

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

蔡晓梅1,2,, 何瀚林1,2
1. 华南师范大学旅游管理学院,广州 510631
2. 华南师范大学文化地理与文化产业研究中心,广州 510631

Place and placelessness of modern urban high-star level hotels: Case studies in Guangzhou

CAIXiaomei1,2,, HEHanlin1,2
1. School of Tourism Management, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
2. Cultural Industry and Cultural Geography Research Center, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(41201137, 41171125, 41201140)
-->作者简介:蔡晓梅(1976-), 女, 湖南人, 博士, 教授, 硕士生导师, 中国地理学会会员(S110008615M), 研究方向为社会文化地理和酒店管理.E-mail: scnu.edu.cn


随着交叉学科的发展,人文地理学中"地方"理论已经渗透到旅游研究的各个方面.在现代化与城市化的共同影响下,"无地方(Placelessness)"伴随着地方感的虚无与空间不真实性的发展而产生,并成为了地方研究的另一个视角.以广州市高星级酒店为案例地,采用实地观察,深度访谈,文本分析等方法,在回顾地方和无地方相关理论的基础上,探讨了消费者对现代城市高星级酒店的空间感知和地方情感,分析了地方与无地方在酒店空间中互动的复杂关系.结果指出:① 城市高星级酒店既有因现代技术,行业标准,区位以及资本扩张等原因而呈现的无地方特点,也有因社会功能,品牌特色,"借景"以及经营管理活动等原因而呈现的地方特质,城市高星级酒店具有地方与无地方的双重特性;② 酒店消费者在"他者空间"与"我者空间"中挣扎,对城市高星级酒店有着地方感与无地方感等多元,矛盾的地方情感;③ 城市高星级酒店是一个无地方与地方动态转化的易变空间,其转化机制取决于消费者与酒店空间的互动频次,酒店产品的稳定程度,以及消费者的主观想象与意义赋予等.本研究是对西方语境下地方理论的一种补充,同时也是对"无地方"研究的一种尝试;为转型期中国目前"千城一面",空间同质化等社会现象提供了可供参考的分析框架.

With the development of interdisciplinary research, "place" theory in human geography has been applied to all aspects of the tourism research. At the same time, under the influences of modernization and urbanization, "placelessness" is emerged from the emptiness of the sense of place and the unrealistic development of space. Also, "placelessness" has become another perspective to study "place". Taking the five-star hotels in Guangzhou as case studies, we discuss the space perceptions and senses of place toward five-star hotels of the consumers and analyze the twisted interaction of the complex relationship between place and placelessness based on the relevant place and placelessness theories. Field observation, in-depth interview and text analysis are used for the research. The research indicates that: (1) The city high-class hotels have dual characteristics of "place" and "placelessness" with the effects of the modern technology, the industry standards and the capital expansion making the high-class hotel "placelessness" and the social functions, the uniqueness of the brand and the activities of hotel management creating "place" characteristics. (2) Hotel consumers are struggling between "other space" and "my space" with multiple and contradictive sense of "place" and "placelessness" in the city high-class hotels. (3) City high-class hotels are places in transition. The transformations between "place" and "placelessness" depend on the frequency of communications between the consumers and the hotel space, the stability of hotel products, and the consumers' imaginations and meanings attached to the hotel space. This research is not only a supplement for western theory of place, but also an attempt to research on "placelessness" in China. The research provides an analytical framework for the urban phenomenon of spatial homogeneity in the transitional China..

Keywords:place;placelessness;identity;city;high star-level hotels;Guangzhou

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蔡晓梅, 何瀚林. 广州市高星级酒店地方与无地方的建构及协商[J]. , 2016, 71(2): 322- https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201602011
CAI Xiaomei, HE Hanlin. Place and placelessness of modern urban high-star level hotels: Case studies in Guangzhou[J]. 地理学报, 2016, 71(2): 322- https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201602011

1 引言


2 地方与无地方研究回顾

而正当"地方"日渐成为人文地理研究的焦点话题时,有****开始指出,我们所讨论的"地方"在最近几十年发生了本质的变化:现代化导致了地方的规范化和地方意义的贬值[2, 16-18];全球化进一步使得地方的真实性成为问题[19],地方面临消亡的危机[20].美国社会学家Ritzer利用"虚无(nothing)"的概念来描述与阐述这种现象,认为"虚无"是集中创立,控制并且相对而言缺少有特色的实质性内容的一种社会形式.Ritzer指出,全球化带来了"虚无"的扩张,本土化则建构了"实在(something)"的地方性,但全球化在催化"虚无"扩张的同时也对"实在"产生了销蚀作用,因此"实在"与"虚无"的此消彼长必然带来整个社会的虚空[21].但这种消极的社会虚空观点也遭到了有关****的批判[22],同时国内****也通过相关实证研究指出了"实在"与"虚无"的可共存性与可转换性[23].而早在1976年,Relph便在《地方与无地方》中利用"不真实性("不真实性(inauthenticity)"的概念是相对于"真实性(authenticity)"提出的.Relph从海德格尔的"寓居"(dwelling)观念发展了一个关键词:"真实性".真实性意味着真诚的态度,"作为一种存在的形式,真实性乃是替自己的存在负责的完整确认和接纳".不真实性的存在意味着老套的,人造的,不诚实的以及由他人设计的,而不是直接的以及包含各方面存在性的一个真实的信仰系统.)一词来说明这种虚无,认为不真实性只是对世界和人类可能情况的一种贴近认知,而真实性是由对周围世界的坦诚和对人类自我现状的认知所构成的.Relph 认为,全球化语境下地方的不真实性包括两方面:一方面表现出更多的自我意识(selfconscious) 与精细布置(deliberate),即与"公共",客观和人造世界的密切交织,一切都是对功能,效率,组织,规划等至高无上的考虑;另一方面则表现在"很大程度没有自我意识及主观形式,个体不知不觉被'无个性的他者(anonymous they) '控制而习以为常".而对这种"不真实地方"所产生的"不真实的态度",是本质上的无地方感.Relph 将无地方的来源归为两类:一是因现代化,标准化而人为建构的无地方;二是因战争,城市化等活动的破坏而由地方演变成的无地方.因此,在任何一个社会,任何一个时间内,或多或少都会有无地方的存在,更辩证的说,地方在形成之初就埋下了无地方的种子[2]."无地方"概念自提出至今,也得到了诸多****的响应,当今的地方文献也开始强调对有关缺失话语的叙述[17],尤其是地方间适度的联系和意义的流失[2, 24].
在实证研究方面,国外有关"无地方"的实证研究主要可归为三类:一是无地方导向型,如Pütz对机场安检点"无地方"体验的探讨[26],Baudrillard对酒店乃至整个城市无根的,不真实环境的焦虑[27]等,都在分析空间的无地方成因.二是地方导向型,侧重于探索传统意义上被认为是无地方的空间中,空间主体的地方体验和地方感,如Kaden通过对三所拉斯维加斯酒店的研究指出,复制的环境同样可以塑造酒店的意义和地方性,消费者的体验决定了酒店是有地方性的[28],消费者自身也会通过选择熟悉的酒店来营造熟悉感[29],而这种熟悉感使人们进一步产生强烈的认同和地方感[28, 30].三是复合型,****在关注空间无地方性的同时,也试图发现主体的多元地方感知,如Rowley等在描述机场候机室无地方性和无时间性的同时,指出这里所具有的国家和文化维度的体验和意义,又建构了一种缓和的,而非完全意义的地方虚无感[31].因此,很多****提倡从多元,复合的角度来看待无地方空间[32],指出虽然地方同质化的设计使我们的建筑环境失去了区域性和地方性,但这些相似的环境却给我们的生活带来满意感[33].
可见,"无地方"作为国外人文地理地方研究中不可忽视的话题,已取得了丰富的成果.国内虽自20世纪80年代中期以来在引进国外新文化地理学研究基础上,对地方[8, 11]及其相关内容做了深入的研究,但有关无地方的概念却鲜有涉及.尽管对无地方的存在及意义一直存有批判和争议,但不可否认,无地方给我们认识地方提供了一个新的视角.通过对无地方及地方逆向建构(地方消亡)的思考,能使我们更好地理解地方和地方建构问题.城市高星级酒店作为全球化和城市化的重要产物,是城市的重要景观和元素,也是现代化的典型代表;同时,酒店空间中具有不同的活动主体,而不同主体的空间感知为本研究提供了很好的分析素材.因此,本研究以广州市高星级酒店为案例地,从地方与无地方的角度来研究城市微空间的意义建构与演变,以期丰富国内地方与无地方的理论与实证,也为转型期中国目前"千城一面",空间同质化等社会现象提供可供参考的分析框架.

