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2.北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871

Beyond the “evolutionary approach”: A critical review and paradigmatic reflections on the restructuring of old industrial areas

HU Xiaohui1, ZHU Shengjun,2, Robert HASSINK31.School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou 310018, China
2.College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
3.Department of Geography, Kiel University, Kiel 24118, Germany

通讯作者: 朱晟君(1984-),男,安徽淮北人,博士, 研究员,博士生导师,主要研究方向为产业升级、全球化和区域发展。E-mail: zhus@pku.edu.cn


作者简介 About authors

关键词: 老工业区;重构;演化经济地理学;转型研究;多层次视角;范式反思

The restructuring of old industrial areas is one of the most important research topics in economic geography. In the macro context of the slowdown of globalization and the worldwide decrease of manufacturing production and demand, old industrial areas as typical problem regions have increasingly become a core target in national development strategies among many countries. Drawing upon an in-depth critical review of recent literature on the restructuring of old industrial areas in the past decade, this paper addresses the growing trend of variegated adoptions of paradigms in the research including four key approaches, namely, evolutionary economic geography, relational economic geography, institutional economic geography and geographical political economy. It also stresses that the gaps yet comparative merits in conceptual thinking, scale focus, tempo-spatial sensitivity and mechanism/process explanation among these paradigms have not generated enough intellectual interplays and complementation, but rather, have led to paradigmatic fragmentation and even repellence with each other. Despite the diversification in paradigmatic use for research, the increase of “fragmented” rather than “engaged pluralism” potentially hinders the explanatory power of existing theories and approaches in empirical research. In particular, we argue that evolutionary economic geography, arguably the most popular paradigm used in explaining and understanding the restructuring of old industrial areas, clearly suffers from a neglect of the role of multi-scalar and multi-actor agencies and a lack of multiple units of analysis in affecting the restructuring processes, mechanisms, outcomes and their geographies of old industrial areas. Given this, the paper integrates the multi-level perspective (MPL) in sustainability transition studies into the evolutionary economic geography approach. It builds up a multi-scalar analytical framework incorporating analyses of both downward and upward causation with different geographical scales, in which the interplay of micro-level change agency-based niche, meso-level regional path developmental regime and macro-level political-economic context landscape is positioned as the core for analyzing the restructuring of old industrial areas. This comprehensive multi-scalar framework is able to offer a better understanding of the restructuring of old industrial areas. Based on that, we further suggest several key orientations and agendas for future research on the topic.
Keywords:old industrial areas;restructuring;evolutionary economic geography;transition studies;multi-level perspective;paradigmatic reflections

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胡晓辉, 朱晟君, RobertHassink. 超越“演化”:老工业区重构研究进展与范式反思. 地理研究[J], 2020, 39(5): 1028-1044 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190993
HU Xiaohui. Beyond the “evolutionary approach”: A critical review and paradigmatic reflections on the restructuring of old industrial areas. Geographical Research[J], 2020, 39(5): 1028-1044 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190993

1 前言




从学术角度出发,一方面,经济****忽视老工业重构机制的地理差异性,并坚持认为重构是经济共性问题。这种思想产生了忽视地方特性的“空间中性政策”(spatial neutral policies),被经济地理****广为批判[14]。另一方面,经济地理学的研究范式(paradigms),由于借鉴异端经济学中的非均衡思想,被广泛运用于老工业区研究[3,15,16]。然而,由于各个范式存在认识论上的差异,****通常会选择运用某一特定范式,却忽视了其他范式的解释力优点,并由此产生了范式应用上的分离多元主义(fragmented pluralism)倾向[17]

比如,有****秉持新区域主义思维,指出老工业区重构需构建企业间知识互动和溢出机制、形成学习网络和制度厚度(institutional thickness)[18];有些****则采用制度视角,认为重构问题是制度问题,需通过制度改革、政府管制和社会治理等手段来推动重构[19,20,21];更多****借助演化视角,运用路径依赖、路径创造、锁定、相关多元化、韧性等概念来探索老工业区的形成原因,演化机制和重构路径[1,6,15,22-24]。但在实际中,特别是面临市场化程度较低或政府干预较多的语境时,以企业为中心的内生演化视角却常遇到解释瓶颈[2,25,26]。为此,****呼吁应将“制度、多主体、多尺度”等视角融入到演化范式中[27,28,29,30]

研究发现,演化经济地理学中的路径依赖、锁定、路径创造和韧性等概念被过度地运用到老工业区重构研究中。尽管有其一定解释力,但仍有弱点,特别是忽视了多地理尺度下的多种动态因素及其作用逻辑。为此,以演化视角为切入点,对现有范式进行评价,重点将转型研究(transition studies)中的“多层次视角”(Multi-Level Perspective)融入到其中,构建一套能够更好理解老工业区重构的综合分析框架。本文含三个步骤:①对近十年有关老工业区重构的经济地理学文献进行回顾,重点围绕演化范式中的相关概念进行批判和反思;②将转型研究中的多层次视角嵌入到演化范式中,初步构建了一个多元范式融合的分析框架;③在文献总结和范式反思基础上,提出了今后在该议题上的若干研究方向。

2 老工业区重构的经济地理学文献回顾

探索老工业区衰退成因、重构过程、机制、结果及其背后的地理差异和空间逻辑,是经济地理学长期关注的经典议题[13,25,31,32]。早期理论大多将老工业区视为空间发展不平等的产物。比如,Myrdal[33]的“累积因果论”(cumulative causation)和Hirschman[34]的“极化论”(polarization),均被用于分析市场力量下区域不平等的发生机制。老工业区的出现是因为其正向循环累积机制衰减,同时随着新兴工业地区的崛起,使得老工业区的资金和劳动力等要素流向了发展条件更好的新工业区。需要指出的是,新工业区和老工业区均是特定时空语境下的相对定义。随着时间推移,特别是当技术创新和发展优势在新的地理空间出现时,曾经的新工业区也可能转变成为老工业区。反之,老工业区也可以通过重构焕发活力,成为新工业区。两者的本质差别在于:同一时间阶段内,新工业区的生产模式、技术、劳动力和市场等比老工业区更具优势。1980年代起,受马克思主义影响,Massey[35]强调劳动力和社会关系在空间差异塑造上的作用,并用“劳动空间分工”概念来剖析老工业区的兴衰本质。在21世纪前后,因“制度转向”,****们开始反思以往只关注经济维度的研究范式,并转向因产业结构单一和社会空间隔离所引起的老工业区制度僵化问题(如中国国企主导的“单位”和欧洲“工厂镇”)[19,20,36]。此外,Clark等[37]提出“沉降成本”(sunk cost)概念,将老工业区重构困难归咎于其大量已付出但无法回收的工业设备投入和建设成本。


