Evolution of sedimentary environment at the Lunden Bay in the Southern North Sea during Holocene
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1 引言
全球海面在全新世总体不断上升。海岸带作为海陆相互作用的敏感地区,其地貌环境变化显著,在此过程中形成了大部分海岸的基本轮廓[1-3]。北海(North Sea)主体是一个自南向北倾斜加深的陆架沉积盆地,被现在的大不列颠岛、斯堪的纳维亚半岛、日德兰半岛和荷比低地等围绕。随冰后期海面上升,海水通过英吉利海峡迅速涌入北海盆地,在河海相互作用下,北海南部瓦登海(Wadden Sea)发育了广阔的潮滩海岸。随海面进一步上升,北海南岸发育了一系列堡岛,及与之相伴的潟湖、潮滩与滨海湿地地貌[4-5]。西欧地区历史悠久的围海造地活动,不仅是人类开发利用海洋空间资源的重要手段,也记录了长期以来人类向海要地,海面上升风暴潮淹没陆地,两者相互抗争,对海岸地貌的交互影响过程。瓦登海沿岸的围海造地与滩涂围垦是世界上的典型案列,其对瓦登海地区相对海面变化和沉积环境变迁影响重大[6]。对于全新世以来的海面变化,已有****在瓦登海进行了大量的研究工作,积累了丰富的资料,建立了该海域大部分地区的海面变化曲线。Behre在已有工作的基础上,不断优化数据,并使用Calais-Dunkirk系统进行模拟,获得瓦登海地区在全新世海面不断上升的背景下,曾出现数次海进与海退波动的结论[7]。Behre认为约8000 cal. a BP海水到达瓦登海外围,在8000 cal. a BP~7000 cal. a BP期间,海面以1.25 m/100a的速度迅速上升;7000 cal. a BP~3000 cal. a BP期间,上升速度减缓,甚至出现数次海退,平均上升速度仅0.14 m/100a;3000 cal. a BP以后,海面波动上升,局部地区海进与海退频繁交替[7]。显然,全新世以来,这一地区局部的海进与海退交替频繁,总体可分为快速上升、平稳上升和波动变化三个阶段。
在全新世海面上升过程中,大片低平陆地被淹没,日德兰半岛以西地势较高的更新世残留沉积物露出水面,成为岛屿,进而发育沙咀与沙坝向两侧延伸,形成沙坝—潟湖海岸,有的发育成陆连岛,有的潟湖被沉积物充填成为滨海湿地。Elbe河(北德地区注入瓦登海的最大河流)河口以北,在更新世冰碛物围封环抱的海湾曾发育一系列沙坝—潟湖海岸,亦多被后期沉积物充填发育滨海湿地[8,9]。目前,在Elbe河口以西的瓦登海沿岸一系列沙坝—潟湖海岸正在发育。对这一地区古沙坝—潟湖海岸沉积环境的研究,有益于清晰认识该区和其他类似地区正在发育的沙坝—潟湖海岸的演变。迄今为止,这一地区古环境研究主要聚焦于海面变化曲线与古气候环境重建等方面,沉积环境演化研究尚显不足。Hoffmann对日德兰半岛南部德国北部Schleswig-Holstein州进行了全新世以来地貌环境演化研究,主要搜集了东海岸250个钻孔和20个14C测年资料,重建了5000 cal. a BP~2500 cal. a BP间沙坝形成和沙坝—潟湖海岸的发育与演化[8,10]。因缺乏钻孔资料,对西海岸大量存在的古沙坝—潟湖海岸环境未进行详细研究。
20世纪60年代以来,沙坝—潟湖海岸的成因及长周期地貌演化曾一度成为海岸研究的热点[11]。有****认为全新世以来沙坝—潟湖海岸的演化受控于海面升降、水动力条件和潮差等三个主要因素[12,13]。在海面上升过程中,易于形成滨外沙坝,利于潟湖发育。也有****将沙坝—潟湖海岸分为:海侵型、海退型和稳定性,认为海面上升与下降过程中,都能发育沙坝—潟湖海岸[13]。近年来,由于海岸环境与资源开发的需求,沙坝—潟湖海岸的成因与演化再次受到关注。沙坝—潟湖海岸具有沙坝外侧与内侧潟湖沿岸双重岸线和沙坝内外水动力环境迥异的特点,已有研究表明,其沉积物粒度特征和烧失量具有重要的沉积环境指示意义[14-16]。Dietze在湖泊沉积研究中基于激光粒度仪获取的沉积物详细粒度组成数据,使用端元模型分析(End-Member Modeling Analysis,EMMA),提取了沉积物粒度的主要构成端元,有效地揭示了其沉积环境[17]。
本文主要对Lunden湾地区古沙坝后方的古潟湖所获取的沉积柱,进行沉积结构与构造、沉积物粒度和烧失量分析,利用对粒度组成的EMMA统计分析,在AMS 14C所揭示的年代框架下,结合这一地区已有的海面变化资料,探讨Lunden湾地区全新世以来的沉积环境演变。
2 研究方法与数据来源
2.1 研究区概况
-->Fig. 1Location of the study area and its brief geomorphology map with the site of the core
全新世以来,海面不断上升,岸线抵达冰碛物丘陵区,形成岬湾海岸。随冰碛物不断被冲刷侵蚀与河流输沙补给,最终在Eider与Elbe两河之间形成明显的古海岸陡崖与海岸低地。陡崖以东为单一的更新世冰川沉积;以西受海陆相互作用控制,发育了沙坝、潮滩、潟湖与湿地等一系列海岸地貌与沉积[8],高程多在-3 m以下。Lunden镇所在的古沙坝成为垄岗,已距现今海岸线数十千米。
研究区位于北大西洋西风带,常年受西风影响,波浪以NW-SE向为主,冬季风大浪高。Lunden湾外围发育现代潮滩,其平均潮差为2.8 m,最大潮差可达3.2 m。潮流呈显著的时间—速度不对称,潮间带滩面受涨潮流控制,最大流速仅0.3 m/s,潮流通道受落潮流控制,流速为0.7~1.3 m/s [19]。
2.2 数据来源
2015年9月在Lunden镇东郊——Lunden湾古潟湖(现已发育成滨海平原,主要为天然草地),选取离开小路与河沟的代表性点(54°19.80′N、9°03.87′E;海拔为-0.5 m),利用重力采样器获取LN沉积柱,沉积柱直径10 cm、长度719 cm,取芯率为93.9%。受取样器的限制,地面以下埋深53 cm开始为连续的沉积柱取样,现场对上部53 cm进行人工开挖,并分层获取了7个沉积物样品。在实验室内将沉积柱剖样后,一半进行拍照和岩芯描述,另一半以每5 cm间隔取2 cm样品进行分样,共获得141个样品,连同野外对上部53 cm段现场采集的7个样品,共获取148个样品,进行沉积物粒度和烧失量分析。同时,在分样过程中挑选可供AMS 14C测年和软体动物介壳鉴定的样品,后者送交中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所(NIGPAS)完成鉴定。
2.3 研究方法
沉积物粒度分析在南京大学海岸与海岛开发教育部重点实验室进行,采用英国Malvern Mastersizer 2000激光粒度仪完成。样品中除含有个别大的贝壳碎屑外,总体较细。样品预处理按如下步骤进行[20,21]:(1)首先将148个待测样品分别混合均匀,据粒度大小相应分取合适的样品量;逐步加入过量30%浓度的H2O2,去除有机质。
(3)然后加入0.5N的六偏磷酸钠,浸泡24 h,使样品充分分散.
