

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

邓羽1,, 司月芳2,3,
1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
2. 华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心,上海 200062
3. 华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院,上海 200062

The progress and prospect of innovation geographyresearch in the West

DENGYu1,, SIYuefang2,3,
1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Key Laboratory ofRegional Sustainable Development Modeling, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
3. School of Urban & Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
通讯作者:通讯作者:司月芳(1982- ),女,河北沧州人,博士,副教授,主要从事中国对外直接投资、创新网络和区域经济发展研究。E-mail:yfsi@re.ecnu.edu.cn
-->作者简介:邓羽(1985- ),男,湖北恩施人,博士,助理研究员,从事城市与社会地理研究。E-mail:rain00788@163.com



Innovation rather than land, capital and other factors becomes the new driver of economic development. In recent 35 years, researchers have made fundamental contributions to the understanding of the innovation process by exploring the location of R&D centers, the geography of high-technology industries, the diffusion of knowledge, etc. This paper systematically examines the history of the Western research on innovation geography, by summarizing the main researchers and their analyzing spatial scale, methodology and main findings every 5 years from 1991 to 2015. From 1991 to 1995, researchers mainly illustrated the geographical features of innovation activities as concentration in places. From 1996 to 2000, researchers explored the dynamics of innovation agglomeration, by focusing on the role of institutions. The period of 2001 to 2005 witnessed the booming of innovation geography research, especially the role of distant knowledge and global pipeline. From 2006 on, the evolutionary turn took the innovation geography research into the study of innovation network description and exploration. In summary, the Western innovation geography research has endured a dynamical development in the last 35 years; however, it has three shortcomings: neglecting the relationship between individuals and the organization, under-development of methodology, and thinking little of innovation policies and practices in developing economies. Therefore, we propose three fields to be studied to develop a new theoretical framework based on the developing economies: (1) the role of individual and organization as innovators; (2) the combination of quantitative and qualitative research; and (3) the innovation characters of developing economies.

Keywords:geography of innovation;institutional turn;relational turn;evolutionary turn;research progress

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邓羽, 司月芳. 西方创新地理研究评述[J]. , 2016, 35(11): 2041-2052 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201611004
DENG Yu, SI Yuefang. The progress and prospect of innovation geographyresearch in the West[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(11): 2041-2052 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201611004

1 引言

创新发生在特定的时间与地点,创新与地理学有极为密切的关系。创新地理研究是20世纪80年代以来西方经济地理学最活跃的研究领域之一[1]。1994年Feldman M P等提出了创新地理研究(geography of innovation)的概念[2]。2003年Polenske K R编著《The Economic Geography of Innovation》[3],梳理西方创新地理概念、测量和实证研究等内容;之后由多国****编写的《The Oxford Handbook of Innovation》[4]《Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth》[5]等一系列成果相继发表。中国的创新地理研究起步较早且发展迅速。与西方学界不同,中国理论综述文章集中在论证创新地理学作为一门分支学科的科学性。早在2001年,甄峰等就阐述了创新地理学的产生背景、研究意义、研究对象及内容[6]。2016年,吕拉昌等再次提出创新地理学是一门独立的人文地理分支学科,并论证了创新地理学的研究对象、学科性质和学科任务[7]。尽管创新地理学是否是独立的分支学科还存在着争议,但创新地理研究的重要性得到了广泛的认同。遗憾的是,国内理论综述多从学科标准衡量创新地理的研究对象和范围,而对创新地理研究,特别是西方创新地理研究的核心观点的演化过程缺乏梳理,限制了中国创新地理研究与西方研究的对话,从而阻碍了中国创新地理在批判西方创新地理研究的基础上得以发展。

2 西方创新地理的研究概况

2.1 西方创新地理研究的基本特征

为了更好地了解西方学界关于创新地理的研究,本文以innovation(创新)和geography(地理)为主题,入库时间为全部(1900年至今),搜索Web of Science核心数据库,共获得1630篇文献。西方学界的创新地理研究主要是1991年之后出现的,并呈现规模逐年递增的趋势(图1)。文章共被引用39570次,平均引用次数为24,成为西方经济地理学的主要研究领域之一[8]
-->Fig. 1Annual trend of articles of innovation geography research during 1991-2015

从学科构成看,有870篇隶属于地理学范畴,590篇隶属于经济学范畴,269篇隶属于公共管理学范畴,很多论文同时隶属于多学科,体现了创新地理研究的跨学科特性。刊登创新地理研究的主要期刊包括《Regional Studies》《European Planning Studies》《Environment and Planning A》和《Research Policy》等,均为立足于英美的跨学科研究期刊,再次印证了这一特征(表1)。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Top 10 journals which publish mostinnovation geography articles during 1991-2015
1Regional Studies1418.65
2European Planning Studies1076.56
3Journal of Economic Geography885.40
4Environment and Planning A684.17
5Research Policy533.25
6Economic Geography482.95
7Urban Studies382.33
9Annals of Regional Science372.27
10Tijdschrift voor Econimishe En Sociale Geografie321.94

-->Fig. 2The countries of innovation geography researchers during 1991-2015


2.2 西方创新地理研究的演化趋势

-->Fig. 3The keywords evolution of innovation geography research during 1991-2015

-->Fig. 4The co-citing articles networks of innovation geography research during 1991-2015

图4显示了2000-2005年创新地理研究的重要性。这期间4篇引用率最高的论文是对西方创新地理研究的走向影响最大的文章:Gertler M S的《Tacit knowledge and the economic geography of context, or the undefinable tacitness of being (there)》[10]和Storper M等的《Buzz: Face-to-face contact and the urban economy》[11]深入探讨了创新集聚在某些地方、城市的原因,即缄默知识的传播需要面对面的交流,是新区域主义研究的代表作;Bathelt H等的《Clusters and knowledge: Local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation》[12]在讨论创新地方性的基础上,分析了外部知识(distant knowledge)、全球通道对创新的重要影响,开启了创新的关系地理研究;Boschma R A的《Proximity and innovation: A critical assessment》[1]构建了地理邻近性、社会邻近性、组织邻近性和认知邻近性等不同类型邻近性与创新关系的分析框架,开启了创新地理的定量化研究和演化研究。