2.1 演化经济地理学

2.1.1 路径依赖和锁定 演化经济地理学主要关注经济景观(即经济生产、分配和消费的空间组织)的演化过程、机制和效应,及其背后的地理规律[42]。主要概念有路径依赖、锁定、多样性、韧性和路径发展。路径依赖是指一个系统的发展往往会遵循或受制于其过去的行为,使得发展路径和结果具有历史惯性[43]。锁定则综合了历史偶然性和自增强效应的观点,是指技术、产业或经济体按照特定路径发展的现象[44]。在长时序语境下,锁定的结果其实是开放的,并非一定阻碍重构[44,45]。然而,大多数研究却将其运用于解释老工业区的重构困境。Grabher[46]259提出了区域锁定概念,认为德国鲁尔老工业区的经济不振可用三种区域锁定模式来解释,即功能锁定、认识锁定和政治锁定。功能锁定是指企业间过于紧密的上下游关系,或高度本地化的社会关系,这些关系会阻碍企业谋求改革和变化。认知锁定则被认为是产业内部广泛接受的同质世界观,不利于企业学习创新和竞争。政治锁定代表维系现有产业结构的制度组织和安排,该种锁定会阻挡新技术和新知识的诞生或外部进入。

区域锁定概念被经济地理****广为接受,并得到进一步发展。一方面,在实证研究中,****发现锁定并非一定阻碍重构,也可促进解锁和路径更新。比如,意大利南部钢铁集群中领头企业的私有化,打破了以往的认知和政治锁定,帮助集群成功转型[47]。Morgan[48]320以英国威尔士产煤区为例,阐述了该地工会是如何积极地影响地方决策,从而促成“政治解锁”(political lock-out)和产业多元化。另一方面,一些****开始探索经济地理核心问题,即不同老工业区可能存在的不同锁定机制。Hassink[13]468比较了韩国造船业和德国纺织业地区的锁定机制及其影响因素,认为前者过高的企业空间集聚度、产业单一性和多尺度强政治锁定严重阻碍重构;而后者的低产业技术门槛、低沉降成本和弱政治锁定能促进经济更新。再者,部分****解构了路径依赖和制度演化之间的辩证关系,阐述了制度变迁方式的差异会导致区域锁定程度(和解锁难度)的不同,从而产生非均衡的重构路径[28,49]

2.1.2 路径创造和路径发展 推动新产业路径发展是老工业区重构的重要途径[22]。在演化视角下,新产业并非凭空而来,其诞生是路径依赖的,即是从传统产业路径或结构中衍生出来的[42,43]。Hassink[15]指出区域产业演化不仅和以往历史事件和决策有关,还依赖于地方特有的产业结构特征和政治制度环境,具有地方依赖性。随后,从广义达尔文主义中遗传、选择和变异概念出发,并结合城市经济学中的外部性理论,Frenken等[50,51]提出了“相关多样性”(related variety)概念,并认为新产业是从技术上相关的老产业上“分化”(branching)而来。大量实证进一步证明:不论内生分化,还是外生植入,新产业创造遵循“相关性”(relatedness)法则[52]。即一个地方的产业间技术关联度越高,越易产生知识互动和溢出,新产业就越倾向于在该地诞生[53]



上述研究使得传统路径创造概念受到挑战。部分演化****开始反思传统路径依赖理论,认为路径是一种过程,富有可塑性,并提出了“区域产业路径发展”(regional industrial path development)概念,用来概括不同类别的路径演化机制[43,44]。他们认为不同制度环境下的老工业区重构存在机制多样性:如路径延续/拓展(path persistence/extension)、路径衰竭(path exhaustion)、路径植入(path importation)、路径更新(path renewal)、路径分化(path branching)、路径多元化(path diversification)和新路径创造(new path creation)[16,30,63,64]。其中,路径延续和拓展均反映了强路径依赖性,是现有产业结构的维持和增强过程,易产生负面锁定效应。路径植入指区域新产业的诞生源于外部投资、政策扶持或企业流入,代表了路径创造的外生性,区别于相关性法则下的内生演化:即包括路径分化(新产业和老产业有关联)和路径多元化(新产业和老产业不相关)。路径更新也指路径现代化(modernization)或路径升级(upgrading),多指基于现有产业架构上的技术创新、制度革新和战略选择,该过程能够让原有产品的功能、市场层次和产业组织效率得到提升和优化。最后,新路径创造用来区别于传统的路径创造概念,前者内涵更为细化,特指新产业路径诞生于熊彼特式的技术突破、科学发明和社会创新,代表一种脱胎于现有产业结构的全新产业路径。相比路径创造,路径发展概念更加辩证地看待历史作用,注重区域先决条件的同时,也强调多主体能动性的积极作用,能更为细致地解释老工业区重构过程、方式和机制[6,55]

2.1.3 适应、适应力和韧性 2008年的全球金融危机为老工业区提供了新的研究语境[65]。研究从以往关注经济衰退和重构,逐步转向危机背景下的区域韧性(regional resilience)问题[15]。Boschma[22]提出老工业区韧性可通过适应(adaptation)和适应力(adaptability)这两个概念来解释。前者强调路径依赖和锁定的作用,指维系原有产业结构和发展路径的企业或产业层调整,而后者指一种脱离原有产业架构及其制度限制的新路径发展能力。他认为老工业区长期韧性和重构困境在于难以权衡适应和适应力,即重构行为如聚焦适应则会以适应力减弱为代价。更多****认为韧性概念可以帮助理解三种不同的重构能力:①工程韧性中的冲击后恢复力;②生态韧性中的对外部冲击不良影响的吸收和消化调整能力;③演化韧性视角下的积极应对谋求改变的适应力[22,24,66-68]。结合演化视角,区域韧性包含了韧性过程和韧性能力两个理解维度[23,69],涉及抵御(力),恢复(力),再组织(力)和更新(力)四个方面[70,71]。前两个方面的均衡思想被广泛批评,因为政府政策干预、制度改革力量、人的积极能动性、以及不断变化的社会政治经济环境会打破均衡态[15,72]。从这点上来看,韧性的这四个方面是可以相融的,转化的,甚至是共存的[6]