(4)最后将预处理好的样品在激光粒度仪上进行粒度测试。测量范围为0.02~2000 μm,重复测量误差<3%,样品遮光度控制在10%~20%。采用Shepard沉积物粒度三角图分类法进行沉积物命名,使用Fork和Ward图解法计算平均粒径、分选系数等粒度参数。
烧失量测定采用马弗炉灼烧法进行。首先,对148个样品进行研磨,取适量的研磨样置于干净坩埚(坩埚重量为W0)中,放入马弗炉中,加热至105 ℃,24 h后取出冷却并称重(W1);再放入马弗炉中加热至550 ℃,约2 h,取出冷却称重(W2);然后继续放入马弗炉中加热至950 ℃,约4 h后,取出冷却称重(W3)。LOI550℃与LOI950℃分别代表了样品中有机质和碳酸盐岩含量百分比,分别采用(W1-W2)/(W1-W0)×100%与(W2-W3)/(W1-W0)×100%计算获得[22]。
端元模型分析(EMMA)是在主成分分析、因子旋转、变量伸缩和非负最小二乘法的基础上,充分利用激光粒度仪获得的详细粒度组成数据,优化的沉积物粒度统计分析,可以有效分离沉积动力端元[17,23]。该模型已成功应用于浊流、冰川、河流、风成和近海等多种沉积物的粒度数据统计分析[23,24]。EMMA计算基于沉积物粒度组成的原始数据矩阵,将计算公式与运算过程编写成C语言的程序脚本,然后在Matlab平台上完成运行。计算主要分两步进行:首先,根据复相关系数确定最合适的端元数量;其次,对确定的端元数量,计算各端元在粒级上的因子分析及端元方差比例[17]。本文引用Dietze等所编的EMMA 程序脚本对LN沉积柱粒度数据进行了计算[17],获取了EM1、EM2和EM3 3个主要端元。
在样品埋深为55~58 cm、142~147 cm、437~438 cm、567 cm和752~755 cm等五处找到泥炭、植物根系及贝类等合适的材料,委托美国Beta实验室(Beta Analytic Inc.)进行AMS14C测年。使用CALIB 7.0.4软件对测年数据进行日历年龄校正,其中碳储库校正中的ΔR值从海洋碳校正数据库获得[25],校正后的年龄作为最终的年代(表1)。埋深147 cm处样品的测年结果出现倒置,其测年材料为植物根系,可能系植物根系生长进入老的沉积物所致,弃用该年代数据。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1AMS 14C data for the core LN in the Lunden Bay
埋深(cm) | 样品编号 | 测年材料 | 实验室测试编号 | 测量结果(a BP) | 校正年龄(cal. a BP) |
58 | LN1 2-5 | 泥炭 | Beta 439773 | 4460±30 | 5137±57 |
147 | LN1 89-94 | 植物根系 | Beta 439774 | 4210±30 | 4750±30 |
438 | LN2 184-185 | 贝壳 | Beta 439775 | 5410±30 | 5789±93 |
567 | LN3 114 | 贝壳 | Beta 439776 | 5570±30 | 5968±87 |
755 | LN4 99-102 | 贝壳 | Beta 439777 | 5640±30 | 6047±108 |
3 结果分析
3.1 沉积物粒度与烧失量分析结果
LN沉积柱的沉积物主要以砂和粉砂为主,黏土含量均小于20%;平均粒径介于1.764 Ф~6.269 Ф之间,由下往上呈“细—粗—细”的变化,分选系数差异较大,介于0.486~3.371。有机质含量介于0.21%~59.52%之间,平均为3.27%,变化差异较大,顶部含量明显高于其他层位,自下而上,呈“下降—平稳—快速上升”变化。碳酸盐含量介于0.62%~6.00%之间,平均为2.91%,总体变化不明显,局部出现波动。基于沉积结构与构造,结合沉积物粒度、有机质和碳酸盐含量变化等特征,LN沉积柱从下到上可分为6层,如图2所示。显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT
-->Fig. 2The grain size parameters, content of organic matter and carbonate, and end-member loadings of the core LN
F层(772~653 cm):主要为深灰色粉砂质砂,底部出现少量黑色砂质粉砂,由下往上颜色变浅,黏性减弱,粒径变粗,上部逐渐出现不明显的薄互层层理,由浅色砂层与暗色粉砂层组成。沉积物组分以砂为主,平均含量达65.8%,粉砂平均含量为25.6%。沉积物粒径在2.526 Ф~5.873 Ф之间波动,均值为3.941 Ф。分选系数均值为1.845,分选较差。有机质平均含量为2.7%,偏低;碳酸盐平均含量为2.4%,在埋深685 cm处出现峰值。上部出现贝壳碎屑,下部出现完整贝壳,经鉴定为贻贝未定种Mytilus sp.、小白樱蛤Macoma murryi等属种(表2)。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Species of Bivalve in the core LN
样品编号 | 埋深(cm) | 样品种类 | 样品照片 | 栖息环境 |
LN2 184-185 | 437~438 | 青蛤 | 青蛤: | 高潮线、低潮线附近 |
LN3 37 | 490 | 贻贝 | ||
LN3 67-69 | 520~522 | 鸟蛤、贻贝 | ||
鸟蛤: | 潮间带 | |||
LN3 79 | 532 | 少量贻贝碎屑 | ||
LN3 114 | 567 | 鸟蛤、白樱蛤、贻贝 | ||
白樱蛤: | 潮间带 | |||
LN4 22-25 | 675~677 | 少量贻贝碎屑 | ||
LN4 30-32 | 683~685 | 小白樱蛤、贻贝 | 小白樱蛤: | 潮间带、低潮线附近 |
LN4 35-37 | 688~690 | 贻贝 | ||
LN4 40-42 | 693~695 | 贻贝 | 贻贝: | 潮间带、潮下带 |
LN4 84-86 | 737~739 | 少量贻贝碎屑 | ||
LN4 99-102 | 752~755 | 贻贝 |
E层(653~577 cm):灰色中细砂为主,含有极少量深灰色砂质粉砂,粒径上下均一且较粗,发育典型的平行层理和砂质水平纹层,局部可见透镜层理,无生物扰动。砂含量高,平均值达98.68%,无黏土含量。平均粒径为2.282 Ф~2.548 Ф,均值2.383 Ф,分选较好。有机质和碳酸盐含量较低,无明显变化。
D层(577~525 cm):主要由黄灰色砂与深灰色砂质粉砂组成。该层底部与下伏层不整合接触,出现松散空隙,含有大量贝壳;中下部发育厚互层层理,黄灰色砂层间夹较薄的深灰色砂质粉砂层,其中砂质粉砂层附近出现贝壳碎屑层;上部出现砂质水平层理,颗粒向上变细,局部可见块状层理。该层沉积物砂含量高,分选较差。其中,砂层中砂的含量均值达93.65%,平均粒径均值为2.115 Ф,较上层粗,分选较好,含水量低;砂质粉砂层中粉砂含量最高达70.75%,平均粒径均值为5.761 Ф,分选很差,含水量高,黏性较强。本层出现的贝壳经鉴定为贻贝未定种Mytilus sp.、白栅蛤未定种Macoma sp.和鸟蛤未定种Cardium sp.等。有机质平均含量为1.01%,在0.21%~2.17%之间波动;碳酸盐平均含量为1.50%,贝壳出现的位置明显升高。
C层(525~210 cm):深灰色和黄棕色细砂为主,向上颗粒逐渐变细,颜色加深,含水量增大,黏性增强。该层下部发育典型的水平和脉状层理,局部出现人字构造;上部可见水平层理与砂质水平纹层。沉积物中砂平均含量为75.6%,粉砂含量达19.8%,平均粒径均值为3.54 Ф,分选差。下部多处可见贝壳,经鉴定为鸟蛤未定种Cardium sp.、贻贝未定种Mytilus sp.、白樱蛤未定种Macoma sp.和青蛤未定种Cyclina sp.等。有机质含量在0.59%~2.51%之间波动,均值为1.60%;碳酸盐平均含量在520 cm和437 cm贝壳产出位置附近出现峰值。
B层(210~60 cm):主要为灰色砂质粉砂,发育水平层理,中上部夹灰黑色黏土薄层,含水量较大,黏土层致密,黏性强。沉积物粒径有向上变细的趋势,颜色由下向上不断变浅,有生物扰动,在142~147 cm处,出现植物根系。沉积物中粉砂平均含量达61.80%,黏土含量显著升高,均值达12.6%。平均粒径均值为5.215 Ф,总体大幅变细,分选进一步变差。有机质含量显著升高,在3.01%~9.34%之间,均值为5.40%,碳酸盐平均含量达2.90%。
A层(60~0 cm):褐色砂质粉砂为主,夹数层黑色、深褐色泥炭层,可见不规则波状层理,底部出现少量白色钙质沉积物。含有大量植物根系,生物扰动较大。沉积物平均粒径为5.147 Ф,以粉砂为主,平均含量60.30%,分选很差。有机质含量很高且峰值达59.52%;碳酸盐含量降低,相对稳定,均值为1.50%。
3.2 端元模型分析(EMMA)结果
-->Fig. 3Grain size frequency distribution curves for the typical sections of EM1, EM2 and EM3 in the core LN
如图3所示,三个主要端元粒度频率分布曲线主峰明显。EM1端元呈双峰特征,细端主峰占主导,特征粒度为5.0 Ф,次峰偏粗,为1.8 Ф。此端元得分高的沉积物样品的粒度频率曲线多为单峰,峰值多变,峰态低而宽,偏态变化较大,多数正偏态,少数负偏态,分选差(图3a)。EM2端元峰值为3.3 Ф,为极细砂端元,分选良好。此端元得分高的沉积物样品的粒度频率曲线总体峰态尖锐,多为极细砂,部分样品有微弱细颗粒次峰,总体分选好(图3b)。EM3端元峰值在2.1 Ф,属中细砂,分选较好。此端元得分高的沉积物样品多为中细砂,尖峰态,分选好,少数样品峰态低而宽,正偏态,分选较差(图3c)。
4 讨论
4.1 LN沉积柱沉积物粒度EMMA揭示的沉积环境意义
EM1、EM2与EM3总的累计方差可达93.0%,代表了运算中原始矩阵上93.0%的信息,其中EM1与EM2端元总可视方差之和近90%,可有效地揭示LN沉积柱中主体沉积物的粒度特征。研究区现位于Elbe河与Eider河之间,两河输运的物质是研究区的重要物源。已有研究表明两河口悬移质以黏土、粉砂为主,中上游被冲刷的部分较粗冰碛物也被携带到河口,两河流携带的物质颗粒出现粗细混合,粒径大于4 Ф的占90%,其中大于5 Ф的占50%~70%[26,27],显然,Elbe河与Eider河所所输运的沉积物与EM1端元粒度频率曲线所指示的沉积物相似。EM1端元得分高的沉积物粒度频率曲线偏态变化较大,峰态低而宽,分选很差,符合河流沉积粒度特征[28,29]。此外,EM1端元次峰众数与EM2、EM3众数相似,判识EM1代表河流作用下的混合沉积。EM2端元粒度频率曲线近似正态分布,且为极细砂端元,指示中等强度的动力条件,本端元得分高的沉积物段具有典型的脉状与透镜层理,且部分沉积物样品粒度频率分布曲线有微弱细颗粒次峰,判识EM2端元指示潮流沉积。EM3属于中细砂端元,频率曲线呈尖峰态,近正态分布,分选较好,指示较强水动力条件。此外,LN沉积柱EM3端元方差得分与沉积物中粒径小于3 Ф的粒级含量变化的相关性分析显示,二者正相关显著(R2=0.87,P=0,图4),初步判识EM3端元表征了波浪沉积[30]。LN沉积柱埋深760~753 cm、690~683 cm、565~545 cm和535 ~525 cm等段的沉积物,EM3端元得分偏高,但分选较差,相对混杂。基于风暴沉积的特征沉积结构和构造,判识这些层位保存了典型的风暴沉积[30-33](表3)。此外,已有研究也多次采用有机质和碳酸盐含量作为判识风暴沉积的方法[34]。在EM3得分偏高且出现风暴沉积结构的层位中,有机质含量减少,碳酸盐含量显著增加,说明沉积物沉积时环境突然变化,暗示极端沉积事件发生的可能性。风暴潮事件变化突然,当其发生时,极端动力条件常常冲刷了先前平静天气下形成的沉积物,重新堆积了混杂的风暴潮沉积物,因此沉积物分选变差,EM3端元亦可有效指示风暴潮沉积。显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT
图4LN沉积柱EM3方差得分与粒径小于3 Ф的粒级含量相关性分析
-->Fig. 4Correlation analysis between EM3 score and the content for the grain size <3 Ф in the core LN
Tab. 3
Tab. 3The characteristics of storm sediment layers and grain size for the core LN