3 研究设计

3.1 研究案例地

本研究选取广州市高星级(四星及以上级别)酒店为案例地.广州市是中国最先开放的城市之一,是国家重要的经济,贸易,交通,会展中心和世界著名的港口城市.每年都吸引了大量的国内外旅游,会展,修学以及寻根问祖等人士前来旅行.根据广州市旅游资讯网的统计数据显示,截至2015年1月,广州市共有白金五星酒店1家,五星级酒店22家,四星级酒店41家(http://www.visitgz.com/channels/133.html)家国际品牌酒店(富力丽思卡尔顿酒店,广州海航威斯汀酒店,中心皇冠假日酒店) 作为主要的调研案例地.其中,白天鹅宾馆,花园酒店,东方宾馆是广州市改革开放初期最早的五星级酒店,主要位于老城区,承载着历史与现实;白云宾馆是在广州市国际品牌酒店大量进驻的背景下,从四星级酒店升级换代为五星级的酒店;华师粤海酒店是国内品牌四星级酒店代表,同时因为其方便获取一手资料和深度访谈样本而被选为案例地;富力丽思卡尔顿酒店,广州海航威斯汀酒店为新进驻广州新城区的国际品牌酒店代表;中心皇冠假日酒店所在建筑的前身更是为广州市地标性建筑的63 层,有着很好的对比分析意义和价值.因此,在一定程度上,所选的8 家酒店能够代表广州市酒店的历史与现实,国际与国内等不同时空背景下所产生的星级酒店.

3.2 研究方法与过程

Tab. 1
Tab. 1The samples of in-depth interviews


4 酒店空间中的无地方展演


4.1 同质化的景观和产品----不真实的地方

, et al., et al.之前广交会场馆在火车站旁边,所以中国大酒店,东方宾馆,花园酒店生意特别好,现在酒店风水跟着广交会场馆移植琶洲会展中心了, et al., et al.如果说地理位置的话,意义还是挺大的,能让酒店投资者盈利, et al., et al.
政治地理学家Agnew认为地方主要由区位(location),场所(locale)和地方感(sense of place)三个维度构成[20],由此可见,区位对于地方具有重要意义.尽管酒店的区位享有很高的经济价值,但它不是地方主体自我选择的结果,而是受制于现代技术的规划.因此,从这个角度而言,酒店区位只是酒店盈利的工具,其区位意义是功利与单一的.
----网友sly627 来自:大众点评
地方的另一种不真实性就是"我者"在不知不觉中被"无个性的他者(anonymous they)"所控制而没有反应或者顾及[2],酒店的星级评定制度就是被合法化的"他者","我者"对星级评定标准所生产出的酒店已经习以为常了.1978年改革开放初期,广州市的高星级酒店和全国其他地方的酒店一样,是以接待外宾和进行外事活动为主的文化与政治目的型酒店,而随着改革开放的深入,中国的酒店从事业单位招待型管理走向企业单位经营型管理,并推行星级评定制度(中国的星级制度最早源起于1988 年制定的旅游涉外饭店星级划分与评定的行业标准,1993 年,行业标准上升为国家标准即GB/T14308-1993,后来1997 年,2003 年,2010 年分别进行了修订,现在使用的是GB/T14308-2010 版本.尽管2010 年修订的版本中增加了例外条款和特色经营等内容,但是标准中规定了各星级应具备的硬件设施和服务项目等内容,酒店灵活的内容有限.).至此,各地新建或改建酒店均依照星级评定标准,逐项满足相应星级的必备条件,特别是高星级酒店,无一不将自己打造为集住宿,餐饮,会议,娱乐等功能于一身的现代综合服务场所,导致具有地方元素和传统文化特色的星级酒店寥若星辰,形成全国各地星级酒店同质化"连锁"现象.无个性的星级评定标准使酒店的外部设计,内部装饰甚至服务模式都变成单调的同质化.
我觉得酒店都是一样的,都是一个model(模式)设计出来的, et al., et al.从外围环境营造,建筑本身,大堂装饰,房间布置,甚至床上的被子,洗手间里面的毛巾, et al., et al.这些几乎都是一样的, et al., et al.
这些酒店,看起来都是一样,(我们)渴望有更多的中国特色(the same everywhere, want more Chinese characters, et al.).
员工的服务态度都很好,比如说话温柔,礼貌,接待客人的行为动作都很标准的感觉,似乎连说话的音调都比较一致, et al., et al.

