Potential ecological suitability evaluation of urban construction land: A case study in Baoshan District, Shanghai
HE Zongfei1, YU Jia,1, CHEN Yun2, WEN Jiahong1, YIN Zhan’e11.School of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China 2.CSIRO Land and Water, GPO Box 1666, Canberra ACT2601, Australia
Abstract Traditional ecological suitability evaluation methods based on current land use status have their limitation in supporting development decision for urban construction land in rapid urban-expansion regions. This article first proposed the concept and method of potential ecological suitability evaluation of urban construction land. The method highlights the predicted future urban land-use distribution that is regarded as an important factor in the ecological suitability evaluation framework, and generates the evaluation result that is suitable for future planning and decision making of urban construction land. This study took Baoshan District, Shanghai Municipality, China as the study area and presented the spatial distribution of ecological suitability of urban construction land in 2050 under the background of urban expansion. The result was compared with the traditional ecological suitability evaluation results. The comparison revealed that potential ecological suitability evaluation can effectively reduce the high overlaps of the lands unsuitable or moderately unsuitable to be developed and the future urban buildup areas (reducing the overlap from 9.74% and 22.7% to 0.0% and 14.5%). It can match the urban development boundary planning and ecological space planning better and highlights the key protected ecological regions in future development. The case study proved the soundness and effectiveness of the new evaluation method, which can provide better decision supporting for ecological urban planning under the background of urban expansion. Keywords:potential ecological suitability evaluation;urban construction land;urban expansion;cellular automata;Baoshan District,Shanghai
PDF (11720KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 何宗菲, 於家, 陈芸, 温家洪, 尹占娥. 城市建设用地的潜在生态适宜性评价——以上海市宝山区为例. 资源科学[J], 2020, 42(3): 558-569 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.03.14 HE Zongfei. Potential ecological suitability evaluation of urban construction land: A case study in Baoshan District, Shanghai. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2020, 42(3): 558-569 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.03.14
Table 2 表2 表2上海市宝山区城镇建设用地潜在适宜性评价各因子的适宜性等级划分标准 Table 2Suitability classification standard of each criterion for potential ecological suitability evaluation of urban construction land in Baoshan District, Shanghai
Figure 8Quantitative comparison of potential ecological suitability evaluation results of urban construction land in Baoshan District, Shanghai, China in 2015 and 2050
Figure 9Land use distribution and resultant map of ecological suitability evaluation of Luodian Town, Baoshan District, Shanghai. (a. Actual land use of 2015; b. Simulated land use of 2050; c. Ecological suitability evaluation result of 2015; d. Potential ecological suitability evaluation result of 2050)
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