沉积柱照片(左上右下) | 埋深(cm) | 沉积结构与构造特征 | 平均粒径(Ф) | 分选系数 |
535~525 | 砂层间夹粉砂层和贝壳层 | 2.1 | 1.1 | |
565~545 | 厚互层层理,底部侵蚀面上充填贝壳碎屑 | 2.0 | 1.8 | |
690~683 | 具块状结构,富含贝壳碎屑 | 2.6 | 1.0 | |
760~753 | 底部侵蚀构造,富含贝壳碎屑 | 3.5 | 1.7 |
4.2 LN沉积柱沉积相划分
基于对LN沉积柱沉积物颜色、组分质地、沉积构造、沉积物粒度、烧失量(有机质与碳酸盐含量)、EMMA端元方差得分,以及生物(双壳类)鉴属等结果的综合分析,自下而上可分为6个主要的沉积相(图2):潮坪沉积(772~653 cm):主要为深灰色粉砂质砂,向上细颗粒物质减少,沉积物变粗,黏性减弱,颜色变浅,分选逐渐变好,有机质含量降低。中上部出现薄互层层理和多处贝壳碎屑层(表2),均为潮间带与潮下带物种。EM1端元影响趋势不断减小,EM2渐增大,潮流影响不断增强。该层主要为潮流作用的滨海沉积。埋深760~753 cm与690~683 cm出现混杂沉积,粗颗粒增多,有机质含量突然降低,分选变差,为风暴沉积。
水下沙坝沉积(653~577 cm):灰色中细砂,粒径上下均一且较粗,分选好,有机质与碳酸盐含量极低,可见水平层理与砂质水平纹层,局部可见透镜层理。EM1端元消失,EM2端元有很小影响,EM3端元主控,指示了波浪作用为主。该层主要为水下沙坝沉积。
风暴沉积(577~525 cm):主要为黄灰色砂和深灰色砂质粉砂组成,颗粒向上变细,分选性较差。底部侵蚀面上充填贝壳碎屑,该层主体发育黄灰色中砂层间夹较薄深灰色砂质粉砂层的厚互层层理,在砂质粉砂层附近出现大量贝壳(表2)。上部出现砂质水平层理,局部可见块状层理。有机质含量低,贝壳附近碳酸盐含量明显增高。基本完全为EM3端元控制,判断为风暴沉积。
潟湖沉积(525~210 cm):以深灰色和黄棕色细砂为主,颗粒较上层变细,有机质含量增大,黏性增强。该层发育脉状与水平层理,局部出现人字构造和砂质水平纹层。由下向上粉砂和黏土含量缓慢增加,沉积物渐细,与现在研究区西侧东弗里西亚堡岛内侧潟湖区域表层沉积物由海向陆水平方向粒度变化特征相似[35]。同时下部大量潮间带贝壳(表2)。潮流动力较强,主要为EM2端元指示的潮流沉积控制,为潟湖沉积。
潟湖沉积(210~60 cm):以灰色砂质粉砂为主,发育水平层理,中上部砂质粉砂层夹灰黑色黏土薄层,致密。粒径迅速变小,分选变差,有机质含量大幅增加,颜色向上逐渐变浅,出现生物扰动。EM1端元得分迅速增大,EM2减小,为河流充填作用不断加强的潟湖沉积。
河口沼泽沉积(60~0 cm):褐色砂质粉砂为主,可见不规则波状层理,中间夹数层黑色、深褐色泥炭层,出现大量的陆源植物根系,底部出现少量的白色钙质沉积物。颗粒较细,分选很差,有机质含量极高,碳酸盐含量逐渐降低。EM2端元基本消失,EM1端元主控,为河口沼泽沉积。
4.3 Lunden湾沉积环境演化
基于LN沉积柱AMS14C年代构架,在上述沉积单元分层与沉积相分析的基础上,结合研究区海面与河流输沙变化,揭示Lunden湾约6050 cal. a BP以来经历了如下沉积环境演化(图5):显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT
图5LN沉积柱揭示的约6050 cal. a BP以来Lunden湾沉积环境演化
-->Fig. 5Evolution of sedimentary environment in Lunden Bay since about 6050 cal. a BP in the core LN
第一阶段潮滩(埋深772~653 cm,约6050 cal. a BP~6000 cal. a BP):全新世以来,气候变暖,冰川消融,海面上升,河流径流量加大[1,36]。约8000 cal. a BP海水已进入瓦登海地区,岸线渐东进,研究区逐渐开始受到海水影响。随海面迅速上升,水深不断加大,海洋近岸水动力对研究区的影响范围扩大,强度增加,河流影响相对减弱。海水延河谷侵入,潮汐作用逐渐控制了河口湾,研究区逐渐经历了潮间带的不同环境。期间,发生数次风暴潮事件,影响到研究区,并留下了沉积记录。已有研究认为,长期以来南部Elbe河所携带的大量悬移质主要通过北向沿岸流输送到研究区[37]。显然,随岸线向陆推进与水深的增加,Elbe河对研究区的影响相对不断减小。
第二阶段海湾(埋深653~577 cm,约6000 cal. a BP~5970 cal. a BP):进入6000 cal. a BP以后,在瓦登海地区海侵渐达到最大范围,海面上升速度开始减缓[7],岸线推进到更新世冰碛物形成的丘陵,研究区成为岬角环抱的海湾。随海水深度的增加,波浪作用逐渐加强。在坡度相对平缓的水下岸坡,沉积物在波浪的作用下不断淘洗,粗颗粒沉积物在破浪带堆积[38],逐渐开始发育水下沙坝。此阶段Elbe河虽不能直接影响研究区,但Elbe河输运物质仍是Lunden湾地区的重要物源,推测水下沙坝是在横向波浪作用与自南向北的沿岸流共同作用下,由海湾的南侧岬角向北逐渐发育。
第三阶段沙坝—潟湖(577~60 cm,约5970 cal. a BP~5150 cal. a BP):这一时期北海地区的区域性海面上升速度进一步减缓,极端天气条件下,风暴潮频繁影响瓦登海地区[39]。在风暴潮作用下,沉积物不断向陆搬运,使水下沙坝不断增高加长,研究区逐渐成为开放程度较高的水下沙坝—潟湖海岸。随水下沙坝的进一步生长,逐渐出露水面,成为岸外沙坝,沙坝间的潮流通道还比较宽大,海水交换相对活跃,研究区成为半封闭沙坝—潟湖海岸。随岸外沙坝的进一步发育,潮流通道不断束窄,岸外沙坝逐渐相互连接,海水交换受阻,渐形成封闭的沙坝—潟湖海岸。这时,海水只在风暴潮等极端高水位时,才能影响到潟湖区,海洋动力大大消减,潟湖内的细颗粒物质亦无法由落潮流通过潮流通道向外输出,河流作用重新成为研究区的主要影响因素。显然,这一阶段Lunden湾海岸经历了水下沙坝—潟湖、半封闭沙坝—潟湖和封闭沙坝—潟湖3个发育阶段,指示了典型的海退型沙坝—潟湖海岸发育过程[13]。
目前,研究区南、北主要有Elbe河与Eider河两条河流。Elbe河的流量和输沙量远远大于Eider河[26,27],但Elbe河入海沉积物主要由瓦登海东部北向沿岸流影响Lunden湾地 区[37],随潟湖的逐渐封闭,Elbe河入海泥沙对这一古潟湖的影响不断减弱,Eider河则渐成为影响研究区的主要河流。已有研究表明,Eider河原自西向东流,在Kiel附近流入波罗的海。全新世以来受日德兰半岛地形与气候变化的影响,Eider河在全新世中期流向发生改变,转为自东向西流,在Lunden湾西部的T?nning处进入北海[27]。LN沉积柱在此阶段中后期,Elbe河输沙被阻隔后,河流沉积却增加,可能正指示了这一时期Eider河已经转为向西流,开始影响Lunden湾地区。沉积柱上半段的沉积速率远远低于下半段,推测系与Elbe河相比,Eider河输沙量偏低所致。
第四阶段滨海湿地(60~0 cm,约5150 cal. a BP至今):此阶段潟湖不断受沉积物充填,岸线向海推进,海面相对下降,沙坝—潟湖海岸逐渐发育为滨海湿地,湿地植物被埋藏,发育泥炭。埋藏泥炭是海退的主要标志[40,41],在瓦登海其他研究区,已有也将泥炭层作为海退标识[42]。目前,采样站位附近仍发育大面积湿地。Hoffmann对Schleswig-Holstein的西海岸全新世以来地貌环境演变研究认为,西海岸地区(包括Lunden湾)在3000 cal. a BP前后才开始大面积发育湿地[8]。LN沉积柱揭示在5150 cal. a BP前后已开始发育泥炭,指示了滨海湿地环境。这一地区具一定规模的湿地,何时开始发育,还需更多的调查与数据。这一阶段河流沉积是充填Lunden湾潟湖的主要物源,但沉积物厚度小。现在,Eider河已绕道Lunden湾地区以北,表明当潟湖充填成为滨海湿地,并进一步逐渐成陆的过程中,Eider河已逐渐不再影响这一地区。Pedersen在瓦登海潮滩沉积物中检测出137Cs[43],而本段沉积物中并未能检测出,一方面可能由于沉积物偏粗,另一方面亦佐证了表层沉积物并非现代沉积。研究区后期沉积速率很低,乃至缺失,或是发生了严重的侵蚀作用,有关侵蚀过程目前尚未发现其他更多的证据。
5 结论
本文主要对Lunden湾地区古沙坝后方的古潟湖所获取的沉积柱,进行沉积结构与构造、沉积物粒度和烧失量分析,利用对粒度组成的EMMA统计分析,在AMS 14C所揭示的年代框架下,结合这一地区已有的海面变化资料,探讨Lunden湾地区全新世以来的沉积环境演变。(1)LN沉积柱良好地记录了潮坪—水下沙坝—风暴—潟湖—河口沼泽等一系列沉积相,揭示了Lunden湾于6050~5150 cal. a BP 在海面变化控制下,经历了古海湾、水下沙坝—潟湖、半封闭沙坝—潟湖和封闭沙坝—潟湖为代表的海退型沙坝—潟湖海岸演化过程,进而发育成为滨海湿地。
(2)LN沉积柱沉积物粒度的EMMA分析获取的三个端元,有效揭示了河流沉积 (EM1)、潮流沉积(EM2)与波浪/风暴沉积(EM3)等代表性沉积物,随海退型沙坝—潟湖海岸的演化,河流影响(EM1)不断加强,海洋作用(EM2)逐渐减弱,乃至消失。EM3代表的粗颗粒沉积组分端元,在分选差的沉积物中,与沉积构造和烧失量数据结合,有效揭示了多段风暴沉积物,指示了风暴沉积对沙坝—潟湖海岸的发育具重要 影响。
(3)LN沉积柱上部的埋藏泥炭指示5150 cal. a BP左右,Lunden湾古潟湖已转变为滨海湿地,比已有研究认为3000 cal. a BP前后这一地区才开始大面积发育湿地的年代大大提前。可能反映了河流输沙对局部海岸的影响。同样,沉积柱上部缺失近期的沉积物,可能亦揭示了这一地区总体缺少沉积物输入的状况。
致谢:柏林自由大学Kai Hartmann博士及“南京大学—柏林自由大学双硕士学位项目”的同学参加了野外取样,南京大学王成龙在粒度测试实验,王黎对EMMA数据分析,晏达达、董智、刘晓瞳对沉积物粒度参数图表绘制,戴晨对风暴沉积识别等给予了帮助,Beta实验室帮助进行了测年分析,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所蓝琇研究员鉴定了双壳类生物种属,谨此致谢。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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[2] | . , 河流是搬运陆源泥沙的主要动力,对相邻的海岸海洋沉积动力有巨大影响。中国河流汇入海洋中的泥沙曾占全球入海泥沙的10 % ,现代中国边缘海大陆架在晚更新世时曾是海岸平原,河-海交互作用是形成海岸平原与浅海输积泥沙的主要因素。本文选择5个不同类型的河流展示其不同的泥沙运动与河口沉积的特性以及对相邻陆架之影响,包括: 1)强潮型动力的鸭绿江河口湾,形成从陆向海与从海向陆的双向水流交汇沉积,海岸形成潮流脊体系。 2)季风波浪为主导动力的滦河口,以泥沙的横向运动为主,形成沙坝环绕的双重海岸,沉积粒径自海向陆减小; 沿岸浪流携运泥沙向河口两侧分布,使沙坝具有沙咀状的复合特点。 3)弱潮型、多沙的黄河口,径流于两侧堆积指状沙咀,沙咀下风侧形成粉砂粘土淤泥湾,沿岸流携运泥沙向渤海湾延伸为淤泥舌。 4)径流与沿岸流组合作用的沉积模式,以长江口为代表,泥沙沿岸向南输运为主导,向海岸与向内陆架构成颗粒变细的带状沉积,外陆架出露残留砂。 5)充填河口湾的三角洲,以珠江为代表,河流分汊与会潮点泥沙堆积,悬移质扩散至湾外,被沿岸流携带沿海岸向SW运移,外陆架为残留砂沉积。20世纪80年代以来,上述河流均受到人为活动的改造影响,河流自然过程与河海交互作用效应均发生改变。本文主要以滦河三角洲为例阐述河-海交互作用与平原的地貌特征。 , 河流是搬运陆源泥沙的主要动力,对相邻的海岸海洋沉积动力有巨大影响。中国河流汇入海洋中的泥沙曾占全球入海泥沙的10 % ,现代中国边缘海大陆架在晚更新世时曾是海岸平原,河-海交互作用是形成海岸平原与浅海输积泥沙的主要因素。本文选择5个不同类型的河流展示其不同的泥沙运动与河口沉积的特性以及对相邻陆架之影响,包括: 1)强潮型动力的鸭绿江河口湾,形成从陆向海与从海向陆的双向水流交汇沉积,海岸形成潮流脊体系。 2)季风波浪为主导动力的滦河口,以泥沙的横向运动为主,形成沙坝环绕的双重海岸,沉积粒径自海向陆减小; 沿岸浪流携运泥沙向河口两侧分布,使沙坝具有沙咀状的复合特点。 3)弱潮型、多沙的黄河口,径流于两侧堆积指状沙咀,沙咀下风侧形成粉砂粘土淤泥湾,沿岸流携运泥沙向渤海湾延伸为淤泥舌。 4)径流与沿岸流组合作用的沉积模式,以长江口为代表,泥沙沿岸向南输运为主导,向海岸与向内陆架构成颗粒变细的带状沉积,外陆架出露残留砂。 5)充填河口湾的三角洲,以珠江为代表,河流分汊与会潮点泥沙堆积,悬移质扩散至湾外,被沿岸流携带沿海岸向SW运移,外陆架为残留砂沉积。20世纪80年代以来,上述河流均受到人为活动的改造影响,河流自然过程与河海交互作用效应均发生改变。本文主要以滦河三角洲为例阐述河-海交互作用与平原的地貌特征。 |