3 西方创新地理研究的分阶段特征

3.1 1991-1995年技术创新的地理特征描述

建立在古典经济学上的区位理论是西方经济地理学最重要的研究内容之一,主要分析经济活动的地理方位及其形成原因的问题。随着经济学家Krugman P提出新经济地理分析框架,强调经济知识的溢出能造成收益递增,最终带来区域的经济增长[13,14],西方经济地理****开始对企业R & D的区位特征、创新扩散和高新技术产业的区位特征进行描述(图5)。此阶段的创新地理研究受到北美****研究风格的影响,多关注区域创新投入与产出的空间差异和相互关系。创新投入多衡量每万人口中科学家与工程师人数、从业人员大专以上文化程度构成、科技活动经费支出总额、地方科技经费科技拨款总额、基础设施建设投资新增固定资产等;创新产出包括专利授权量、每10万人平均发表科技论文数、工业全员劳动生产率、技术市场成交额、全国高技术产品出口额等指标衡量区域创新能力。此阶段关注的尺度为区域,即国家以下的地域单元(subnational)。
-->Fig. 5The co-citing articles networks of innovationgeography research during 1991-1995

Storper M的《The resurgence of regional economies, ten years later》[15]和Feldman M P等的《The geographic sources of innovation: technological infrastructure and product innovation in the United States》[2]对以后10年的创新地理研究影响较大。第一篇论文明确地从机制、产业结构和交易以及技术交换和学习等方面阐述了区域在制定政策的重要性。第二篇论文不仅首次提出了创新地理的概念,并指出产品创新往往发生在技术基础设施(technological infrastructure)较好的区域。此技术基础设施包括相关产业的企业、大学和研发机构以及商业服务企业的集聚。

3.2 1996-2000年城市—区域创新集聚机制探寻

前阶段的创新地理特征研究发现,创新是非常不可动的,它依赖于硅谷、波士顿128公路、第三意大利、德国的巴登—符腾堡地区等特定的城市—区域(city-region)。这些标志性的城市—区域比国家更具有创新竞争力的含义。广义的创新地理转向城市创新集聚研究。1996-2000年的创新地理研究虽然延续上一阶段对创新现象的描述[16],但更重视区域创新集聚的机制与原理的探索,产生了学习区域、技术区、马歇尔式产业区、创新环境和区域创新系统等众多概念。这些新的概念替代“区位”“地理”等宽泛的词汇,成为创新地理研究新的关键词(图3)。虽然各新概念关注的侧重点不同,但这阶段的研究均强调了创新环境对知识交换的重要性[17]。创新环境主要包括创新政策制定和政府作用。政策制定和系统管治,包括产权制度、激励约束机制、市场状况、调控手段等[18]。地方政府的作用不可或缺。地方政府不仅要直接资助公益性或基础性较强的研究项目,还要发挥在区域内的制度创新和政策安排方面的相应功能,为区域创新系统内各行为主体充分高效的互动提供良好的制度、政策环境,以期通过软、硬基础设施的建设,来促进当地创新的持续发展[19]。因此,创新制度和环境的本地化特征更为明显。然而这阶段的论文多致力于引入和创造新的概念,因此,批判和反思这一研究现状的《Fuzzy concepts, scanty evidence, policy distance: The case for rigour and policy relevance in critical regional studies》[20]成为这一阶段影响深远的论文。Markusen A认为该阶段的研究尚处于初步阶段,相关概念的模糊化和证据的缺乏都是这种初级阶段的特征(图6a)。
-->Fig. 6The co-citing articles networks of innovation geography research during 1996-2000

经济学家对经济地理的理解不同,因此也造成了1996-2000年间另一研究分支的出现(图6b)。此分支将空间引入正统的经济学分析中,遵从理性人假设和一般均衡等经济学原理,通过简化和抽象建立定量模型,寻找一般规律。例如,Arita T等的《Industrial alliances and firm location behaviour: Some evidence from the US semiconductor industry》[21]和Fujita M等的《On the evolution of hierarchical urban systems》[22]都是比较经典的定量研究。Gordon I R等的《Industrial clusters: Complexes, agglomeration and/or social networks?》[23]评述了集聚、产业结构和社会网络对产业集群形成过程的影响,并依据在伦敦区域的访谈数据,测试了不同发展阶段三种力量的作用强度更替。其规范的经济学研究方法和区域创新集聚的关注将经济学家的研究与正统地理****对创新地理的研究串联在一起。

3.3 2001-2005年跨区域创新联系研究

2.2节识别出了2001-2005年西方创新地理研究在历史演化中的核心地位。这5年的论文相互关联度较大,同时也见证了创新地理研究的新区域思潮向关系地理学的转变(图7)。在Markusen A的研究基础上,Gertler M S等深入论证了缄默知识在城市创新集聚的作用机理。知识根据传播方式和距离可分为编码知识和缄默知识。编码知识指的是可以符号化,对距离不敏感的知识[10]。而缄默知识,如技能、能力、天赋等相比编码知识是需要面对面的直接交流。运输成本的降低和沟通的改进可提升了编码知识的获取,致使可编码化知识带来竞争优势的重要性下降。隐性知识很难跨距离传播,成为支撑“知识地方化”的关键因素[11]。2001-2005年区域创新机制研究研究达到了顶峰阶段。
-->Fig. 7The co-citing articles networks of innovation geography research during 2001-2005

