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熊思鸿,, 阎建忠,, 吴雅西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400715

Review on the resilience of farmers' livelihoods to climate change

XIONG Sihong,, YAN Jianzhong,, WU YaCollege of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China

通讯作者: 阎建忠(1972-),男,重庆忠县人,研究员,博士生导师,研究方向为土地利用和乡村发展。E-mail: yanjzswu@126.com


作者简介 About authors
熊思鸿(1994-),女,四川广安人,硕士研究生,研究方向为土地利用规划E-mail:xiongsh03@foxmail.com, E-mail:xiongsh03@foxmail.com

关键词: 恢复力;气候变化;生计;可持续性;适应

With the awareness of climate change and its possible consequences to natural environment and human society, livelihood resilience has gradually become a new and key concept in our efforts to cope with the risks induced by climate change. On the basis of combing the concept of resilience in different fields, the scientific connotation and research framework of farmers' livelihood resilience to climate change are presented to improve the resilience of farmers' livelihood to climate change which mainly reflects assets, government apparatus, self-organization capacity and learning capacity. Finally, the measurement methods of livelihood resilience are summarized from aspects of qualitative and quantitative evaluation. Qualitative evaluation methods mainly include field questionnaire survey, key informants interview, key group discussion, livelihood trajectory method and case analysis. Quantitative evaluation methods mainly contain indicator substitution method, structural dynamics analysis, Bayesian network model and baseline comparison method. Future research needs to improve the evaluation method, strengthen the dynamic study and carry out regional comparative studies on the resilience of farmers' livelihood to climate change.
Keywords:resilience;climate change;livelihood;sustainability;adaptation

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熊思鸿, 阎建忠, 吴雅. 农户生计对气候变化的恢复力研究综述. 地理研究[J], 2020, 39(8): 1934-1946 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190720
XIONG Sihong, YAN Jianzhong, WU Ya. Review on the resilience of farmers' livelihoods to climate change. Geographical Research[J], 2020, 39(8): 1934-1946 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190720

1 引言




2 农户生计对气候变化的恢复力科学内涵和研究框架

2.1 农户生计对气候变化的恢复力科学内涵

恢复力概念于1973年首次被生态学家Holling引入生态领域后,所关注的方面从早期的自然生态系统(如生态恢复力)发展到社会经济系统(社区恢复力、城市恢复力和企业恢复力等)以及社会-生态复杂系统(农业恢复力、粮食安全恢复力、灾害恢复力等)。不同学科背景下恢复力的内涵不同(表1)。综合各学科对恢复力的定义,恢复力是指某个系统受到干扰时,系统结构和功能保持不变,接受干扰并重组的能力,包括系统能吸收的扰动量,系统自组织的能力以及激励并提高学习和适应能力的程度[23,29]。综上所述,恢复力要求系统应该具备以下能力:① 吸收外部变化带来的压力且能维持系统正常运转;② 系统能够适应变化、结构重组以及功能发展到更完备的状态,系统可持续性提高;③ 为应对未来可能发生的变化做好准备[30,31]

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Definition of resilience in different fields
社区恢复力社区应对社会、政治和环境变化带来的压力和扰动的能力。社区[34, 35]
城市恢复力城市系统能够准备、响应特定的多重威胁并从中恢复,并将其对公共安全健康和经济的影响降至最低的能力。城市[36, 37]
社会-生态复杂系统农业恢复力农业生产及与之相关的人类社会遭受外界干扰时,通过系统自我调节和外部能量输入,维持农业系统本身的结构、功能、特性并恢复到稳定状态的能力。农业系统[39, 40]



2.2 农户生计对气候变化的恢复力研究框架

Speranza等提出生计恢复力分析框架,从缓冲能力(buffer capacity)、自组织能力(self-organization capacity)和学习能力(learning capacity)3个维度对生计恢复力进行研究[46]。缓冲能力是指一个系统为了保持原有结构、功能及对结构和功能的反馈可承受的变化或干扰度。从农户生计角度理解,缓冲能力是指农户利用生计资本以及获得资本的权利和机会来应对气候变化带来的冲击,主要包括人力资本、自然资本、金融资本、社会资本和物质资本。自组织能力主要强调人类的主体能力、适应能力、权力和社会互动对恢复力的影响[47],如制度、合作与网络、社会关系、自组织机会和资源依赖度等。学习能力即系统的适应性管理,是指系统从以往的经验和知识中学习进而指导当前的行动,并存储记忆。学习能力包括对威胁和潜在机会的感知、社会共同愿景、学习能力、知识识别、共享、转化能力以及运作反馈机制。该框架主要描述了生计恢复力的重要组成要素,即表明生计恢复力“是什么”,但没有回答“对什么的恢复力”,以及缺乏对恢复力主体所处的外部环境和内部适应及其两者之间相互作用的分析。