[3] | . , 山东半岛东北岸发育有许多大型海积地貌体,其中尤以龙口屺岛连岛沙坝、烟台芝罘岛连岛沙坝和荣成石岛湾口沙坝规模最大,形态最典型。这三个形成于不同自然地理条件下的沙坝之间,既有成因、沉积结构、泥沙来源等方面的显著差异性,又有地貌与沉积方面的的可比性。对这些差异性、可比性的深入分析表明,全新世中期以来短时间尺度、小幅度的相对海面变化,对海积地貌发育有着深刻的控制作用。这种控制作用包括海面升降引起的海岸横剖面调整和入海河流河床纵剖面调整,进而对沿岸纵向泥沙流强度和沙坝发育产生深刻影响。 , 山东半岛东北岸发育有许多大型海积地貌体,其中尤以龙口屺岛连岛沙坝、烟台芝罘岛连岛沙坝和荣成石岛湾口沙坝规模最大,形态最典型。这三个形成于不同自然地理条件下的沙坝之间,既有成因、沉积结构、泥沙来源等方面的显著差异性,又有地貌与沉积方面的的可比性。对这些差异性、可比性的深入分析表明,全新世中期以来短时间尺度、小幅度的相对海面变化,对海积地貌发育有着深刻的控制作用。这种控制作用包括海面升降引起的海岸横剖面调整和入海河流河床纵剖面调整,进而对沿岸纵向泥沙流强度和沙坝发育产生深刻影响。 |
[4] | , This thematic issue of the Danish Journal of Geography contains 9 research papers originating from a number of recent research projects carried out in the Danish part of the European Wadden Sea. The aim of the issue is to present the current state of knowledge on Danish Wadden Sea dynamics and morphology. This editorial places the individual papers in the broader context of natural variability and anthropogenic impact on the Wadden Sea environment. The editorial also contains a summary and overview of the papers included in the 3 main sections of the issue, which emphasize: (1) beach and dune environments; (2) tidal channels and backbarrier flats; and (3) salt marshes. |
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[7] | , Behre, K.-E. 2007 (January): A new Holocene sea-level curve for the southern North Sea. Boreas , Vol. 36, pp. 82鈥102. Oslo. ISSN 0300 9483. A new sea-level curve (MHW, mean high water level) for the southern North Sea is presented, spanning the last 10000 years and based on new data recently obtained along the German coast. The 118 dates were selected from basal as well as intercalated peats of the Holocene sequence and archaeological dates from the last 3000 years. Because of different MHW levels along the German North Sea coast, all data were corrected to the standard tide gauge at Wilhelmshaven to make them comparable. Special advantages of this area for sea-level reconstructions are negligible tectonic and isostatic subsidence and the absence of coastal barrier systems that might have mitigated or masked sea-level changes. Changes of water level had therefore immediate consequences for the facies and could be dated exactly. The chronostratigraphic Calais-Dunkirk system has been improved and adapted to the new data. Altogether seven regressions (R 1-R 7) have been identified, each of them characterized by a distinct decline in sea level. These fluctuations are in accord with the evidence from other parts of the North Sea region. A draft of former North Sea shorelines is presented on the basis of this sea-level curve. |
[8] | , The sediment facies in Dithmarschen in the southern part of the North Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein is rather uniform. Local differences can be recognized only for the last 4000 years. In contrast, in North Frisia the facies of the Holocene sediments change within short distances in the area of the present-day tidal flats. Areas affected by sediment compaction in the first millennium AD became tidal flats in the 14th century AD. In AD 1634 a storm surge flooded the southern marshes of North Frisia and turned further large areas into tidal flats. The reason for this second invasion of the sea into the cultivated land was mainly the impact of man on the landscape resulting from diking and draining of the marshes as well as from the cutting of peat. The tidal flats in today's southern North Frisia mirror more or less exactly the relief of the base of the coastal Holocene. |
[9] | , The fragmentary sedimentary record left by the repeated transgressions provides evidence that sea-level rise is the dominant factor affecting sediment accumulation in the shallow marine environment and the coastal zone. Although the sea-level rise affected the adjacent lowland areas similarly, it generated complex interactions with the relief of the inundated landscape, and the local hydrological conditions. Especially, the rate of sea-level rise plays a significant role. Whereas a rapidly rising sea level forms monotonous sedimentary sequences, a slowly rising sea level creates a great variety of sedimentary sequences, which show distinct lithological differences over relatively short distances along the coast. These differences are displayed in complex sequences of allochthonous clastic sediments characteristic of tidal flat, brackish-lagoonal, and alluvial environments, as well as intercalated layers of autochthonous fen peat and raised bog peat. Comparison of geological data on the sea-level rise with data obtained from tide gauge records over the last 130 years can be used to place the present-day conditions in the long-term cycle of Quaternary landscape evolution. In addition, it provides a basis for predictions of the future development of the coastal zone. |
