Comprehensive assessment of water quality based on evidential reasoning: Taking the Xiangjiang River as an example
HU Dongbin1,3, CAI Hongpeng,1, CHEN Xiaohong1,3, MENG Fanyong1, LUO Yueping2,3, PAN Haiting2,31. Business school, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 2. Hunan Environmental Monitoring Center, Changsha 410014, China 3. Resource-Conserving & Environment-Friendly Society and Ecological Civilization Collaborative Innovation Center of Hunan Province, Changsha 410083, China;
Abstract Comprehensive evaluation of water quality is an important basic work in the integrated improvement of water environment. Reliable and accurate assessment facilitates the development of scientific management plan and effective control measures for water quality. This article proposes a comprehensive assessment method of water quality based on evidential reasoning. Through establishing a water quality comprehensive evaluation model and belief distribution function, the observed values of water quality indicators can be transformed into the confidence degree of each evaluation grade. Combining the synthesis rules and algorithms of evidential reasoning, the probability distribution of each evaluation grade is calculated by synthesizing recursively the indicators that belong to the same evaluation grade. Then the comparison of water quality is realized by introducing the utility theory. Finally, this article takes the Xiangjiang River as an example to comprehensively evaluate its water quality from 2011 to 2017, and compares this method with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and grey clustering method, which have been widely used in water quality assessment. The results show that the comprehensive assessment method based on evidential reasoning is more accurate, and can effectively reflect the actual situation of water quality. This study is important in the multi-index data fusion and uncertainty data processing of water quality in different space and time, and also provides support for managing water quality precisely and for environmental management policy and decision making in the Xiangjiang River Basin. Keywords:comprehensive assessment of water quality;uncertainty of water environment;confidence degree assessment;combination rule of evidence;evidential reasoning;utility theory;Xiangjiang River Basin
PDF (3865KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 胡东滨, 蔡洪鹏, 陈晓红, 孟凡永, 罗岳平, 潘海婷. 基于证据推理的流域水质综合评价法——以湘江水质评价为例. 资源科学[J], 2019, 41(11): 2020-2031 doi:10.18402/resci.2019.11.06 HU Dongbin. Comprehensive assessment of water quality based on evidential reasoning: Taking the Xiangjiang River as an example. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2019, 41(11): 2020-2031 doi:10.18402/resci.2019.11.06
目前,相关环境部门多采用中国《地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)》中的单因子评价法作为水质评价方法,选择水质最差的单项指标所在的水质类别作为所属水域的综合水质类别,该方法无法科学有效地评估水体的综合水质,同一水质类别之间也无法进行有效比较[10]。在学术界,关于水质评价方法的研究,多数****关注水质指数法,并根据具体的问题对其进行了改进。①在水质评价方法方面,Li等[11]将功能数据分析(Functional Data Analysis)理论引入到模糊物元模型中,提出了一个动态模糊物元模型(Dynamic Fuzzy Matter-Element Model),并利用2011—2012年鄱阳湖水质数据对该模型进行了验证。Wu等[12]提出了熵权水质指数(Entropy Weighted Water Quality Index)评价法,并用该方法对中国西北沙湖进行了湖泊水质综合评价。Zhang等[13]为了衡量美国各州的水质标准,提出了一种多指标达标评价法来综合评估水质达标情况。Miao等[14]以临沂开发区内2条主要城市河流的水质为研究对象,选取了2014—2017年水质监测数据中的24个指标,提出了加拿大水质指数(Canadian Water Quality Index)评价法,该方法借助卫星遥感技术,通过高频率的采样数据,弥补评估的局限性,能较好地反映实际水质状况。②在指标体系构建方面,Zhang等[15]利用重金属污染指数和人类健康风险指数对流域水质进行评价,然后基于聚类分析和GIS可视化技术对流域污染和管理等级进行分类,提出了一种有效的流域管理方法。③在指标权重确定方面,Singh等[16]提出了一种广义综合水质指数(Composite Water Quality Index)评价法,根据社会和环境影响选取了25个水质指标,这些指标可以用相同的准则进行评估,然后利用层次分析法和多准则决策分析工具计算这些指标的权重,最终按照得分进行水质综合评价。Kunwar等[17]针对水质评价指标中参数较多且相互矛盾的问题,引入了多目标决策方法(Multi-Objective Decision-Making Method),最后证明了该方法在复杂情景下评价的有效性。除此之外,比较典型的水质评价方法还有水质标识指数法[18]、模糊综合评价法[19,20]等。
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