Fig. 1Research framework of farmers' livelihood resilience to climate change

3 农户生计对气候变化的恢复力表现


Tab. 2
Tab. 2Resilience characteristics of farmers' livelihood to climate change
资本自然:土壤保护、种植改良/耐旱作物、作物多样化、调整作物种植和收获日期、人工种草[22, 59-64]
自组织能力社区一级进行风险评估、规划、实施和监测、社区提供资源、社区修建防水堤坝[14, 65, 72]
学习能力生计多样化、种植制度多样化、渔业旅游、教育和推广服务、向以往经验学习、迁移[62, 73-76]






4 农户生计对气候变化的恢复力评价研究进展


4.1 定性评价


4.2 定量评价


Tab. 3
Tab. 3Resilience assessment indicators of farmers' livelihood to climate change
自然家庭拥有的土地、牧草地、林地、渔业等资源等[15, 53, 103-105]
政府机构水、电、通讯、学校、医疗、道路、市场的可获得程度、灌溉设施、气候预警系统等[50, 103, 105, 106]
自组织能力粮食自给能力、邻里信任、参与社区活动、参与社区组织、社会关系网络、市政服务等[107, 108]
学习能力技能和培训机会、非农经验、信息获取能力、最高教育程度、收入多样性等[102, 109, 110]




5 研究展望


5.1 完善农户生计对气候变化的恢复力评价方法


5.2 加强农户生计对气候变化的恢复力动态研究


5.3 开展区域间农户生计对气候变化的恢复力对比研究




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Climate change affects the productivity of agricultural ecosystems. Farmers cope with climate change based on their perceptions of changing climate patterns. Using a case study from the Middle Yarlung Zangbo River Valley, we present a new research framework that uses questionnaire and interview methods to compare local farmers' perceptions of climate change with the adaptive farming strategies they adopt. Most farmers in the valley believed that temperatures had increased in the last 30 years but did not note any changes in precipitation. Most farmers also reported sowing and harvesting hulless barley 10-15 days earlier than they were 20 years ago. In addition, farmers observed that plants were flowering and river ice was melting earlier in the season, but they did not perceive changes in plant germination, herbaceous vegetation growth, or other spring seasonal events. Most farmers noticed an extended fall season signified by delays in the freezing of rivers and an extended growing season for grassland vegetation. The study results showed that agricultural practices in the study area are still traditional; that is, local farmers' perceptions of climate change and their strategies to mitigate its impacts were based on indigenous knowledge and their own experiences. Adaptive strategies included adjusting planting and harvesting dates, changing crop species, and improving irrigation infrastructure. However, the farmers' decisions could not be fully attributed to their concerns about climate change. Local farming systems exhibit high adaptability to climate variability. Additionally, off-farm income has reduced the dependence of the farmers on agriculture, and an agricultural subsidy from the Chinese Central Government has mitigated the farmers' vulnerability. Nevertheless, it remains necessary for local farmers to build a system of adaptive climate change strategies that combines traditional experience and indigenous knowledge with scientific research and government polices as key factors.

Sina D, Chang-Richards A Y, Wilkinson S, et al. A conceptual framework for measuring livelihood resilience: Relocation experience from Aceh, Indonesia
World Development, 2019,117:253-265.

Ferro-Azcona H, Espinoza-Tenorio A, Calderón-Contreras R, et al. Adaptive capacity and social-ecological resilience of coastal areas: A systematic review
Ocean & Coastal Management, 2019,173:36-51.

侯彩霞, 周立华, 文岩 , . 生态政策下草原社会-生态系统恢复力评价: 以宁夏盐池县为例
中国人口·资源与环境, 2018,28(8):117-126.

[ Hou Caixia, Zhou Lihua, Wen Yan , et al. Evaluation of social-ecological systems resilience in ecological policy: A case study in Yanchi, Ningxia, China. China Population,
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Kuhl L. Potential contributions of market-systems development initiatives for building climate resilience
World Development, 2018,108:131-144.


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This paper demonstrates how crop diversification impacts on two outcomes of climate smart agriculture; increased productivity (legume and cereal crop productivity) and enhanced resilience (household income, food security, and nutrition) in rural Zimbabwe. Using data from over 500 smallholder farmers, we jointly estimate crop diversification and each of the outcome variables within a conditional (recursive) mixed process framework that corrects for selectivity bias arising due to the voluntary nature of crop diversification. We find that crop diversification depends on the land size, farming experience, asset wealth, location, access to agricultural extension services, information on output prices, low transportation costs and general information access. Our results also indicate that an increase in the rate of adoption improves crop productivity, income, food security and nutrition at household level. Overall, our results are indicative of the importance of crop diversification as a viable climate smart agriculture practice that significantly enhances crop productivity and consequently resilience in rural smallholder farming systems. We, therefore, recommend wider adoption of diversified cropping systems notably those currently less diversified for greater adaptation to the ever-changing climate.