4.2 弱化的体验和情感认同----不真实的地方态度

----网友cpubigwang 来自:大众点评
----网友qzuser 来自:大众点评
不会在酒店里四处逛.觉得没什么好看的,只想好好休息.不关注周围,直接去房间.你觉得有什么好关注的呢?全中国的酒店都是一样的呀?, et al., et al.如果有时间的话,最多看前台的小册子.
一般拿着房卡就回房间休息,偶尔会去大堂等人,住酒店期间不会出去走动,不会想着出去转一转,一般都是待在房间休息,看电视什么的, et al., et al.也不大记得大堂具体是怎样的,每次也不会特别关注, et al., et al.
(在酒店)不会主动和其他人交流,除非别人和我说话., et al., et al.不会在酒店拍照,也不会发朋友圈或者微博, et al., et al.酒店不好的地方,也不会投诉,其实投诉也没有用,呵呵.
我感觉中国现在大部分酒店没意思,说实在的,大部分酒店我住过连名字都忘记了,没有显著特征,也没有特别打动我的事情, et al., et al.
曾几何时,63层是广州人心目中的地标,当时广州第一间麦当劳开业在63层首层, 排队的人群轰动一时,也是小时候过圣诞看灯饰最好的地方......随着时代变迁,63层而今蜕变成皇冠假日酒店,大堂曾经的宏伟演变变为现代商业场所,宴会厅也与时俱进的安装了LED屏幕,, et al., et al.尽管中餐厅还是沿用以前的'百粤楼',虽然宴会可以办得更隆重,, et al., et al.但是,更多的感慨是63层的远去和又一间毫无特色的五星级酒店的蔓延., et al., et al.
----网友edithyang 来自:大众点评

5 酒店空间中的地方性建构


5.1 标准化中的空间独特性塑造

有时候喜欢在大堂里发呆,可以听"故乡水"潺潺流动的声音与来往人群的脚步声所构成的旋律,偶尔也会被来往人群中某个打扮帅气的男生或者穿着漂亮的女生所打动,哈哈, et al., et al.
关于广州的酒店,其实老牌的五家五星级,都或多或少有自己的特色的,例如花园酒店后面的瀑布与假山,第一次看到会很震撼;东方宾馆的庭院也很有东方韵味和中国特色;白天鹅宾馆地理位置独特还有浓郁的华侨文化与海外赤子之心, et al., et al.
我在世界各地游走的时候,比较喜欢喜达屋旗下的酒店,因为其SPG俱乐部,会员可以获得积分兑换客房和航班产品,所以我每次来广州,都倾向于喜欢入住喜达屋旗下的海航威斯汀,当然不仅仅因为这个SPG和"天梦之床"的舒服吸引我,还有红棉中餐厅,这个广州市市花命名的餐厅,早茶的点心很好吃,能吃出广州的味道和感觉.最让我欣喜的是Prego餐厅可以鸟瞰广州市的中轴线,我广州的朋友都是我告诉他们的, et al., et al.广州不是我家,但每次入住海航威斯汀都有回家的感觉.

5.2 从功能依赖到情感认同的消费者地方感建构

随着社会的发展,高星级酒店逐步发展为集餐饮,会议,娱乐,住宿为一体的多功能豪华消费空间.酒店通过不断为消费者提供多元的体验和周全的服务,来增加其积极的社会价值和功能意义.清华****陈永国先生在谈及后现代空间"非场所(非场所,又译作非地方.具体是由法国人类学家Marc Auge 提出,用来形容后现代社会中无地方感的地方,是近似于Relph的无地方的一个概念.)积极意义时指出,"虽然在此类空间中,约束和操控从未停止过,但当你把行李托运之后,轻盈地步入免税区的那一刻,你感到了轻松,愉悦与无比的自由"[3].无地方空间正是以过去绝无仅有的形式把亲近感和距离联结在一起,进而改变了整个空间的体验[40],使客观上的"他者空间"在消费者的体验中转化为主观上的"我者空间".在"我者空间"中,消费者一方面获得休息与娱乐,另一方面也获得了一些额外的,增值的体验和服务.
记得住GDH的时候,在入住的时候前台那里会给你送一个便签纸,是当场写的那种,内容和图画都很有创意,就是很贴心的标语,很有人情味, et al., et al.
住的比较久的一个酒店,hotel(酒店)和apartment(公寓)都有,感情有加分, et al., et al.熟悉之后,会发现大部分人很nice.
----网友Faircha 来自:大众点评
每过段时间都会出去选择一个酒店住住,不管是有事还是没事,就是想回味一下住酒店的感觉,因为还是比较喜欢酒店体验的.如果是出差到外地,都会在酒店里写封信寄回家, et al., et al.主要是想记住这些体验,这也是人生的经历,以后老了翻出来看看,还是很有意义的, et al., et al.
白天鹅宾馆是我结婚的地方,也是我第一次和我男朋友约会的地方,所以这个酒店对我来说,有着特殊的不同凡响的意义, et al., et al.

