Effect decomposition of industry, space and population on energy consumption during Chinese urbanization
YANXiang1,2,, CHENGChangchun2,3, JIAYizhen2 1. Business School of Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng 224002, China2. Business School of Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China3. Research Institute of the Jiangsu Yangzi River Economic Belt of Nantong University, Nantong 226019, China 收稿日期:2017-08-1 修回日期:2017-10-11 网络出版日期:2018-01-20 版权声明:2018《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:国家社会科学基金重点项目(16AJL015)江苏省重点建设学科应用经济学资助2016年中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(2016B46314) 作者简介: -->作者简介:严翔,男,江苏盐城人,博士生,讲师,主要研究方向为区域经济。E-mail: yanxiang@hhu.edu.cn
关键词:城镇化;产业;空间;人口;能源消费;LMDI Abstract On the basis of a literature review, we constructed the fusion mechanism of energy consumption in urbanization on the interactive development of industry, space and population, and analyzed factor decomposition of changes in energy consumption from 1998 to 2015 in China, based on the Kaya expansion model of vector form and the Aggregate the Sum of Polynomial Multiplication of LMDI. We found that the pulling effect of urbanization on production energy consumption is much greater than that of households. The transformation and upgrading traditional energy-driven industries and technological progress alleviate the energy pressure. In recent years, apart from household expenditure, other economic units, because of the improvement of extensive “three-high” development model rather than household consumption, are more energy-conserving. The household consumption effect is still the dominant factor in the promotion of indirect energy consumption, the positive contribution of convergence between urban and rural household consumption behavior to the fluctuation of energy consumption strengthens gradually, and, with the expansion of population, has become a constraint of the sustainable development of energy. The spread of low density sprawling space exacerbates energy consumption, except for the negative contribution to the fluctuation of energy consumption by the scale effect of population agglomeration. Under the situation of strengthening of energy restraint of new urbanization, although the structural adjustment and technological progress at the industrial level still have the effect of reduction of energy consumption, more attention should be paid to improvements on the patterns and habits of energy consumption at the population level, and releasing the new kinetic energy of reducing energy consumption by space distribution of resource, and also strive to achieve sharing economy to ease the energy consumption pressure, and accordingly.
基于文献回顾可知,城镇化进程中的人口集聚与空间拓展,使得生产要素在空间上集聚与重置,加剧了区域间人员与物资的互动转移:为工业化发展提供了人力、土地等要素输入与消费市场输出;有助于土地流转后的规模种植,为现代化农业发展提供契机;城镇化也直接影响人们的消费购物、交通出行等生活方式,促进第三产业协同发展,在此进程中对能耗的影响存在因产业、空间与人口的交互发展的传导机制,如图1所示。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图1城镇化下产业-空间-人口对能耗的传导机制 -->Figure 1Transmission mechanism of energy consumption on industry-space-population in urbanization process -->
1998—2015年间,中国产业发展对能耗波动累计正向贡献44.00%,趋势如图3所示,其中技术进步对生产能耗波动的负向贡献累计高达42.51%。产业结构调整总体负向贡献8.45%。考察期内消费抑制效应虽总体对生产能耗正向贡献6.95%,但自2010年开始的持续负向运行一定程度上缓解了能源压力。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图3产业层面各效应变化趋势 -->Figure 3Trend of various effects on the industrial level -->
考察期内人口方面各能耗效应如图4所示,累计正向贡献124.29%,其中生产端107.46%的能耗上涨来自城镇化进程中居民消费引起的内需拉动,而全国新增1.3亿人口的规模效应则对生产能耗波动影响平稳,正向贡献7.29%仅占居民消费效应的6.78%。人均生活效应对生活能耗的正向贡献率累计9.54%,总体呈波动上升趋势。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图4人口层面各效应变化趋势 -->Figure 4Trend of various effects on the population level -->
考察期内空间方面各因素引起的时序能耗波动如图5所示,累计正向贡献1.91%,人口空间迁移带来的城乡人口比率变化对生产能耗影响较大,除2008年略有下行外,总体持续上升,这得益于农村人口迁居城镇后,消费市场的扩大刺激了生产端能源消费。城镇化率对生活能耗波动的正向影响甚微,仅占能耗波动总量的1%,这仍源于城乡消费行为日益同质,空间差异对人均用能影响越来越小,以上与前文实证结果吻合。与此同时,空间扩张引起能耗趋势的小幅波动,总体正向贡献8.61%,人口密度效应则与之相反,呈同步异向波动,累计负向抵消7.71%,一定程度上缓解了能源压力。由此可见,我国城镇化前期空间拓展的绿色节能效用较弱,但人口集聚产生的能源利用规模效应对能耗波动具有负向贡献。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图5空间层面各效应变化趋势 -->Figure 5Trend of various effects on the space level -->
本文基于向量形式的Kaya拓展模型与多项连乘和加总的LMDI改进形式,对1998年-2015年间的能耗变化进行三方面因素分解。研究表明,对生产能耗波动正向贡献最高的是居民消费效应,其余依次为生产城镇化效应、人口规模效应及消费抑制效应,而技术进步与产业结构调整对能耗呈持续抑制效应;对生活能耗增长贡献最大的是人均生活效应,其次为空间扩张效应,而生活城镇化效应的促进作用较小,仅人口密度效应对生活能耗波动具有负向贡献;城镇化效应对生产端的能耗促进作用远大于生活端。由此提出如下3点建议: (1)强化生态能源约束,发展知识密集产业。城镇化初期的产业以劳动密集型为主,对能源依赖较强,低端劳力的涌入与工业粗放式发展使能源强度远高于欧美国家,而这些国家在城镇化进程中的工业占GDP比重却高达55%以上,高科技产业占比凸出且能耗较低。所以在新型城镇化进程下的产业发展不可简单降低二产比重,而是要加大生态与能源约束,升级发展模式,将注意力放在产业提质增效上,发展高科技产业和高端服务业,实现经济发展与能源消费的脱钩。 (2)推进生态文明建设,倡导绿色用能方式。居民既是消费者亦是生产者,而二孩政策的实施也意味着人口规模可能加剧未来的能源压力,因此,一方面要提高节能降耗意识,培养绿色消费习惯,同时要发挥价格杠杆的市场调节作用,通过价格调整促进节能消费,引导消费从非清洁能源向清洁能源、从化石能源向非化石能源、从高碳能源向低碳能源转移;另一方面通过向需求侧消费者宣传诸如绿色建筑、能效标识产品等节能技术与商品,倒逼供给侧产业调整,研发节能产品、完善节能生产体系,推广循环用能模式。 (3)空间格局紧凑规划,实现低碳共享模式。不能一味向产业结构与技术索求能源可持续化发展动力,应在审视诸多大城市病的基础上对空间进行集约化布局,借助城镇化集聚效应,以共享经济实现能耗降低:一方面严守土地红线,提高空间开发强度,形成立体化、集群化布局,避免摊大饼式平面扩充;另一方面盘活空间存量,恪守空间规划,通过城市旧改释放产业空间。同时,拓展基础设施兼容性,提高公共设施利用率,避免功能紊乱及重复建设,发展以共享单车为代表的运营模式,降低通勤能耗,减少基建能耗,集约生活能耗。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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