质循环过程,植被根系吸水反映流域内植被生长状况,土壤水供给植被生长,是农业活动的必要条件。Luo等[43-44]应用Cellular Automata(CA)-Markov模型分析了哈萨克斯坦伊犁河三角洲景观格局时空动态,结果表明湖泊沼泽等水利景观受干扰明显,水利工程对三角洲景观结构变化作用最为深远;Li等[45]利用通用陆面模型CLM分析植被根系吸水过程,模拟植被对干旱环境的响应,获取了中亚荒漠生态系统的水汽通量数据;Devkota等[46]根据乌兹别克斯坦2008-2010年水稻和小麦生长季的实验数据,利用CSM-CERES-Wheat模型计算作物生长发育过程中土壤体积含水量变化;王景凯等[47]对2003-2010年中亚地表土壤水的研究结果表明,中亚地区植物生长季及春、夏季地表土壤水均以变干为主。

5.3 土壤盐渍化


5.4 人口—资源—环境关系分析


6 跨界河流管理


7 结论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Central Asian water management has always been linked to energy and security politics. The region is abundant in water as well as in natural energy sources. However, distribution of these resources is a steady reason for quarrel within the region. In particular, the usage of mutually shared waterways creates tensions between different nation states. The five Central Asian republics Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan seek energy independence and try to consolidate their position within this geopolitically important region. Despite their complex interdependencies, which affect all important social, economic, political and security relevant matters, Central Asian national states have initiated a disintegration process in the region. Economic crises after decades of mutual dependence make the region dependent on foreign investments. Within this complex setting, managing transboundary waters becomes a sensitive task that seems impossible to be resolved by the affected players themselves. Central Asian water management reaches beyond the borders of the region and has long become an international concern. This article analyzes how foreign geopolitical interests shape regional water management, and how capacity building measures can lead to sustainable management from within the region.
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Science China Earth Sciences, 2011, 54(12): 1812-1821.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-011-4333-8URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study analyzed the temporal precipitation variations in the arid Central Asia (ACA) and their regional differences during 1930-2009 using monthly gridded precipitation from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU). Our results showed that the annual precipitation in this westerly circulation dominated arid region is generally increasing during the past 80 years, with an apparent increasing trend (0.7 mm/10 a) in winter. The precipitation variations in ACA also differ regionally, which can be divided into five distinct subregions (I West Kazakhstan region, II East Kazakhstan region, III Central Asia Plains region, IV Kyrgyzstan region, and V Iran Plateau region). The annual precipitation falls fairly even on all seasons in the two northern subregions (regions I and II, approximately north of 45掳N), whereas the annual precipitation is falling mainly on winter and spring (accounting for up to 80% of the annual total precipitation) in the three southern subregions. The annual precipitation is increasing on all subregions except the southwestern ACA (subregion V) during the past 80 years. A significant increase in precipitation appeared in subregions I and III. The long-term trends in annual precipitation in all subregions are determined mainly by trends in winter precipitation. Additionally, the precipitation in ACA has significant interannual variations. The 2-3-year cycle is identified in all subregions, while the 5-6-year cycle is also found in the three southern subregions. Besides the inter-annual variations, there were 3-4 episodic precipitation variations in all subregions, with the latest episodic change that started in the midto late 1970s. The precipitations in most of the study regions are fast increasing since the late 1970s. Overall, the responses of ACA precipitation to global warming are complicated. The variations of westerly circulation are likely the major factors that influence the precipitation variations in the study region.
[6]Long Aihua, Deng Mingjiang, Xie Lei, et al.Exploring analysis on the adaptive countermeasures to water resources evolvement under the climate change in Xinjiang and Aral Sea Basin.
Arid Land Geography, 2012, 35(3): 377-387.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
中亚咸海流域地处全球气候变化的敏感中心,生态环境脆弱、水资源紧缺,过去百年来中亚咸海流域气候、人类活动、生态环境均经历了较为显著的变化,分析中亚咸海流域气候-水-生态-人类活动的关系,对自然与人文相近的新疆可持续发展具有重要的借鉴意义。以最新收集的资料为基础,对比研究近50 a来新疆及近80 a来中亚咸海流域的气温、降水和主要河流的径流变化情况,结合二者水资源开发利用的演变历程,分析气候变化与人类活动对研究区生态环境与持续发展的影响,最后借鉴中亚咸海流域气候变化、人类活动、生态环境的综合关系,讨论气候变化下新疆水资源开发利用的适应性对策。结果表明:近80 a来,新疆与中亚咸海流域气候呈现较为一致的变暖趋势,尤其是20世纪80年代以来,二者绝大部分地区气候呈现“暖干”向“暖湿”转型迹象,河川径流也有不同程度的增加,但由于人类活动规模与强度的迅速、持续增强,研究区生态环境呈现尚未得到有效遏制的恶化趋势。立足于有利的气候时期,强化水资源开发利用管理,提高水资源利用效率和效益,加快关键水源工程建设,完善水资源配置网络体系的建设,是未来一段时期内应对气候变化下新疆水资源开发利用的主要适应性对策。
[龙爱华, 邓铭江, 谢蕾, . 气候变化下新疆及咸海流域河川径流演变及适应性对策分析
. 干旱区地理, 2012, 35(3): 377-387.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
中亚咸海流域地处全球气候变化的敏感中心,生态环境脆弱、水资源紧缺,过去百年来中亚咸海流域气候、人类活动、生态环境均经历了较为显著的变化,分析中亚咸海流域气候-水-生态-人类活动的关系,对自然与人文相近的新疆可持续发展具有重要的借鉴意义。以最新收集的资料为基础,对比研究近50 a来新疆及近80 a来中亚咸海流域的气温、降水和主要河流的径流变化情况,结合二者水资源开发利用的演变历程,分析气候变化与人类活动对研究区生态环境与持续发展的影响,最后借鉴中亚咸海流域气候变化、人类活动、生态环境的综合关系,讨论气候变化下新疆水资源开发利用的适应性对策。结果表明:近80 a来,新疆与中亚咸海流域气候呈现较为一致的变暖趋势,尤其是20世纪80年代以来,二者绝大部分地区气候呈现“暖干”向“暖湿”转型迹象,河川径流也有不同程度的增加,但由于人类活动规模与强度的迅速、持续增强,研究区生态环境呈现尚未得到有效遏制的恶化趋势。立足于有利的气候时期,强化水资源开发利用管理,提高水资源利用效率和效益,加快关键水源工程建设,完善水资源配置网络体系的建设,是未来一段时期内应对气候变化下新疆水资源开发利用的主要适应性对策。
[7]Mannig B, Müller M, Starke E, et al.Dynamical downscaling of climate change in Central Asia.
Global and planetary change, 2013, 110: 26-39.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.05.008URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
The high-resolution regional climate model (RCM) REMO has been implemented over the region of Central Asia, including western China. A model run forced by reanalysis data (1/2 degrees resolution), and two runs forced by a GCM (one run with 1/2 degrees and one run with 1/6 degrees resolution) have been realized. The model has been evaluated regarding its ability to simulate the mean climate of the period 1971-2000. It has been found that the spatial pattern of mean temperature and precipitation is simulated well by REMO. The REMO simulations are often closer to observational data than reanalysis data are, and show considerably higher spatial detail. The GCM-forced simulations extend to the year 2100 under the A1B scenario. The climate change signal of temperature is largest in winter in the northern part of the study area and over mountainous terrain. A warming up to 7 C is projected until the end of the 21st century. In summer, warming is strongest over the southern part of Central Asia. Changes in precipitation are spatially more heterogeneous. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[8]Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change 2014--Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Regional Aspects. Cambridge University Press, 2014.URL [本文引用: 1]
[9]Niederer P, Bilenko V, Ershova N, et al.Tracing glacier wastage in the Northern Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan/Central Asia) over the last 40 years.
Climatic Change, 2008, 86(1-2): 227-234.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-007-9288-6Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<a name="Abs1"></a>The status and dynamics of glaciers are crucial for agriculture in semiarid parts of Central Asia, since river flow is characterized by major runoff in spring and summer, supplied by glacier- and snowmelt. Ideally, this coincides with the critical period of water demand for irrigation. The present study shows a clear trend in glacier retreat between 1963 and 2000 in the Sokoluk watershed, a catchment of the Northern Tien Shan mountain range in Kyrgyzstan. The overall area loss of 28% observed for the period 1963&#8211;2000, and a clear acceleration of wastage since the 1980s, correlate with the results of previous studies in other regions of the Tien Shan as well as the Alps. In particular, glaciers smaller than 0.5&nbsp;km<sup>2</sup> have exhibited this phenomenon most starkly. While they registered a medium decrease of only 9.1% for 1963&#8211;1986, they lost 41.5% of their surface area between 1986 and 2000. Furthermore, a general increase in the minimum glacier elevation of 78&nbsp;m has been observed over the last three decades. This corresponds to about one-third of the entire retreat of the minimum glacier elevation in the Northern Tien Shan since the Little Ice Age maximum.
[10]Li Z, Li H, Chen Y.Mechanisms and simulation of accelerated shrinkage of continental glaciers: A case study of Urumqi Glacier No. 1 in eastern Tianshan, Central Asia.
Journal of Earth Science, 2011, 22: 423-430.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-011-0194-5URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Similar to most mountain glaciers in the world, Urumqi Glacier No. 1 (UG1), the best observed glacier in China with continued glaciological and climatological monitoring records of longer than 50 years has experienced an accelerated recession during the past several decades. The purpose of this study is to investigate the acceleration of recession. By taking UG1 as an example, we analyze the generic mechanisms of acceleration of shrinkage of continental mountain glaciers. The results indicate that the acceleration of mass loss of UG1 commenced first in 1985 and second in 1996 and that the latter was more vigorous. The air temperature rises during melting season, the ice temperature augment of the glacier and the albedo reduction on the glacier surface are considered responsible for the accelerated recession. In addition, the simulations of the accelerated shrinkage of UG1 are introduced in this article.
[11]Kriegel D, Mayer C, Hagg W, et al.Changes in glacierisation, climate and runoff in the second half of the 20th century in the Naryn basin, Central Asia.
Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 110: 51-61
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.05.014URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Glaciers are significant fresh water storages in Central Asian high mountains and are considered to substantially contribute to the summer runoff of Central Asian Rivers. We present a comprehensive study of the glacier area changes in the Naryn catchment located in the Tien Shan Mountains. The catchment with a size of 55,944 km(2) is a major tributary of the Syrdarya River which is heavily used for water supply and irrigation. We analysed the glacier retreat based on Landsat MSS, TM and ETM + imagery for the mid-1970s, late 1990s and mid-2000s and based on a SPOT scene for 2007. Our results show a decreasing glacierisation within the catchment, shrinking from 1210 +/- 30 km(2) (2.2% glacierisation) in the 1970s to 1019 +/- 25 km(2) (1.8% glacierisation) in the late 1990s and further down to 926 +/- 23 km(2) (1.7% glacierisation) in the mid-2000s, corresponding to an area loss of 23% in total. The analysis reveals spatially heterogeneous area loss within the catchment. This can be associated with different hypsometries, size distributions, aspects and presences of debris cover. Small glaciers (with an area <1 km(2)) suffered from a strong area loss within the 30-years investigation period.<br/>Trends in air temperature, precipitation and positive degree days (PDD) at climate stations suggest that the glacier retreat is likely to be driven by the increasing summer (April-September) temperature, rather than Changes in precipitation: In the period from 1960 to 2007, both summer air temperature and PDDs increased significantly at a rate of 0.19 degrees C/decade and 3.9 degrees C/decade respectively, whilst for precipitation no consistent trends were detected. However, rigorous attribution of changes is complicated by the variable glacier response times. In the two headwater sub-catchments of the Naryn basin, Small and Big Naryn, positive trends in spring and autumn discharge were detected and are likely to be associated with the enhanced snow and glacier melt driven by increasing temperatures in those seasons. However, no discharge trends in August the month with the largest expected glacier contribution - were detected. The strong, significantly positive trends in winter and early spring runoff are associated with strongly increasing winter temperatures and number of days with maximum daily temperature above the freezing point causing snow melt. Hence, increasing glacier area reduction can be explained by the prolongation of the melting season reducing accumulation rather than by increasing annual mean temperatures. Despite the high relative changes, the absolute increase in winter discharge is very small. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[12]Hagg W, Hoelzle M, Wagner S, et al.Glacier and runoff changes in the Rukhk catchment, upper Amu-Darya basin until 2050.
Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 110: 62-73.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.05.005URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
A conceptual hydrological model was set up in the upper Panj catchment, the main tributary of Amu-Darya river. After a manual calibration procedure involving model runs with different restrictions, the model reproduced both daily hydrographs of Tanimas river at the Rukhk gauging station (NSE = 0.86) and the snow water equivalent of the Irkht station (R-2 = 0.85) in a very satisfactory way. Based on two glacier inventories from the mid-20th century (WGI, World Glacier Inventory) and from 2003 (GLIMS, Global Land Ice Measurements from Space), a simple parameterization scheme based on steady state conditions was applied to infer the ice volumes and glacier areas for these different time periods. Assuming temperature rises of 2.2 degrees C and 3.1 degrees C, which mark the extreme values of regional climate scenarios, the same method was used to extrapolate glacierization to the year 2050. The results show that these temperature rises will reduce the current glacier extent of 431 km(2) by 36% and 45%, respectively.<br/>To assess future changes in water availability, the hydrological model input was modified according to the regional climate scenarios and the resulting glacier changes. The use of an elevation distributed deglacierization pattern is a clear improvement over methods used previously, where the impact on runoff was tested by excluding either the lower half or the total glacier area. The runoff scenarios reveal only a slight reduction in annual runoff, because the glacier area decrease is almost balanced out by enhanced melt rates. However, there is an important seasonal shift of water resources from summer to spring, unfavorably affecting agriculture and irrigation in the lowlands. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[13]Deng H, Chen Y, Wang H, et al.Climate change with elevation and its potential impact on water resources in the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia.
Global and Planetary Change, 2015, 135: 28-37.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.09.015URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Climate change in complex mountain regions has an impact on the change of water resources, especially in arid areas. Here, we use long-term meteorological and hydrological station observation data to analyze the time series of climate indices and runoff to study the variability of climate in the Kaidu River Basin. The analysis results are as follows: 1) the variability rate of low temperature indices are of greater magnitude than high temperature indices; 2) overall, for the river basin, frost days and ice days all exhibited decreasing trends, and growing season lengths increased considerably; 3) during the past 50 years, overall precipitation has increased in the river basin, but there are some differences in some seasons, and precipitation from June to August accounts for approximately 66% of the annual precipitation; and 4) temperature lapse rate and precipitation of the mountain region are major factors influencing the change of runoff for the Kaidu River Basin, temperature lapse rates are the main factor influencing the run off change in the spring and fall, and precipitation in the mountain region is the major factor influencing the runoff change in the summer. Generally, climate change in complex mountain regions will be expected to seriously affect water resources in arid regions.
[14]Aizen V B, Aizen E M, Kuzmichenok V A.Geo-informational simulation of possible changes in Central Asian water resources.
Global and Planetary Change, 2007, 56(3): 341-358.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2006.07.020URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT This study simulates water resources in the Tien Shan alpine basins to forecast how global and regional climate changes would affect river runoff. The model employed annual mean values for the major characteristics of the water cycle: annual air temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration and river runoff. The simulation was based on 304 hydro-meteorological stations, 23 precipitation sites, 328 high altitudinal points with glaciological measurements, 123 stream-gauges, and 54 evaporation sites, and it took into account topography. The findings were simulated over Tien Shan relief using a 1:500,000 scale 100 m grid resolution Digital Elevation Model. An applicable GIS-based distributed River Runoff Model was implemented in regional conditions and tested in the Tien Shan basins. The annual evapotranspiration exceeds the river runoff in the Tien Shan watersheds particularly up to 3700 m. Hypothetical climate-change scenarios in the Tien Shan predict that by 2100 river runoff will increase by 1.047 times with an increase in air temperature averaging 3 掳C and an increase in precipitation averaging 1.2 times the current levels. Change in precipitation, rather than temperature, is the main parameter determining river runoff in the Tien Shan. The maximum ratio for predicted river runoff could reach up to 2.2 and the minimum is predicted to be 0.55 times current levels. This possibly dramatic change in river runoff indicates on non-linear system response caused mainly by the non-linear response of evapotranspiration from air temperature and precipitation changes. In the frame of forecasted possible climate change scenarios the probability of river runoff growth amounts 83鈥87% and probability of this decline is 17鈥13% by 2100 in the Tien Shan River basins.
[15]White C J, Tanton T W, Rycroft D W.The impact of climate change on the water resources of the Amu Darya basin in Central Asia.
Water Resources Management, 2014, 28(15): 5267-5281.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-014-0716-xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Central Asia is facing an unprecedented juxtaposition of regional climate- and water-related issues, emphasised by a changing climate. We investigate the potential impact of long-term climate change on the availability of water resources in the Amu Darya River, one of the two major rivers that feed the Aral Sea, and its effect on irrigation in the region. Using a water balance accounting model developed for the Amu Darya basin, we find that projected increases in summer temperatures of up to 5 °C by 2070–2099 under a high-emission scenario, combined with likely shifts in the seasonality of precipitation, would lead to an increase in crop water consumptive demand of between 10.6 and 16 % (or between 3.7 and 5.5 km3 y?1) relative to 1961–1990. By the end of the century, 34 to 49 % of the basin’s existing 3.4 million ha of irrigated land would go unirrigated in a 1:20 year drought. Runoff is also expected to decline by between 10 and 20 % on current levels, however contributions to river flows from unsustainable glacial retreat and snow-melt are likely to remain small. While the uncertainty surrounding the precipitation projections is high, the effect of increased temperatures on irrigation practices in the basin is more robust in the long-term
[16]Morris B L, Darling W G, Gooddy D C, et al.Assessing the extent of induced leakage to an urban aquifer using environmental tracers: An example from Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia.
Hydrogeology Journal, 2006, 14(1-2): 225-243.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-005-0441-xMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<a name="Abs1"></a>A groundwater residence time study of the deep fluvioglacial aquifer supplying Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, has found evidence of deep infiltration of recent recharge both in the main periurban wellfield and below the city. Commonly-employed hydrochemical markers detected urban influence in the city-centre to depths of 65–100&nbsp;m, but gave no indication of the important role of induced river/canal bed leakage, either upgradient in the periurban wellfield or within the city. This was revealed by O and H stable isotope measurements, which showed that local rainfall/snowfall play little part in the aquifer water balance. More remarkably, the universal detection of CFCs and SF<sub>6</sub>, including in boreholes with 140–220&nbsp;m deep upper screens, demonstrated that induced leakage of water just a few decades old had penetrated much deeper into the aquifer system than other hydrochemical markers indicated. A two-dimensional flow model set up to test whether such deep pumping-induced leakage could occur below the periurban wellfield confirmed its feasibility. The results imply vertical infiltration rates of 5–10&nbsp;m/year and demonstrate that in this not-uncommon intergranular aquifer setting, deep boreholes with deep screen settings do not necessarily abstract old water. Hence, there are major implications for urban groundwater management and protection in such settings.
[17]Cheng Yanpei, Zhang Fawang, Dong Hua, et al.Wetland dynamic monitoring in central Asia based on MODIS image.
Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2010, 37(5):33-37.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-3665.2010.05.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
水体动态监测是当今资源与环境变化研究的一个热点与重点.及时、 准确地获得水体变化信息是对湿地资源保护、利用和可持续发展的有力支持,而遥感技术的快速、周期性等特点为湿地变化监测提供了技术手段.本文的研究区是中 亚地区,结合该地区的光谱和时相特征,利用三个时相的MODIS数据,采用监督分类以及人工解译等方法获取了研究区水体分布以及变化信息,并从自然和人为 两方面原因对咸水湖泊、淡水湖泊以及含水沟渠的变化情况进行进一步分析评价.
[程彦培, 张发旺, 董华, . 基于MODIS卫星数据的中亚地区水体动态监测研究
. 水文地质工程地质, 2010, 37(5): 33-37.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-3665.2010.05.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
水体动态监测是当今资源与环境变化研究的一个热点与重点.及时、 准确地获得水体变化信息是对湿地资源保护、利用和可持续发展的有力支持,而遥感技术的快速、周期性等特点为湿地变化监测提供了技术手段.本文的研究区是中 亚地区,结合该地区的光谱和时相特征,利用三个时相的MODIS数据,采用监督分类以及人工解译等方法获取了研究区水体分布以及变化信息,并从自然和人为 两方面原因对咸水湖泊、淡水湖泊以及含水沟渠的变化情况进行进一步分析评价.
[18]Bai J, Chen X, Li J, et al.Changes in the area of inland lakes in arid regions of Central Asia during the past 30 years.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2011, 178(1-4): 247-256.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-010-1686-yMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Inland lakes are major surface water resource in arid regions of Central Asia. The area changes in these lakes have been proved to be the results of regional climate changes and recent human activities. This study aimed at investigating the area variations of the nine major lakes in Central Asia over the last 30 years. Firstly, multi-temporal Landsat imagery in 1975, 1990, 1999, and 2007 were used to delineate lake extents automatically based on Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) threshold segmentation, then lake area variations were detailed in three decades and the mechanism of these changes was analyzed with meteorological data and hydrological data. The results indicated that the total surface areas of these nine lakes had decreased from 91,402.06 km(2) to 46,049.23 km(2) during 1975-2007, accounting for 49.62% of their original area of 1975. Tail-end lakes in flat areas had shrunk dramatically as they were induced by both climate changes and human impacts, while alpine lakes remained relatively stable due to the small precipitation variations. With different water usage of river outlets, the variations of open lakes were more flexible than those of other two types. According to comprehensive analyses, different types of inland lakes presented different trends of area changes under the background of global warming effects in Central Asia, which showed that the increased human activities had broken the balance of water cycles in this region.