6 地方与无地方:抵制与适应中的平衡

Relph 的七层次地方感理论(Relph 在《地方与无地方》一书中将地方感划分为七个不同的层次, 分别为: 存在的局外(existential outsideness),客观的局外(objective outsideness),事件的局外(incidental outsideness),替代的局内(vicarious insideness),行为的局内(behavioral insideness),移情的局内(empathetic insideness),存在的局内(existential insideness).),由于主体对地方的熟悉程度和认同层次的不同,主体对于同一地方的地方感也有着不同的层次, 从" 存在的局外(existentialoutsideness) "到"存在的局内(existential insideness) ",层层递进,不断变化.虽然Relph 的七层次划分无法穷尽地方感的所有层次与维度,但指出了地方感的易变与不稳定性本质,也显现了地方与无地方相互转化的可能.研究发现,改革开放初期,广州市的高星级酒店是基于外事接待的目的,有着特殊的身份和社会地位,同时也作为城市的地标性建筑(如皇冠假日前身63 层) 而被市民赞许,认同;与此同时,当时在广州市投资高星级的主体除了利润的诉求之外,还具有某种理想主义情怀,如投资建设白天鹅宾馆的霍英东先生怀揣着爱国的热情,因此当时建设的酒店往往打上了某种人文烙印,能够获得消费者的共鸣(如白天鹅宾馆的"故乡水",花园酒店前台的金陵十二钗大型壁画).而经济的发展和全球化,城市化浪潮的冲击,广州市高星级酒店迅速由外事接待,城市地标和具有理想情怀的空间身份,转变为大众化,标准化的旅游消费空间,在时间轴上完成了由具有特殊意义的地方转向同质化的无地方的转变,凸显着酒店无地方的一面.但是,这种转变并不是此消彼长的持续过程,城市化和全球化虽然销蚀了传统酒店的地方特性,建构了诸多无地方色彩,但同时也建构了新的地方意义和空间文化.现代酒店的社会功能,品牌特色,本土化,以及消费者对酒店的功能依赖和情感认同等,都宣示着现代酒店地方的一面,给主体以地方的感知.因此,研究指出,现代化,标准化所建构的酒店无地方性并不是恒定的,不变的,酒店既有无地方性,无地方感,也存在着向地方性转化的可能:随着消费者与酒店接触的逐渐深入,熟悉的,标准化的环境会产生家的感觉;加之酒店对文化原真性和经营管理的更多关注,从而获得消费者更多的情感认同[47],同时也呈现出一定的地方特性.而从另一个角度来看,酒店空间所建构的地方性也是脆弱的,不稳定的:消费者对酒店形成的情感依赖会因为酒店卫生或者制度的问题而弱化;已有的地方性也会在市场扩张中被模仿,复制,而又沦入同质化的困境.因此,城市高星级酒店是一个无地方与地方动态转化的易变空间.
-->Fig. 1Analysis of the formation reason and performance of place and placelessness of hotel space

7 结论与讨论

Cresswell等指出,"某种意义来说,由于地方众所周知,这使得地方易于理解.然而,另一种意义而言, et al., et al.因为我们已经认为我们知道地方的意义是什么,这使得我们难以超越常识层面,以比较成熟的方式来理解它"[14].因此,地方并不总是我们习以为常的那样,诸如人口,经济,地理等对地方都有着重要的影响[47],而现代性社会由于知识反思性的存在,任何意义与认同的建构都是不稳定的.因此,地方在不同情境和层面上往往会具有不同的意义.我们对地方的认识,也需要一定的时间和一个漫长的过程.不同时间不同阶段,主体对地方的认识都会有所不同.

7.1 结论

-->Fig. 2The relations between place and placelessness

7.2 讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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地方是文化地理学的核心概念之 一。当文化地理学与其他人文地理学分支交叉时,"地方"则为其他人文地理学分支提供了分析的基础。本文结合英美地理学刊物中若干涉及"地方"研究的文章, 挖掘了地方的概念和内涵,以期对人文地理学诸分支提供学术支撑。本文的结论是:地方研究可支撑经济地理学文化转向和制度转向的研究;支撑区域地理学地方营 销和旅游地理学旅游目的地营销的研究;支撑城市地理学公众参与式城市规划方案的制定;支撑政治地理学的选区策略制定。因此,"地方"作为文化地理学的核心 概念,其存在意义是为其他学科提供学术营养,同时,文化地理学对地方的研究也可以使得文化地理学的社会应用能力更强。
[周尚意, 唐顺英, 戴俊骋. "地方"概念对人文地理学各分支意义的辨识
. 人文地理, 2011, 26(6): 10-13.]
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
地方是文化地理学的核心概念之 一。当文化地理学与其他人文地理学分支交叉时,"地方"则为其他人文地理学分支提供了分析的基础。本文结合英美地理学刊物中若干涉及"地方"研究的文章, 挖掘了地方的概念和内涵,以期对人文地理学诸分支提供学术支撑。本文的结论是:地方研究可支撑经济地理学文化转向和制度转向的研究;支撑区域地理学地方营 销和旅游地理学旅游目的地营销的研究;支撑城市地理学公众参与式城市规划方案的制定;支撑政治地理学的选区策略制定。因此,"地方"作为文化地理学的核心 概念,其存在意义是为其他学科提供学术营养,同时,文化地理学对地方的研究也可以使得文化地理学的社会应用能力更强。
[9]Song Yuling.The production and reproduction of sense of place: A study in the downtown area of Shanghai Street dwelling process [D]
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[本文引用: 1]

[宋郁玲. 地方感的生产与再生产: 上海市中心城区拆迁户栖居历程之研究[D]
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[10]Tuan Y F.Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1977: 19-33.URL [本文引用: 3]
[11]Yuan Zhenjie, Zhu Hong.Translocal dynamic and the local reconstruction: From "Purgatory" to "Heaven" in Shimenkan
. Human Geography, 2013, 28(2): 53-60.
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
地方在内外的互动中不断形成新的文化内涵,经历着持续的"地方形塑" 过程。跨地方对话是地方内外系统交流的主要形式和途径,是理解地方意义的重要视角,对地方的建构和再造有独特作用。跨地方对话不仅意味着物质和符号的跨文 化边界流动,也是地方间"流"的构建。它能促使跨地方对话者本身形成"空间再现",重塑其地方想象。在半殖民地、半封建的特殊历史背景下,贵州石门坎大花 苗(族)借助基督教会的进入,启动跨地方对话进程,通过西方生产技术和处世价值观的吸收及民族文化符号的重新建构,实现民族认同的重生,达成了民族崛起, 一改过往奴隶处境并成为地方的"引领民族"。大花苗(族)自组织能力的提升、地方话语权的获得及主体地位的体现,促使其民族"自我赋权",实现地方意义的 重塑。以贵州石门坎为案例,结合地理学相关分支学科的思想进行深入的田野调查,研究跨地方对话对地方认同进步性以及地方意义重构的作用,以期丰富跨地方的 学术研究内涵、启迪少数民族文化觉醒,有助于他们能够正确把握并应对越加剧烈的外来文化的冲击。
[袁振杰, 朱竑. 跨地方对话与地方重构: 从"炼狱"到"天堂"的石门坎
. 人文地理, 2013, 28(2): 53-60.]
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
地方在内外的互动中不断形成新的文化内涵,经历着持续的"地方形塑" 过程。跨地方对话是地方内外系统交流的主要形式和途径,是理解地方意义的重要视角,对地方的建构和再造有独特作用。跨地方对话不仅意味着物质和符号的跨文 化边界流动,也是地方间"流"的构建。它能促使跨地方对话者本身形成"空间再现",重塑其地方想象。在半殖民地、半封建的特殊历史背景下,贵州石门坎大花 苗(族)借助基督教会的进入,启动跨地方对话进程,通过西方生产技术和处世价值观的吸收及民族文化符号的重新建构,实现民族认同的重生,达成了民族崛起, 一改过往奴隶处境并成为地方的"引领民族"。大花苗(族)自组织能力的提升、地方话语权的获得及主体地位的体现,促使其民族"自我赋权",实现地方意义的 重塑。以贵州石门坎为案例,结合地理学相关分支学科的思想进行深入的田野调查,研究跨地方对话对地方认同进步性以及地方意义重构的作用,以期丰富跨地方的 学术研究内涵、启迪少数民族文化觉醒,有助于他们能够正确把握并应对越加剧烈的外来文化的冲击。
[12]Crang M. Yang Shuhua, Song Huimin trans. Cultural Geography. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2003: 127-152. [本文引用: 2]