新区域主义强调创新的空间黏性,忽略了区域外知识对区域创新的影响,关系地理****更关注世界各经济集聚区、知识极等之间的联系,实现了创新地理研究从传统的单中心研究向多中心研究的转化[24,25]。Bathelt H提出了全球知识管道的概念[12]。自2004年起,其带领的研究团队不断完善全球知识通道的概念和表现形式。具体而言,因关注尺度的不同,全球知识管道有三种表现形式:① 在个体层面上,区域间知识联系的建立是移民企业家的不断流动的结果。因此,受过高等教育的移民专家成为“新阿尔戈英雄(New Argonaut)”,他们创造了与自己的独特身份和背景有关的、存在于母国和现居国之间的新的商业机会,他们发挥边界扳手的作用,跨越国界在相距较远的集群之间交流最新的市场和产品信息[26]。② 全球生产网络和全球价值链框架关注跨区域联系的组织维度,该研究聚焦区域内企业如何通过与全球领先企业的垂直合作中收益。这些研究主张跨区域垂直联系,有利于编码化而不是隐性的知识传播,使本地企业提高技术水平、增加知识和竞争力[27]。③ 在区域层面,Bathelt H等提出全球集群网络(global cluster network)的分析框架。在这一框架中,企业被理解为一个组织网络,而产业集群则是一个地方化的组织网络(企业)嵌套形成的网络结构。全球知识管道对跨区域的知识传递和共享进行了有效的尝试,然而定量地描述一个区域的创新网络和创新潜力的定量研究仍较为欠缺[28]
与关系地理****不同,Boschma R A从多维邻近性的角度去反思地理与创新直接的关系,并主张通过定量测算的方法去判断各邻近性的相对重要性,影响到之后10年西方创新地理研究在理论和方法上的走向。

3.4 2006-2015年创新网络的演化探讨

新区域主义强调本地知识和本地联系的重要性,关系地理学则关注全球通道的重要性,但两种联系的相对重要性具有一定的争论性。2006年之后,Boschma R A等Utrecht大学的地理****们将演化经济学研究理论与方法引入创新地理研究中,利用复杂的定量计算方法,测算不同阶段各类距离、各类知识对创新的影响相对重要性和作用机制,开启了创新地理的演化研究阶段[29]图8)。
-->Fig. 8The co-citing articles networks of innovation geography research during 2006-2015

2006-2010年,创新地理的演化研究可化为两个分支:一是以遗传、变异和选择作为解释社会经济演化的理论基石,侧重于分析创新活动空间分布的历史演进过程。Martin R等的《Path dependence and regional economic evolution》将路径依赖和自我锁定概念引入创新演化研究中[30]。Frenken K等的《Related variety, unrelated variety and regional economic growth》通过测算产业内相关多样性(related variety)和产业间非相关多样性(unrelated variety),讨论区域知识的外部溢出效应[31]。二是基于专利数据,利用社会网络分析方法实现创新网络可视化和机制的研究。Breschi S等的《Mobility of skilled workers and co-invention networks: An anatomy of localized knowledge flows》通过分析美国在欧洲的生物医药化学领域专利引用情况,刻画了创新网络演化阶段特征,发现了创新者的移动对知识扩散的重要性[32]。2010年后这两支研究出现了融合的趋势。Ter Wal A等的《Co-evolution of firms, industries and networks in space》将产业集群、产业动态(industrial dynamics)与演化理论相结合,构建了企业、产业和网络空间演化理论分析框架[33]。之后,Ter Wal A以德国生物技术知识网络为例,基于专利的社会网络分析发现,随着时间的演进,地理邻近的重要性在生物技术知识网络内是不断下降的[34]

4 西方创新地理研究的启示

4.1 西方创新地理研究的进展总结

表2总结了1991年至今各阶段的代表人物、空间尺度、研究内容、主要观点和研究方法,也见证了西方创新地理研究逐步深化的过程。研究伊始,西方创新地理驳斥了地理无用论的观点(geography ends);之后,地方创新集聚机制成为西方创新地理研究的主流;随着对知识本地传播特征的质疑,西方创新地理研究对其进行反思:关系地理研究****认为全球通道可以向地方输入新的知识,便于区域创新的形成,而演化地理****则将时间和地理要素要结合,探讨企业、产业和网络的演化对区域创新的影响。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2The characteristics of western innovation research every five years during 1991-2015
1991-1995Audretsch D B, Feldman M P国家、区域创新的空间分布特征创新存在着地理差异Gini系数等传统定量方法
1996-2000Morgan K, Storper M, Markusen A地方、城市—区域学习区域、产业集群等制度厚度与区域创新缄默知识的本地传播是区域创新集聚的原因企业访谈
2001-2005Gertler M S, Bathelt H, Storper M地方、全球全球通道与本地蜂鸣全球通道可向地方输入远方知识,促进创新企业访谈
2006-2015Boschma R A, Frenken K, Ter Wal A地方、区域和全球创新网络的演化路径依赖和多样性影响创新演化社会网络分析