[19]Li Junli, Chen Xi, Bao Anming.Spatial-temporal characteristics of lake level changes in Central Asia during 2003-2009.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011, 66(9): 1219-1229.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
利用ICESat/GLAS 卫星测高数据产品获取2003-2009 年间中亚地区24 个典型湖泊的水位信息,分析该地区湖泊水位变化的时间过程和空间特征,并结合流域内气象观测数据和冰川、水坝分布图,分析不同类型湖泊的水位变化对气候变化与人类活动的响应。结果表明,湖泊水位变化与湖泊所在流域的年均降水量的变化呈显著的正相关;冰川融水对高山封闭湖泊的变化具有重要作用,其中在青藏高原北部、帕米尔高原和天山中部有大量冰川分布的流域,湖泊水位变化与湖泊补给系数呈正相关,水位主要表现为升高或稳定的状态;而在天山和阿尔泰山高地区无冰川补给的流域,水位随湖泊补给系数的增大而呈现负变化。水利枢纽或拦水坝为人类活动对湖泊的直接影响因子,其空间分布与近年来外流湖和平原尾闾湖的水位变化有关。拦水建坝的外流湖和尾闾湖的水位下降明显,而未建拦水坝或水利枢纽的外流湖水位相对稳定,进一步印证了近年来中亚水资源过度开发造成湖泊水位下降的事实。
[李均力, 陈曦, 包安明. 2003-2009 年中亚地区湖泊水位变化的时空特征
. 地理学报, 2011, 66(9): 1219-1229.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
利用ICESat/GLAS 卫星测高数据产品获取2003-2009 年间中亚地区24 个典型湖泊的水位信息,分析该地区湖泊水位变化的时间过程和空间特征,并结合流域内气象观测数据和冰川、水坝分布图,分析不同类型湖泊的水位变化对气候变化与人类活动的响应。结果表明,湖泊水位变化与湖泊所在流域的年均降水量的变化呈显著的正相关;冰川融水对高山封闭湖泊的变化具有重要作用,其中在青藏高原北部、帕米尔高原和天山中部有大量冰川分布的流域,湖泊水位变化与湖泊补给系数呈正相关,水位主要表现为升高或稳定的状态;而在天山和阿尔泰山高地区无冰川补给的流域,水位随湖泊补给系数的增大而呈现负变化。水利枢纽或拦水坝为人类活动对湖泊的直接影响因子,其空间分布与近年来外流湖和平原尾闾湖的水位变化有关。拦水建坝的外流湖和尾闾湖的水位下降明显,而未建拦水坝或水利枢纽的外流湖水位相对稳定,进一步印证了近年来中亚水资源过度开发造成湖泊水位下降的事实。
[20]Klein I, Dietz A J, Gessner U, et al.Evaluation of seasonal water body extents in Central Asia over the past 27 years derived from medium-resolution remote sensing data.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2014, 26: 335-349.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2013.08.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
In this study medium resolution remote sensing data of the AVHRR and MODIS sensors were used for derivation of inland water bodies extents over a period from 1986 till 2012 for the region of Central Asia. Daily near-infrared (NIR) spectra from the AVHRR sensor with 1.1 km spatial resolution and 8-day NIR composites from the MODIS sensor with 250 m spatial resolution for the months April, July and September were used as input data. The methodological approach uses temporal dynamic thresholds for individual data sets, which allows detection of water pixel independent from differing conditions or sensor differences. The individual results are summed up and combined to monthly composites of areal extent of water bodies. The presented water masks for the months April, July, and September were chosen to detect seasonal patterns as well as inter-annual dynamics and show diverse behaviour of static, decreasing, or dynamic water bodies in the study region. The size of the Southern Aral Sea, as the most popular example for an ecologic catastrophe, is decreasing significantly throughout all seasons (R-2 0.96 for April; 0.97 for July; 0.96 for September). Same is true for shallow natural lakes in the northern Kazakhstan, exemplary the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn lake system, which have been shrinking in the last two decades due to drier conditions (R-2 0.91 for July; 0.90 for September). On the contrary, water reservoirs show high seasonality and are very dynamic within one year in their areal extent with maximum before growing season and minimum after growing season. Furthermore, there are water bodies such as Alakol-Sasykol lake system and natural mountainous lakes which have been stable in their areal extent throughout the entire time period. Validation was performed based on several Landsat images with 30 m resolution and reveals an overall accuracy of 83% for AVHRR and 91% for MODIS monthly water masks. The results should assist for climatological and ecological studies, land and water management, and as input data for different modelling applications. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[21]Deng Mingjiang, Long Aihua, Zhang Yi, et al.Assessment of water resources development and utilization in the five Central Asia countries.
Advances in Earth Science, 2010, 25(12): 1347-1356.
Magsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[邓铭江, 龙爱华, 章毅, . 中亚五国水资源及其开发利用评价
. 地球科学进展, 2010, 25(12): 1347-1356.]
Magsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[22]Zhou Hongfei, Zhang Jiebin.Analysis on the volume of available water resources and its carrying capacity in Xinjiang, China.
Arid Land Geography, 2005, 28(8): 756-763.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-6060.2005.06.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
把新疆划分为伊犁河—额尔齐斯河外流区、准噶尔盆地—天山北坡经济区、塔里木盆地-塔里木河流域区和吐哈盆地诸小河流域区等4个水资源分区。系统分析估算了各分区的水资源总量、水资源可利用量以及水资源的利用现状、水资源的潜力及其承载能力,并参考已有研究结果进行了评述。新疆社会经济可利用的水资源量为598.96×108m3,新疆生态需水量为229.31×108m3;在建立节水型社会后,可以满足新疆社会经济、生态的需水。到2050年人均GDP81697.49元时,可承载的人口规模不低于3 250.8×104人。
[周宏飞, 张捷斌. 新疆的水资源可利用量及其承载能力分析
. 干旱区地理, 2005, 28(6): 756-763.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-6060.2005.06.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
把新疆划分为伊犁河—额尔齐斯河外流区、准噶尔盆地—天山北坡经济区、塔里木盆地-塔里木河流域区和吐哈盆地诸小河流域区等4个水资源分区。系统分析估算了各分区的水资源总量、水资源可利用量以及水资源的利用现状、水资源的潜力及其承载能力,并参考已有研究结果进行了评述。新疆社会经济可利用的水资源量为598.96×108m3,新疆生态需水量为229.31×108m3;在建立节水型社会后,可以满足新疆社会经济、生态的需水。到2050年人均GDP81697.49元时,可承载的人口规模不低于3 250.8×104人。
[23]Yang P, Chen Y.An analysis of terrestrial water storage variations from GRACE and GLDAS: The Tianshan Mountains and its adjacent areas, central Asia.
Quaternary International, 2015, 358: 106-112.
[本文引用: 1]
[24]Sun Qian, Tashpolat T, Ding Jianli, et al.GRACE data-based estimation of spatial variations in water storage over the Central Asia during 2003-2013.
Acta Astronomica Sinica, 2014, 55(6): 498-511.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0001-5245.2014.06.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
利用2003年1月至2013年1月10 yr间的GRACE(Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)重力场恢复与气候实验重力卫星数据,辅以TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)/CMAP(Climate Prediction Center’s Merged Analysis of Precipitation)降水量数、NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)数据、DEM(Digital Elevation Model)数据等多种数据源及诸多GIS(Geographic Information System)手段,分析了121个月内研究区陆地水储量的动态变化情况.研究结果表明:⑴自东向西研究区陆地水储量变化程度由微弱逐步变化为非常剧烈;⑵巴尔喀什湖域外流区、鄂毕河流域以及部分叶尼塞河中下游地区的陆地水储量持续增长趋势显著;⑶锡尔河流域、阿姆河流域的交界处、幼发拉底-底格里斯河流域和里海西南海岸交界范围内,陆地水储量呈现了急剧降低的趋势;⑷降水量、蒸散发、地表植被的覆盖变化、地形因素等自然因素均对陆地水储量产生影响作用;⑸陆地水储量最大值出现的时间滞后于降水量最大值出现的时间.
[孙倩, 塔西甫拉提·特依拜, 丁建丽, 等. 利用 GRACE 数据监测中亚地区陆地水储量动态变化的研究
. 天文学报, 2014, 55(6): 498-511.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0001-5245.2014.06.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
利用2003年1月至2013年1月10 yr间的GRACE(Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)重力场恢复与气候实验重力卫星数据,辅以TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)/CMAP(Climate Prediction Center’s Merged Analysis of Precipitation)降水量数、NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)数据、DEM(Digital Elevation Model)数据等多种数据源及诸多GIS(Geographic Information System)手段,分析了121个月内研究区陆地水储量的动态变化情况.研究结果表明:⑴自东向西研究区陆地水储量变化程度由微弱逐步变化为非常剧烈;⑵巴尔喀什湖域外流区、鄂毕河流域以及部分叶尼塞河中下游地区的陆地水储量持续增长趋势显著;⑶锡尔河流域、阿姆河流域的交界处、幼发拉底-底格里斯河流域和里海西南海岸交界范围内,陆地水储量呈现了急剧降低的趋势;⑷降水量、蒸散发、地表植被的覆盖变化、地形因素等自然因素均对陆地水储量产生影响作用;⑸陆地水储量最大值出现的时间滞后于降水量最大值出现的时间.
[25]Cai M, Yang S, Zeng H, et al.A distributed hydrological model driven by multi-source spatial data and its application in the Ili River Basin of Central Asia.
Water resources management, 2014, 28(10): 2851-2866.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-014-0641-zMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Hydrological simulation in ungauged regions is a popular topic in water resource and environmental research, and is also an important part of the international research initiative Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB). In this study, a multi-spatial data-based DTVGM (MS-DTVGM), combining multi-source spatial data (MS-spatial data) with the Distributed Time-Variant Gain Model (DTVGM), was built in order to reduce dependence on conventional observation, and was applied to the Ili River basin where traditional data sets are scarce. Because it utilizes MS-spatial data to measure precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, air temperature, vegetation parameters, and soil parameters, the model is driven purely by data from common platforms, thus overcoming the disadvantage of the large amounts of data typically required for distributed hydrological models. The inputs and simulation results were calibrated and validated using station or field observations. The results indicate that: 1) the MS-DTVGM is feasible in the Ili River basin; all model inputs can be acquired from multi-source spatial data and the key parameters are accurate; 2) the MS-DTVGM has good performance on a monthly time scale, and its simulation results can be used for a longer time-scale water resource analysis; and (3) daily runoff generation correlated strongly with snowmelt, the R-2 is about 0.69 indicating that the latter is an important contributor to water resources and suggesting that a snowmelt module is indispensable this area. The potential of distributed models for hydrological simulation in data-scarce regions using MS-spatial data was clearly demonstrated.
[26]Radchenko I, Breuer L, Forkutsa I, et al.Simulating water resource availability under data scarcity: A case study for the Ferghana Valley (Central Asia).
Water, 2014, 6(11): 3270-3299.
https://doi.org/10.3390/w6113270URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Glaciers and snowmelt supply the Naryn and Karadarya rivers, and about 70% of the water available for the irrigated agriculture in the Ferghana Valley. Nineteen smaller catchments contribute the remaining water mainly from annual precipitation. The latter will gain importance if glaciers retreat as predicted. Hydrological models can visualize such climate change impacts on water resources. However, poor data availability often hampers simulating the contributions of smaller catchments. We tested several data pre-processing methods (gap filling, MODAWEC (MOnthly to DAily WEather Converter), lapse rate) and their effect on the performance of the HBV (Hydrologiska Byr氓ns Vattenavdelning)-light model. Monte Carlo simulations were used to define parameter uncertainties and ensembles of behavioral model runs. Model performances were evaluated by constrained measures of goodness-of-fit criteria (cumulative bias, coefficient of determination, model efficiency coefficients (NSE) for high flow and log-transformed flow). The developed data pre-processing arrangement can utilize data of relatively poor quality (only monthly means or daily data with gaps) but still provide model results with NSE between 0.50 and 0.88. Some of these may not be accurate enough to directly guide water management applications. However, the pre-processing supports producing key information that may initiate rigging of monitoring facilities, and enable water management to respond to fundamentally changing water availability.