[10] | . , The aim of this study is to present an evolutionary model of the coastal barriers in West Pomerania regarding both morphological development and chronostratigraphy. The study area is situated on the islands of Rügen and Usedom in the tideless SW Baltic. To reconstruct the geological setting, 250 cores were collected; 20 new radiocarbon dates allow a description of the Late Pleistocene to Holocene evolution of the barriers. In all areas investigated, the lithofacies sequences are similar, which enables the derivation of a general evolutionary model for the SW Baltic Sea coasts. The controlling factors are the relief of the Early Holocene landscape as well as the sea-level history of the Baltic Sea. The base is made up of a Pleistocene till. The deposition of this till had already determined the configuration of the present-day coast. Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene freshwater deposits follow in the columnar section, often overlain by peat. During the main phase of the transgression (8000–6000 before present (BP)) the Early Holocene landscape was “drowned” and mud accumulated in the depressions. Beach ridges, attached to Pleistocene headlands, began to develop at 6000 BP. Simultaneously, landward of the beach ridges sediment accumulated in wind flats. This depositional environment, which can still be recognised along the coast today, is controlled by wind-driven currents. A second peat layer, younger than 1000 BP, makes up the uppermost part of the sequence in most of the lowland sites. The evolution of the coastal barriers in West Pomerania follows the scheme developed for tidal paraglacial coasts. This study adjusts the scheme to the regional stratigraphy and extends it with regard to tideless conditions and the evolution of wind flats. |
[11] | . , 国内外对沙坝 泻湖海岸的研究主要采取动力地貌学的方法 ,本文评述了近一个半世纪以来在这一领域所取得的重要成果 .波浪、潮汐、径流等特殊的动力场决定了泥沙输运的方式和路径 ,从而形成了与其相应的沙坝、泻湖、潮汐通道三大地貌体系 , 国内外对沙坝 泻湖海岸的研究主要采取动力地貌学的方法 ,本文评述了近一个半世纪以来在这一领域所取得的重要成果 .波浪、潮汐、径流等特殊的动力场决定了泥沙输运的方式和路径 ,从而形成了与其相应的沙坝、泻湖、潮汐通道三大地貌体系 |
[12] | . , <正> 沙坝潟湖海岸广泛分布于我国广东、广西、台湾、山东和河北等省沿岸。然而迄今为止,有关这类海岸特性、成因和演变的研究还较少。本文根据1982—1985年间在粤西水东湾地区所做的调查研究,对该区沙坝潟湖海岸体系的特点和发展过程进行探讨。 , <正> 沙坝潟湖海岸广泛分布于我国广东、广西、台湾、山东和河北等省沿岸。然而迄今为止,有关这类海岸特性、成因和演变的研究还较少。本文根据1982—1985年间在粤西水东湾地区所做的调查研究,对该区沙坝潟湖海岸体系的特点和发展过程进行探讨。 |
[13] | . , 我国沿岸晚第四纪砂坝-泻湖体系可以分为海侵型、海退型、稳定型和局部海侵型,其理想分布模式为:海侵型分布于大陆架至冰后期最大海侵线之间的沉积层下部;海退型形成于最大海侵线至现代海岸线之间全新世沉积层上部;稳定型则出现在最大海侵线附近的狭窄地带。我国海岸线通过构造沉降带和隆起带,沉降带接受大量河流输沙,为多种砂坝—泻湖沉积体系准备了条件.隆起带沿岸沉积物来源贫乏,主要发育稳定型和局部海侵型砂坝—泻湖体系. , 我国沿岸晚第四纪砂坝-泻湖体系可以分为海侵型、海退型、稳定型和局部海侵型,其理想分布模式为:海侵型分布于大陆架至冰后期最大海侵线之间的沉积层下部;海退型形成于最大海侵线至现代海岸线之间全新世沉积层上部;稳定型则出现在最大海侵线附近的狭窄地带。我国海岸线通过构造沉降带和隆起带,沉降带接受大量河流输沙,为多种砂坝—泻湖沉积体系准备了条件.隆起带沿岸沉积物来源贫乏,主要发育稳定型和局部海侵型砂坝—泻湖体系. |
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[15] | . , 1998年11~12月和1999年8~9月各一个月对月湖进行的野外工作,共取得表层沉积物样品131个,应用激光粒度仪并结合传统的筛分法对这些样品进行粒度分析,进行矩法计算获得粒度参数。采用Gao命名方法,将沉积物划分出5种主要类型。利用Gao-Collins粒径趋势分析模型,计算该区沉积物粒径趋势所显示的沉积物净搬运方向,结果表明,沉积物从四周向湖中心搬运,同时显示湾顶的西部和北部、涨潮三角洲以及湖心等地貌单元是沉积的优势区域。 , 1998年11~12月和1999年8~9月各一个月对月湖进行的野外工作,共取得表层沉积物样品131个,应用激光粒度仪并结合传统的筛分法对这些样品进行粒度分析,进行矩法计算获得粒度参数。采用Gao命名方法,将沉积物划分出5种主要类型。利用Gao-Collins粒径趋势分析模型,计算该区沉积物粒径趋势所显示的沉积物净搬运方向,结果表明,沉积物从四周向湖中心搬运,同时显示湾顶的西部和北部、涨潮三角洲以及湖心等地貌单元是沉积的优势区域。 |
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[17] | . , Deciphering significant sedimentological processes from a set of sediment samples is an important step in reconstructing environmental changes. One approach going beyond classical methods is the unmixing of grain-size distributions. This paper presents a flexible end-member modelling algorithm that is based on eigenspace analysis and considers inherent uncertainties. It has been applied to the detrital grain-size components of lacustrine surface sediment samples of Lake Donggi Cona, Qinghai Province, China. It allows up to five grain-size end-members to be characterised and quantified in an optimal model. An end-member with a major mode in the clay domain accounts for 34% of variance within the grain-size data set. It may represent sedimentation of suspension load from linear and laminar runoff during heavy precipitation events in summer. Three end-members in the fine sand to medium silt domains make up 60% of lacustrine sedimentation. They may represent local to remote aeolian processes that peak in wintertime. A multimodal end-member explaining the remaining 6% of variance may represent further fluvial and littoral dynamics or random fluctuations and measurement errors. Several model runs of different scaling and numbers of end-members provided a suitable way to determine uncertainties inherent to the model. A comparison of 12 different model runs and their respective uncertainties yielded a distinct model of robust end-members. The clay and medium silt end-members are robust features of detrital sedimentation within Lake Donggi Cona. They alone explain 54.4% of total variance in the data. However, no spatial pattern or relation to water depth is found for any of the grain-size end-members. Thus, when past detrital sedimentation at Lake Donggi Cona is reconstructed, a special focus should be on the robust features attributed to aeolian and suspension-related sedimentation processes as well as on effective sediment mixing processes impeding a distinct correlation between grain size and spatial attributes. Further applications of the end-member modelling algorithm to other depositional environments are encouraged to demonstrate its universal applicability. |