4.2 创新地理的未来研究方向

4.2.1 创新主体再认识:个人与组织互动 目前,创新地理研究关注企业、大学、科研机构等创新组织如何利用来自不同个体的信息和知识,以生产新理念、新知识以及新技术。但是个人,即微观创新主体,是创新的执行者。知识存在于人体中(embodied knowledge),而人又位于组织之中。创新如何从微观个体层面上升到组织层面?知识是如何创造和分享的?企业的组织架构和制度对创新能力有何影响?现有研究并未厘清个人和组织之间的关系[37]。创新地理研究理论突破的关键在于对微观创新主体的重视和再认识。
4.2.2 研究方法再认识:定性与定量相结合 西方创新地理研究中对方法的科学性重视不足,过于关注实体研究,忽略知识流动研究。西方区域创新研究追踪了地方政府、创新政策在区域创新发展中的作用,但随着信息化、全球化的日渐深入,企业和区域发展的环境日益由以往的相对稳定性变为湍流变动性[38],知识流对创新的重要性日益增强[39]。知识流动等创新机理与空间特征研究的缺失,可以通过研究方法的更新来实现。例如,加大对个人和企业等的实地调研,追踪创新发生的过程和空间特征;研究知识流动的衡量指标和衡量方法,全面追踪知识流动的强度和方向等。
4.2.3 实践基础再认识:基于发展中国家实践的理论框架 中国地理****较早关注创新地理研究,也尝试基于中国实践提出新的创新研究框架。例如,王缉慈等长期关注全球化对本地创新网络的重要影响,提出在“全球—地方”张力的作用下,以多种方式嵌入跨国公司外包所形成的全球生产网络中的外向型集群的研究视角[40];苗长虹试图构建融生产体系与社会生产体制、制度与协调机制、地方生产网络、全球生产网络“四位一体”的学习型产业区分析框架,从而实现产业升级[41];司月芳等从全球—地方互动尺度上,界定了创新网络的内涵和特征,论述了其类型、结构、作用机理和分析方法[42]。遗憾的是,目前还没有形成这方面的系统理论和分析框架。创新经济地理应该反思欧美中心主义思潮,重视世界的多样性现实,特别应该关注占世界人口、面积更大比例的发展中国家经济发展的现实,基于中国实践建立创新地理理论框架[43,44]
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