综上,演化范式认为老工业区具有较强的地方依赖性,其重构动力并非凭空而来,而需构建于地方原有产业结构和要素基础之上。该范式为研究区域产业演化提供了一种“历史”视角,并产生了多种解释性概念。然而,该范式存在局限性:过于注重企业为主的结构性内生力,忽视区域外部的社会和政治进程,缺乏对重构多尺度-多主体的能动性思考[44]。此外,演化范式过于强调相关性原则,有“区域拜物主义”(regional fetishism)风险,使得对老工业区内部异质性和地理性理解不足,难以解释“基于地方的”和“多尺度嵌入的”的重构动态和逻辑。

2.2 关系经济地理学

关系经济地理学是一种面向关系的经济行为空间研究范式[83]273。这里的“关系”是指行动者(含个人、企业和组织等)的行为互动网络及其所衍生出来的社会、经济、政治和文化关系,其表现形式有权力、社会能动性、网络嵌入性和不同地理尺度下的人际网络。这一范式超越了基于企业惯例的小尺度关系视角,综合地解释企业发展和地方兴衰。相比传统的区域描述和区域科学方法,该范式可以更好地理解不同尺度上的制度、权力及其社会关系[83]272。但相比演化视角,该范式对老工业区重构研究涉及较少。Bathelt等[84],以及Bathelt[85]对东德两个老工业区的研究中,提出了关系再捆绑(re-bunding)和断绝(rupture)概念,用于阐明老工业区重构的语境依赖性,即技术更新和政治经济危机可赋予企业关系再造的机会。企业家通过主动断绝以往的关系网络,并在多尺度上寻找新伙伴,建立新的产业-社会关系和网络,以此来促进重构。Safford[86]借助了关系地理学视角,比较了美国东北部两个老工业城市的重构差异,发现民间社会资本稠密的城市更容易走上新产业创造和经济更新之路。也有****提出老工业区可能存在对某些跨国公司有用的关系资产和区域比较优势(如大量技能熟练产业工人、完善的工业基础设施等),传统产业的部分价值和功能可以通过战略耦合(strategic coupling)的方式嵌入到全球生产网络中而得以升级和重构[87,88]。关系范式聚焦多种行为个体(如企业、企业家、政府和组织等)在社会经济关系和网络中的嵌入性和位置,强调这些关系网络中的社会能动性和关系资产对重塑的作用,摆脱了演化范式中以区域尺度和企业为核心的单一分析视角。

2.3 制度经济地理学

制度经济地理学源自20世纪的“制度转向”。该范式关注正式和非正式制度在不同空间尺度上对区域经济发展的塑造作用[89]。Gertler[90]强调制度的重要性,认为是制度塑造了老工业区特定发展路径和结果。国内****也有相似观点,他们指出东北经济不振现象是制度的一种反映,故经济重构的关键在于制度改革[19,20]。然而,制度视角并未成为老工业区重构研究的主流范式,仅有少数****将其纳入相关研究。比如,Evenhuis[49]比较了欧洲两个老工业城市政府治理的作用,指出两地因路径依赖程度差异,采用了不同的制度安排,并导致区域重构差异。Hu等[61]在中国枣庄经济重构的研究中,提出了地方领导力(place leadership)概念,阐述了地方决策者可以通过多种领导治理术来推动现有产业的多元化进程,以达到产业结构内生性调整的目的。在中国的进一步实证研究中,有****将历史制度主义中的制度演进理论与能动性视角纳入到老工业区重构分析框架中[6,28],发现不同老工业区会因经济基础、发展目标和制度属性上的差异,而采取不同的政策干预方式,从而产生不同的制度变化模式和区域产业路径结果。从这点来看,制度范式在中国老工业重构上有其独特效用。从广义角度来看,制度不仅仅局限于正式和非正式制度,还包括制度组织、制度环境和制度安排,以及嵌入在制度中但又富有能动性的多尺度个体、企业和政府行动者[91]。其中,制度的动态性特点正和演化视角相结合,体现出广阔的应用前景[92]。总之,制度范式是理解老工业区重构必不可缺的工具,它强调了一个核心观点:即重构依赖于制度变化,后者的变化方式和逻辑与前者的机制密切相关。理解重构机制需充分理解制度能动性(如制度企业家精神)、制度环境和产业演化三者之间的作用机理和内在关系。

2.4 地理政治经济学


综上,总结了四种范式的主要概念,聚焦对象和应用优劣(见表1)。首先,演化范式下的路径依赖、锁定和路径创造是老工业区重构研究的最主流概念。尽管路径依赖和锁定往往聚焦负面外部性或强联系所产生的重构弱势[46]255,但近期被赋予更为辩证的动态观[44]。路径创造概念也从以往的基于历史偶然的空间随机主义和区域技术相关性视角中脱离出来,被修正成路径发展概念。尽管演化视角秉持以企业为中心的、以市场主导的和地方为尺度的内生发展模式,但其主要思想中蕴含着关系和制度范式要素[39]。比如,功能锁定是企业间关系过于紧密所致,认知锁定同企业或地方制度文化有密切关联,政治锁定可能由结构性的政府间权力关系和宏观政治体制造成[45]。尽管如此,由于路径依赖和锁定的概念化大多基于产业尺度,使得演化范式在解释微观能动性和中观制度动态关系上缺乏说服力,同时也忽视了国家和超国家尺度下的政治经济动态对老工业区重构的向下因果(downward causation)作用[55]

Tab.1Four types of economic geography paradigms used to explain the restructuring of old industrial areas