[18] | , This paper presents the outcome of a workshop, held in Berlin in February 2009, concerned with current research on the glacial history of northern Europe, including the British Isles. The methodologies presently used to resolve this topic are outlined. Particular attention is given to new analytical methods deriving from high resolution remote imaging of glacial terrain both on land and on the sea-bed, key new stratigraphic sections, higher resolution results from conventional geochronological methods like radiocarbon and more recently developed technologies such as luminescence and cosmogenic radionuclide dating. The relationships between the results derived from these two methods are discussed in further detail along with possible explanations for these differences. An outline of a ‘most likely’ glacial history of the Scandinavian and British and Irish Ice Sheets is presented along with possible links to global climate change as represented by the marine isotope (MIS) record. Tentative evidence for glaciation is identified in MIS 22, 16, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 and correlations of ‘phases’ within the Last Glaciation are also explored for both the Scandinavian and British and Irish Ice Sheets. The results show that the character and extent of glaciation in different parts of the region are not synchronous and much more geochronological work is required before regional correlations can be established with confidence. |
[19] | , Results are presented of a simple point model of wind-wave conditions (calculated using the JONSWAP wave-growth formulations), wave-induced bottom orbital velocities (linear Airy and Stokes theory) and wave-induced sand-transport magnitudes and directions (Bailard bed-load transport formulation) in the southern North Sea. The main aims of the study are to establish the contribution of wind waves to the instantaneous, and large-scale, open-marine, long-term sand transport, and to determine the dominant transport directions and relative magnitudes. A sensitivity study for the wind climate was carried out, showing a linear response of the net sand transport to the directional distribution of the wind climate, except in a zone of about 100 km width along the coasts where the transport pattern is insensitive to such changes. The model is not only applied to the present-day conditions, but also to palaeo situations throughout the Holocene. The palaeo simulations are carried out to demonstrate that the wind-wave conditions and associated orbital velocities and sand-transport patterns have changed over time as the basin geometry changed due to the spatially variable relative sea-level rise. The near-bottom orbital velocities are sufficient to initiate sand motion for large parts of the southern North Sea during storm conditions, now and in the past. The sand is transported in this model by the wave asymmetry, the Stokes-drift induced return current and boundary-layer streaming, but the sand stirred up by waves is in reality also available for advection by tidal and residual currents. The present-day wind climate was assumed for the palaeo-calculations. The results show that the mean wave heights increased since 7.5 kyr BP, the largest changes occurring in the most shallow water, while the mean wave periods remained the same. The wave-induced sand transport mode changed from dominantly suspended transport before 6 kyr BP to dominantly bed-load transport thereafter due to the increasing water depth. The overall direction of the bed-load transport between 6 kyr BP and the present was from east to west, the magnitude decreased slightly. The transports resulted in an erosion zone along the Dutch and Belgian coast, and deposition in the Southern Bight. The interpretation of these results is discussed in the context of other transport factors (tides, wind-driven flow). |
[20] | . , 分析了Cilas 940L激光粒度仪的测试结果,并与沉降法、筛析法进行了比较。激光粒度仪测试结果的重复性较好,测量精度较高。对于玻璃珠样品,激光粒度仪和筛析法测试结果十分接近,对于天然沉积物,激光粒度仪测定的平均粒径偏粗,分选偏差。和沉降法相比,激光粒度仪测定的粘土组份 (<8%)的含量为沉降法的 46.7%~ 70.5 %,平均为 6 0 %,测定的平均粒径较沉降法偏粗,分选偏差。造成激光粒度仪与沉降法、筛析法之间差异的原因主要在于这些测试方法原理的不同和天然沉积物不规则的形状。 , 分析了Cilas 940L激光粒度仪的测试结果,并与沉降法、筛析法进行了比较。激光粒度仪测试结果的重复性较好,测量精度较高。对于玻璃珠样品,激光粒度仪和筛析法测试结果十分接近,对于天然沉积物,激光粒度仪测定的平均粒径偏粗,分选偏差。和沉降法相比,激光粒度仪测定的粘土组份 (<8%)的含量为沉降法的 46.7%~ 70.5 %,平均为 6 0 %,测定的平均粒径较沉降法偏粗,分选偏差。造成激光粒度仪与沉降法、筛析法之间差异的原因主要在于这些测试方法原理的不同和天然沉积物不规则的形状。 |
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[24] | , Most continental sediments are polymodal, composed of overlapping components of which the grain size generally obeys some type of natural distribution. The grain-size components and their function types can be determined from frequency and cumulative curve plots in order to define the function formula of the grain-size distribution. The function parameters can be estimated by fitting a defined function formula to the measured grain-size data of the sample, which simultaneously achieves numerical partitioning of the sedimentary components. Genetic analysis of grain-size components of hydraulic and aeolian sediments demonstrates the following environmental implications: Fluvial sediment is composed of isolated saltation and suspension components. The sediments in closed lake basins are dominated by a suspension silt lay component with a small proportion of saltation sand. The fine sand component makes up the majority of desert sand, overlapping with a small proportion of fine dust. Aeolian loess is composed of two overlapping components: a short suspension-time silt component and a long suspension-time fine component. Aeolian material in the North Pacific deep-sea sediments is dominated by long suspension-time fine dust. The fine component in aeolian sediments shows a consistent grain-size distribution and genetic connection from the desert sand, loess of northern China to the North Pacific Ocean, which is mainly transported by westerly winds and is dispersed in the atmosphere, forming a background dust. |
[25] | , Abstract The Age Calibration Program, CALIB, published in 1986 and amended in 1987 is here amended anew. The program is available on a floppy disk in this publication. The new calibration data set covers nearly 22 000 Cal yr (approx 18 400 14C yr) and represents a 6 yr timescale calibration effort by several laboratories. The data are described and the program outlined. -K.Clayton |