[1]Boschma R A.Proximity and innovation: A critical assessment.
Regional Studies, 2005, 39(1): 61-74.
[本文引用: 2]
[2]Feldman M P, Florida R.The geographic sources of innovation: technical infrastructure and product innovation in the United States.
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1994, 84(2): 210-229.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8306.1994.tb01735.xURL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Abstract The fate of regions and of nations increasingly depends upon ideas and innovations to facilitate growth. In recent years, geographers have made fundamental contributions to our understanding of the innovation process by exploring the diffusion of innovation, the location of R&D, and the geography of high-technology industry. This paper examines the geographic sources of innovation, focusing specifically on the relationship between product innovation and the underlying 鈥渢echnological infrastructure鈥 of particular places. This infrastructure is comprised of agglomerations of firms in related manufacturing industries, geographic concentrations of industrial R&D, concentrations of university R&D, and business-service firms. Once in place, these geographic concentrations of infrastructure enhance the capacity for innovation, as regions come to specialize in particular technologies and industrial sectors. Geography organizes this infrastructure by bringing together the crucial resources and inputs for the innovation process in particular places. Using a direct measure of commercial product innovation, an empirical model of the geography is presented. The model tests the hypothesis that innovation is concentrated in places that possess a well-developed technological infrastructure. The analysis confirms this hypothesis; innovations cluster geographically in areas that contain geographic concentrations of specilized resources indicative of technological infrastructure. The spatial concentration of these resources, furthermore, reinforces their capacity to innovate.
[3]Polenske K R.The Economic Geography of Innovation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2008.tb00406.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
No abstract is available for this item.
[4]Fagerberg J, Mowery D C, Nelson R R.The Oxford Handbook of Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This handbook looks to provide academics and students with a comprehensive and holistic understanding of the phenomenon of innovation. Innovation spans a number of fields within the social sciences and humanities: Management, Economics, Geography, Sociology, Politics, Psychology, and History. Consequently, the rapidly increasing body of literature on innovation is characterized by a multitude of perspectives based on, or cutting across, existing disciplines and specializations. Scholars of innovation can come from such diverse starting points that much of this literature can be missed, and so constructive dialogues missed. The editors of The Oxford Handbook of Innovation have carefully selected and designed twenty-one contributions from leading academic experts within their particular field, each focusing on a specific aspect of innovation. These have been organized into four main sections, the first of which looks at the creation of innovations, with particular focus on firms and networks. Section Two provides an account of the wider systematic setting influencing innovation and the role of institutions and organizations in this context. Section Three explores some of the diversity in the working of innovation over time and across different sectors of the economy, and Section Four focuses on the consequences of innovation with respect to economic growth, international competitiveness, and employment. An introductory overview, concluding remarks, and guide to further reading for each chapter, make this handbook a key introduction and vital reference work for researchers, academics, and advanced students of innovation. Contributors to this volume - Jan Fagerberg, University of Oslo William Lazonick, INSEAD Walter W. Powell, Stanford University Keith Pavitt, SPRU Alice Lam, Brunel University Keith Smith, INTECH Charles Edquist, Linkoping David Mowery, University of California, Berkeley Mary O'Sullivan, INSEAD Ove Granstrand, Chalmers Bjorn Asheim, University of Lund Rajneesh Narula, Copenhagen Business School Antonello Zanfei, Urbino Kristine Bruland, University of Oslo Franco Malerba, University of Bocconi Nick Von Tunzelmann, SPRU Ian Miles, University of Manchester Bronwyn Hall, University of California, Berkeley Bart Verspagen , ECIS Francisco Louca, ISEG Manuel M. Godinho, ISEG Richard R. Nelson, Mario Pianta, Urbino Bengt-Ake Lundvall, Aalborg
[5]Cooke P.Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011.
https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01236370URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Today, economic growth is widely understood to be conditioned by productivity increases which are, in turn, profoundly affected by innovation. This volume explores these key relationships between innovation and growth, bringing together experts from both fields to compile a unique Handbook.
[6]甄峰, 徐海贤, 朱传耿. 创新地理学: 一门新兴的地理学分支学科
. 地域研究与开发, 2001, 20(1): 9-11.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2363.2001.01.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
知识经济时代,创新成为人类社会、经济、政治活动的核心。在这种背景下,传统的 地理学正受着来自学科自身和来自实践需要的双重挑战。以人地系统为研究对象的地理学, 该如何适应这一变化并作出创造性选择呢?文章用唯物辩证法的观点,对这一问题进行了思 索,并适时地提出了创新地理学这一新概念,阐述了创新地理学的产生背景、研究意义、研 究对象及其内容。
[Zhen Feng, Xu Haixian, Zhu Chuangeng.Innovative geography: A new branch of geography.
Areal Research and Development, 2001, 20(1): 9-11.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2363.2001.01.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
知识经济时代,创新成为人类社会、经济、政治活动的核心。在这种背景下,传统的 地理学正受着来自学科自身和来自实践需要的双重挑战。以人地系统为研究对象的地理学, 该如何适应这一变化并作出创造性选择呢?文章用唯物辩证法的观点,对这一问题进行了思 索,并适时地提出了创新地理学这一新概念,阐述了创新地理学的产生背景、研究意义、研 究对象及其内容。
[7]吕拉昌, 黄茹, 廖倩. 创新地理学研究的几个理论问题
. 地理科学, 2016, 36(5): 653-661.
https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.05.002URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
创新地理学是研究人类创新活动与地理环境关系的地域系统,是一门独立的人文地理分支学科,具有交叉学科的性质。其研究的“人类创新活动”是人类活动的最为重要的方面,对智慧的人地关系系统建设具有重要的意义。创新地理学与其他人文地理学的分支学科具有密切的联系,也与政治学、管理学、经济学、政策学、城市规划等学科有关,创新地理学面临的主要任务是:<i>① </i>创新地理学基本理论的研究;<i>② </i>创新要素(人才、资本、技术等)在空间的地域分布与组合规律的研究;<i>③ </i>创新环境、创新生态及评价研究;<i>④ </i>创新地理测度、创新空间格局与效应的研究;<i>⑤ </i>创新联系、创新网络及创新集群的研究;<i>⑥ </i>多尺度的创新体系的研究;<i>⑦ </i>创新、城市发展与规划的研究。
[Lv Lachang, Huang Ru, Liao Qian.Several theoretical issues on innovation geography.
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(5): 653-661.]
https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.05.002URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
创新地理学是研究人类创新活动与地理环境关系的地域系统,是一门独立的人文地理分支学科,具有交叉学科的性质。其研究的“人类创新活动”是人类活动的最为重要的方面,对智慧的人地关系系统建设具有重要的意义。创新地理学与其他人文地理学的分支学科具有密切的联系,也与政治学、管理学、经济学、政策学、城市规划等学科有关,创新地理学面临的主要任务是:<i>① </i>创新地理学基本理论的研究;<i>② </i>创新要素(人才、资本、技术等)在空间的地域分布与组合规律的研究;<i>③ </i>创新环境、创新生态及评价研究;<i>④ </i>创新地理测度、创新空间格局与效应的研究;<i>⑤ </i>创新联系、创新网络及创新集群的研究;<i>⑥ </i>多尺度的创新体系的研究;<i>⑦ </i>创新、城市发展与规划的研究。
[8]贺灿飞, 郭琪, 马妍, . 西方经济地理学研究进展
. 地理学报, 2014, 69(8): 1207-1223.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201408014Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
