1. 防灾科技学院, 河北三河 065201
2. 河北省地震动力学重点实验室, 河北三河 065201
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41674055,41704053)和河北省地震科技星火计划(DZ20190415002)共同资助
作者简介: 万永革, 男, 研究员, 主要从事构造应力场、地震应力触发等方面研究工作.E-mail:wanyg217217@vip.sina.com.cn
中图分类号: P315 收稿日期:2018-09-15
Determination of center of several focal mechanisms of the same earthquake
WAN YongGe1,2,1. Institute of Disaster-Prevention, Sanhe Hebei 065201, China
2. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics in Hebei Province, Sanhe Hebei 065201, China
MSC: P315
--> Received Date: 15 September 2018
Revised Date: 22 January 2019
Available Online: 05 December 2019
关键词: 震源机制/
Abstract:After an earthquake occurrence, the focal mechanism solutions are derived from different data and methods. The differences of focal mechanism solutions are exist for derivation from various data set and methodology. In order to determine an appropriate focal mechanism solution from several focal mechanisms of the same earthquake for later geodynamic analysis, I firstly derive the minimum 3-D rotation angle which presents the difference of the two focal mechanism solutions, and validate it through a simple example. Secondly, I use the sum of the square of the minimum 3-D rotation angles between the pending focal mechanism solution and all the focal mechanism solution as an objective function, linearize it, and realize by using Levenberg-Marquardt approach. The center of focal mechanism solutions of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and 2018 Jinghe, Xinjiang, earthquake are given by using this method. The method provides a tool to determine the center of focal mechanism solution from the several determined focal mechanism solutions, and can be used for other studies such as seismic stress triggering, geodynamic analysis, etc.
Key words:Focal mechanism/
The minimum 3-D rotation angle/
Center of several focal mechanisms