[迈克·克朗. 文化地理学. 样淑华, 宋慧敏, 译. 南京: 南京大学出版社, 2003: 127-152.] [本文引用: 2]
[13]Zhou Shangyi, Yang Hongyan, Kong Xiang.The structuralistic and humanistic mechanism of placeness: A case study of 798 and M50 art districts
, Geographical Research. 2011, 30(9): 1566-1576.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[周尚意, 杨鸿雁, 孔翔. 地方性形成机制的结构主义与人文主义分析: 以798和M50两个艺术区在城市地方性塑造中的作用为例
. 地理研究, 2011, 30(9): 1566-1576.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[14]Cresswell T. Wang Zhihong, Xu Tailing trans. Place: An Introduction. Taibei: The Socio Publishing Co. Ltd., 2006: 1. [本文引用: 2]

[蒂姆·克雷斯韦尔. 王志弘, 徐苔玲, 译. 地方: 记忆,想象与认同. 台北: 群学出版社, 2006: 1.] [本文引用: 2]
[15]Cresswell T.In Place/Out of Place: Geography, Ideology, and Transgression. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996: 3.URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In Place/Out of Place seeks to illustrate the ways in which the idea of geographical deviance is used as an ideological tool to maintain an established order. Cresswell looks at graffiti in New York City, the attempts by various “hippie” groups to hold a free festival at Stonehenge during the summer solstices of 1984-86, and the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp in Berkshire, England.
[16]Zhu Hong, Qian Junxi, Chen Xiaoliang.Place and identity: Europe and the further understanding of local human geography
. Human Geography, 2010, 25(6): 1-6.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
地方是现代人文地理学研究的重要视角之一。以人本主义地理学为代表,现代欧美人文地理学界对 地方性意义以及地方在建构个人与社会的文化身份认同的作用进行了深入的探讨与研究。地方对于个人与社会来说,不啻是一个意义的中心,同时也是构建社会关系 与权力关系的媒介。因此,地方意义在身份认同的建构过程中有着十分重要的作用。本文从地方一空间的关系、地方认同的多样性与动态性、地方认同与权力的关系 以及全球化背景下的地方认同四个方面对欧美人文地理学关于地方与认同。之间辩证关系的研究进行系统的述评。
[朱竑, 钱俊希, 陈晓亮. 地方与认同: 欧美人文地理学对地方的再认识
. 人文地理, 2010, 25(6): 1-6.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
地方是现代人文地理学研究的重要视角之一。以人本主义地理学为代表,现代欧美人文地理学界对 地方性意义以及地方在建构个人与社会的文化身份认同的作用进行了深入的探讨与研究。地方对于个人与社会来说,不啻是一个意义的中心,同时也是构建社会关系 与权力关系的媒介。因此,地方意义在身份认同的建构过程中有着十分重要的作用。本文从地方一空间的关系、地方认同的多样性与动态性、地方认同与权力的关系 以及全球化背景下的地方认同四个方面对欧美人文地理学关于地方与认同。之间辩证关系的研究进行系统的述评。
[17]Arefi M.Non-place and placelessness as narratives of loss: Rethinking the notion of place
. Journal of Urban Design, 1999, 4(2): 179-193.
https://doi.org/10.1080/13574809908724445URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
Concepts such as non‐place and placelessness can provide planners and designers with new insights to better capture the essence of place. This essay first reviews the literature of place and its byproducts, namely non‐place and placelessness. Against such a backdrop, the paper then explores how the contemporary transformation of the three components of place, namely locale, location and sense of place, has contributed to a narrative of loss. Characterized by loss of meaning and loss of proper connection between locations, the geographies of ‘otherness’ and ‘nowhereness’ and the crisis of identity are among the major implications of this narrative.
[18]Qian Junxi, Qian Liyun, Zhu Hong.A global sense of place: Theoretical framework and a case study of Guangzhou
. Human Geography, 2011, 26(6): 40-44.
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[钱俊希, 钱丽芸, 朱竑. "全球的地方感"理论述评与广州案例解读
. 人文地理, 2011, 26(6): 40-44.]
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[19]Agnew J A.Devaluing place: "People prosperity versus place prosperity" and regional planning
. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 1984, 2(1): 35-45.
https://doi.org/10.1068/d020035URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A distinction between people prosperity and place prosperity is common in the regional economics and urban policy literatures. In this paper, 1 criticize the distinction on the grounds that a radical distinction between people and place can only be made if one adopts an economic ideology that 'commodities' people and places. Government policies that rest on the distinction are presented from England, Canada, and the United States of America to illustrate the consequences of this type of thinking and the justification it provides for antisocial private and governmental investment decisions.
[20]Agnew J.Space and place
. The SAGE Handbook of Geographical Knowledge, 2011: 316-330.
[本文引用: 2]
[21]Ritzer G.The Globalization of Nothing. Shanghai: Shanghai Yiwen Publication, 2004: 136-140. [本文引用: 1]

[乔治·里茨尔. 虚无的全球化. 上海: 上海译文出版社, 2004: 136-140.] [本文引用: 1]
[22]Zhang Dunfu.Key themes of George Ritzer's sociology of consumption: A critical review. Social Science, 2007(3): 62-65.https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0257-5833.2007.03.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[张敦福. 瑞泽尔消费社会学研究的核心主题: 一个批评性评述. 社会科学, 2007(3): 62-65.]https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0257-5833.2007.03.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[23]Sun Jiuxia, Wang Xinrui.The "Nothing" and "Something" during the cultural changes in Lijiangancient town: A case study of Lijiang Ancient Town's Bars
. Tourism Tribune, 2012, 27(9): 73-83.
[本文引用: 1]