20 世纪80 年代以来,西方经济地理学与经济学、政治学、社会学、管理学等社会科学广泛融合,呈现出空前繁荣的局面.本文对这一时期西方经济地理学的思潮演变、热点研究领域以及政策研究等方面进行梳理.西方经济地理学在经历了地理学的“新经济地理学”和经济学的“新经济地理学”两个影响深远的变革后,研究领域和主题逐步走向多样化与复杂化.本文综述了8 个热点研究领域,包括区域与地方发展、经济全球化、产业地理、劳动力地理、创新与创意地理、消费地理、环境经济地理和金融地理的研究进展,并讨论了经济地理学与政策研究的关系,最后总结了西方经济地理学的特点.
[He Canfei, Guo Qi, Ma Yan, et al.Progress of economic geography in the West: A literature review.
Acte Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(8): 1207-1223.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201408014Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
20 世纪80 年代以来,西方经济地理学与经济学、政治学、社会学、管理学等社会科学广泛融合,呈现出空前繁荣的局面.本文对这一时期西方经济地理学的思潮演变、热点研究领域以及政策研究等方面进行梳理.西方经济地理学在经历了地理学的“新经济地理学”和经济学的“新经济地理学”两个影响深远的变革后,研究领域和主题逐步走向多样化与复杂化.本文综述了8 个热点研究领域,包括区域与地方发展、经济全球化、产业地理、劳动力地理、创新与创意地理、消费地理、环境经济地理和金融地理的研究进展,并讨论了经济地理学与政策研究的关系,最后总结了西方经济地理学的特点.
[9]Scott A J.New Industrial Spaces: Flexible Production, Organisation and Regional Development in North America and Western Europe.
London: Pion, 1988.
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New industrial spaces : flexible production organization and regional development in North America and Western Europe A.J. Scott (Studies in society and space, 3) Pion, c1988
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https://doi.org/10.1177/096977649500200301URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Argues for studying the region as a locus of untraded interdependencies. Three main lines of analysis have emerged from the study of regions since the early 198
[16]Audretsch D B, Feldman M P.R&D spillovers and the geography of innovation and production.
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[17]Feldman M P, Audretsch D B.Innovation in cities: Science-based diversity, specialization and localized competition.
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By Ash Amin; An Institutionalist Perspective on Regional Economic Development
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https://doi.org/10.1080/00036840050151476URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study uses a log-linear model in order to analyse data on interfirm strategic alliances within the US semiconductor industry. The findings suggest that although the finding that the intensity of information transaction between firms is directly associated with geographical proximity, this effect is much less localized than would be usually expected. The results cast doubt on much of the existing qualitative literature on the nature of agglomeration externalities.
[22]Fujita M, Krugman P, Moria T.On the evolution of hierarchical urban systems.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/S0014-2921(98)00066-XURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The rapid urbanization trend of the world economy implies an increasing importance of cities as basic units of national and international trade. Given that the cities within an economy constitute some form of hierarchical structure, we model the endogenous formation of a hierarchical urban system. To overcome the multiplicity of equilibria, we propose an evolutionary approach which combines a general equilibrium model with an adjustment dynamics. It is demonstrated that as the economy's population size increases gradually, the urban system self-organizes into a highly regular hierarchical system a la Christaller.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2004.10.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Most analyses of the relationship between spatial clustering and the technological learning of firms have emphasised the influence of the former on the latter, and have focused on intra-cluster learning as the driver of innovative performance. This paper reverses those perspectives. It examines the influence of individual firms&rsquo; absorptive capacities on both the functioning of the intra-cluster knowledge system and its interconnection with extra-cluster knowledge. It applies social network analysis to identify different cognitive roles played by cluster firms and the overall structure of the knowledge system of a wine cluster in Chile. The results show that knowledge is not diffused evenly &lsquo;in the air&rsquo;, but flows within a core group of firms characterised by advanced absorptive capacities. Firms&rsquo; different cognitive roles include some&mdash;as in the case of technological gatekeepers&mdash;that contribute actively to the acquisition, creation and diffusion of knowledge. Others remain cognitively isolated from the cluster, though in some cases strongly linked to extra-cluster knowledge. Possible implications for policy are noted.
[25]Bathelt H, Glueckler J.Toward a relational geography.
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[26]Saxenian A.The New Argonauts: Regional Advantage in a Global Economy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2008.tb00393.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The new argonauts : regional advantage in a global economy AnnaLee Saxenian Harvard University Press, 2006 : [pbk.]
[27]Gereffi G, Humphrey J, Sturgeon T.The governance of global value chains.
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[28]Bathelt H, Li P F.Global cluster networks-foreign direct investment flows from Canada to China.
Journal of Economic Geography, 2014, 14(1): 45-71.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbt005Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Using a network perspective of multinational firms, this article develops conceptions of global cluster networks and global city-region networks that are based on foreign direct investment (FDI) activities. The article first formulates a global cluster-network hypothesis suggesting that multinational cluster firms are more likely to set up new foreign affiliates in other, similarly specialized clusters to keep up with global industry dynamics. Conversely, it is suggested that non-cluster firms are more likely to avoid cluster destinations in their FDIs. Second, it is hypothesized that cluster networks generate connections between city-regions in different countries that are horizontal and vertical in character and thus shape global city-region networks. To test these hypotheses, the spatial patterns of 299 FDI cases from Canada to China between 2006 and 2010 are investigated, generally supporting the hypotheses developed.
[29]Boschma R A, Frenken K.Why is economic geography not an evolutionary science? Towards an evolutionary economic geography.
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[30]Martin R, Sunley P.Path dependence and regional economic evolution.
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[31]Frenken K, Van Oort F, Verburg T.Related variety, unrelated variety and regional economic growth.
Regional Studies, 2007, 41(5): 685-697.
