Can empirical research be translated into Chinese Shizheng Yanjiu? With a classification of academic research
TANG Maolin,1,2, HUANG Zhan31. School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China 2. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China 3. Institute of Social & Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University, 51/53 Banbury Road, Park Town, Oxford OX2 6PE, UK
Received:2020-08-17Revised:2020-11-10Online:2020-12-20 作者简介 About authors 汤茂林(1967-),男,江苏沭阳人,博士,教授,硕士研究生导师,主要研究方向为人文地理学方法论、地理学思想史、教材教学、城市化、区域发展。E-mail:
Abstract The English word empirical research and Chinese word Shizheng Yanjiu (实证研究) have long been widely but arbitrarily inter-translated in Chinese academia, while the fact that Shizheng Yanjiu (实证研究) literally refers to positivism-based research has been neglected. The main reason leading to this mistranslation we argue is the failure to fully capture the nuance between empiricism and positivism. This paper examines the classification of mainstream academic research approaches in social sciences: empirical-theoretical, basic-applied and quantitative-qualitative distinctions, based on which our discussion is expanded. This revealed problem is reminding us that we Chinese scholars must ensure that the imported academic concepts from the western academia especially those with a deep philosophical root are made clear in the first place before we can apply them into various contexts. Accordingly, we would call for more attentions to be paid onto the fundamental concepts of philosophical issues as well as their correctness and accuracy in translation, which are pivotal and imperative before further discussions can be facilitated in the studies of human geography and beyond. Keywords:positivism;empiricism;empirical research;academic translation
PDF (1889KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 汤茂林, 黄展. Empirical Research到底是实证研究还是经验研究?——兼论学术研究的分类. 地理研究[J], 2020, 39(12): 2855-2860 doi:10.11821/dlyj020200791 TANG Maolin, HUANG Zhan. Can empirical research be translated into Chinese Shizheng Yanjiu? With a classification of academic research. Geographical Research[J], 2020, 39(12): 2855-2860 doi:10.11821/dlyj020200791
质性研究是相对于定量研究而言的。传播****邓津(Norman K. Denzin)和教育****林肯(Yvonna S. Lincoln)②(②他们也是塞奇出版公司《质性研究手册》第5版(Handbook of Qualitative Research. Sage, 2017)的编者。) 认为质性研究是指“在自然情境下,对个人的生活世界以及社会组织的日常运作进行观察、交流、体验与解释的过程”[17]293;教育****陈向明认为质性研究是以研究者本人作为研究工具,在自然情境下采用多种资料收集方法对社会现象进行整体性探究,使用归纳法分析资料和形成理论,通过与被研究者的互动对其行为和意义建构获得解释性理解的一种活动[17]293。
理论研究是指不依赖于实验、操控变量或经验证据的研究③(③Christine Jax. How to Form a Theoretical Study of a Dissertation.。在理论研究中,有一种研究特别值得一提,即规范研究。规范研究是要解决“应该是什么”的问题,即为我们提供有关“应该是什么”的标准的系统性知识,其目的是为了创造规范性知识。规范性知识是关于什么应该(或本应)做的知识,它具有主观性,见仁见智;它关心的是用什么作为判断决策正确与否的标准[14]45。规范研究对应的研究对象是应然世界。就人文地理学而言,规范研究要研究的就是人文地理学对象应当是什么,应当研究哪些内容,应当采用哪类研究方法(论),生产哪类知识的问题。
直到见到考德威尔(Bruce J. Caldwell)提到“实证主义者-经验主义者共识”(positivist-empiricist consensus)这个说法[25]48,我们才确定无疑地断定,把“empirical research”译为“实证研究”是一种误译。这是中文世界较为普遍的误译,留洋归来的那些博士们大多也未能免疫。实证主义者-经验主义者共识[25]48这种说法证实了我们之前的预想,即实证主义是经验研究的一种范式(paradigm)。
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