Review and prospect of research on the influence of the environment on spatial disparity of urban housing prices
DAIQiwen1,, YAOYiqi2, ZHANGXiaoqi3, WEIHaining4 1. School of Economics & Management, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China2. College of Fine Arts, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China3. School of Finance, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou 310018, China4. Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS, Lanzhou 730000, China 收稿日期:2018-09-18 修回日期:2018-12-20 网络出版日期:2019-04-25 版权声明:2019《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:教育部人文社会科学研究基金项目(17XJC790001)广西师范大学博士科研启动基金资助项目 作者简介: -->作者简介:戴其文,男,安徽郎溪人,博士,讲师,研究方向为环境经济与城市经济。E-mail:
关键词:环境;城市房价;影响;空间差异;研究进展;展望 Abstract With urban residents’ increasing attention on the living environment and the general improvement of the quality of life, the insufficient supply and uneven distribution of urban environmental resources have intensified the impact of the environment on the spatial differences of urban housing prices. Exploring the impact mechanism of the environment on housing prices will help improve the spatial allocation of high-quality environmental resources and accelerate the construction of livable cities, which also is of great significance for improving urban competitiveness and the level of “new urbanization.” This article firstly briefly reviews the spatial differences of urban housing prices, then systematically summarizes the research progress of the positive impacts, negative impacts, and comprehensive impacts of the environment on housing prices. Finally we examined the prospects for future research in this field. The review of the literature showed that: the positive, negative, and comprehensive effects of the environment on housing prices are systematically analyzed in international literature. Research in China began to pay attention to the positive impact of the environment on housing prices, while studies on the negative impacts and comprehensive impacts are fewer. The accessibility of environmental amenity has become an important perspective and content in the field of environment and housing price research. The attributes of environment and landscape and housing have an important impact on housing prices. The international literature of negative impacts of the environment on housing prices are mainly concentrated on water pollution, noise pollution, solid waste pollution, and electromagnetic pollution. Furthermore, we put forward some thoughts on the prospects of research: The study of the effect of the environment on housing prices needs to improve the systematic analysis framework. The combination of mathematical model and behavioral analysis verification methods should be considered in the research method. People’s subjective environ-mental perceptions and their feedback on housing prices should be paid attention to. The analysis of the impact mechanism of the environment on low-value region of housing prices should be strengthened, and awareness on inequality of the living environment should be raised. Research should concern the impact of the environment on housing prices at the micro household level and in small and medium-sized cities, taking into consideration local-specific characteristics of housing.
鉴于目前的研究现状,参照国际上的研究进展与趋势,提出一些思考和展望。 (1)环境对居住的意义需结合中国传统文化特色。如国际上研究山体与房价的文献较少,提到的都是山体遮挡了视野,对房价产生负面作用。然而中国讲究依山傍水而居,山景房较具吸引力,山体对住房具有显著的溢价效应。 (2)户籍约束的放松会放大环境的资本化效应[139,140]。对于中小城市而言,人口流动落户更加容易,外来人口的落户对环境质量的支付意愿会更强。因此,需关注中小城市房价的空间异质性及其环境影响机制研究。 (3)开展环境对房价的影响研究,需切入到微观住户层面。环境对小区内单户房价的影响异质性很强,利用单户房价数据有利于提高研究结论的科学性和准确性。现有研究对象以普通商品房为主,对别墅、高档住宅楼、保障性住房的价格空间分异的影响机制分析较少。事实上,根据住宅市场理论,住宅类型不同是住宅价格分异的首要因素。因此,在研究住房价格空间分异格局时,应同时考虑多种住宅类型。 (4)重视住宅价格低值区的分析及成因解释,加强环境对房价低值区的影响机制研究,提高对居住不公平性的关注。人居环境是世界不平等的三大根源之一[141]。低收入群体居住质量差,居住环境没有竞争力;而高收入群体居住质量高,高端人士群体居住的自然环境最为优越[142]。环境景观资源的空间布局直接影响城市空间效率和弱势群体的福利[24]。低收入群体从环境优势区位中被挤出,穷人可能居住在环境资源不足的地方,很难消费到相关资源或者消费成本很高,形成居住分异和社会分割,可能会产生一定的社会问题,影响居民的社会福利。政府在环境资源的供给与配置上需考虑低收入群体。 (5)环境对房价的效应研究需重视“人”的感受,尤其人的“环境心理感受”及其折射在房价上的反馈。如景观可达性的测度需要从“人”的自身出发,考察“主观”距离,如步行距离等。国内开展的房价差异机制研究虽考察了环境要素,但通常采用景观的相对位置或距离关系作为区位条件评价,忽略了人的视角。事实上区位条件更核心的含义是城市内获取某种“活动”的“机会和成本”,“距离”只是对设施可达性的“静态”描述[143]。分析景观的价值及其对房价的影响应考虑景观、住房和住户的属性特征,既要关注景观的类型、面积、性质、覆盖度、功能、质量等因素,还要重视社区和住房的特征,如住房密度、楼层高度、人口密度;此外,还需结合住户的需求偏好异质性、住户的感知、住户的心理尤其是环境心理。 (6)从研究方法上来看,多数研究采用的是特征价格模型。今后应加强空间分析方法与传统分析方法的结合,注重环境对房价空间差异的机制分析。同时房价的环境效应机制研究方法应该考虑数学模型与行为分析验证的结合。人类对环境的感知决定了其效用和行为,但是这种感知往往与科学的测度不太吻合,进而会影响模型的测度结果[102]。为了更好地理解环境因素的影响,需要系统研究环境现象和人类响应的客观和主观度量之间的关系[144]。 (7)环境对房价的效应研究需完善系统性的分析框架。国际相关研究虽考虑到环境效应和环境不适对住房市场的影响,但环境不适考虑较为单一,系统性研究不足。当前的研究成果多数是静态分析环境对房价的影响,动态视角考虑极少。将家庭、环境、房价数据相结合的微观机制研究尚不多见,缺乏对住户和家庭偏好异质性和动态过程的考虑,系统性的分析框架有待完善。中国尚处于快速城市化阶段,大量的住房建设和搬迁行为增加了住房市场的动态变化,致使城市环境在区位和性质上也发生变化,这些动态变化需纳入分析框架中。忽略动态调整的静态模型在估计环境等公共物品边际隐含价格时往往会产生偏误[145]。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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