https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400601120296URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Frenken K., Van Oort F. and Verburg T. (2007) Related variety, unrelated variety and regional economic growth, Regional Studies 41, 685-697. In economic theory, one can distinguish between variety as a source of regional knowledge spillovers, called Jacobs externalities, and variety as a portfolio protecting a region from external shocks. It is argued that Jacobs externalities are best measured by related variety (within sectors), while the portfolio argument is better captured by unrelated variety (between sectors). A methodology based on entropy measures is introduced to compute related variety and unrelated variety. Using data at the NUTS 3 level in the Netherlands for 1996-2002, it was found that Jacobs externalities enhance employment growth, while unrelated variety dampens unemployment growth. Productivity growth can be explained by traditional determinants including investments and research and development expenditures. Implications for regional policy follow. Frenken K., Van Oort F. et Verburg T. (2007) La variete connexe, la variete sans rapport et la croissance economique regionale., Regional Studies 41, 685-697. Dans la theorie economique, on peut distinguer entre la variete comme la source des retombees de connaissance regionales, dites les effets externes de Jacob, et la variete comme un portefeuille qui protege la region des chocs externes. On affirme que l'on peut mieux mesurer les effets externes de Jacob a partir de la notion de variete connexe (au sein des secteurs), tandis que l'argument qui prone plutot la notion de portefeuille est mieux saisi par la notion de variete sans rapport (entre les secteurs). On presente une methodologie fondee sur des mesures d'entropie afin d'estimer la variete connexe et la variete sans rapport. A partir des donnees au niveau NUTS 3 aupres des Pays-Bas pour la periode de 1996 a 2002, on trouve que les effets externes de Jacob augmentent la croissance de l'emploi, alors que la variete sans rapport attenue la croissance du chomage. La croissance de la productivite s'explique par des determinants traditionnels, y compris l'investissement et les depenses de recherche-developpement. Il s'ensuit les implications pour la politique regionale. Variete Croissance; Effets externes de Jacob; Economies d'agglomeration; Retombees Entropie Frenken K., Van Oort F. und Verburg T. (2007) Zusammenhangende Vielfalt, nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt und regionales Wirtschaftswachstum, Regional Studies 41, 685-697. In der Wirtschaftstheorie unterscheidet man zwischen der Vielfalt als Quelle regionaler Wissensubertragung (den so genannten Jacobs-Externalitaten) und der Vielfalt als Portfolio zum Schutz einer Region vor externen Erschutterungen. Wir stellen die These auf, dass sich die Jacobs-Externalitaten am besten anhand der zusammenhangenden Vielfalt (innerhalb von Sektoren) messen lassen, wahrend sich das Portfolio-Argument besser durch nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt (zwischen verschiedenen Sektoren) darstellen lasst. Mit Hilfe einer Methodologie auf der Grundlage entropischer Messungen ermitteln wir zusammenhangende Vielfalt und nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt. Anhand von Daten auf dem NUTS 3-Niveau in den Niederlanden fur den Zeitraum von 1996 bis 2002 stellen wir fest, dass die Jacobs-Externalitaten zu einem Anstieg des Beschaftigungsniveaus fuhren, wahrend nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt den Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit dampft. Der Anstieg der Produktivitat lasst sich durch traditionelle Determinanten wie Investitionen und Ausgaben fur F&E erklaren. Im Anschluss werden die Konsequenzen fur die Regionalpolitik beschrieben. Vielfalt; Wachstum; Jacobs-Externalitaten; Agglomerationswirtschaften; U篓bertragung; Entropie; Frenken K., Van Oort F. y Verburg T. (2007) Variedad relacionada, variedad no relacionada y el crecimiento economico regional, Regional Studies 41, 685-697. En la teoria economica, podemos distinguir entre la variedad como una fuente de desbordamientos de conocimiento regionales, llamados externalidades Jacobs, y la variedad como una cartera que protege una region de choques externos. Sostenemos que las externalidades Jacobs se miden mejor segun la variedad relacionada (dentro de los sectores), mientras que el argumento de la cartera se capta mejor con una variedad no relacionada (entre sectores). Para calcular la variedad relacionada y la variedad no relacionada, introducimos una metodologia basada en las medidas de entropia. Usando datos en el nivel NUTS 3 en los Paises Bajos para el periodo 1996-2002, observamos que las externalidades Jacobs aumentan el crecimiento de empleo mientras que la variedad no relacionada desestimula el crecimiento de desempleo. El crecimiento de productividad puede explicarse mediante determinantes tradicionales incluyendo las inversiones y los gastos en I + D. Tambien explicamos las implicaciones para la politica regional. Variedad; Crecimiento; Externalidades Jacobs; Economias de aglomeracion; Desbordamiento; Entropia
[32]Breschi S, Lissoni F.Mobility of skilled workers and co-invention networks: An anatomy of localized knowledge flows.
Journal of Economic Geography, 2009, 9(4): 439-468.
[本文引用: 1]
[33]Ter Wal A, Boschma R A.Co-evolution of firms, industries and networks in space.
Regional Studies, 2011, 45(7): 919-933.
https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400802662658Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
TERWAL A. L. J. and BOSCHMA R. Co-evolution of firms, industries and networks in space, Regional Studies. The cluster literature suffers from a number of shortcomings: (1) it often neglects that cluster firms are heterogeneous in terms of capabilities; (2) it tends to overemphasize the importance of geographical proximity and underestimates the role of networks; and (3) it hardly addresses the origins and evolution of clusters. The authors propose a theoretical framework that brings together the literature on clusters, industrial dynamics, the evolutionary theory of the firm, and network theory. It is described how clusters co-evolve with: (1) the industry with to they adhere; (2) the capabilities of the firms they contain; and (3) the industry-wide knowledge network of which they are part.
[34]Ter Wal A.The dynamics of the inventor network in German biotechnology: Geographic proximity versus triadic closure.
Journal of Economic Geography, 2014, 14(3): 589-620.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbs063Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Economic geography has developed a stronghold analyzing how geography impacts innovation. Yet, despite increased interest in networks, a critical assessment of the role of geography in the evolution of networks is still lacking. This article attempts to explore the interplay between geographic distance and triadic closure as two main forces that drive the evolution of collaboration networks. Analyzing the evolution of inventor networks in German biotechnology, the article theoretically argues and empirically demonstrates that-as the technological regime of an industry changes over time-inventors increasingly rely on network resources by forming links to partners of partners, while the direct impact of geographic distance on tie formation decreases. Although initially triadic closure reinforces the geographic distance effect by closing triads among proximate inventors, over time triadic closure becomes an increasingly powerful vehicle to generate longer distance collaboration ties as the effect of geographic proximity decreases.
[35]Ter Wal A, Boschma R A.Applying social network analysis in economic geography: Framing some key analytic issues.
