

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 中国地震局地质研究所, 北京 100029
2. 中国地震局第二监测中心, 西安 710054
3. 四川省地震局测绘工程院, 四川雅安 625000
4. 中国地震局第一监测中心, 天津 300180
5. 长安大学地质工程与测绘学院, 西安 710054

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41374026,41874092)资助

作者简介: 李铁明, 男, 1961年生, 副研究员, 主要从事现今地壳运动与区域地震危险性分析研究.E-mail:dzsltm@163.com
通讯作者: 祝意青, 男, 1962年生, 研究员, 主要从事重力学与地球动力学及地震监测预报研究.E-mail:zhuyiqing@163.com
中图分类号: P313;P223


The current slip rate of the Xianshuihe fault zone calculated using multiple observational data of crustal deformation

LI TieMing1,,
ZHU YiQing2,,,
YANG YongLin3,
XU YunMa2,
AN YanFen1,
ZHANG Ying3,
FENG ShengTao4,
HUAI YanKe5,
YANG JiuYuan5
1. Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China
2. Second Crust Monitoring and Application Center, China Earthquake Administration, Xi'an 710054, China
3. Survey Engineering Institute, Sichuan Earthquake Administration, Ya'an Sichuan 625000, China
4. First Crust Monitoring and Application Center, China Earthquake Administration, Tianjin 300180, China
5. College of Geology Engineering and Geomatics, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China

More Information
Corresponding author: ZHU YiQing,E-mail:zhuyiqing@163.com
MSC: P313;P223

--> Received Date: 30 March 2018
Revised Date: 02 May 2018
Available Online: 05 April 2019

本文首先沿走向将鲜水河断裂带划分为炉霍、道孚、乾宁、康定和磨西五个断裂段,利用沿断裂带布设的跨断层短基线、短水准场地测量资料计算了近场的断层活动参数,利用覆盖断裂带相对较大区域的重力、GPS观测资料计算了重力场动态变化、GPS速度场.基于重力场动态变化和GPS速度场采用蚁群算法和粒子群算法(具有全局优化的优势)分别反演计算了五个断裂段断层活动参数,将结果中的走滑分量作为五个断裂段的现今走滑速率.通过对以上三类现今走滑速率及五个断裂段的地质平均滑动速率进行融合与对比分析,将重力资料反演计算结果作为断裂带整体走滑速率,与跨断层短基线、短水准测量计算的断层滑动速率结果进行对比分析,初步判定了各跨断层短基线、短水准场地所跨断裂的性质,最终给出了五个断裂段的现今整体左旋走滑速率和部分分支断裂左旋走滑速率,结果为:①炉霍段为9.13 mm·a-1,虾拉沱区域西支断裂为2.46 mm·a-1,东支断裂为5.84 mm·a-1.②道孚段为8.57 mm·a-1,东南段沟普区域西支断裂为1.78 mm·a-1,东支断裂为6.79 mm·a-1.③乾宁段为7.67 mm·a-1.④康定段为6.14 mm·a-1.⑤磨西段为4.41 mm·a-1.本文还定性讨论了断裂带两侧重力、GPS测点覆盖范围内活动地块的三维弹塑性变形和古地震、历史地震造成的永久位错.

The Xianshuihe fault zone is divided into five segments along its strike.Fault activity parameters are estimated by using crossing fault measuring data of short baselines and short leveling at sites along the fault zone.Regional dynamic gravity and GPS velocity fields are calculated by using gravity and GPS observational data of a large area covering the whole fault zone.We use the ant colony algorithm and particle swarm optimization (PSO) based on resulting data above to invert the fault activity parameters of the five fault segments, and the strike-slip component of each segment is taken as the current fault slip rate. Then we analyze the differences between the three types of the current slip rate as well as geological average slip rates of the five segments, taking the strike-slip rate inverted from gravity data as the slip rate of the whole fault zone. Comparing the whole near-field fault rate with the result of short baselines and short leveling, we determine the features of fault segments measured by short baselines and short leveling, and provide the current overall strike-slip rate of the five segments and several branch faults.The resulting slip rates are as follows:① 9.13 mm·a-1 on the Luhuo segment; 2.46 mm·a-1 on the west branch fault and 5.84 mm·a-1 on the east branch fault in the Xialatuo area. ② 8.57 mm·a-1 on the Daofu segment; on its southeast section, the west branch in the Goupu is 1.78 mm·a-1, and the east branch is 6.79 mm·a-1.③ 7.67 mm·a-1 on the Qianning segment.④ 6.14 mm·a-1 on the Kangding segment.And ⑤ 4.41 mm·a-1 on the Moxi segment.Moreover, we also discuss qualitatively the 3D elastic-plastic deformation model of active blocks on both sides of the fault zone covered by gravity and GPS data and permanent displacements caused by paleo-and historical earthquakes.
Xianshuihe fault zone/
Crust deformation measurement/
Inversion calculation/
Slip rate


相关话题/计算 测量 地震 地质 测绘