

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 河北师范大学历史文化学院, 河北 石家庄 050024
2. 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院, 江苏 南京 210023
3. Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland

基金项目: 国家社会科学基金项目(批准号:17BGK030)和中国科学院(B类)战略性先导科技专项项目(批准号:XDB26000000)共同资助

作者简介: 赵海龙, 男, 41岁, 副教授, 旧石器时代考古学研究方向, E-mail:t5009@163.com
中图分类号: K871.11


Discovery and investigation of the Paleolithic Locality of Youfangbei, Nihewan Basin, Hebei Province

ZHAO Hailong1,,
TAN Peiyang1,
SUN Xuefeng2,
Mischke Steffen3
1. College of History Culture, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, Hebei
2. School of Geography and Ocean Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu
3. Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland

MSC: K871.11

--> Received Date: 11 July 2020
Revised Date: 12 November 2020
Publish Date: 30 January 2021

油房北旧石器地点是河北省泥河湾盆地东缘的一处考古新发现,本文对该地点的下部文化层相关情况做了重点介绍。下部文化层的厚度约2.5 m,在3 m2的试掘范围内出土了石制品、动物化石及自然砾石等标本计600余件。石器工业面貌整体上承袭了我国华北地区的小石片石器文化传统。微体古生物化石(介形虫等)研究表明,该文化层自下而上经历了河流阶地到湿地环境的转变。光释光方法测得其年代大约在8.6~10.8万年,相当于深海氧同位素5阶段(MIS5),处于末次间冰期。油房北地点的考古发现增添了末次间冰期古人类活动的新证据,为研究当时古人类的生计方式及人地关系提供了重要实物资料。

The Youfangbei Locality(40°13'N, 114°41'E; 930 m above sea level), situated in the Nihewan Basin of Yangyuan County, Hebei Province, North China, is situated ca. 150 meters from the Youfang Site, separated by a natural gully. Its main cultural layer with a thickness of 2.5 m is located at the base of the northern terrace of the gully, covered by loess-like deposits containing a blackish brown soil. The whole stratigraphic sequence is ca. 12 m thick and situated on the bedrock of Jurassic pinkish gravels. A main trench area of 3 m2 was exposed and about 600 samples collected, including stone artefacts, animal fossils and pebbles.
Here, we mainly present analyses of 587 stone artefacts unearthed from the site. We investigated the stone artefact assemblages, the procurement strategy and the exploring strategy of raw materials through typological, technological and statistical analyses. The research indicates that the raw materials of stone artefacts were collected from the surface bedrock of the Zhoujiashan Mountain, near the Youfangbei Site. The stone artefact assemblage consists of cores, flakes, chunks and tools, etc. The stone tools are dominated by different types of scrapers, and they contain stone hammers, used flakes, notches, points, borers and choppers. The core materials were exploited by direct percussion with hard hammers, showing simple debitage. According to the number of platforms, cores can be divided into single-platform cores, double-platform cores and multiple-platform cores. The exploited efficiency of cores is low, flakes were knapped by direct percussion and few flakes were knapped by the bipolar technique. The complete flakes are dominated by V-type flakes and the majority of flakes were processed into tools. However, most tools were made of chunks. Many tools are small, showing only a single work edge. The tool processing length index is high, in contrast to the processing depth index which is low. The tools were retouched by direct percussion with a hard hammer, from the ventral to back, and the retouched scars are mainly single layer accompanied by few multiple superimposed layers.
Calcareous shells of aquatic micro-crustaceans (ostracods) and bivalves, and partly terrestrial gastropods are mainly concentrated in the upper and middle cultural layers. The identified taxa are mostly typical for shallow waterbodies or even temporary habitats. In combination with the relatively coarse-grained and poorly sorted sediments, a wetland environment on a river terrace is suggested as the depositional setting of the main cultural layer. Climate conditions probably changed from an initially dry-warm to cold-wet environment.
OSL dating of sediments from the Youfangbei Site indicate that the cultural layer developed between ca. 108 ka to 86 ka, which is more or less equivalent to the later half of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, the second half of the last interglacial. In comparison with other archaeological sites of similar age from all over the world and Paleolithic sites in China, the Youfangbei Locality is a small flake industry without western influence. The overall industrial appearance is consistent with the cultural tradition in North China. However, the number of archaeological sites from the last interglacial in China is relatively small so far. The find of the Youfangbei Locality adds important information on human activities and the development of stone techniques in MIS5 of North China, and it improves our understanding of environmental and climate change during this period.
Youfangbei locality/
last interglacial period/
middle Paleolithic


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