[孙九霞, 王心蕊. 丽江大研古城文化变迁中的"虚无"与"实在": 以酒吧发展为例
. 旅游学刊, 2012, 27(9): 73-83.]
[本文引用: 1]
[24]Lynch K.What Time Is This Place
. Cambridge: MIT, 1972: 3.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[25]Phillips J, Walford N, Hockey A.How do unfamiliar environments convey meaning to older people? Urban dimensions of placelessness and attachment
. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 2012, 6(2): 73-102.
The discussion within gerontology of the relationship between older people and their environment (place attachment and ageing in place in particular) has been based on an assumption of familiarity with place. Yet increasingly older people experience unfamiliar environments. This can be through increased travelling as tourists and visitors to other towns and cities, through redevelopment of town centres or through cognitive decline, where the familiar becomes unfamiliar. This article reviews the conceptual frameworks underpinning the concepts of place attachment and unfamiliarity and questions the relevance of such concepts for understanding urban lifestyles in later life. We demonstrate that even in an unfamiliar environment older people can develop a sense of place through the aesthetics and usability of the environment as well as through shared memories. Consequently this has relevance for how we plan our environments to make them age-friendly.
[26]Pütz O.From non-places to non-events the airport security checkpoint
. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 2012, 41(2): 154-188.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0891241611426431URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In this article I raise the question of how individuals avoid interaction in spite of bodily proximity. I consider the empirical case of the airport security checkpoint. Drawing on participant observation of nine different airports, my research focuses on the security checkpoints of a small German airport. I suggest that the security checkpoint functions as a junction of security and mobility where screeners and travelers cannot avoid physical contact. Guided by the insights of Goffman and Aug茅, my analysis reveals that practices akin to civil inattention, which are based on the avoidance of interaction, create the experience of a non-place through 鈥渘on-events.鈥 A precondition for non-events is the standardization of procedures at the checkpoint, which creates a visual and sequential order. Strict procedural rules allow screeners and travelers to disconnect the body of the traveler temporarily from the traveler as an individual. Screeners and travelers practically achieve this disconnection by minimizing face-to-face interaction, thereby avoiding problematic definitions of the situation. This practice, however, results in discrimination against travelers who are unable or unwilling to present their body as a normalized and passive body. My findings thus point to the ability of organizationally framed settings, like the security checkpoint, to deviate from public life, while also addressing the limits of such a deviation. In concluding, I discuss the utility of the concept of non-places along with the merits of interactional analysis for understanding consequences of technological and procedural change. I also consider the efficiency of security practices from a dramaturgical perspective.
[27]Baudrillard J.Simulacra and Simulation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2006: 1-2.URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Simulacra and Simulation is most known for its discussion of images, signs, and how they relate to the present day. Baudrillard claims that modern society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that the human experience is of a simulation of reality rather than reality itself. The simulacra that Baudrillard refers to are signs of culture and media that create the perceived reality; Baudrillard believed that society has become so reliant on simulacra that it has lost contact with the real world on which the simulacra are based.
[28]Kaden J.Architectural collages: Urban images in Las Vegas hotel/casinos and their production of place
. Columbia: University of Missouri, 2010: 71-74.
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This essay discusses the Las Vegas hotel/casinos The New York New York Las Vegas, The Paris Las Vegas, and The Venetian Las Vegas as producers of place during the 1990's and early 2000's. This is in contrast to the common perception that themed environments are placeless. To examine this contradiction this paper will first discuss place and placelessness as it has been historically defined. Using the concept of place as a unique environment that participates in the historical, cultural, and geographical contexts of its location this paper will show how the hotels themed environments, copied from existent places, can produce their own meanings and become places themselves. Formal analysis will show that each hotel is not placeless due to their production of experience and meaning for their visitors. Through the context of geographer Brian Massumi's examination of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's redefinition of the simulacra as producers of meaning it will become possible to understand the Las Vegas hotel/casinos as producers of place due to the synthesis between the copied forms of their respective cities and the Las Vegas imagery and experiences that causes the hotel/casinos to participate in the context of Las Vegas. In this manner each hotel becomes, respectively, authentic New York Las Vegas, Paris Las Vegas, and Venice Las Vegas.
[29]Bardhi F.Finding home in hotels: Home as order: An alternative perspective to study consumption of servicescapes
. European Advances in Consumer Research, 2005, 7: 438-439.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[30]Rosen P, Cox P, Horton D.Cycling and Society. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2007: 25-42. [本文引用: 1]
[31]Rowley J, Slack F.The retail experience in airport departure lounges: Reaching for timelessness and placelessness
. International Marketing Review, 1999, 16(4/5): 363-376.
https://doi.org/10.1108/02651339910281901URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
It is reasonable to assume that a sense of timelessness and placelessness is particularly likely to be experienced by travelers in transit, involved in international travel between distant places with different time zones. Therefore an examination of the environment in airport departure lounges might be expected to offer an insight into the post-modern environment in which time and place are beginning to lose meaning. Retailers have a significant role to play in the creation and shaping of such environments. The research described in this article was conducted in pursuit of the following aim: to investigate airport departure lounges as environments in which timelessness and placelessness might be exhibited. This environment is analysed in terms of: servicescape and ambience; the range of retail outlets and their product ranges; marketing messages and communication; and, the customer experience. A level of sameness is uncovered, but there are also national and cultural dimensions which invade the experience. This creates a softened, but not entirely absent sense of place and time.
[32]Merriman P.Driving places Marc Auge, non-places, and the geographies of England's M1 motorway. Theory,
Culture & Society, 2004, 21(4/5): 145-167.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0263276404046065URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In this article I provide a critical account of the ‘placing’ of England’s M1 motorway. I start by critiquing Marc Augé’s anthropological writings on ‘non-places’ which have provided a common point of reference for academics discussing spaces of travel, consumption and exchange in the contemporary world. I argue that Augé’s ethnology of supermodernity results in a rather partial account of these sites, that he overstates the novelty of contemporary experiences of these spaces, and that he fails to acknowledge the heterogeneity and materiality of the social networks bound up with the production of non-places/places. I suggest that, rather than focusing on the presences and absences associated with the polarities of place and non-place, academics should examine the multiple, partial, dynamic and relational ‘placings’ which arise through the diverse performances and movements associated with travel, consumption and exchange. I then trace the topologies of England’s M1 motorway, examining some of the different ways in which the motorway has been assembled, performed and placed over the past 45 years.
[33]Kupfer J H.Mobility, portability, and placelessness
. The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 2007, 41(1): 38-50.
https://doi.org/10.1353/jae.2007.0003URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Electronic technology has created a revolution in portability of information, documentation, and communication. We are now able to connect with people, information, organizations, and merchandise from anywhere at practically any time. As electronically fabricated environments replace actual physical surroundings, however, we become displaced. Anywhere is nowhere. Liberation from place can be a great boon, but when physical surroundings become irrelevant to what we do, they lose meaning for us and we cease to inhabit them in any meaningful way. Three dimensions of loss of place are examined. First, we are deprived of the aesthetic experiences particular places provide. Second, the aesthetically relevant habits of responsiveness to these places fade from our lives. Finally, we are losing a sense of place in general, most palpable in the privatization of public space. Even as it opens wonderful possibilities, the electronic information-communication revolution is closing areas rich in
[34]Escobar A.Culture sits in places: Reflections on globalism and subaltern strategies of localization
. Political Geography, 2001, 20(2): 139-174.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0962-6298(00)00064-0URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The last few years have seen a resurgence of interest in the concept of place in anthropology, geography, and political ecology. “Place” — or, more accurately, the defense of constructions of place — has also become an important object of struggle in the strategies of social movements. This paper is situated at the intersection of conversations in the disciplines about globalization and place, on the one hand, and conversation in social movements about place and political strategy, on the other. By arguing against a certain globalocentrism in the disciplines that tends to effect an erasure of place, the paper suggests ways in which the defense of place by social movements might be constituted as a rallying point for both theory construction and political action. The paper proposes that place-based struggles might be seen as multi-scale, network-oriented subaltern strategies of localization. The argument is illustrated with the case of the social movement of black communities of the Pacific rainforest region of Colombia.
[35]Feng Jun, Zhang Yunlai. Service Management.Beijing: Science Press, 2010: 29. [本文引用: 1]