[27]Wang X, Luo Y, Sun L, et al.Attribution of Runoff Decline in the Amu Darya River in Central Asia during 1951-2007.
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2016, 17(5): 1543-1560.
https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-15-0114.1URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
AbstractRunoff in the Amu Darya River (ADR) in Central Asia has been declining steadily since the 1950s. The reasons for this decline are ambiguous, requiring a complete analysis of glacio-hydrological processes across the entire data-scarce source region. In this study, grid database of precipitation from the Asian Precipitation Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation of Water Resources (APHRODITE) and temperature from Princeton’s Global Meteorological Forcing Dataset (PGMFD) are used to force the distributed, glacier-enhanced SWAT model to simulate glacio-hydrological processes for 1951–2007 so as to determine long-term streamflow changes and the primary driving factors in the source region of ADR. The study suggests that the database was a suitable proxy for temperature and precipitation forcing in simulating glacio-hydrological in the data-scarce alpine catchment region. The estimated annual streamflow of 72.6 km3 in the upper ADR had a decreasing trend for the period from 19...
[28]Siegfried T, Bernauer T, Guiennet R, et al.Will climate change exacerbate water stress in Central Asia?.
Climatic Change, 2012, 112(3/4): 881-899.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-011-0253-zURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT Millions of people in the geopolitically important region of Central Asia depend on water from snow- and glacier-melt driven international rivers, most of all the Syr Darya and Amu Darya. The riparian countries of these rivers have experienced recurring water allocation conflicts ever since the Soviet Union collapsed. Will climate change exacerbate water stress and thus conflicts? We have developed a coupled climate, land-ice and rainfall-runoff model for the Syr Darya to quantify impacts and show that climatic changes are likely to have consequences on runoff seasonality due to earlier snow-melt. This will increase water stress in unregulated catchments because less water will be available for irrigation in the summer months. Threats from geohazards, above all glacier lake outbursts, are likely to increase as well. The area at highest risk is the densely populated, agriculturally productive, and politically unstable Fergana Valley. Targeted infrastructural developments will be required in the region. If the current mismanagement of water and energy resources can be replaced with more effective resource allocation mechanisms through the strengthening of transboundary institutions, Central Asia will be able to successfully address these future climate-related challenges.
[29]Ma C, Sun L, Liu S, et al.Impact of climate change on the streamflow in the glacierized Chu River Basin, Central Asia.
Journal of Arid Land, 2015, 7(4): 501-513.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s40333-015-0041-0Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Catchments dominated by meltwater runoff are sensitive to climate change as changes in pre-cipitation and temperature inevitably affect the characteristics of glaciermelt/snowmelt, hydrologic circle and water resources. This study simulated the impact of climate change on the runoff generation and streamflow of Chu River Basin (CRB), a glacierized basin in Central Asia using the enhanced Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The model was calibrated and validated using the measured monthly streamflow data from three discharge gauge stations in CRB for the period 1961&ndash;1985 and was subsequently driven by downscaled future climate projections of five Global Circulation Models (GCMs) in Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) under three radiative forcing scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). In this study, the period 1966&ndash;1995 was used as the baseline period, while 2016&ndash;2045 and 2066&ndash;2095 as the near-future and far-future period, respectively. As projected, the climate would become warmer and drier under all scenarios in the future, and the future climate would be characterized by larger seasonal and annual variations under higher RCP. A general decreasing trend was identified in the average annual runoff in glacier (&ndash;26.6% to &ndash;1.0%), snow (&ndash;21.4% to +1.1%) and streamflow (&ndash;27.7% to &ndash;6.6%) for most of the future scenario periods. The projected maximum streamflow in each of the two future scenarios occurred one month earlier than that in the baseline period because of the reduced streamflow in summer months. Results of this study are expected to arouse the serious concern about water resource availability in the headwater region of CRB under the continuously warming climate. Changes in simulated hydrologic outputs underscored the significance of lowering the uncertainties in temperature and precipitation projection.
[30]Yuldasheva G, Hashimova U, Callahan J.Current trends in water management in Central Asia.
Peace and Conflict Review, 2010, 5(1): 1-11.
[本文引用: 1]
[31]Kitamura K.Issues of Water Users' Associations for sustainable irrigation and drainage in Central Asia.
Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ, 2008, 42(3): 203-210.
[本文引用: 1]
[32]Abdullaev I, Kazbekov J, Manthritilake H, et al.Water user groups in Central Asia: emerging form of collective action in irrigation water management.
Water Resources Management, 2010, 24(5): 1029-1043.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-009-9484-4Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper examines the recent emerging informal Water Users Groups (WUGs) on the Ferghana Valley for managing of the water at the former collective farm level and potential for strengthening of the weak Water Users Associations (WUAs) through replication of WUGs formation. Due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Central Asian states have introduced reforms in different sectors including the water resources sectors. As a part of the water resources management reforms, Water Users Associations (WUAs) formation has implemented to manage water resources infrastructure and water distribution. WUGs have been emerging because WUAs have not been very efficient and effective due to their top-down implementation approach. In future, WUGs are very effective institutional mechanism of water resources management, and a useful support instrument to WUAs.
[33]Awan U K, Tischbein B, Conrad C, et al.Remote sensing and hydrological measurements for irrigation performance assessments in a water user association in the lower Amu Darya River Basin.
Water Resources Management, 2011, 25(10): 2467-2485.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-011-9821-2Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Irrigation water management in Central Asia is notorious for its inefficiency. We assessed the operational performance of the irrigation scheme in one Water Users Association (WUA), Shomakhulum, in Khorezm district, Uzbekistan, in 2007 to provide recommendations for strategic water management planning. Relative evapotranspiration (RET), delivery performance ratio (DPR), drainage ratio (DR), depleted fraction (DF), overall consumed ratio (OCR), field application ratio (FAR) and conveyance ratio (CR) were used as performance indicators. The components of the water balance were obtained through remote sensing techniques and hydrological field measurements. The surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) was applied to MODIS satellite data to derive actual and potential evapotranspiration. Inflows and outflows were quantified with field measurements in the irrigation and drainage network using discharge rating curves. Ponding experiments allowed determining canal seepage losses. Water balances at field level were established for application efficiency estimations. The indicator values were then compared to efficiency target values taken from the literature in order to assess the operational capabilities of the irrigation scheme. The general performance of the irrigation scheme is very poor. DPRs exceeding 1.0 indicate that more water is delivered to the system than is demanded. The seasonal DF of 0.4 is lower than the target value of 0.6. Losses during the field application averaged at 57%, which is 24% above target values. Seasonal DR, OCR, CR and RET are 0.55, 0.51, 0.76 and 0.82 against the target values of 0.1, 0.54, 0.84 and 0.75, respectively. We conclude that the distribution mechanism can be considerably improved. Besides improving water distribution (timing and equity) in the network, another recommended intervention would be to increase the DF, particularly by interventions at field level that raise the FAR, which in turn will improve DR and OCR. This can be achieved by introducing modern water management approaches such as laser leveling, double-sided irrigation, and control of inflow through flow-measuring devices installed at farm gates, and adequate water pricing.
[34]Karimov A, Molden D, Khamzina T, et al.A water accounting procedure to determine the water savings potential of the Fergana Valley.
Agricultural Water Management, 2012, 108: 61-72.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2011.11.010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Syrdarya River basin in Central Asia exhibits symptoms of scarcity because of growing competition between hydropower upstream and environment, cities and agriculture downstream. Different approaches to water management, based on water savings in agriculture could relieve the stress of competition, yet keep alive a vibrant agriculture. The Fergana Valley, a highly productive area within the upstream of the Syrdarya River, was analyzed to determine the water savings potential of agriculture. This paper used a water accounting procedure to identify both the scope for savings and the strategies to realize those gains. Significant nonproductive depletion of water at 2681-4164 million m(3) (Mm(3)) was identified in the form of evaporation, flows to sinks and pollution. The water-saving potential is estimated at 2823 Mm(3) annually, which is about 10% of the total inflow into the area, through a range of practical approaches. This strategy would bring regional benefits by reallocation of surplus winter flow from the upstream for summer use in the downstream. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[35]Platonov A, Thenkabail P S, Biradar C M, et al.Water productivity mapping (WPM) using Landsat ETM+ data for the irrigated croplands of the Syrdarya River basin in Central Asia.
Sensors, 2008, 8(12): 8156-8180.
https://doi.org/10.3390/s8128156URLPMID:3791012 [本文引用: 1]摘要
The overarching goal of this paper was to espouse methods and protocols for water productivity mapping (WPM) using high spatial resolution Landsat remote sensing data. In a world where land and water for agriculture are becoming increasingly scarce, growing “more crop per drop” (increasing water productivity) becomes crucial for food security of future generations. The study used time-series Landsat ETM+ data to produce WPMs of irrigated crops, with emphasis on cotton in the Galaba study area in the Syrdarya river basin of Central Asia. The WPM methods and protocols using remote sensing data consisted of: (1) crop productivity (ton/ha) maps (CPMs) involvingcrop type classification, crop yield and biophysical modeling, and extrapolating yield models to larger areas using remotely sensed data; (2) crop water use (m3/ha) maps (WUMs) (or actual seasonal evapotranspiration or actual ET) developed through Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEB) model; and (3) water productivity (kg/m3) maps (WPMs) produced by dividing raster layers of CPMs by WUMs. The SSEB model calculated WUMs (actual ET) by multiplying the ET fractionby reference ET. The ETfraction was determined using Landsat thermal imagery by selecting the “hot” pixels (zero ET) and “cold” pixels (maximum ET). The grass reference ET was calculated by FAO Penman-Monteith method using meteorological data. The WPMs for the Galaba study area demonstrated a wide variations (0-0.54 kg/m3) in water productivity of cotton fields with overwhelming proportion (87%) of the area having WP less than 0.30 kg/m3, 11% of the area having WP in range of 0.30-0.36 kg/m3, and only 2% of the area with WP greater than 0.36 kg/m3. These results clearly imply that there are opportunities for significant WP increases in overwhelming proportion of the existing croplands. The areas of low WP are spatially pin-pointed and can be used as focus for WP improvements through better land and water management practices.
[36]Pereira L S, Paredes P, Сholpankulov E D, et al.Irrigation scheduling strategies for cotton to cope with water scarcity in the Fergana Valley, Central Asia.
Agricultural Water Management, 2009, 96(5): 723-735.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2008.10.013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Central Asian countries face high water scarcity due to aridity and desertification but excess water is often applied to the main irrigated crops. This over-irrigation contributes to aggravate water scarcity problems. Improved water saving irrigation is therefore required, mainly through appropriate irrigation scheduling. To provide for it, after being previously calibrated and validated for cotton in the Fergana region, the irrigation scheduling simulation model ISAREG was explored to simulate improved irrigation scheduling alternatives. Results show that using the present irrigation scheduling a large part of the applied water, averaging 20%, percolates out of the root zone. Several irrigation strategies were analyzed, including full irrigation and various levels of deficit irrigation. The analysis focused a three-year period when experiments for calibration and validation of the model were carried out, and a longer period of 33 years that provided for an analysis considering the probabilities of the demand for irrigation water. The first concerned a wet period while the second includes a variety of climatic demand conditions that provided for analyzing alternative schedules for average, high and very high climatic demand. Results have shown the importance of the groundwater contribution, mainly when deficit irrigation is applied. Analyzing several deficit irrigation strategies through the respective potential water saving, relative yield losses, water productivity and economic water productivity, it could be concluded that relative mild deficits may be adopted. Contrarily, the adoption of high water deficit that produce high water savings would lead to yield losses that may be economically not acceptable.