[26] | , The K/Rb ratios and K-Ar dates obtained from illite prove to be particularly useful for modeling the mixing of the clay minerals as well as their distribution patterns and origin. |
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[29] | . , 从水沙通量变化对大河三角洲河口海岸建造及地貌演化的影响机理角度,通过研究目前国际上普遍采用的统计模型、几何模型、沉积动力学模型,以及数值模拟模型四种方法在建立大河三角洲河口海岸演化机理模型研究中的各自特点和不足,提出了建立宏观尺度机理模型的初步设想,并对运用Lagrange余流建立海岸演化机理模型所涉及的余流场的尺度转换、总余流场的建立和表达、用长期余流场构建泥沙起动、输运和沉积条件模式以及一线模型与三维动力模式耦合等关键性问题,提出了初步解决方案 , 从水沙通量变化对大河三角洲河口海岸建造及地貌演化的影响机理角度,通过研究目前国际上普遍采用的统计模型、几何模型、沉积动力学模型,以及数值模拟模型四种方法在建立大河三角洲河口海岸演化机理模型研究中的各自特点和不足,提出了建立宏观尺度机理模型的初步设想,并对运用Lagrange余流建立海岸演化机理模型所涉及的余流场的尺度转换、总余流场的建立和表达、用长期余流场构建泥沙起动、输运和沉积条件模式以及一线模型与三维动力模式耦合等关键性问题,提出了初步解决方案 |
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[34] | , Sediment cores from Western Lake provide a 7000-yr record of coastal environmental changes and catastrophic hurricane landfalls along the Gulf Coast of the Florida Panhandle. Using Hurricane Opal as a modern analog, we infer that overwash sand layers occurring near the center of the lake were caused by catastrophic hurricanes of category 4 or 5 intensity. Few catastrophic hurricanes struck the Western Lake area during two quiescent periods 3400–5000 and 0–1000 14 C yr B.P. The landfall probabilities increased dramatically to ca. 0.5% per yr during an “hyperactive” period from 1000–3400 14 C yr B.P., especially in the first millennium A.D. The millennial-scale variability in catastrophic hurricane landfalls along the Gulf Coast is probably controlled by shifts in the position of the jet stream and the Bermuda High. |
[35] | , In order to better understand the processes controlling the deposition of mud in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, the seasonal response of the nearshore muddy sand facies was investigated along four shore-normal transects. For this purpose, the textural characteristics and internal sedimentary structures of the surface sediments were analysed at two-monthly intervals over two years. In addition, current velocities, in-situ particle size distributions, and the concentration of suspended sediment were measured near the dike using a high-resolution acoustic Doppler current profiler (PC-ADP) and an in-situ laser particle sizer (LISST-ST). A clear seasonal cycle emerges from the time-series data. The mud content of the surface sediment increases in summer and decreases in winter. This seasonal pattern is also reflected in the internal sedimentary structures of the upper sediment layer. In summer the surface sediment comprises a mud drape which disappears in winter when it is replaced by sand associated with wave-generated sedimentary structures. Grain-size analyses of dispersed mud samples reveal a pronounced deficiency of particles around 7 phi (8 m). This is interpreted to reflect the transition between cohesive flocs/aggregates and non-cohesive coarser silt particles. A comparison of the particle size distributions of dispersed pump samples with those of the in-situ laser particle sizer confirms that the bulk of suspended mud consists of flocs and aggregates composed of particles finer than 8 m. The destruction of such flocs during sample processing for size analysis in the laboratory produces strongly distorted size requency distributions and, as consequence, prevents a meaningful hydraulic interpretation of such data. Under calm weather conditions typical of the summer months, mean floc sizes (MFS) increase up to a critical current velocity of about 10 cm s 1 during both the flood and ebb phase of the tidal cycle. This coincides with lower suspended sediment concentrations (SSC). Since the tidal cycle is ebb dominated under calm weather conditions, and current velocities during the flood phase do not exceed the critical value, most of the tidal cycle under typical summer conditions is dominated by large flocs and low sediment concentrations. Besides physico-chemical flocculation effects, the formation of particle aggregates is further promoted by microbial processes in summer. Such aggregates have considerably higher settling velocities than their constituent particles, especially in summer when water temperatures and, hence, kinematic viscosities are high. This explains the observed mud drape covering the intertidal area in summer. Under high-energy conditions, by contrast, the situation is reversed, the system being flood dominated, MFSs being smaller, and SSCs higher. Due to more frequent high-energy events in winter, higher current shear and turbulence cause floc break-up and resuspension of deposited muds. The sediment distribution pattern is thus clearly controlled by particle aggregation and disaggregation in response to seasonal changes in energy flux, water temperature and microbial activity. |
[36] | . , 高纬冰心、海洋沉积物及陆相古气候沉积记录揭示了全新世冰后期 (最近1万年以来)存在系列气候突变事件及百年-千年尺度的气候周期韵律,证实了在冰期-间冰期旋回大尺度气候背景下全球气候存在较大不稳定特征这一基本 事实.全新世作为与人类文明衔接的最新地质时段,各国科学家针对全新世气候系统变化特征及驱动机制的研究不断取得新的进展,这些成果将为未来气候演化趋势 预测提供重要的历史相似性.总结了近年来关于全新世气候系统的突变及周期性研究的一些成果,并进行了概略的评述和展望. , 高纬冰心、海洋沉积物及陆相古气候沉积记录揭示了全新世冰后期 (最近1万年以来)存在系列气候突变事件及百年-千年尺度的气候周期韵律,证实了在冰期-间冰期旋回大尺度气候背景下全球气候存在较大不稳定特征这一基本 事实.全新世作为与人类文明衔接的最新地质时段,各国科学家针对全新世气候系统变化特征及驱动机制的研究不断取得新的进展,这些成果将为未来气候演化趋势 预测提供重要的历史相似性.总结了近年来关于全新世气候系统的突变及周期性研究的一些成果,并进行了概略的评述和展望. |