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[ Zhang Rongrong, Ning Xiaoju, Qin Yaochen , et al. Analysis of sensitivity of main grain crops yield to climate change since 1980 in Henan province
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Climate change has become a great challenge for the agrarian economy of Pakistan. A serious threat is to the crop sector which is vulnerable to change in temperature and rainfall. This study traced the impact of climate change on the agriculture of arid region by employing a cross sectional data collected through a structured questionnaire in Rawalpindi division in addition to using time series data of climatic variables obtained from metrological stations. A Ricardian approach was operated to test the relationships between Net Farm Revenue (NFR) and climate across the arid region. Wheat crop was the core of the subject matter. It was found that temperature increase has significant negative impact on agriculture production. Moreover, an increase in revenue was visualized with the increase in rainfall. The overall extent of negative impact of temperature is greater than the positive effect of rainfall in the region. It was revealed that one percent increase in temperature would lead to loss of Rs. 4180 to the net revenue per annum. Dissemination of new farming techniques including new irrigation methods, new methods of crop farming and adapted cropping pattern would be the appropriate derivatives of paradigm shift required in the agriculture sector of arid region.

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[ Zhao Shuang, Fang Yiping . Resilience of grassland livestock husbandry against snow disaster in Guoluo prefecture, Qinghai province
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[ Kong Feng, Wang Yifei, Lv Lili . Progress and prospect of China's response to climate change under the background of global change
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The Ganges-Brahmaputra delta enables Bangladesh to sustain a dense population, but it also exposes people to natural hazards. This article presents findings from the Gibika project, which researches livelihood resilience in seven study sites across Bangladesh. This study aims to understand how people in the study sites build resilience against environmental stresses, such as cyclones, floods, riverbank erosion, and drought, and in what ways their strategies sometimes fail. The article applies a new methodology for studying people's decision making in risk-prone environments: the personal Livelihood History interviews (N = 28). The findings show how environmental stress, shocks, and disturbances affect people's livelihood resilience and why adaptation measures can be unsuccessful. Floods, riverbank erosion, and droughts cause damage to agricultural lands, crops, houses, and properties. People manage to adapt by modifying their agricultural practices, switching to alternative livelihoods, or using migration as an adaptive strategy. In the coastal study sites, cyclones are a severe hazard. The study reveals that when a cyclone approaches, people sometimes choose not to evacuate: they put their lives at risk to protect their livelihoods and properties. Future policy and adaptation planning must use lessons learned from people currently facing environmental stress and shocks.

Ashkenazy A, Calv?o Chebach T, Knickel K, et al. Operationalising resilience in farms and rural regions-Findings from fourteen case studies
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[ Wen Tengfei, Shi Yuzhong, Yang Xinjun , et al. The resilience of farmers' livelihoods and its influencing factors in semiarid region of the Loess Plateau: A case study of Yuzhong county
Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2018,39(5):172-182.]

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Smith L C, Frankenberger T R. Does resilience capacity reduce the negative impact of shocks on household food security? Evidence from the 2014 floods in northern Bangladesh
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郭永锐, 张捷, 张玉玲 . 旅游目的地社区恢复力的影响因素及其作用机制
地理研究, 2018,37(1):133-144.

深入地理解旅游目的地社区恢复力的影响因素及其作用机制,是旅游地理学研究的重要方向。在文献梳理基础上,采用结构方程模型方法,以九寨沟和都江堰旅游社区为例,探讨了旅游目的地社区恢复力关键影响因素的作用机制。研究发现:① 地方依恋、职业认同、社区参与、社区增权和社会资本对旅游目的地社区恢复力均具有显著的正向影响。按照影响程度,地方依恋、职业认同、社区增权和社会资本对旅游目的地社区恢复力的影响属于中效果,社区参与对旅游目的地社区恢复力的影响属于强效果。② 社区增权和社会资本对社区参与和旅游目的地社区恢复力的作用关系起着重要的中介作用。研究不仅拓展了旅游可持续发展研究的内容和视角,而且为增强旅游目的地适应能力提供了理论指导。
[ Guo Yongrui, Zhang Jie, Zhang Yuling . Influencing factors and mechanism of community resilience in tourism destinations
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[ Chen Jia, Yang Xinjun, Yin Sha . Measures of the resilience, effect and countermeasures of household poverty: The perspective of household structure
China Population, Resources and Environment, 2016,26(1):150-157.]

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