3 多层次视角嵌入: 一个新的分析框架


首先,景观是指稳定的社会经济结构层,代表了相对静态或缓慢发展的宏观语境,是个体无法直接影响的最高层[100]。当然,重大危机的发生(如突发公共卫生事件、国际金融危机、石油价格波动或自然灾害等)可以诱发景观变化,并可以向下直接影响体制或利基[98]。其次,体制是向上推动景观发生转型的关键层,也是景观发生内生性变化的动力。体制具有路径依赖性,包含了维系一个系统照原路径发展的制度、规则和政策,所以它往往抵制变化。这种“体制阻变”特性同锁定概念相契合:比如,有****就将高度依赖碳排放的经济发展体制概念化成“碳锁定”(carbon lock-in)[101,102];中国众多资源型城市也存在高度依赖自然资源开采和生产的技术-社会体制,其受制于景观(如国家能源结构和供给现状)限制,难以推动面向区域重构的改革[56,58]。最后,利基是指个体或小群体进行实验性培育“新奇”(novelties)的小生境,是体制转型的最基本动力,也是一个系统改革和创新发生的最微观层。利基“资源构建”(resource formation)和“合法化”(legitimization)可以推动其尺度上升而嵌入体制,并能在特定的语境下打开体制层的机会窗口(windows of opportunities),推动体制改革和景观变化。






注:图1基于文献[98] 绘制。
Fig.1The conceptual framework for restructuring old industrial areas in multi-level perspective



(3)作用机制上,“锁定”概念可作为切入点来进行老工业区重构的多层次分析。本质上,老工业区重构是一个打破“老产业路径锁定体制”的过程,这一过程需要引入新动能(即新奇)。新奇进入体制层需满足两个条件:一是利基的形成和合法化,二是体制层出现机会窗口。前者涉及微观能动性和广泛制度支持,后者则涉及到特定的时空机遇,但两者均受到宏观景观层变化的影响。比如,景观变化可直接影响利基,刺激其成长,或加速其尺度升级和壮大,而体制在景观变化压力下能出现机会窗口,有利于新奇的嵌入和 “解锁”体制形成。以山东煤城枣庄为例,其利基形成于地方领导力对台儿庄历史文化遗产的重视,以及依此发展文化旅游产业的倡议。通过改变体制内部人们的观念和官员考核激励规则,发展文化旅游产业这一“新奇”逐渐被当地煤炭企业和官员(涉及老路径体制)接受和支持,促进了利基向上尺度升级。在枣庄被列为资源枯竭型城市和国家推动绿色转型的景观变化压力下,该新奇被正式确定为枣庄产业转型的主要方向(即对应利基合法化)。在这样的宏观语境下,地方政府能够促使本地国有煤炭企业涉足旅游业(即新奇进入到了老体制层),以煤企的内生多元化战略来推动重构(即产业路径体制的解锁和转型)[61]。该框架的主线可总结为:老工业区重构是一个“新奇创造利基层”-“产业路径体制层”-“宏观语境景观层”互动过程,其核心思路可以概括为新奇在体制和景观的双重压力下通过机会窗口进入并塑造产业路径体制。

4 结论和讨论










(1)概念化景观变化的来源、作用、功能和尺度,充分思考促成景观变化的多尺度-多动力机制。需将部分未被充分解释的演化概念如关键事件(critical juncture)和机会窗口纳入到体制变化的分析中,同时需概念化能动性、新奇诞生和利基尺度升级的互动关系,重点理解新奇的类别、进入体制层的方式和语境特点,探索新奇对体制层的影响过程、对象和结果[112,113]。此外,要进一步突出外部冲击下的景观变化在推动利基发展上的作用。通过将韧性概念纳入多尺度视角,对利基产生动机、作用对象和效果等进行概念化和实证探索。





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运用演化弹性理论(evolutionary resilience)采用经济周期模型法和偏离&#x02014;份额法,从增长和结构两个方面,比较分析沈阳市、重庆市和武汉市3个典型老工业城市改革开放以来经济发展和转型过程。结果发现:① 重庆市和武汉市经济增长能力水平具有显著地以20世纪90年代中期为分界的阶段性特征;沈阳市经济发展过程呈现出适应循环周期特征,目前处于由维持向释放过渡的阶段。② 20世纪90年代以来,沈阳市3次产业结构转换方向具有较大的波动性,第三产业份额的增加主要是第二产业增长放慢的结果。重庆市和武汉市3次产业结构转换方向具有较强的稳定性。③ 20世纪90年代末以后,沈阳市和武汉市制造业结构演替受老路径增长能力变化影响较大,重庆市制造业结构演替是在新老路径都保持较高增长能力背景下稳步推进的。④ 21世纪初以来,沈阳市新路径的演化呈现出低端化特征,而重庆市和武汉市新路径的演化呈现出高端化特征。本文将弹性理论应用到城市经济转型研究,实证了弹性理论的实践应用价值。
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运用演化弹性理论(evolutionary resilience)采用经济周期模型法和偏离&#x02014;份额法,从增长和结构两个方面,比较分析沈阳市、重庆市和武汉市3个典型老工业城市改革开放以来经济发展和转型过程。结果发现:① 重庆市和武汉市经济增长能力水平具有显著地以20世纪90年代中期为分界的阶段性特征;沈阳市经济发展过程呈现出适应循环周期特征,目前处于由维持向释放过渡的阶段。② 20世纪90年代以来,沈阳市3次产业结构转换方向具有较大的波动性,第三产业份额的增加主要是第二产业增长放慢的结果。重庆市和武汉市3次产业结构转换方向具有较强的稳定性。③ 20世纪90年代末以后,沈阳市和武汉市制造业结构演替受老路径增长能力变化影响较大,重庆市制造业结构演替是在新老路径都保持较高增长能力背景下稳步推进的。④ 21世纪初以来,沈阳市新路径的演化呈现出低端化特征,而重庆市和武汉市新路径的演化呈现出高端化特征。本文将弹性理论应用到城市经济转型研究,实证了弹性理论的实践应用价值。

