

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司, 河北涿州 072751
2. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京 100029

基金项目: 国家科技重大专项大型油气田及煤层气开发(2016ZX05024-007)资助

作者简介: 辛秀艳, 女, 1982年生, 硕士, 2009毕业于中国石油大学(北京), 高级工程师, 主要从事地震勘探观测系统研究.E-mail:xinxiuyan@cnpc.com.cn
通讯作者: 董凤树, 男, 1967年生, 博士, 2016年毕业于中国科学院大学(中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所), 高级工程师, 现任东方地球物理公司高级技术专家, 从事地震波勘探研究.E-mail:dongfengshu@cnpc.com.cn
中图分类号: P631


Multi-trace geometry repeatability based on X-mode relationship between image and geometry repeatability of single-traces

XIN XiuYan1,,
DONG FengShu1,,,
FU LiYun2,
QUAN HaiYan1,
LUO MinXue1,
HU Bin1,
YUE Yue1
1. BGP Inc., China National Petroleum Corporation, Zhuozhou Hebei 072751, China
2. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China

More Information
Corresponding author: DONG FengShu,E-mail:dongfengshu@cnpc.com.cn
MSC: P631

--> Received Date: 08 November 2017
Revised Date: 06 June 2018
Available Online: 05 May 2019


The multi-trace geometry repeatability in the time-lapse seismic method was proposed recently. When it is applied to every bin successively, single-value repeatability of each bin is given, forming two-dimensional distribution of repeatability corresponding to stacked image traces. This is of significance on the evaluation of geometry repeatability for time-lapse seismic acquisition, processing and interpretation, in which the multi-trace repeatability should be addressed due to multi-fold of coverage. Previous research focused on the relationship between repeatability of a multi-trace set and its single-traces, and put forward its measurement of repeatability and theoretical basis. In this theory, the repeatability for multi-trace geometry relies on linear relationship between seismic image repeatability and geometry repeatability of single-traces, which is relatively precise only when single-trace repeatability is confined to limited range beginning with zero. In order to resolve this problem, we establish X-mode fitting for relationship between single-trace seismic image repeatability and single-trace geometry repeatability and put forward the collapse of single-trace geometry repeatability bigger than the X-node value so that the multi-trace geometry repeatability measurement reached by previous research is logically valid within full range of single-trace geometry repeatability. In this X-mode fitting, there are two straight lines with linear fitting:one is of zero intercept and the other is horizontal. X node is the point of intersection (Dx, dx) of two fitted lines. The final fitting function is composed of fitted linear function with zero intercept (0 ≤ d<dx) and constant (D=Dx) function (d > dx). The study on real data shows some new features revealed by the analysis method and shows application value. The combination of extrapolation point, X node and its difference constructs a functional structure of the data via the comprehensive measurement method. This research is based on the essence of the previous research and an important development to it. The method we propose could be a tool for repeatability evaluation and can make time-lapse seismic data more useful.
Time-lapse seismic/
4D seismic/
Multi-trace repeatability of X-mode fitting


相关话题/系统 观测 地震 数据 毕业