The conceptual model and technical framework of participatory sensing and computing for urban community planning
ZHANG Shanqi1,2, ZHEN Feng,1,2, QIN Xiao1,2, TANG Jia1,21. School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China 2. Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Smart City Design Simulation & Visualization, Nanjing 210093, China
Received:2019-07-22Revised:2020-04-21Online:2020-07-20 作者简介 About authors 张姗琪(1989-),女,安徽六安人,博士后,主要从事智慧规划、大数据挖掘与规划参与新技术研究。
Abstract Against the backdrop of rapid urbanization in China, enhancing public participation at the community level has become an important national strategy. It is necessary for planners to deploy new approaches to understand public needs and to identify common issues or areas within the community in a timely manner. Participatory sensing, which builds upon the widespread information sharing using the Internet and mobile technology, has provided new opportunities for planners to sense and analyze public sentiment, human mobility patterns and surrounding environments at better spatiotemporal resolutions. This opportunity has gained considerable attention from research community and has spurred a range of studies on topics such as emerging public participation paradigm and urban computing. However, current studies have not systematically investigated the mechanisms and common approaches of implementing participatory sensing in the context of urban community planning. This paper bridges this research gap by proposing a conceptual framework for studying participatory sensing in the community planning context, and by developing a technological framework for processing, integrating and analyzing multi-sourced human sensory data. Particularly, the conceptual framework builds upon the theories of public participation, the principles of participatory sensing, and the inter-relationships among residents, urban communities and urban community planning. A technical framework that synthesizes sensing, computing and application is further proposed. Specifically, sensing refers to collecting various data about how residents use and perceive urban community space; computing refers to extracting useful knowledge regarding human activities and perceptions, individual’s biological information and environments from raw sensed data; application refers to analyzing extracted knowledge for supporting community planning compilation and decision-making. Based on the framework, the workflows of extracting and spatializing residents’ subjective perception, analyzing how different population groups use urban community space, and apply participatory sensing and computing for urban community planning compilation and decision-making are further suggested. The proposed workflows build upon multi-disciplinary methods and aim to shed light on further developments of relevant methods and techniques for utilizing multi-sourced data that support urban community planning. Overall, this study will contribute to the methodological developments of applying participatory sensing for urban community planning. It will also shed light on future developments of new practical approaches for enhancing public participation, and for supporting rational planning evaluation and decision-making in urban communities. Keywords:urban community planning;participatory sensing;urban computing;public participation
PDF (6984KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 张姗琪, 甄峰, 秦萧, 唐佳. 面向城市社区规划的参与式感知与计算——概念模型与技术框架. 地理研究[J], 2020, 39(7): 1580-1591 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190618 ZHANG Shanqi, ZHEN Feng, QIN Xiao, TANG Jia. The conceptual model and technical framework of participatory sensing and computing for urban community planning. Geographical Research[J], 2020, 39(7): 1580-1591 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190618
近年来,随着信息通讯技术(ICT)、智能通讯设备等迅速普及,基于互联网和新媒体的众筹、数据驱动等被动式公众参与形式逐渐出现,为降低参与成本、扩大参与广度、提高参与频度等提供了可能[7]。这些新型公众参与形式的本质实为参与式感知,它是将每个人看作一个传感器(human as sensors),通过收集个人主动或被动分享的位置、文字、图像等数据,利用模式挖掘、语义分析等方法对数据进行计算分析,从而实时感知公众的行为和诉求。对于城市社区居民来说,其通过网络平台、手机应用、智能设备等分享的足迹、心情、生理信息(如压力)等个人信息,或传播的有关噪音、污染等环境信息的数据,能够反映居民的个人情感、空间活动以及生活环境等信息,可用来分析挖掘居民需求和诊断社区问题,从而科学有效地支撑城市社区的规划和管理决策[8,9]。因此,利用覆盖范围广、准实时、语义信息丰富的感知数据,计算、分析社区居民的共同需求与个性化差异,将成为规划师及时、动态了解居民需求的一种崭新手段和有效途径。
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