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Dawley, Stuart . Creating new paths?. Offshore wind, policy activism, and peripheral region development
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This article extends economic geography research on path creation by developing a conceptual framework that moves beyond existing firm-centric accounts and connects to a wider array of actors and multiscalar institutional contexts that mediate the emergence and development of growth paths. As part of a broader understanding of social and institutional agency, the approach specifically redresses the apparent neglect of the multiple roles of the state and public policy interventions in research on path creation. The framework is used to interpret more than 30 years of path-creation activities that have placed the peripheral region of North East England at the forefront of the United Kingdom's burgeoning offshore wind sector. The empirical findings reveal how a variety of path-creation mechanisms have served to shape, and be shaped by, successive causal episodes of complex and geographically situated social agency. Emerging from an episode of entrepreneurial activity, the path's creation was subsequently catalyzed by a decade of strategic and contextual regional policy intervention before a radical restructuring of economic development governance in the United Kingdom created a policy vacuum for the path's development. The analysis of the policy-on, policy-off episodes illustrates the potential agency of evolutionary inspired policy interventions in supporting mechanisms of path creation and reveals a varied set of implications for the cohesion and embeddedness of the path's development.

Fornahl D, Hassink R, Klaerding C , et al. From the old path of shipbuilding onto the new path of offshore wind energy? The case of northern Germany
European Planning Studies, 2012,20(5):835-855.

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Wind energy-related employment has been surging recently in Germany: it rose from 9200 in 1997 to 90,000 in 2007 and is estimated to be 112,000 in 2020. The industry particularly emerged in coastal, Northern Germany. Recently, big hopes have been particularly set on the offshore wind energy industry. Two recently discussed evolutionary concepts explain the emergence of new industries, such as wind energy, in space: the windows of locational opportunity concept stresses the locational freedom in the earliest stages of industrial development, whereas path creation emphasizes the role of existing industrial development paths, such as shipbuilding, from which new industrial paths, such as wind energy, emerge. This paper aims at analysing whether the new industrial path of offshore wind energy emerged out of existing paths, mainly shipbuilding, in the five states of coastal Germany, namely Bremen, Lower Saxony, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It concludes that shipbuilding only indirectly affected the emergence of the new industrial development path of the offshore wind energy industry in Northern Germany.

Hu X, Yang C . Institutional change and divergent economic resilience: Path development of two resource-depleted cities in China
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Regional Studies. Since 2006 economic geographers have been confronted with attempts to constitute a new paradigm of evolutionary economic geography. This paper aims at advancing evolutionary economic geography by reviewing its core critique and proposed solutions, particularly that of integrating the perspective of a geographical political economy. Although the authors sympathize with the identified shortcomings of evolutionary economic geography, the proposed alternative approach, geographical political economy, is regarded as being too narrow and reductionist. By combining evolutionary and relational economic geography in certain respects a plea is made for advancing evolutionary economic geography by engaged pluralism.

MacKinnon D, Dawley S, Pike A , et al. Rethinking path creation: A geographical political economy approach
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The determination of the spatiotemporal patterns and driving factors of PM2.5 is of great interest to the atmospheric and climate science community, who aim to understand and better control the atmospheric linkage indicators. However, most previous studies have been conducted on pollution-sensitive cities, and there is a lack of large-scale and long-term systematic analyses. In this study, we investigated the spatiotemporal evolution of PM2.5 and its influencing factors by using an exploratory spatiotemporal data analysis (ESTDA) technique and spatial econometric model based on remote sensing imagery inversion data of the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB), China, between 2000 and 2016. The results showed that 1) the annual value of PM2.5 was in the range of 23.49-37.67?μg/m3 with an inverted U-shaped change trend, and the PM2.5 distribution presented distinct spatial heterogeneity; 2) there was a strong local spatial dependence and dynamic PM2.5 growth process, and the spatial agglomeration of PM2.5 exhibited higher path-dependence and spatial locking characteristics; and 3) the endogenous interaction effect of PM2.5 was significant, where each 1% increase in the neighbouring PM2.5 levels caused the local PM2.5 to increase by at least 0.4%. Natural and anthropogenic factors directly and indirectly influenced the PM2.5 levels. Our results provide spatial decision references for coordinated trans-regional air pollution governance as well as support for further studies which can inform sustainable development strategies in the YREB.

Martin R . Roepke Lecture in economic geography-rethinking regional path dependence: Beyond lock-in to evolution
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The article aims to contribute to the debate on path-dependence by providing qualitative evidence on the case of the steel area of Taranto (Italy), which is still host to the largest steel plant in Europe. The article seeks to make two related contributions. First, it seeks to identify and discuss the possible causes of Taranto's path-dependence by highlighting their specific features. Second, it gives evidence to a dynamic social process affecting Taranto's long-term institutional set-up, which is likely to have an impact on the area's economic evolution.

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We developed and tested a protocol for compounding a large volume of injectable atropine from powder. The resulting protocol could be used by hospitals to rapidly use large amounts of stockpiled atropine.

Boschma R, Frenken K . The emerging empirics of evolutionary economic geography
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The question of how new regional growth paths emerge has been raised by many leading economic geographers. From an evolutionary perspective, there are strong reasons to believe that regions are most likely to branch into industries that are technologically related to the preexisting industries in the regions. Using a new indicator of technological relatedness between manufacturing industries, we analyzed the economic evolution of 70 Swedish regions from 1969 to 2002 with detailed plant-level data. Our analyses show that the long-term evolution of the economic landscape in Sweden is subject to strong path dependencies. Industries that were technologically related to the preexisting industries in a region had a higher probability of entering that region than did industries that were technologically unrelated to the region's preexisting industries. These industries had a higher probability of exiting that region. Moreover, the industrial profiles of Swedish regions showed a high degree of technological cohesion. Despite substantial structural change, this cohesion was persistent over time. Our methodology also proved useful when we focused on the economic evolution of one particular region. Our analysis indicates that the Linkoping region increased its industrial cohesion over 30 years because of the entry of industries that were closely related to its regional portfolio and the exit of industries that were technologically peripheral. In summary, we found systematic evidence that the rise and fall of industries is strongly conditioned by industrial relatedness at the regional level.