[37]Conrad C, Rahmann M, Machwitz M, et al.Satellite based calculation of spatially distributed crop water requirements for cotton and wheat cultivation in Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan.
Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 110: 88-98.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.08.002URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study focuses on the generation of reliable data for improving land and water use in Central Asia. An object-based remote sensing classification is applied and combined with the CropWat model developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to determine crop distribution and water requirements for irrigation of cotton and winter-wheat in Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. The crop classification is conducted on RapidEye and Landsat data acquired before the onset of the main summer irrigation phases in July using a random forest algorithm. The ClimWat database of FAO is utilized for calculating crop water requirements (CWR) and crop irrigation requirements (CIR).<br/>Classification reveals an overall accuracy of 86.2% and exceeds a producer's (user's) accuracy of 95% (89%) for both, cotton and wheat. In 2010, cotton and winter-wheat are planted on 66.7% of the agricultural area under investigation, whereas orchard areas amount to 15.5%. The CWR modelled for winter-wheat and cotton cultivation revealed 5443 m(3) ha(-1) and 9278 m(3) ha(-1), respectively. Subtracting effective precipitation leads to OR of 4133 m(3) ha(-1) and 8813 m(3) ha(-1). Comparisons of CWR and CIR for the area dominating crops with the total of water officially allocated for irrigation underline the pressure on the water resources in the entire Syr Darya catchment and suggest modifications of the cropping system towards more winter crops. The early season crop maps can be used for water saving as they enable modifications of water allocation plans within the different irrigation subsystems of the valley. The method for mapping spatially distributed CWR and CIR can be transferred to other irrigated areas in Central Asia and beyond. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[38]Zhang Q, Xu H, Li Y, et al.Oasis evolution and water resource utilization of a typical area in the inland river basin of an arid area: A case study of the Manas River valley.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 66(2): 683-692.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-011-1276-5Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Manas River valley is a typical inland river basin of an arid area in central Asia, and illustrates oasis evolution and economic development in this region. Based on the historical documents, monitoring data from field surveys, and remote sensing image data, this paper illustrates the oases evolution over the last 2,000 years and analyzes the rapid expansion of the Manas River oasis in the last 60 years. We also examine the relationship between oasis evolution and water resource utilization. We discuss the characteristics and effects of oasis expansion and the proposed adjustment measures for sustainable development of the Manas River valley. The principal objectives of this paper were to analyze the relationship between oasis expansion and water resource utilization over the last 60 years, and to solve the conflict between the continuous expansion of oases and a shortage of water resources to keep development of the Manas River valley sustainable. The results indicate that (1) oasis evolution in the Manas River valley over 2,000 years can be divided into three periods: a period dominated by animal husbandry, a period of semi-farming and semi-grazing, and a farming-dominated period. During the first two periods, the oasis area was limited, water conservancy facilities were poor and water utilization levels were low. In the third period, oasis expansion over the last 60 years shows a large-scale development. (2) The farming-dominated period can be subdivided into four phases according to the scale of water projects and the level of irrigation. Different oasis scales of the four phases show that artificial oasis evolution has a close connection with water resource utilization. (3) The evolution of oases in the Manas River valley raises some environmental problems although it plays an active role in promoting sustainability. Therefore, adjustment measures for the future development of oases could be proposed from the perspective of sustainable development, such as oasis scale control, forbidding reclamation, moderating exploitation of groundwater, and transforming industrial structures.
[39]Suo Yuxia, Wang Zhengxing, Liu Chuang, et al.Relationship between NDVI and precipitation and temperature in Middle Asia during 1982-2002.
Resources Science, 2009, 31(8): 1422-1429.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
本文利用1982年~2002年间AVHRR-NDVI数据和气候研究组(CRU)降水与气温数据,分析了中亚5国21年来NDVI年际与季节变化特征及其与气候因子的相关关系。结果表明:①在植被生长季,53%地区NDVI年变化率 <±0.0005NDVI/a(无变化),40%地区NDVI年变化率>0.0005 NDVI/a(增加),6%地区NDVI年变化率< -0.0005 NDVI/a(下降);按照植被覆盖类型,除常绿林、高山草甸年均NDVI呈一定的上升趋势,变化率分别为0.0014 NDVI/a(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.001),0.0009 NDVI/a(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.001),落叶林、草原、作物、草原化荒漠NDVI没有显著变化(p<sub>0.05</sub>>0.05);②年均NDVI与降水、温度相关性分析结果表明,49.00%的地区年均NDVI与年降水量呈正相关,52.33%的地区NDVI与春季降水量正相关,33.69%的地区NDVI与夏季降水量正相关,70.00%的地区年均NDVI与各季气温弱相关,仅17.78%的地区年均NDVI与年均气温正相关;6种植被类型NDVI与降水、气温相关关系为,常绿林、高山草甸年均NDVI与年均气温分别低度、显著正相关性,相关系数分别为0.432(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.05)、0.557(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.009);草原、作物与年降水量分别显著、低度正相关,相关系数分别为0.511(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.018)、0.476(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.029);落叶林NDVI与夏、冬季降水量低度正相关,相关系数分别为0.415(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.061)、0.461(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.035);草原化荒漠NDVI与春季降水量正相关但不显著,相关系数为0.415(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.061)。
[索玉霞, 王正兴, 刘闯, . 中亚地区1982年至2002年植被指数与气温和降水的相关性分析
. 资源科学, 2009, 31(8): 1422-1429.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
本文利用1982年~2002年间AVHRR-NDVI数据和气候研究组(CRU)降水与气温数据,分析了中亚5国21年来NDVI年际与季节变化特征及其与气候因子的相关关系。结果表明:①在植被生长季,53%地区NDVI年变化率 <±0.0005NDVI/a(无变化),40%地区NDVI年变化率>0.0005 NDVI/a(增加),6%地区NDVI年变化率< -0.0005 NDVI/a(下降);按照植被覆盖类型,除常绿林、高山草甸年均NDVI呈一定的上升趋势,变化率分别为0.0014 NDVI/a(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.001),0.0009 NDVI/a(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.001),落叶林、草原、作物、草原化荒漠NDVI没有显著变化(p<sub>0.05</sub>>0.05);②年均NDVI与降水、温度相关性分析结果表明,49.00%的地区年均NDVI与年降水量呈正相关,52.33%的地区NDVI与春季降水量正相关,33.69%的地区NDVI与夏季降水量正相关,70.00%的地区年均NDVI与各季气温弱相关,仅17.78%的地区年均NDVI与年均气温正相关;6种植被类型NDVI与降水、气温相关关系为,常绿林、高山草甸年均NDVI与年均气温分别低度、显著正相关性,相关系数分别为0.432(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.05)、0.557(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.009);草原、作物与年降水量分别显著、低度正相关,相关系数分别为0.511(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.018)、0.476(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.029);落叶林NDVI与夏、冬季降水量低度正相关,相关系数分别为0.415(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.061)、0.461(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.035);草原化荒漠NDVI与春季降水量正相关但不显著,相关系数为0.415(p<sub>0.05</sub>=0.061)。
[40]Gessner U, Naeimi V, Klein I, et al.The relationship between precipitation anomalies and satellite-derived vegetation activity in Central Asia.
Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 110: 74-87.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.09.007URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
In Central Asia, water is a particularly scarce and valuable good. In many ecosystems of this region, the vegetation development during the growing season is dependent on water provided by rainfall. With climate change, alterations of the seasonal distribution of precipitation patterns and a higher frequency of extreme events are expected. Vegetation dynamics are likely to respond to these changes and thus ecosystem services will be affected. However, there is still a lack in understanding the response of vegetation to precipitation anomalies, especially for dryland regions such as Central Asia. This study aims to contribute to an improved understanding of vegetation sensitivity to precipitation anomalies and corresponding temporal reaction patterns at regional scale. The presented analyses are based on time-series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and gridded precipitation datasets (GPCC Full Data Reanalysis) for the years 1982-2006. Time-series correlation analyses show that vegetation development is sensitive to precipitation anomalies for nearly 80% of the Central Asian land surface. Results indicate a particularly strong sensitivity of vegetation in areas with 100-400 mm of annual rainfall. Temporal rainfall-NDVI response patterns show a temporal lag between precipitation anomalies and vegetation activity of 1-3 months. The reaction of vegetation was found to be strongest for precipitation anomalies integrated over periods of 2-4 months. The observed delayed response of vegetation to precipitation anomalies reveals potential for drought prediction in Central Asia. The spatial patterns of vegetation reactions are discussed with focus on the role of precipitation amount and seasonality, land use and land cover. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[41]Zhang Qi, Yuan Xiuliang, Chen Xi, et al.Vegetation change and its response to climate change in Central Asia from 1982 to 2012.
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2016, 40(1): 13-23.
https://doi.org/10.17521/cjpe.2015.0236URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[张琪, 袁秀亮, 陈曦, . 1982-2012年中亚植被变化及其对气候变化的响应
. 植物生态学报, 2016, 40(1): 13-23.]
https://doi.org/10.17521/cjpe.2015.0236URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[42]Kariyeva J, van LEEUWEN W J D, Woodhouse C A. Impacts of climate gradients on the vegetation phenology of major land use types in Central Asia (1981-2008).
Frontiers of Earth Science, 2012, 6(2): 206-225.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11707-012-0315-1Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Time-series of land surface phenology (LSP) data offer insights about vegetation growth patterns. They can be generated by exploiting the temporal and spectral reflectance properties of land surface components. Inter-annual and seasonal LSP data are important for understanding and predicting an ecosystem's response to variations caused by natural and anthropogenic drivers. This research examines spatio-temporal change patterns and interactions between terrestrial phenology and 28 years of climate dynamics in Central Asia. Long-term (1981-2008) LSP records such as timing of the start, peak and length of the growing season and vegetation productivity were derived from remotely sensed vegetation greenness data. The patterns were analyzed to identify and characterize the impact of climate drivers at regional scales. We explored the relationships between phenological and precipitation and temperature variables for three generalized land use types that were exposed to decade-long regional drought events and intensified land and water resource use: rainfed agriculture, irrigated agriculture, and non-agriculture. To determine whether and how LSP dynamics are associated with climate patterns, a series of simple linear regression analyses between these two variables was executed. The three land use classes showed unique phenological responses to climate variation across Central Asia. Most of the phenological response variables were shown to be positively correlated to precipitation and negatively correlated to temperature. The most substantial climate variable affecting phenological responses of all three land use classes was a spring temperature regime. These results indicate that future higher temperatures would cause earlier and longer growing seasons.
[43]Luo G, Amuti T, Zhu L, et al.Dynamics of landscape patterns in an inland river delta of Central Asia based on a cellular automata-Markov model.
