A review of research on agricultural heritage systems and their conservation
JIAO Wenjun1, CUI Wenchao1,2, MIN Qingwen,1,2, ZHANG Yongxun31. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3. Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract Since the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched the initiative on the conservation of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in 2002, the conservation of agricultural heritage systems has made continuous progress, under the support of sustained scientific research and its findings. As of April 2020, 59 traditional agricultural systems in 22 countries around the world have been designated as GIAHS by FAO. Nowadays, agricultural heritage systems have entered a new stage of development. A review of existing research findings is of great significance for scholars to carry out research on agricultural heritage systems and also for the conservation of agricultural heritage systems in the future. For this reason, this article systematically reviewed the research findings of agricultural heritage systems and their conservation from 2002 to April of 2020, and made summaries from five aspects of sustainability mechanisms, functions and values, threats and challenges, dynamic conservation approaches, and conservation mechanisms. The results show that agricultural heritage systems and their conservation research conformed to the logic framework of “driving force-pressure-state-impact-response”. Under the influence of driving factors such as modernization and urbanization, agricultural heritage systems are facing unprecedented threats and challenges. The loss of labor force, the abandonment of farmland, and the lost traditional knowledge and culture will eventually lead to the changes in the structures and functions of agricultural heritage systems, which will in turn affect the sustainability and values of agricultural heritage systems. In the face of these threats and challenges, the heritage sites must explore dynamic conservation approaches, such as the development of eco-agricultural products, sustainable tourism, industrial integration, and so on, and establish conservation mechanisms of multi-stakeholder participation, ecological compensation, cultural protection, and monitoring and evaluation. For a long time in the future, social and ecological sustainability mechanisms, multi-functions and multi-values, dynamic conservation, and adaptive management will still be the core research contents of agricultural heritage systems and their conservation. In addition, the in-depth study of individual issues, the comprehensive study of complex issues, and the expansion of the research objects and areas will also become the directions of the future research on agricultural heritage systems and their conservation. Keywords:Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS);Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (NIAHS);sustainability mechanism;multiple values;dynamic conservation approach
PDF (1513KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 焦雯珺, 崔文超, 闵庆文, 张永勋. 农业文化遗产及其保护研究综述. 资源科学[J], 2021, 43(4): 823-837 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.04.16 JIAO Wenjun, CUI Wenchao, MIN Qingwen, ZHANG Yongxun. A review of research on agricultural heritage systems and their conservation. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2021, 43(4): 823-837 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.04.16
1 引言
以高化学品投入、机械化和规模化生产为特征的现代常规农业,虽然提高了粮食产量,但也产生了食物安全问题,以及生态失衡、环境污染等诸多的负面效应,这让国际社会开始重新审视保持生产功能数百年甚至上千年、目前处于濒危状态的传统农业。为了保护传统农业系统及其景观、生物多样性、知识和文化体系,联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)在2002年启动了“全球重要农业文化遗产(Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems, GIAHS)”保护项目,这使得重要的农业文化遗产得到世界的认可与保护,并成为可持续管理的基础[1]。
2005年,首批6个GIAHS保护试点获得认定,中国浙江的青田稻鱼共生系统位列其中。此后,在全球环境基金(GEF)等国际组织和中国、日本等政府的大力支持下,GIAHS的申报与管理工作日益规范化。2015年,FAO第39届大会通过GIAHS工作计划,标志着GIAHS成为FAO的业务性工作之一。同年,中国发布并实施《重要农业文化遗产管理办法》,标志着世界上第一个关于农业文化遗产管理的法律文件的诞生。与此同时,申报GIAHS的国家以及GIAHS的认定数量也在逐年增加。截至2020年4月,全球共有59个传统农业系统(分布在22个国家)被FAO列入GIAHS保护名录,其中有15项在中国。此外,中国、韩国、日本相继开展国家重要农业文化遗产(Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems, NIAHS)保护工作。截至2020年4月,中国共分5批认定了118项中国重要农业文化遗产(China-NIAHS),韩国共认定15项韩国重要农业文化遗产(KIAHS)和7项韩国重要渔业文化遗产(KIFHS),日本共认定15项日本重要农业文化遗产(Japan-NIAHS)。
农业文化遗产保护工作的不断进步,离不开十余年来不断开展的研究工作及其取得的研究成果。例如,早期关于概念与内涵的界定[2,3]以及评选标准的研究[4,5],为农业文化遗产的遴选与认定提供了评判依据;关于特征与价值的研究[6,7,8],为农业文化遗产的申报、宣传和普及提供了科学素材;关于保护与管理方法的研究[9,10,11],勾勒出农业文化遗产保护与管理的基本思路。随着国际国内社会的日益重视,农业文化遗产迅速成长为一个新兴研究领域,吸引国内外****从不同的角度开展研究,并取得丰硕成果。截至2020年4月,以“农业文化遗产”或“农业遗产系统”为主题在中国知网进行检索,得到有效(剔除重复、与主题不符、非学术性文章)中文文献559篇;以“agricultural heritage”或“agricultural heritage system”或“GIAHS”为主题在Web of Science核心合集进行检索,得到有效英文文献121篇。统计结果显示,关于农业文化遗产保护的文章数量最多,涉及价值评估、资源评价、可持续机制、旅游开发、产业发展等多个方面。与2015年的统计结果[12]相比,农业文化遗产保护研究仍然是农业文化遗产研究中的核心内容。
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