Boschma R, Frenken K . Some notes on institutions in evolutionary economic geography
Economic Geography, 2009,85(2):151-158.

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刘志高, 尹贻梅, 孙静 . 产业集群形成的演化经济地理学研究评述
地理科学进展, 2011,30(6):652-657.

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20 世纪80 年代以来,产业集群成为一种新的区域发展模式,受到理论工作者和政策制定者越来越多的关注。近些年来,从演化经济地理学理论学派的视角研究产业集群形成的动力、演化路径成为集群研究中的热点之一。本文首先介绍了产业集群形成的传统解释及其不足,然后回顾了演化经济地理学视角下的产业集群形成的研究进展,并总结了研究特点和主要研究思路,最后指出了在中国应用研究中需要注意的问题。
[ Liu Zhigao, Yin Yimei, Sun Jing . Review of the research progress on industrial cluster formation from the perspective of evolutionary economic geography
Progress in Geography, 2011,30(6):652-657.]

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.06.002URL [本文引用: 1]
20 世纪80 年代以来,产业集群成为一种新的区域发展模式,受到理论工作者和政策制定者越来越多的关注。近些年来,从演化经济地理学理论学派的视角研究产业集群形成的动力、演化路径成为集群研究中的热点之一。本文首先介绍了产业集群形成的传统解释及其不足,然后回顾了演化经济地理学视角下的产业集群形成的研究进展,并总结了研究特点和主要研究思路,最后指出了在中国应用研究中需要注意的问题。

贺灿飞 . 区域产业发展演化: 路径依赖还是路径创造?
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[ He Canfei . Regional industrial development and evolution: Path dependence or path creation?
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Cadmium (Cd) is one of the heavy metals that have negative effects on human health. In Iran, there is no policy to regularly measure Cd in the general population. However, some studies have been performed on special groups and in different cities of Iran. This paper has reviewed these studies and human contamination levels in Iran.

Hu X, Hassink R . Place leadership with Chinese characteristics? A case study of the Zaozhuang coal-mining region in transition
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Martin R, Sunley P, Gardiner B , et al. How regions react to recessions: Resilience and the role of economic structure
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Bristow G, Healy A . Regional resilience: An agency perspective
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Bristow G. and Healy A. Regional resilience: an agency perspective, Regional Studies. This paper argues that in the nascent theorizing and empirical study of regional economic resilience, the role of human agency has been under-explored to date. In seeking to address this gap, the paper focuses on three key questions: why agency is important in resilience; how agents are organized in complex, regional economies and how they might act; and finally, what an agency perspective means for how resilience might be conceptualized and analysed empirically. It is argued that including the human factor in resilience thinking ultimately means that the role of place and context must assume greater significance. Bristow G. and Healy A. ???????????,????????,?????????????????,?????????????????????????,??????????? ?????????????;??????????????,????????;??, ????????????????????, ??????????????,??????????????,???????????????????????? Bristow G. et Healy A. La resistance regionale: du point de vue du facteur humain, Regional Studies. Cet article affirme que le role du facteur humain a ete sous-exploite dans l'elaboration naissante des theories et des etudes empiriques de la resistance economique regionale. En cherchant a colmater cette breche, l'article porte sur trois questions: les raisons pour lesquelles le facteur humain importe pour la resistance; comment l'intervention humaine s'organise en economies regionales complexes et comment elle pourrait agir; et finalement, ce que veut dire le point de vue du facteur humain quant a la conceptualisation et a l'analyse empiriques de la resistance. On affirme que comprenant le facteur humain dans la pensee au sujet de la resistance signifie, en definitive, que le role de l'endroit et du contexte doivent revetir une plus grande importance. Bristow G. und Healy A. Regionale Resilienz: eine Perspektive des menschlichen Einflusses, Regional Studies. In diesem Beitrag wird argumentiert, dass in der entstehenden Theoretisierung und empirischen Untersuchung der regionalen wirtschaftlichen Resilienz die Rolle des Menschen bisher zu wenig untersucht wurde. Zur Schlie ss ung dieser Lucke konzentrieren wir uns in diesem Beitrag auf drei zentrale Fragen: warum der Einfluss des Menschen fur die Resilienz eine Rolle spielt, wie Akteure in komplexen regionalen okonomien organisiert sind und wie sie handeln konnen, und schlie ss lich, was eine Perspektive des menschlichen Einflusses fur die mogliche empirische Konzeptualisierung und Analyse der Resilienz bedeutet. Wir argumentieren, dass eine Berucksichtigung des menschlichen Faktors bei der Betrachtung der Resilienz letztendlich bedeutet, dass die Rolle des Ortes und Kontexts eine gro ss ere Bedeutung erhalten muss. Bristow G. y Healy A. Resiliencia regional: una perspectiva del impacto humano, Regional Studies. En este articulo argumentamos que hasta ahora no se ha analizado a fondo el papel de las acciones humanas en el estudio teorico y empirico emergente de la resiliencia economica regional. Al intentar cubrir este vacio, aqui prestamos atencion a tres cuestiones principales: por que son importantes estas acciones para la resiliencia; como se organizan las personas en economias complejas de ambito regional y como podrian actuar; y finalmente, que significa una perspectiva del impacto humano en cuanto al modo en que la resistencia podria ser conceptualizada y analizada empiricamente. Argumentamos que incluir el factor humano en la perspectiva de la resiliencia en ultima instancia significa que el papel del lugar y contexto tiene que adquirir mayor importancia.

Tan J, Lo K, Qiu F , et al. Regional economic resilience: Resistance and recoverability of resource-based cities during economic crises in Northeast China
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李连刚, 张平宇, 关皓明 , . 基于Shift-Share的辽宁老工业基地区域经济弹性特征分析
地理研究, 2019,38(7):1807-1819.

[ Li Liangang, Zhang Pingyu, Guan Haoming , et al. Analysis of the regional economic resilience characteristics based on Shift-Share method in Liaoning old industrial base
Geographical Research, 2019,38(7):1807-1819.]