Regional Environmental Change, 2015, 15(2): 277-289.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-014-0638-4URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT The analysis of landscape pattern changes is of significant importance for understanding spatial ecological dynamics and maintaining sustainable development, especially in wetland ecosystems, which are experiencing indirect human disturbances in arid Central Asia. This study attempted to examine the temporal and spatial dynamics of landscape patterns and to simulate their trends in the Ili River delta of Kazakhstan through quantitative analysis and a cellular automata (CA)-Markov model. This study also sought to examine the effectiveness of using the CA-Markov model for investigating the dynamics of the wetland landscape pattern. The total wetland area, including the river, lake, marsh, and floodplain areas, and the area of sandy land have remained steady, while that of desert grassland has decreased slightly, and shrublands have increased slightly from approximately 1978 to 2007. However, the wetland and shrubland areas exhibited a trend of increasing by 18.6 and 10.3 %, respectively, from 1990 to 2007, while the desert grassland and sandy land areas presented the opposite trend, decreasing by 30.3 and 24.3 %, respectively. The landscape patterns predicted for the year 2020 using probabilistic transfer matrixes for 1990鈥2007 (Scenario A) and 1990鈥1998 (Scenario B), respectively, indicated that the predicted landscape for 2020 tends to improve based on Scenario A, but tends to degrade based on Scenario B. However, the overall Kappa coefficient of 0.754 for the 2020 predicted landscapes based on Scenarios A and B indicates that the differences in the predicted landscapes are not distinct. This research indicates that the applied CA-Markov model is effective for the simulation and prediction of spatial patterns in natural or less disturbed landscapes and is valuable for developing land management strategies and reasonably exploiting the wetland resources of the Ili River delta.
[44]Luo Geping, Wang Yuangang, Zhu Lei, et al.Influence mechanism of landscape structure in River Ili delta.
Arid Land Geography, 2012, 35(6): 897-908.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
在遥感和水文数据的支持下,根据伊犁河三角洲作为典型的中亚干旱区内陆河流域尾闾区域特点,确定了伊犁河三角洲的景观分类系统。通过采用景观结构梯度分析法、景观干扰度指数和景观Kappa指数等方法,系统地分析了近32 a(1975-2007)伊犁河三角洲景观结构的时空演变特征,并对景观结构的影响机制做了充分地探讨。结果表明:(1)沿着一定的地形梯度和水文梯度,伊犁河三角洲流域景观表现出特殊的纵向结构、横向结构的梯度特征和景观内部特征,与地表水直接关联的景观类型表现尤为明显,如湖泊、沼泽、漫滩。(2)在人为活动和自然环境的双重影响下,近32 a伊犁河三角洲景观结构的空间变化具有一定的周期性和不稳定性,主要体现为景观类型面积和空间位置的变化,其中以湿地景观类型的变化最为显著。(3)生态干扰对景观结构的影响因景观类型的不同存在显著的差异性和时空变异性,以湖泊和沼泽受干扰作用最为明显。高、中、低三种干扰强度区域的空间分布及面积变化同样具有一定的周期性和不稳定性。(4)水利工程建设和自然环境是影响伊犁河三角洲景观结构的主要驱动力。水利工程对伊犁河的拦蓄引起景观结构变化的作用最为深远,它通过改变三角洲上游的水文情势直接影响整个区域的景观结构。而自然环境因素中的地形和水文条件主要影响湿地景观类型的时空分布,气候因子则直接影响河川径流量。
[罗格平, 王渊刚, 朱磊, . 伊犁河三角洲景观结构的影响机制研究
. 干旱区地理, 2012, 35(6): 897-908.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
在遥感和水文数据的支持下,根据伊犁河三角洲作为典型的中亚干旱区内陆河流域尾闾区域特点,确定了伊犁河三角洲的景观分类系统。通过采用景观结构梯度分析法、景观干扰度指数和景观Kappa指数等方法,系统地分析了近32 a(1975-2007)伊犁河三角洲景观结构的时空演变特征,并对景观结构的影响机制做了充分地探讨。结果表明:(1)沿着一定的地形梯度和水文梯度,伊犁河三角洲流域景观表现出特殊的纵向结构、横向结构的梯度特征和景观内部特征,与地表水直接关联的景观类型表现尤为明显,如湖泊、沼泽、漫滩。(2)在人为活动和自然环境的双重影响下,近32 a伊犁河三角洲景观结构的空间变化具有一定的周期性和不稳定性,主要体现为景观类型面积和空间位置的变化,其中以湿地景观类型的变化最为显著。(3)生态干扰对景观结构的影响因景观类型的不同存在显著的差异性和时空变异性,以湖泊和沼泽受干扰作用最为明显。高、中、低三种干扰强度区域的空间分布及面积变化同样具有一定的周期性和不稳定性。(4)水利工程建设和自然环境是影响伊犁河三角洲景观结构的主要驱动力。水利工程对伊犁河的拦蓄引起景观结构变化的作用最为深远,它通过改变三角洲上游的水文情势直接影响整个区域的景观结构。而自然环境因素中的地形和水文条件主要影响湿地景观类型的时空分布,气候因子则直接影响河川径流量。
[45]Li L,Van der Tol C, Chen X, et al. Representing the root water uptake process in the Common Land Model for better simulating the energy and water vapour fluxes in a Central Asian desert ecosystem.
Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 502: 145-155.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.08.026URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The ability of roots to take up water depends on both root distribution and root water uptake efficiency. The former can be experimentally measured, while the latter is extremely difficult to determine. Yet a correct representation of root water uptake process in land surface models (LSMs) is essential for a correct simulation of the response of vegetation to drought environment. This study evaluates the performance of the Common L and Model (CLM) to reproduce energy and water vapour fluxes measured with an eddy covariance system in a Central Asian desert ecosystem. The default CLM appears to be able to reproduce observed net radiation, soil subsurface temperature, and wet period latent (Q(ie)) and sensible heat (Q(h)) fluxes, but significantly underestimate Q(ie) and overestimate Qt during dry period. Underestimation of Qie is attributed to the inappropriate representation of root water uptake process in the CLM model. Modifying the original root water uptake function (RWUF) with a linear function of soil water potential to one with an exponential function significantly improves the performances for both Q(ie) and Q(h). The net radiation and ground heat flux simulations did not change noticeable with the new RWUF. It is concluded that an exponential RWUF is a valuable improvement of the CLM model and likely for other similar LSMs that use a linear RWUF for Central Asian desert ecosystems. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[46]Devkota K P, Hoogenboom G, Boote K J, et al.Simulating the impact of water saving irrigation and conservation agriculture practices for rice-wheat systems in the irrigated semi-arid drylands of Central Asia.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2015, 214: 266-280.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.08.264URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Resource scarcity (labor, water, and energy) and high production costs are challenging the sustainability of conventional methods for rice and wheat establishment in Central Asia. Water saving irrigation and conservation agriculture (CA) practices (e.g., dry seeded rice, zero tillage wheat, residue retention) are potential alternative, resource-saving establishment methods. The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) Cropping System Model (CSM) can both be a valuable ex-ante and ex-post tool to evaluate the effects of water saving irrigation and resource saving CA-practices. The CSM-CERES-Rice and CSM-CERES-Wheat models of DSSAT were evaluated using experimental data from the 2008 to 2010 rice and wheat seasons as monitored in Urgench, the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan for growth, development of these crops, as well as soil mineral nitrogen (N) and volumetric soil moisture content in these cropping systems. Thereafter, the models were used to explore the long-term impact of water saving irrigation and CA-practices on grain yield, soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics, N dynamics, and water balance in a rice heat rotation for 39 years starting from 1971. The simulation results showed that the simulated yield of water-seeded rice without residue retention and flood irrigation (WSRF-R0-FI) is likely to remain the highest and constant over 39 years. The simulated yield of dry seeded rice (DSR) with alternate wet and dry (AWD) irrigation and varying levels of residue retention was penalized for the initial years. However, the simulated rice yield increased after 13 years of CA-practices and continued to increase for the remaining years. Wheat did not experience a yield penalty for any of the treatments and simulated yield increased over time across all CA-practices based treatments. In the long-term, the effect of tillage methods and different residue levels for both rice and wheat were apparent in terms of grain yield and SOC build up. The results of the sensitivity analysis showed that WSR using AWD irrigation with puddling (WSRF-R0-AWD-Puddled) could give equivalent yield with that of WSRF-R0-FI and that irrigation water for rice could be reduced from 5435 mm to 2161 mm (or by 60%). Deep placement of urea in DSR (CT-DSR-AWD-DPUS) has the potential to increase yields of DSR by about 0.5 . Despite the huge water saving potential through the adoption of water saving AWD irrigation in DSR, a major challenge will be to prevent N losses. Substantial amounts of N losses through leaching, immobilization by residue mulch, combined with gaseous losses through volatilization and denitrification are the major causes for the lower simulated yield of rice for the AWD treatments. During the rice season, the implementation of water saving irrigation can improve water use efficiency by reducing percolation and seepage losses, which is an option in particular for WSRF-R0-FI. For both crops, the water use efficiency can be improved by lowering evaporation losses e.g. through residue retention on the soil surface. The creation of a sub-surface hard pan (puddling) and deep placement of urea super granules/pellet (DPUS) fertilizer could be the key for water saving and better yields of rice. Because CA-practices require almost three times less irrigation water than conventional method, and provide a long-term positive impact on grain yields of both crops, the CA-practices should be considered for double, no-till, rice heat cropping systems in the irrigated semi-arid drylands of Central Asia.
[47]Wang Jingkai, Guo Hhuadong, Li Xinwu.Responses of surface soil moisture in Central Asia to climate change during 2003- 2010.
Arid Zone Research, 2015, 32(1): 40-47.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
综合利用3组AMSRE地表土壤水数据产品,运用集合分析的方法,生成中亚2003&mdash;2010年4&mdash;10月月均地表含水量数据,而后结合Climatic Research Unit(CRU)数据,分析了中亚8 a来地表土壤水变化特征及其对降水、气温等气候变化的响应。研究结果表明:① 中亚地区地表土壤水含量从西南向东、向北逐渐降低。② 中亚地区植物生长季及春、夏季地表土壤水均以变干为主,而秋季则以变湿为主。③ 集合分析数据时空分布与降水类似,与气温相反。在时间变化趋势上,中亚大部分地区降水减少、气温升高。夏季降水急剧减少而气温显著上升对中亚地区植物的生长是很不利的。④ 相关性分析结果表明,降水减少、气温升高是导致中亚植物生长季土壤干化的主导因素之一。
[王景凯, 郭华东, 李新武. 2003-2010年中亚地表土壤水对气候变化的响应
. 干旱区研究, 2015, 32(1): 40-47.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
综合利用3组AMSRE地表土壤水数据产品,运用集合分析的方法,生成中亚2003&mdash;2010年4&mdash;10月月均地表含水量数据,而后结合Climatic Research Unit(CRU)数据,分析了中亚8 a来地表土壤水变化特征及其对降水、气温等气候变化的响应。研究结果表明:① 中亚地区地表土壤水含量从西南向东、向北逐渐降低。② 中亚地区植物生长季及春、夏季地表土壤水均以变干为主,而秋季则以变湿为主。③ 集合分析数据时空分布与降水类似,与气温相反。在时间变化趋势上,中亚大部分地区降水减少、气温升高。夏季降水急剧减少而气温显著上升对中亚地区植物的生长是很不利的。④ 相关性分析结果表明,降水减少、气温升高是导致中亚植物生长季土壤干化的主导因素之一。
[48]Buwujia Abula.Analysis on complementarity between agricultures in five Central Asian countries and agricultures in China.
Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2008, 29(3): 104-109.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-6389.2008.03.020URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[布娲鹣·阿布拉. 中亚五国农业及与中国农业的互补性分析
. 农业经济问题, 2008, 29(3): 104-109.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-6389.2008.03.020URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[49]Karimov A K, ?im?nek J, Hanjra M A, et al.Effects of the shallow water table on water use of winter wheat and ecosystem health: Implications for unlocking the potential of groundwater in the Fergana Valley (Central Asia).
Agricultural Water Management, 2014, 131: 57-69.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2013.09.010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper analyzes the effect of the shallow water table on water use of the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that has replaced alfalfa (Medicago sativa) on the irrigated lands of the Fergana Valley, upstream of the Syrdarya River. in Central Asia. The effect of the shallow water table is investigated using HYDRUS-1D. Numerical simulations show that the contribution of the groundwater to evapotranspiration increases with a rising water table and decreases with increasing irrigation applications. Under irrigation conditions, an increase in the groundwater evapotranspiration is associated mainly with an increase in evaporation loss, causing a buildup of salinity in the crop root zone. Evaporation losses from fields planted with winter wheat after the harvest amount up to 45-47% of total evaporation thus affecting soil salinity and ecosystem health. Promoting the use of groundwater for irrigation in order to lower the groundwater table is suggested to achieve water savings from the change in the cropping pattern. Unlocking the potential of groundwater for irrigation in the Fergana Valley can also contribute toward managing soil salinity and improving the health and resilience of water. land and ecosystems of water, land and ecosystems (WLE). (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[50]Chen W, Jing M, Bu J, et al.Organochlorine pesticides in the surface water and sediments from the Peacock River Drainage Basin in Xinjiang, China: A study of an arid zone in Central Asia.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2011, 177(1-4): 1-21.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-010-1613-2Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Fourteen surface water and nine surface sediment samples were collected from the Peacock River and analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) by gas chromatograph-electron capture detector (GC-ECD). All the analyzed organochlorine pesticides, except o,p (')-DDT, were detected in sediments from the Peacock River; but in the water samples, only beta-HCH, HCB, p,p (')-DDD, and p,p (')-DDT were detected at some sites. The ranges for total OCPs in the water and sediments were from N.D. to 195 ng l (-aEuro parts per thousand 1) and from 1.36 to 24.60 ng g (-aEuro parts per thousand 1), respectively. The only existing HCH isomer in the water, beta-HCH, suggested that the contamination by HCHs could be attributed to erosion of the weathered agricultural soils containing HCHs compounds. Composition analyses showed that no technical HCH, technical DDT, technical chlordanes, endosulfans, and HCB had been recently used in this region. However, there was new input of gamma-HCH (lindane) into the Peacock River. The most probable source was water flowing from Bosten Lake and/or agricultural tailing water that was returned directly into the Peacock River. DDT compounds in the sediments may be derived mainly from DDT-treated aged and weathered agricultural soils, the degradation condition was aerobic and the main product was DDE. HCB in the sediment might be due to the input from Bosten Lake and the lake may act as an atmospheric deposition zone. There was no significant correlation between the concentrations of OCPs (including aHCH, aDDT, chlordanes, endosulfans, HCB and total OCPs) and the content of fine particles (< 63 mu m). The concentrations of OCPs were affected by salinity.
[51]Crosa G, Froebrich J, Nikolayenko V, et al.Spatial and seasonal variations in the water quality of the Amu Darya River (Central Asia).
Water Research, 2006, 40(11): 2237-2245.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2006.04.004URLPMID:16714044 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Although the use of the water resources in Uzbekistan is strongly limited by their quality, it has to be noted that there is a lack of information and data within the international scientific literature with regard to the water chemical characteristics of the Amu Darya River, one of the main water resources in Central Asia. To add to such knowledge, this paper examines the spatial and temporal variation of the water quality of the Amu Darya River in order to assess its degree of degradation and the main causal factors. The functional relationships of the pollutants with respect to the flow regime are investigated. Finally an "opportune temporal window" for water withdrawal for filling the reservoirs, in relation to human consumption, will be indicated. The high salinization levels of the waters are mainly due to the presence of sulphates and chlorine. At the up-stream site salinity, although presenting elevated concentrations, does not exceed palatability levels; after the 450 km point the opportune temporal window for water withdrawal with acceptable salinity values is reduced to the period from May to September. Two main driving forces govern the temporal variation of the salinity of the Amu Darya water: a low drainage density of the area which limits the salt loads induced by the natural runoff processes, and snow and glacier melting in the upper catchment area which promotes dilution of the dissolved salts during the high-flow period. During low-flow periods salinity is strongly influenced by the return of waters used for land washing and irrigation.
[52]Schlüter M, Khasankhanova G, Talskikh V, et al.Enhancing resilience to water flow uncertainty by integrating environmental flows into water management in the Amudarya River, Central Asia.
Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 110: 114-129.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.05.007URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The wetlands of the Amudarya River delta in Uzbekistan provide valuable ecosystem services to the local human population which has suffered severely from the loss of the Aral Sea, desertification and the post-soviet socio-economic transition. The region is also particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change as a recent severe drought has shown. In this contribution, we assess the potential and implications of incorporating environmental flows into management of the Amudarya River for improving the provision of wetland ecosystem services and enhancing resilience of the social-ecological system to river runoff uncertainty. Our assessment is based on analyses of 1) the current vulnerability of deltaic wetlands to years of low water availability, 2) expected regional climate change and its impact on water flows to the wetlands, and 3) alternative water use options to enhance environmental flows under a changing climate. The results provide a ranking of these options with respect to their benefits for the provision of environmental flows and implications for agriculture. Their realization, however, poses challenges that cannot be tackled by technical interventions of redistribution and efficiency increase alone but call for institutional changes and moves towards multi-purpose water use. The diversification of impacts and livelihood options would allow enhancing the resilience of the social-ecological system to climate or socio-politically induced changes in water flow. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[53]Cretaux J F, Letolle R, Bergé-Nguyen M.History of Aral Sea level variability and current scientific debates.
Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 110: 99-113.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.05.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Aral Sea has shrunk drastically over the past 50 years, largely due to water abstraction from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers for land irrigation. Over a longer timescale, Holocene palaeolimnological reconstruction of variability in water levels of the Aral Sea since 11,700 BP indicates a long history of alternating phases of regression and transgression, which have been attributed variously to climate, tectonic and anthropogenic forcing. The hydrological history of the Aral Sea has been investigated by application of a variety of scientific approaches, including archaeology, palaeolimnological palaeoclimate reconstruction, geophysics, sedimentology, and more recently, space science. Many issues concerning lake level variability over the Holocene and more recent timescales, and the processes that drive the changes, are still a matter for active debate. Our aim in this article is to review the current debates regarding key issues surrounding the causes and magnitude of Aral Sea level variability on a variety of timescales from months to thousands of years. Many researchers have shown that the main driving force of Aral Sea regressions and transgressions is climate change, while other authors have argued that anthropogenic forcing is the main cause of Aral Sea water level variations over the Holocene. Particular emphasis is made on contributions from satellite remote sensing data in order to improve our understanding of the influence of groundwater on the current hydrological water budget of the Aral Sea since 2005. Over this period of time, water balance computation has been performed and has shown that the underground water inflow to the Aral Sea is close to zero with an uncertainty of 3 km(3)/year. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[54]Djanibekov N, Frohberg K, Djanibekov U.Income-based projections of water footprint of food consumption in Uzbekistan.
Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 110: 130-142.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.08.015URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Assessing future water requirements for feeding the growing population of Central Asia can improve understanding of the projected water supply scenarios in the region. Future water requirements will be partially determined by the dietary habits of the populations, and are thus responsive to significant variation of income levels. Using Uzbekistan as an example, this study projects the water footprints of income driven changes on the population's diet in Central Asia. To reveal the influence of large income changes on dietary habits a Normalized Quadratic-Quadratic Expenditure System was calibrated and applied to data from 2009. The national water footprints of food consumption in Uzbekistah were projected until 2034 by applying the parameterized demand system to estimate the respective water footprint values. The results showed that for Uzbekistan the projected increase in the food consumption water footprint would be primarily linked to income growth rather than population growth. Due to the high water footprint of common food products, the composition of the population's diet, and responsiveness to income, economic growth is expected to put greater pressure on water resources in Uzbekistan unless proper measures are undertaken. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[55]Bekchanov M, Lamers J P A. Economic costs of reduced irrigation water availability in Uzbekistan (Central Asia).
Regional Environmental Change, 2016: 1-19.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-016-0961-zURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Reduced river runoff and expected upstream infrastructural developments are both potential threats to irrigation water availability for the downstream countries in Central Asia. Although it has been recurrently mentioned that a reduction in water supply will hamper irrigation in the downstream countries, the magnitude of associated economic losses, economy-wide repercussions on employment rates, and degradation of irrigated lands has not been quantified as yet. A computable general equilibrium model is used to assess the economy-wide consequences of a reduced water supply in Uzbekistan—a country that encompasses more than half of the entire irrigated croplands in Central Asia. Modeling findings showed that a 10–20 % reduction in water supply, as expected in the near future, may reduce the areas to be irrigated by 241,000–374,000 hectares and may cause unemployment to a population of 712–868,000, resulting in a loss for the national income of 3.6–4.3 %. A series of technical, financial, and institutional measures, implementable at all levels starting from the farm to the basin scale, are discussed for reducing the expected water risks. The prospects of improving the basin-wide water management governance, increasing water and energy use efficiency, and establishing the necessary legal and institutional frameworks for enhancing the introduction of needed technological and socioeconomic change are argued as options for gaining more regional water security and equity.
[56]Macklin M, Panyushkina I, Toonen W, et al.The influence of Late Pleistocene geomorphological inheritance and Holocene hydromorphic regimes on floodwater farming in the Talgar catchment, southeast Kazakhstan, Central Asia.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015, 129: 85-95.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.10.020URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In comparison to Southwest Asia and the Indian subcontinent, the relationship between Holocene river dynamics, climate change and floodwater farming in Central Asia is significantly under researched. To address this, a multi-disciplinary research project was begun in 2011 centred on the Talgar catchment, a south-bank tributary of the Ili River, southeast Kazakhstan. Building on archaeological excavations and surveys conducted over the past 20 years, we have undertaken investigations of Holocene human adaptations to changing hydromorphic regimes in the Tien Shan piedmont region, Central Asia. Fluvial geochronologies have been reconstructed over the last 20,000 years using Optically Stimulated Luminescence and 14 C dating, and are compared with human settlement histories from the Eneolithic to the medieval period. Phases of Late Pleistocene and Holocene river aggradation at c. 17,400–6420, 4130–2880 and 910–500cal. BC and between the mid-18th and early 20th centuries were coeval with cooler and wetter neoglacial episodes. Entrenchment and floodplain soil development (c. 2880–2490cal. BC and cal. AD 1300–1640) coincided with warmer and drier conditions. Prior to the modern period, floodwater farming in the Talgar River reached its height in the late Iron Age (400cal. BC – cal. AD 1) with more than 70 settlement sites and 700 burial mounds. This period of agricultural expansion corresponds to a phase of reduced flooding, river stability and glacier retreat in the Tien Shan Mountains. Late Iron age agriculturists appear to have been opportunistic by exploiting a phase of moderate flows within an alluvial fan environment, which contained a series of partially entrenched distributary channels that could be easily ‘engineered’ to facilitate floodwater farming. Holocene climate change was therefore not a proximate cause for the development and demise of this relatively short-lived (c. 200 years) period of Iron Age farming. River dynamics in the Tien Shan piedmont are, however, strongly coupled with regional hydroclimatic fluctuations, and they have likely acted locally as both ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors for riparian agriculturists.