Annals of Regional Science, 2009, 43(3): 739-756.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00168-008-0258-3Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<a name="Abs1"></a>Social network analysis attracts increasing attention in economic geography. We claim social network analysis is a promising tool for empirically investigating the structure and evolution of inter-organizational interaction and knowledge flows within and across regions. However, the potential of the application of network methodology to regional issues is far from exhausted. The aim of our paper is twofold. The first objective is to shed light on the untapped potential of social network analysis techniques in economic geography: we set out some theoretical challenges concerning the static and dynamic analysis of networks in geography. Basically, we claim that network analysis has a huge potential to enrich the literature on clusters, regional innovation systems and knowledge spillovers. The second objective is to describe how these challenges can be met through the application of network analysis techniques, using primary (survey) and secondary (patent) data. We argue that the choice between these two types of data has strong implications for the type of research questions that can be dealt with in economic geography, such as the feasibility of dynamic network analysis.
[36]Ernst D.Innovation offshoring and Asia electronics industry: The new dynamics of global networks. Technological learning,
Innovation and Development, 2008, 1(4): 551-576.
https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTLID.2008.021968URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper explores how innovation offshoring gives rise to Global Innovation Networks (GINs) in the electronics industry. The focus is on chip design. The paper documents the scope of offshoring and the progress achieved in the complexity of design stages and in capability upgrading in Asia. The paper explores the forces that are responsible for the organisational and geographical mobility of innovation within GINs emphasising their systemic nature. The paper argues that innovation offshoring is likely to accelerate Asia's transformation from the 'global factory' model to 'upgrading through innovation'. But massive challenges must be mastered before Asia's leading electronics exporting countries can exploit these opportunities. Such challenges result from the very demanding requirements that locations need to fulfil in order to qualify for R&D investments by Transnational Corporations (TNCs).
[37]Howells J.The geography of knowledge: Never so close but never so far apart.
Journal of Economic Geography, 2012, 12(5): 1003-1020.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbs027Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article begins by reviewing how knowledge and innovation has been conceptualized in economic geography over time. It then moves on to explore in detail the characteristics of knowledge including its generation processing and exchange. This article then seeks to explore the increasingly distributed nature of knowledge and the division of knowing in an economy, which is leading to many key knowledge workers and activities to become ever more isolated.
[38]Ernst D, Kim L.Global production networks, knowledge diffusion and local capability formation.
Research Policy, 2002, 31(8/9): 1417-1429.
[本文引用: 1]
[39]Cohen W M, Levinthal D A.Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation.
Administrative Science Quarterly, 1990, 35(1): 128-152.
[本文引用: 1]
[40]王缉慈, 王可. 区域创新环境和企业根植性: 兼论我国高新技术企业开发区的发展
. 地理研究, 1999, 18(4): 357-362.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Wang Jici, Wang Ke.Regional innovative milieu and local embeddedness.
Geographical Research, 1999, 18(4): 357-362.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[41]苗长虹. 全球—地方联结与产业集群的技术学习: 以河南许昌发制品产业为例
. 地理学报, 2006, 61(4): 425-434.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Miao Changhong.Global-local nexus and technological learning in industrial cluster: A case study of hair goods industry in Xuchang, Henan province.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006, 61(4): 425-434.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[42]司月芳, 曾刚, 曹贤忠, . 基于全球—地方视角的创新网络研究进展
. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(5): 600-609.
https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.05.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Si Yuefang, Zeng Gang, Cao Xianzhong, et al.Research progress of glocal innovation networks.
Progress in Geography, 2016, 35(5): 600-609.]
https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.05.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[43]李丹丹, 汪涛, 魏也华, . 中国城市尺度科学知识网络与技术知识网络结构的时空复杂性
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(3): 525-540.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201503011Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
知识在产业集聚、区域创新中的地位越来越突出,城市知识储量及其在区域知识网络中的地位对城市的综合竞争力有重要影响。学术论文合作与专利合作是知识溢出的体现形式,是科学和技术发展的重要成果,也是度量区域创新能力的主要指标。以2000-2009年中国生物技术领域合著论文和共同申请专利的信息为原始数据,分别构建中国城市间科学知识网络(scientific knowledge network,SKN)与技术知识网络(technological knowledge network,TKN)。运用复杂网络与地学空间分析方法,从整体网络结构特征、择优链接性、中心城市及其自我网络的空间特征等方面进行分析,探究知识溢出的时空复杂性。研究表明:①SKN和TKN具有无标度网络特征;SKN节点度数的异质性高于TKN。②两种网络均呈异配性,即城市选择合作对象存在明显择优链接性,知识溢出具有粘着性和空间依赖性。③SKN中心城市具有明显的等级结构,空间分布总体呈&#x0201c;大分散小集聚&#x0201d;特点;TKN中心城市层级结构不明显,尚未形成明显极化中心。④SKN中心城市自我网络的合作空间,由最初的沿海省会城市间的合作转向长三角、珠三角、京津冀等区域间和沿海城市与内陆城市间的合作,区域间知识溢出明显;TKN中心城市自我网络仍多分布于沿海城市和少数中西部省会城市,区域间知识溢出不明显。⑤SKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变存在等级扩散和传染扩散的现象,符合时空梯度推移规律,且空间等级梯度逐渐向扁平化转变;TKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变以等级扩散为主,时空梯度推移现象不明显。研究结论为量化知识溢出及知识溢出网络结构的时空演化过程提供新的研究视角,对城市创新政策的制定有一定借鉴意义。
[Li Dandan, Wang Tao, Wei Y H D, et al. Spatial and temporal complexity of scientific knowledge network and technological knowledge network on China's urban scale.
Geographical Research, 2015, 34(3): 525-540.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201503011Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
知识在产业集聚、区域创新中的地位越来越突出,城市知识储量及其在区域知识网络中的地位对城市的综合竞争力有重要影响。学术论文合作与专利合作是知识溢出的体现形式,是科学和技术发展的重要成果,也是度量区域创新能力的主要指标。以2000-2009年中国生物技术领域合著论文和共同申请专利的信息为原始数据,分别构建中国城市间科学知识网络(scientific knowledge network,SKN)与技术知识网络(technological knowledge network,TKN)。运用复杂网络与地学空间分析方法,从整体网络结构特征、择优链接性、中心城市及其自我网络的空间特征等方面进行分析,探究知识溢出的时空复杂性。研究表明:①SKN和TKN具有无标度网络特征;SKN节点度数的异质性高于TKN。②两种网络均呈异配性,即城市选择合作对象存在明显择优链接性,知识溢出具有粘着性和空间依赖性。③SKN中心城市具有明显的等级结构,空间分布总体呈&#x0201c;大分散小集聚&#x0201d;特点;TKN中心城市层级结构不明显,尚未形成明显极化中心。④SKN中心城市自我网络的合作空间,由最初的沿海省会城市间的合作转向长三角、珠三角、京津冀等区域间和沿海城市与内陆城市间的合作,区域间知识溢出明显;TKN中心城市自我网络仍多分布于沿海城市和少数中西部省会城市,区域间知识溢出不明显。⑤SKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变存在等级扩散和传染扩散的现象,符合时空梯度推移规律,且空间等级梯度逐渐向扁平化转变;TKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变以等级扩散为主,时空梯度推移现象不明显。研究结论为量化知识溢出及知识溢出网络结构的时空演化过程提供新的研究视角,对城市创新政策的制定有一定借鉴意义。
[44]吕拉昌, 何爱, 黄茹. 基于知识产出的北京城市创新职能
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(10): 1817-1824.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201410003Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Lv Lachang, He Ai, Huang Ru.Beijing's urban innovational function based on knowledge output.
Geographical Research, 2014, 33(10): 1817-1824.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201410003Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
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