张帅, 王成新, 李博 . 东北三省城市经济弹性空间分异及其影响因素研究
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[ Zhang Shuai, Wang Chengxin, Li Bo . Spatial differentiation of urban economic resilience and its influencing factors in Northeast China
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陈作任, 李郇 . 经济韧性视角下城镇产业演化的路径依赖与路径创造: 基于东莞市樟木头、常平镇的对比分析
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[ Chen Zuoren, Li Xun . Path dependence and path creation of industrial evolution about towns from the perspective of economic resilience: Based on the comparative analysis about Zhang Mutou and Changpingin Dongguan
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贺灿飞, 夏昕鸣, 黎明 . 中国出口贸易韧性空间差异性研究
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建立对外联系、利用外部资源有助于弥补区域发展新经济活动所面临的资源与技术缺口,为区域发展注入新活力,避免陷入路径锁定导致发展停滞甚至衰退。对外联系的建立势必与本地已有联系相互作用,表现为&#x0201c;全球-地方&#x0201d;之间多类型行为主体在特定空间支持与约束下的互动,涉及4个基本问题:发生条件、区域差异、互动内容与行为主体。梳理现有研究发现:① 本地与非本地要素的相似性或互补性决定了互动发生的可能性,本地能力则进一步决定互动发生的程度;② 互动对于优势地区和后进地区2类极端类型地区更为有效;③ 互动内容以知识、贸易、资本等要素为主,日益强调非本地劳动力和非本地制度的影响;④ 互动主体以企业为中心。近年来研究一方面强调企业家等个体作用,另一方面关注非经济主体的作用。整体而言,既有研究在区域发展中&#x0201c;全球-地方&#x0201d;互动的尺度结构、动态变化和行为主体等方面仍面临挑战。结合中国当前区域经济转型与主动全球化并行的发展现状,论文提出理解中国区域发展&#x0201c;全球-地方&#x0201d;互动的关键问题与潜在方向。
[ He Canfei, Xia Xinming, Li Ming . Spatial difference and mechanisms of China’s export trade regional resilience
Progress in Geography, 2019,38(10):1449-1461.]

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建立对外联系、利用外部资源有助于弥补区域发展新经济活动所面临的资源与技术缺口,为区域发展注入新活力,避免陷入路径锁定导致发展停滞甚至衰退。对外联系的建立势必与本地已有联系相互作用,表现为&#x0201c;全球-地方&#x0201d;之间多类型行为主体在特定空间支持与约束下的互动,涉及4个基本问题:发生条件、区域差异、互动内容与行为主体。梳理现有研究发现:① 本地与非本地要素的相似性或互补性决定了互动发生的可能性,本地能力则进一步决定互动发生的程度;② 互动对于优势地区和后进地区2类极端类型地区更为有效;③ 互动内容以知识、贸易、资本等要素为主,日益强调非本地劳动力和非本地制度的影响;④ 互动主体以企业为中心。近年来研究一方面强调企业家等个体作用,另一方面关注非经济主体的作用。整体而言,既有研究在区域发展中&#x0201c;全球-地方&#x0201d;互动的尺度结构、动态变化和行为主体等方面仍面临挑战。结合中国当前区域经济转型与主动全球化并行的发展现状,论文提出理解中国区域发展&#x0201c;全球-地方&#x0201d;互动的关键问题与潜在方向。

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苗长虹, 胡志强, 耿凤娟 , . 中国资源型城市经济演化特征与影响因素: 路径依赖、脆弱性和路径创造的作用
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以中国116个资源型城市为分析对象,从路径依赖、脆弱性和路径创造三个方面分析资源型城市经济演化的特点与路径分异,引入计量模型考察其对资源型城市经济增长与转型的作用,并分析其影响因素。研究发现:① 资源型城市的路径依赖水平北方较高,北方和内陆的脆弱性整体更高,路径创造水平由沿海向内陆递减。黑、晋、陕、甘和云、贵、川等地资源型城市的脆弱性较高,路径创造水平较低。② 中国资源型城市的演化路径可以划分为趋向锁定、趋向解锁、随机变化三种类型。③ 路径依赖、脆弱性和路径创造在不同宏观经济环境下对资源型城市经济增长和转型的作用不同,在宏观经济高速扩张时期,脆弱性有利于增长,路径创造能力强的城市反而增速较慢;而进入经济新常态阶段,路径依赖和脆弱性对增长的阻碍作用显现。④ 路径依赖和路径创造水平深受人口规模、国有企业比例的影响,脆弱性水平主要和人口规模有关。采矿业比例会影响资源类产业的路径创造,而对外开放水平则影响非资源类产业的路径创造。北方、内陆和煤炭型城市更易于形成高路径依赖。⑤ 提高人口集聚规模,降低国有企业比例,是降低路径依赖、提高路径创造水平的关键,人口集聚和扩大对外开放则分别有利于脆弱性的下降和路径创造能力的提升,应针对不同区域、资源类型和演化路径的资源型城市,制定差异化和精准的政策措施。
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以中国116个资源型城市为分析对象,从路径依赖、脆弱性和路径创造三个方面分析资源型城市经济演化的特点与路径分异,引入计量模型考察其对资源型城市经济增长与转型的作用,并分析其影响因素。研究发现:① 资源型城市的路径依赖水平北方较高,北方和内陆的脆弱性整体更高,路径创造水平由沿海向内陆递减。黑、晋、陕、甘和云、贵、川等地资源型城市的脆弱性较高,路径创造水平较低。② 中国资源型城市的演化路径可以划分为趋向锁定、趋向解锁、随机变化三种类型。③ 路径依赖、脆弱性和路径创造在不同宏观经济环境下对资源型城市经济增长和转型的作用不同,在宏观经济高速扩张时期,脆弱性有利于增长,路径创造能力强的城市反而增速较慢;而进入经济新常态阶段,路径依赖和脆弱性对增长的阻碍作用显现。④ 路径依赖和路径创造水平深受人口规模、国有企业比例的影响,脆弱性水平主要和人口规模有关。采矿业比例会影响资源类产业的路径创造,而对外开放水平则影响非资源类产业的路径创造。北方、内陆和煤炭型城市更易于形成高路径依赖。⑤ 提高人口集聚规模,降低国有企业比例,是降低路径依赖、提高路径创造水平的关键,人口集聚和扩大对外开放则分别有利于脆弱性的下降和路径创造能力的提升,应针对不同区域、资源类型和演化路径的资源型城市,制定差异化和精准的政策措施。

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Contributing to debates about transitions and system changes, this article has two aims. First, it uses criticisms on the multi-level perspective as stepping stones for further conceptual refinements. Second, it develops a typology of four transition pathways: transformation, reconfiguration, technological substitution, and de-alignment and re-alignment. These pathways differ in combinations of timing and nature of multi-level interactions. They are illustrated with historical examples.