[57]He Daming, Feng Yan.Rational Utilization and Coordination Management of Transboundary River Water Resources. Beijing: Science Press, 2006.URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
本书是国际河流系列研究成果的重要组成部分,其主要内容包括:针对国际河流流域特点和跨境资源环境中的冲突问题,以跨境共享水资源的合理利用、公平分配与协调管理为核心,系统研究了国际河流共享水资源的水权、国际水法原则、水分配模式与指标体系、水利用冲突与求解方法、流域综合协调开发与管理理论等一系列前沿科学问题,并给出了解决跨境水及生态环境冲突、促进流域综合合理利用和协调管理的两个案例。本书适合于水文水资源、生态学、地理学、资源管理科学、环境科学、环境外交等领域的科技人员、管理人员和高校师生等应用。  本书是作者在近15年来完成的国家科技攻关项目、国家自然科学基金项目等研究基础上撰写而成,书中以世界广泛关注的跨境资源环境问题为研究对象,结合近几年国际上的研究进展,着重对国际河流流域的特点和合作开发中跨境资源环境问题,特别是跨境共享水资源的合理利用、公平分配与协调管理问题,进行了综合研究。在此基础上,系统地研究了国际河流共享水资源的水权、国际水法原则、水资源分配模式与指标体系、水冲突求解方法、流域综合开发与管理理论等一系列前沿科学问题。本书是我国第一本全面反映国际河流水资源开发与管理的理论专著,具有基础性、前瞻性与应用性,可供水资源开发与管理、环境科学、生态环境保护等部门的科研与管理人员,高等院校相关专业师生阅读、参考。
[何大明, 冯彦.国际河流跨境水资源合理利用与协调管理 . 北京: 科学出版社, 2006.]URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
本书是国际河流系列研究成果的重要组成部分,其主要内容包括:针对国际河流流域特点和跨境资源环境中的冲突问题,以跨境共享水资源的合理利用、公平分配与协调管理为核心,系统研究了国际河流共享水资源的水权、国际水法原则、水分配模式与指标体系、水利用冲突与求解方法、流域综合协调开发与管理理论等一系列前沿科学问题,并给出了解决跨境水及生态环境冲突、促进流域综合合理利用和协调管理的两个案例。本书适合于水文水资源、生态学、地理学、资源管理科学、环境科学、环境外交等领域的科技人员、管理人员和高校师生等应用。  本书是作者在近15年来完成的国家科技攻关项目、国家自然科学基金项目等研究基础上撰写而成,书中以世界广泛关注的跨境资源环境问题为研究对象,结合近几年国际上的研究进展,着重对国际河流流域的特点和合作开发中跨境资源环境问题,特别是跨境共享水资源的合理利用、公平分配与协调管理问题,进行了综合研究。在此基础上,系统地研究了国际河流共享水资源的水权、国际水法原则、水资源分配模式与指标体系、水冲突求解方法、流域综合开发与管理理论等一系列前沿科学问题。本书是我国第一本全面反映国际河流水资源开发与管理的理论专著,具有基础性、前瞻性与应用性,可供水资源开发与管理、环境科学、生态环境保护等部门的科研与管理人员,高等院校相关专业师生阅读、参考。
[58]Stucki V, Wegerich K, Rahaman M, et al.Introduction: Water and security in Central Asia: Solving a Rubik's Cube.
International Journal of Water Resources Development, 2012, 28(3): 395-397.
https://doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2012.684301Magsci [本文引用: 1]
[59]Liao Chengmei.Causes of water resources disputes in Central Asian countries. Journal of Xinjiang University (Philosophy, Humanities &
Social Sciences), 2011, 39(1): 102-105.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-2820.2011.01.022URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
中亚各国近期围绕新建水电站的问题争执不断,基于各国在新建水电 站问题上的不同立场,形成了对立的两派.下游国家(哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦)和上游国家(塔吉克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦)就水资源的合作问题无 法达成妥协.究其主要原因,包括:其一,中亚各国用水计划中存在根本的利益冲突.上游的国家追求能源独立,下游的国家追求灌溉水利的独立;其二,民族利己 主义.即所有各方都只从自己的立场考虑问题,并且限制流域内其他国家的利益;其三,水资源问题政治化.水资源问题不仅成为中亚国家内部的政治工具,而且也 会成为一些国家和组织利用的地缘政治工具.
[廖成梅. 中亚水资源问题难解之原因探析. 新疆大学学报: 哲学
. 人文社会科学版, 2011, 39(1): 102-105.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-2820.2011.01.022URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
中亚各国近期围绕新建水电站的问题争执不断,基于各国在新建水电 站问题上的不同立场,形成了对立的两派.下游国家(哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦)和上游国家(塔吉克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦)就水资源的合作问题无 法达成妥协.究其主要原因,包括:其一,中亚各国用水计划中存在根本的利益冲突.上游的国家追求能源独立,下游的国家追求灌溉水利的独立;其二,民族利己 主义.即所有各方都只从自己的立场考虑问题,并且限制流域内其他国家的利益;其三,水资源问题政治化.水资源问题不仅成为中亚国家内部的政治工具,而且也 会成为一些国家和组织利用的地缘政治工具.
[60]Allison R, Jonson L, Institution B.Central Asian security:the new international context. Royal Institute of International Affairs ,Brookings Institution Press, 2001.URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract In association with the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.
[61]Islam Sulayman, Muming Tailaiti.Water resources conflicts and present cooperation status in Central Asia. Russian, Central Asian and East European Market, 2014(3): 81-90.https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1671-8453.2014.03.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[苏来曼·斯拉木, 泰来提·木明. 中亚水资源冲突与合作现状
. 俄罗斯中亚东欧市场, 2014(3): 81-90.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1671-8453.2014.03.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[62]Abbink K, Moller L C, O'Hara S. Sources of mistrust: An experimental case study of a Central Asian water conflict.
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2010, 45(2): 283-318.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10640-009-9316-2URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
With the disintegration of the USSR a conflict arose between Kyrgyzstan , Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan over the transboundary Syr Darya river. Upstream Kyrgyzstan controls the Toktogul reservoir which generates hydropower demanded mainly in winter for heating. Downstream Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan need irrigation water in summer, primarily to grow an export crop (cotton). Regional agreements obliging Kyrgyzstan to higher summer discharges in exchange for fossil fuel transfers from downstream riparians in winter have been unsuccessful, due to lack of trust between the parties. Striving for self-sufficiency in irrigation water, Uzbekistan initiated new reservoir construction. This paper examines their economic impact. We report a laboratory experiment modelling the Syr Darya scenario as a multi-round, three-player trust game with non-binding contracts. Payoff schemes are estimated using real-life data. While basinwide efficiency maximisation requires regional cooperation, our results demonstrate that cooperation in the laboratory is hard to achieve. Uzbek reservoirs improve cooperation only weakly and their positive impact is limited to low-water years.
[63]Seidakhmetov M, Alzhanova A, Baineeva P, et al.Mechanism of trans boundary water resources management for Central Asia countries. Procedia-Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 2014, 143: 604-609.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.445URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT Water resources are integral part of the natural resource potential of the country. Trans boundary water interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan are priority to ensure water security, where the key problem remains the continuing uncertainty of the status of trans Boundary Rivers. Urgency of the problem of trans Boundary Rivers’ water management is becoming increasingly important due to their revaluation. Kazakhstan, as a water-scarce state of the Central Asian region, needs to look for ways to improve its water balance, since the problem of water volume reducing, reflecting on economic indicators, on addressing protection of ecosystems, social guarantees of water supply, is connected to a greater extent with the inconsistency of border states’ interests, differences in the approaches and methods of trans boundary rivers’ water management. Thus, water resources are not only a component of the environment, but also the main component of the control mechanism, implementation of which will be available for long-term cross-border cooperation of states in order to converge the interests of the joint regulation of water use and consumption, development of their legal basis, its legislative consolidation, direct exposure corresponding to the level of technical and technological support.
[64]Sorg A, Mosello B, Shalpykova G, et al.Coping with changing water resources: The case of the Syr Darya river basin in Central Asia.
Environmental Science & Policy, 2014, 43: 68-77.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2013.11.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper discusses how climatic-hydrological and socio-political developments will affect water allocation in the Syr Darya river basin and which adaptation measures will be needed to cope with changing water resources. In view of the geo-political complexity, climate-driven changes in water availability are of particular importance in this region. Water shortages during summer will become more frequent as precipitation is expected to further decrease and glacial meltwater releases will decrease in the long-term due to reduced glacier volume. Being the main valve to the entire Syr Darya river system, the Toktogul reservoir in Kyrgyzstan could take over, at least partly, the role of glaciers as seasonal water redistributors, thus allowing the generation of energy in winter -benefiting upstream countries - and irrigation for large-scale agriculture in summer-benefiting downstream countries. To date, however, there is no regional consensus on a balanced reservoir management, which currently favours irrigation according to past Soviet priorities. Moreover, the perception of water as a 'national concern' in Central Asia discourages efforts towards cooperation between states at the regional level. So far, climate change adaptation has focused on technical rather than institutional solutions. We suggest that policy-relevant adaptation measures should include consistent data collection and dissemination, cross-sectoral collaboration, promotion of national responsibility and initiative, and agreeing on a regional strategy. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[65]Abdullaev I, Rakhmatullaev S.Setting up the agenda for water reforms in Central Asia: Does the nexus approach help?.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(10): 1-10.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-016-5409-8URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Instead of re-orienting towards enhancing efficiency, the attention of political economies of the Central Asian States continues to be riveted on increasing resource extraction. Hydraulic mission (engineering water management) maintains its dominating status within water sector reforms of all countries. Forging mutually beneficial regimes for water–energy–agriculture–climate change systems as per the nexus concept requires robust governance and intersectorial coordination. It is historically evident that the Asian countries in question utilized a partial nexus system under the common Soviet centralized economic model. Within the nexus context, the current situation is outlined against the background of the boundary concept, security approach, and systems analyses as well as its holistic melding with the decade-long integrated water resources management efforts in Central Asia. The ability of existing institutional platforms, such as basin councils, to implement a nexus approach to local river catchments, regional watersheds or a national level is examined.
[66]Deng Mingjiang, Long Aihua, Li Xiangquan, et al.An analysis of the exploitation, cooperation and problems of trans-boundary water resources in the five Central Asian countries.
Advances in Earth Science, 2010, 25(12): 1337-1346.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[邓铭江, 龙爱华, 李湘权, . 中亚五国跨界水资源开发利用与合作及其问题分析
. 地球科学进展, 2010, 25(12): 1337-1346.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
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