

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 天津市地震局, 天津 300201
2. 中国地震局地球物理研究所, 北京 100081

基金项目: 中国地震局"监测、预测、科研"三结合课题(3JH-201901006),中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目"‘一带一路’自然灾害风险与综合减灾国际研究计划"(131551KYSB20160002)和中国地震局"2018年度震情跟踪定向工作任务"(2018010101)联合资助

作者简介: 毕金孟, 男, 1989年生, 硕士、助理工程师, 主要从事地震预测研究.E-mail:jinmengbi@126.com
通讯作者: 蒋长胜, 男, 1979年生, 博士、研究员, 主要从事数字地震学和地震预测研究.E-mail:jiangcs@cea-igp.ac.cn
中图分类号: P315


Distribution characteristics of earthquake sequence parameters in North China

BI JinMeng1,,
JIANG ChangSheng2,,
1. Tianjin Earthquake Agency, Tianjin 300201, China
2. Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100081, China

More Information
Corresponding author: JIANG ChangSheng,E-mail:jiangcs@cea-igp.ac.cn
MSC: P315

--> Received Date: 23 July 2018
Revised Date: 18 September 2019
Available Online: 05 November 2019


The purpose of this work is to systematically examine the distribution characteristics of earthquake sequence parameters in North China, which is helpful in establishing a short-term probability prediction model and assessing seismic hazard suitable for regional seismicity. Using currently advanced ETAS and R-J models and continuous sliding and multi-period fitting, the parameters for 16 earthquake sequences since 1970 in North China are fitted, and some parameters characteristics are analyzed such as the overall state of the parameters, the relationship between the parameters and the relationship between the parameters and the terrestrial heat flow. Results show intense changes and large errors in the early stage after the occurrence of the main shock. The sequence parameters of the two earthquake forecasting models exhibit a dominant distribution characteristic. The average values of the main parameters are αETAS=1.7404±0.3420, pETAS=0.9769±0.1396, aOML=-1.6638±0.5284, bOML=0.8312±0.1658, pOML=0.9053±0.1527, which are highly consistent with those in other regions of the world. In most cases, the ETAS model parameter pETAS is higher than the R-J model parameter pOML, with an average difference 0.0716. Sequence parameter αETAS and heat flow are of a negative correlation and the capability of stimulating secondary aftershocks have certain correlation with terrestrial heat flow. Understanding the distribution characteristics of earthquake sequence parameters and their relationship with the heat flow would help to better determining the type of earthquake sequence and constructing a quantitative short-term probability forecasting model based on earthquake sequence parameters.
Earthquake sequence/
Epidemic type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model/
Reasenberg-Jones model/
Model parameter/
Terrestrial heat flow


相关话题/地震 序列 中国地震局 概率 国际合作