[冯俊, 张运来. 服务管理学. 北京: 科学出版社, 2010: 29.] [本文引用: 1]
[36]Iqani M.Reading the Newsstand: The signifiers of placelessness in London magazine retail sites
. Space and Culture, 2011, 14(4): 431-447.
https://doi.org/10.1177/1206331211412272URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The article discusses the relationship between the semiotics of magazine cover display and the geography of their retail spaces (newsstands). Based on a participant observation of newsstands, the article provides a reflexive account of the semiotic characteristics of diverse newsstands that arguably create a (limited yet significant) sense of “placelessness.” Newsstands are empirical objects that have been little studied. They are thus theoretically contextualized with reference to scholarship addressing magazines as well as the cultural geography of retail space. In the context of the latter, the spectacle and surveillance are highlighted as key framing concepts. The article then gives an account of the methodological approach adopted to study newsstands—participant observation, in particular a form modeled on the fl09neur . The resulting account argues that newsstand semiotics create a sense of “placelessness” through three structural features evident at every newsstand visited: (a) the display of surveillance technologies, (b) the plentifulness of commodity stocks and imagery, and (c) a spectacular sense of luxurious full color textuality. The article concludes by arguing that the study of the semiotics of newsstands contributes to scholarship addressing the cultures of urban spaces of consumption, which in turn holds great potential for extending debates about the discursive and social power of media texts such as magazines.
[37]Seamon D.Place, placelessness, insideness, and outsideness in John Sayles' Sunshine State
. The Journal of Media Geography, 2009(3): 1-19.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT John Sayles is one of America's most successful independent filmmakers, whose works include "Return of the Secaucus Seven" (1980), "City of Hope" (1991), and "Lone Star" (1996). This article examines Sayles' portrait of place in "Sunshine State" (2002), a film set in Plantation Island, Florida, where large-scale corporate development is transforming two communities- one black, the other white - into upscale winter resorts. Sayles' film probes the place experience of some sixteen vividly drawn characters and illuminiates how the same physical place, for different individuals and groups, can evoke a broad spectrum of situations, meanings, and potential futures. One of Sayles" conclusions is that people cannot escape the place in which they find themselves. They can, however, learn from that place and thereby decide wheter and in what ways they will offer that place commitment or not.
[38]Cook I, Hobson K, Hallett L.Geographies of food: Afters
. Progress in Human Geography, 2010, 35(1): 104-120.
[本文引用: 1]
[39]Massey D.Space, Place and Gender. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994: 154.https://doi.org/10.1080/10130950.1995.9675460URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
ABSTRACT A leading feminist geographer puts forth new ways of thinking about space and place. In these days of global acceleration on the one hand and intensifying local nationalisms on the other, how should we be thinking about space and place? This new book brings together Doreen Massey's key writings on this debate. In it she argues that we have seen some problematical readings of both terms in recent years, and she proposes an alternative approach more adequate to the issues facing the social sciences today. Massey has organized these debates around the three themes of space, place, and gender. She traces the development of ideas about the social structure of space and place, and the relation of both to issues of gender and certain debates within feminism. Beginning with the economy and social structures of production, Massey develops a wider notion of spatiality as the product of intersecting social relations. On this basis she proposes an approach to "places" that is essentially open and hybrid while always provisional and contested. The themes intersect with much current thinking about identity within feminism and cultural studies. The chapters range from studies of the concepts of place employed in debates on uneven regional development and inner-city problems to arguments about the relationship between the conceptualization of space/place and the social construction of gender relations. "This book presents a collection of Massey's writings that have appeared over the last two decades. The volume is, however, more than a sum of its parts, in that Massey uses commentaries throughout the book to delineate an intellectual trajectory in Anglo geography that connects the concerns of economic geography with critiques and extensions by feminist and postcolonial writers. Massey builds a multifaceted argument of the richness of geographical analysis and its centrality for contemporary social theory debates." Professional Geographer "In a compilation of essays spanning over fifteen years, Space, Place and Gender, Doreen Massey explores the intricate and profound connection of space and place with gender and the construction of gender relations. Spaces and places are gendered, she argues, at once reflecting and affecting how gender is understood." Harvard Design Magazine Doreen Massey is professor of geography at the Open University in the United Kingdom. She is the author of five books, including Spatial Divisions of Labour (1984) and, with David Weild and Paul Quintas, High-Tech Fantasies (1991).
[40]Anthony G.The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge,
UK: Polity, 1990: 40.
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[41]Norberg-Schulz C.Existence, Space & Architecture
. New York: Praeger, 1971: 25.
[本文引用: 1]
[42]Tuan Y F.Topophilia: A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes, and Values. Hemel Hempstead:
Prentice-Hall, 1974: 248.
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[43]Ahmed S.Home and away narratives of migration and estrangement
. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 1999, 2(3): 329-347.
