关键词:湿地保护;立法;问题;完善对策;中国 Abstract Wetlands have important ecological value,and important ecological status in China. However,there are few systematic and in-depth analyses of wetland protection legislation in China. It is of great practical significance to study the regulations,problems and countermeasures surrounding wetland protection from a legislative point of view. Historically,China’s wetland protection legislation and policies have involved several periods. Before China’s accession to the Convention on Wetlands in 1992,the legislation period was one of wetland biological resources for economic benefit. After joining the Convention to the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012,the legislation period involved protecting wetlands on the spot while recognizing the great ecological value of wetlands. Wetlands have been protected as an environmental factor since the 18th CPC National Congress. Current wetland protection legislation in China has many deficiencies. For example,some relevant provisions have deviant targets,scattered content and lack operationali-zation. The legal hierarchy of special wetland provisions is too low. The definition and scope of wetlands are confusing. The regulations on wetland protection and utilization are seriously lagging. Essentially,these problems arise from the absence of specific and operational wetland protection legislation and it is urgent that we perfect relevant legislation wetland protection. These measures mainly include promulgating the Wetland Protection Ordinance and other specialized laws and regulations as a core breakthrough. Systematically evaluating and cleaning existing regulations and policies related to wetland conservation and utilization is needed. Last,wetland protection can be improved by adapting to the matching mechanism and operating system.
中国自然资源和环境保护的法律法规中已经有零散的湿地保护规定,各地也制定实施了大量湿地保护的地方性法规和政府规章。当前,湿地保护管理存在相关规定目标定位偏离、内容零散化、缺乏操作性;湿地保护的专门规定法律位阶过低;湿地的定义和范围界定混乱;有关湿地保护及利用的规定严重滞后等问题。鉴于此,亟待清理和修改不利于湿地保护的自然资源法律法规,尽快颁布《湿地保护条例》,并通过完善湿地保护的配套机制,形成完整的湿地保护体系。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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