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Glycan-protein interactions are of utmost importance in several biological phenomena. Although the variety of carbohydrate residues in mammalian cells is limited to less than a dozen different sugars, their spatial topographical presentation in what is now associated as the &amp;quot;glycocodes&amp;quot; provides the fundamental keys for specific and high affinity &amp;quot;lock-in&amp;quot; recognition events associated with a wide range of pathologies. Toward deciphering our understanding of these glycocodes, chemists have developed new creative tools that included dendrimer chemistry in order to provide monodisperse multivalent glycoconjugates. This review provides a survey of the numerous aromatic architectures generated for the multivalent presentation of relevant carbohydrates using covalent attachment or supramolecular self-assemblies. The basic concepts toward their controlled syntheses will be described using modern synthetic procedures with a particular emphasis on powerful organometallic methodologies. The large variety of dendritic aromatic scaffolds, together with a brief survey of their unique biophysical and biological properties will be critically reviewed. The distinctiveness of the resulting multivalent glycoarchitectures, encompassing glycoclusters, glycodendrimers and molecularly defined self-assemblies, in forming well organized cross-linked lattices with multivalent carbohydrate binding proteins (lectins) together with their photophysical, medical, and imaging properties will also be briefly highlighted. The topic will be presented in increasing order of aromatic backbone complexities and will end with fullerenes together with self-assembled nanostructures, thus complementing the various scaffolds described in this special thematic issue dedicated to multivalent glycoscience.

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The tourniquet infusion method was compared with hyperthermic perfusion in canine limbs by using Adriamycin, actinomycin-D, and melphalan. Tourniquet infusion provided comparable tissue levels with Adriamycin and significantly higher levels with actinomycin-D and melphalan in the treated extremity than hyperthermic perfusion with the same drugs and dosages. Higher systemic leak was observed, more so with melphalan, with the tourniquet infusion method. Tourniquet infusion has caused complete regression of four malignant tumors involving extremities (one malignant melanoma, two Kaposi's sarcomas, one squamous cell carcinoma) and partial greater than 50% regression of nine tumors (three malignant melanomas, three squamous cell carcinomas, one malignant schwannoma, one malignant fibrohistiocytoma, one liposarcoma) followed by excision of residual tumor. Five patients with extremity sarcomas precluding adequate surgical margins were treated preoperatively with the this method. Longer follow-up is needed, as is a larger number of patients for a valid comparison of tourniquet infusion with hyperthermic perfusion.

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This paper makes a case for examining energy transition as a geographical process, involving the reconfiguration of current patterns and scales of economic and social activity. The paper draws on a seminar series on the 'Geographies of Energy Transition: security, climate, governance' hosted by the authors between 2009 and 2011, which initiated a dialogue between energy studies and the discipline of human geography. Focussing on the UK Government's policy for a low carbon transition, the paper provides a conceptual language with which to describe and assess the geographical implications of a transition towards low carbon energy. Six concepts are introduced and explained: location, landscape, territoriality, spatial differentiation, scaling, and spatial embeddedness. Examples illustrate how the geographies of a future low-carbon economy are not yet determined and that a range of divergent - and contending - potential geographical futures are in play. More attention to the spaces and places that transition to a low-carbon economy will produce can help better understand what living in a low-carbon economy will be like. It also provides a way to help evaluate the choices and pathways available. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

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Railways are classic instances of complex socio-technical systems, whose defining characteristic is that they exist and function by integrating (continuous-time) interactions among technical components and human elements. Typically, unlike physical systems, there are no governing laws for describing their dynamics. Based purely on micro-unit data, here we present a data-driven framework to analyze macro-dynamics in such systems, leading us to the identification of specific states and prediction of transitions across them. It consists of three steps, which we elucidate using data from the Dutch railways. First, we form a dimensionally reduced phase-space by extracting a few relevant components, wherein relevance is proxied by dominance in terms of explained variance, as well as by persistence in time. Secondly, we apply a clustering algorithm to the reduced phase-space, resulting in the revelation of states of the system. Specifically, we identify 'rest' and 'disrupted' states, for which the system operations deviates respectively little and strongly from the planned timetable. Third, we define an early-warning metric based on the probability of transitions across states, predict whether the system is likely to transit from one state to another within a given time-frame and evaluate the performance of this metric using the Peirce skill score. Interestingly, using case studies, we demonstrate that the framework is able to predict large-scale disruptions up to 90 minutes beforehand with significant skill, demonstrating, for the railway companies, its potential to better track the evolution of large-scale disruptions in their networks. We discuss that the applicability of the three-step framework stretches to other systems as well-i.e., not only socio-technical ones-wherein real-time monitoring can help to prevent macro-scale state transitions, albeit the methods chosen to execute each step may depend on specific system-details.

Truffer B, Murphy J T, Raven R . The geography of sustainability transitions contours of an emerging theme
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This paper examines the rise of the home appliance industry in Shunde, a city district of Foshan municipality located in the western Pearl River Delta (PRD), China. It contributes to the literature of China's industrialization and regional development by revealing the salient Shunde model, distinctive from the export-oriented development prevailing in the eastern PRD. Based on intensive field investigation and firm-level interviews, this paper argues that the Shunde model is attributed to the proactive roles of local firms in establishing domestic market-oriented production networks and expanding global market reach. They mobilized regional assets to develop strategic coupling with foreign firms in a conducive institutional environment for industrial catch-up. This viable trajectory has valuable policy implications for latecomer regions in the aftermath of global financial crisis.

Yang C, Fu T, Li L . Emerging adaptation of local clusters in China in a shifting global economy: Evidence from the furniture cluster in Houjie Town, Dongguan
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