https://doi.org/10.1177/136787799900200303URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article examines the relationship between migration and identity by complicating our notion of what ‘home’ means, both for the narrative of ‘being at home’ and for the narrative of ‘leaving home’. It offers, not a migrant ontology, but a consideration of the historical determination of patterns of estrangement in which the living and yet mediated relation between being, home and world is partially reconfigured from the perspective of those who have left home. This reconfiguration does not take place through the heroic act of an individual (the migrant), but through the forming of communities that create multiple identifications through collective acts of remembering in the absence of a shared knowledge or a familiar terrain. The article interweaves a variety of different texts: short stories by Asian women in Britain, autobiographical reflection, theoretical constructions of migrancy and literature from two very different nomadic or migrant communities, the Global Nomads International and the Asian Women’s Writing Collective. The article provides a critique of recent theories of migrancy - and nomadism - as inherently transgressive, or as an ontological condition (where what we have in common is the loss of a home). The author argues that it is through an uncommon estrangement that the possibility of migrant communities comes to be lived. That is, it is the uncommon estrangement of migration that allows migrant subjects to remake what it is they might yet have in common.
[44]Jorgensen B S, Stedman R C.A comparative analysis of predictors of sense of place dimensions: Attachment to, dependence on, and identification with lakeshore properties
. Journal of Environmental Management, 2006, 79(3): 316-327.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2005.08.003URLPMID:16288828 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Sense of place can be conceived as a multidimensional construct representing beliefs, emotions and behavioural commitments concerning a particular geographic setting. This view, grounded in attitude theory, can better reveal complex relationships between the experience of a place and attributes of that place than approaches that do not differentiate cognitive, affective and conative domains. Shoreline property owners ( N =290) in northern Wisconsin were surveyed about their sense of place for their lakeshore properties. A predictive model comprising owners' age, length of ownership, participation in recreational activities, days spent on the property, extent of property development, and perceptions of environmental features, was employed to explain the variation in dimensions of sense of place. In general, the results supported a multidimensional approach to sense of place in a context where there were moderate to high correlations among the three place dimensions. Perceptions of environmental features were the biggest predictors of place dimensions, with owners' perceptions of lake importance varying in explanatory power across place dimensions.
[45]Penny S, Redhead S.We're not really here: Manchester City, mobility and placelessness
. Sport in Society, 2009, 12(6): 755-764.
https://doi.org/10.1080/17430430902944217URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In a contemporary football landscape of locational and geographical change, the analysis of Manchester City Football Club and the relocation to the City of Manchester Stadium highlights some interesting issues surrounding the new British football stadium and a sense of place. In reaction to the placeless stadium environment, thinking around the sporting tophilia can then be developed around these new cultural spaces by looking at how the power of the fans to refigure and renegotiate their fandom has been used in a variety of ways to try to create a sense of identity within the new stadium space. A bringing of the ‘old’ to the ‘new’ appears to be central to the attempted creation of place in these new social spaces with no history or identity of their own, whilst the physical presence, organization and mobility of activated fan groups such as Bluewatch present not only the collective concern over the ability to identify with the new stadium environment, but also demonstrate the power to organize as a colle...
[46]Harvey D.Between space and time: Reflections on the geographical imagination
. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1990, 80(3): 418-434.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8306.1990.tb00305.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Although concepts of space and time are socially constructed, they operate with the full force of objective fact and play a key role in processes of social reproduction. Conceptions of space and time are inevitably, therefore, contested as part and parcel of processes of social change, no matter whether that change is superimposed from without (as in imperialist domination) or generated from within (as in the conflict between environmentalist and economic standards of decision making). A study of the historical geography of concepts of space and time suggests that the roots of the social construction of these concepts lie in the mode of production and its characteristic social relations. In particular, the revolutionary qualities of a capitalistic mode of production, marked by strong currents of technological change and rapid economic growth and development, have been associated with powerful revolutions in the social conceptions of space and time. The implications of these revolutions, implying as they do the 鈥渁nnihilation of space by time'鈥檃nd the general speed-up and acceleration of turnover time of capital, are traced in the fields of culture and politics, aesthetic theory and, finally, brought home within the discipline of geography as both a problem and a stimulus for rethinking the role of the geographical imagination in contemporary social life.
[47]Zeng Guojun, Sun Shuzhi, Zhu Hong.Translocal restaurants' cultural production under the paradox of globalization and locality: Case studies from Guangzhou
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013, 33(3): 291-298.
Magsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>以原真性和标准化程度为基准, 构建基于企业视角的跨地方文化生产的理论框架, 并以广州泰国餐厅蕉叶、法国餐厅塞纳河、美国餐厅肯德基和韩国餐厅笑味轩为案例, 讨论跨地方饮食文化生产的类型和特点。结果表明, 原真性与标准化程度不同的4 种跨地方饮食文化生产类型(原真标准化文化生产、原真性文化生产、标准化文化生产、异质化文化生产)均可能受到消费者认可, 并在市场上持续经营。</p>
[曾国军, 孙树芝, 朱竑. 全球化与地方性冲突背后的跨地方饮食文化生产
. 地理科学, 2013, 33(3): 291-298.]
Magsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>以原真性和标准化程度为基准, 构建基于企业视角的跨地方文化生产的理论框架, 并以广州泰国餐厅蕉叶、法国餐厅塞纳河、美国餐厅肯德基和韩国餐厅笑味轩为案例, 讨论跨地方饮食文化生产的类型和特点。结果表明, 原真性与标准化程度不同的4 种跨地方饮食文化生产类型(原真标准化文化生产、原真性文化生产、标准化文化生产、异质化文化生产)均可能受到消费者认可, 并在市场上持续经营。</p>
[48]Hooykaas A L, Beer M S, Faizi M.The study of placelessness: Toward a conceptual framework
. International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 2008, 5(3): 295-304.
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Within Canada there is a trend toward placelessness; people do not form senses of place but rather remain transient within spaces. The effects of placelessness impact not only individuals, but also communities, and ultimately the natural landscape as well. This paper suggests that relationships to place vary greatly and are dependent, in part, upon populations, economics, technology, and geography. Should the sense of place be absent, then stewardship is impossible for stewardship can only be achieved through the commitment of placed people. Placelessness is finally conceptualized and defined through the discussion of place.
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