[37] | , Abstract 1. The requirements and approaches of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) are introduced and explained in the light of the strategies developed by the international conventions to protect the riverine and marine environment. In transitional and coastal waters the directive's aims and measures overlap with the programmes of measures and the existing monitoring requirements of the marine conventions (OSPAR, Helsinki, Barcelona Conventions). A harmonization of monitoring and assessment methods is needed to avoid duplication of work and extra costs. 2. The physico-chemical, hydromorphological and biological characteristics of the Elbe transitional waters are described as basic information necessary for the ‘General Description’ required according to Article 5 of the WFD. 3. The strengths of some of the biological quality elements for WFD monitoring in tidal estuaries are discussed. 4. An overview of the monitoring programme routinely carried out by the Office of the Elbe River Water Quality Board is presented. Sampling by helicopter proved to be a useful method. 5. A pilot surveillance monitoring programme is described which has been drafted for the tidal Elbe in order to provide a sound basis for surveillance monitoring as required by the WFD after 2006. Copyright 08 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. |
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[39] | , ABSTRACT We present a high-resolution palaeoenvironmental reconstruction covering the late Holocene from the Skagerrak and other sites in the North Sea area. The data, which are based on the analyses of marine sediment cores, reveal a marked environmental shift that took place between AD 700 and AD 1100, with the most pronounced changes occurring at AD 900. Both surface and bottom waters in the Skagerrak were subject to major circulation and productivity changes at this time due to an enhanced advection of Atlantic waters to the North Sea marking the beginning of the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' (MWP). The observed increase in bottom current strength is especially remarkable as there is hardly any comparable signal in the older part of the record going back to 1000 BC. At the transition to the 'Little Ice Age' (LIA) the bottom current strength remains at a high level, now probably forced by atmospheric circulation. Thus, despite opposite temperature forcing, these two consecutive climate scenarios are apparently able to generate distinctly stronger bottom currents in the Skagerrak than observed in the preceding 2000 years, and demonstrate the significance of climatic forcing in shaping the marine environment. Indeed, both the MWP and the LIA are reported as strong climatic signals in northwest Europe, being the warmest (except the late twentieth century) and coldest periods, respectively, during at least the last 2000 years. |
[40] | . , <p>根据对长江三角洲北部海安地区4个钻孔标志性沉积物(潮上带盐沼泥炭、高潮滩沉积)的年龄测定和高程测量,以及沉积物压实沉降量的分析研究,重建了本研究区全新世中期8.1~7.3 cal kyr BP和5.6~5.4 cal kyr BP的相对海平面位置。结果显示,8.1~7.3 cal kyr BP海平面缓慢上升1.46m,上升速率仅为0.2cm/yr, 与三角洲南部全新世早期海平面的快速上升(2cm/yr)形成鲜明对比,验证了冰盖控制下的全球海平面阶段性波动上升模式。对比长江三角洲地区海平面曲线发现,三角洲北部海平面曲线较南部低5~6m,长江三角洲海平面曲线与世界各地海平面曲线也存在明显差异,分析认为主要是由长江口地区的差异性沉降和中国东部边缘海的水均衡作用两个因素引起的。</p> , <p>根据对长江三角洲北部海安地区4个钻孔标志性沉积物(潮上带盐沼泥炭、高潮滩沉积)的年龄测定和高程测量,以及沉积物压实沉降量的分析研究,重建了本研究区全新世中期8.1~7.3 cal kyr BP和5.6~5.4 cal kyr BP的相对海平面位置。结果显示,8.1~7.3 cal kyr BP海平面缓慢上升1.46m,上升速率仅为0.2cm/yr, 与三角洲南部全新世早期海平面的快速上升(2cm/yr)形成鲜明对比,验证了冰盖控制下的全球海平面阶段性波动上升模式。对比长江三角洲地区海平面曲线发现,三角洲北部海平面曲线较南部低5~6m,长江三角洲海平面曲线与世界各地海平面曲线也存在明显差异,分析认为主要是由长江口地区的差异性沉降和中国东部边缘海的水均衡作用两个因素引起的。</p> |
[41] | . , 利用泥炭(33个)和潟湖(65个)14C测年数据重建了尼罗河三角洲全新世海平面的变动过程,结果显示潟湖样品比泥炭更为有效地反映出海平面变动特征:距今7000a时海平面约位于现今-10m,距今5000a时约为-5m,距离2000a时已接近现代.海侵强度和范围受古地貌和区域沉降的影响呈现出东北部大、中部其次、西部最小.随着海平面上升速率减小,三角洲在约距今7000a时开始建造,并广泛发育潟湖、沙坝和平原河流沉积体系.此后,海平面趋于稳定,人类活动增强,导致海岸沉积环境大片萎缩、消亡.同样利用泥炭(45个)测年数据重建了长江三角洲全新世海平面变动,结果与尼罗河的差异较大,可能是两地沉降差异所致.近代 , 利用泥炭(33个)和潟湖(65个)14C测年数据重建了尼罗河三角洲全新世海平面的变动过程,结果显示潟湖样品比泥炭更为有效地反映出海平面变动特征:距今7000a时海平面约位于现今-10m,距今5000a时约为-5m,距离2000a时已接近现代.海侵强度和范围受古地貌和区域沉降的影响呈现出东北部大、中部其次、西部最小.随着海平面上升速率减小,三角洲在约距今7000a时开始建造,并广泛发育潟湖、沙坝和平原河流沉积体系.此后,海平面趋于稳定,人类活动增强,导致海岸沉积环境大片萎缩、消亡.同样利用泥炭(45个)测年数据重建了长江三角洲全新世海平面变动,结果与尼罗河的差异较大,可能是两地沉降差异所致.近代 |
[42] | , This paper is intended to carry a stage further the examination of the general principles of the pollen-analysis method in its major applications to the territories of the Atlantic fringe of Europe. It has already been shown that a simple zonation of the pollen diagrams so far |
[43] | , The 137 Cs activity of salt marsh and tidal flat sediments of the northern part of the European Wadden Sea was studied based on a comprehensive dataset of 210 Pb dated cores. The 137 Cs inventory of salt marsh sediments shows a major peak corresponding to the Chernobyl accident in 1986, and a minor peak located in the late 1960s interpreted as the combined effect of atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. Emissions from the nuclear reprocessing plant Sellafield are not reflected as peaks in 137 Cs activity, but may contribute to the rising 137 Cs activity in the years prior to 1986. The 137 Cs activity of tidal flat sediments differs from salt marsh sediment in two respects. First, the activity is much lower and, second, the major peak in the 1980s is located in the beginning instead of in the middle of the decade. The differences in 137 Cs inventory between the two environments are interpreted to result from repeated cycles of deposition/resuspension and mixing on tidal flats. A simple model illustrating the consequence of mixings returns an apparent shift of major peaks in 137 Cs activities backwards in time corresponding to the mixing depth divided by the deposition rate. |