

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 四川大学历史文化学院考古系, 四川 成都 610065
2. 重庆市文化遗产研究院, 重庆 410013

作者简介: 李兰, 女, 36, 副教授, 考古学专业, E-mail:377060859@qq.com
通讯作者: 代玉彪, E-mail:774216937@qq.com
中图分类号: K872;K871.43;P59


Flood event recorded by the layer of Handongcheng site and its significance to the upper reaches of Yangtze River

Li Lan1,,
Bai Jiujiang2,
Dai Yubiao2,,
1. Archaeology Department in School of History & Culture, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Sichuan
2. Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute, Chongqing 410013

More Information
Corresponding author: Dai Yubiao,E-mail:774216937@qq.com
MSC: K872;K871.43;P59

--> Received Date: 17 September 2019
Revised Date: 25 December 2019
Publish Date: 30 March 2020


The flood records of the Yangtze River in historical documents are relatively sketchy, which poses a large degree of uncertainty for understanding the historical changes in the river's water body of the Yangtze River, but the event strata in the archaeological sites along the Yangtze River have provided a new perspective for the study of ancient water and climate change.
The Handongcheng site is located in Handong Village, Zhutuo Town, Yongchuan District, Chongqing City, on the first terrace of the west bank of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River(29°00'27.6"N, 105°50'57.1"E) at an elevation of 223 meters. It is also a main waterway connecting southern Sichuan, northern Guizhou and western Chongqing. The particle size, geochemical elements and PH value of the stratum samples are measured and analyzed in this paper. The particle size analysis showed that the soil in the site's strata is mainly silt, while the content of sand and clay is relatively low, especially in the seventh layer, which exhibited a significant increase in silt. The geochemical composition of the strata is mainly SiO2 (61.29% on average), Al2O3 (14.47% on average)and Fe2O3 (4.92% on average); compared with UCC values, the content of Na2O in the soil is markedly low, while the figures for P2O5 are slightly higher. During the Han Dynasty and before, the CIA value in the strata was between 65~75 and the Rb/Sr value was between 65~80, indicating that these strata were in the middle stage of chemical weathering, and the climate at that time was relatively warm and humid. Between the Han and Song dynasties, there was both an observable decrease and a gradual increase in CIA and Rb/Sr values. After that, the two values hovered around 60, showing that although temperatures and precipitation recovered after a period of cooling and drying, the weather was generally drier and colder than previously. Also, from the content and ratio variation of Rb/Sr in the strata, it can be seen that there was a high likelihood of heavy precipitation in this area in a certain period between Han Dynasty and Song Dynasty.
The particle size and geochemical elements of the site soil was analyzed on the basis of excavated remnants and radiocarbon dating. Furthermore, coupled with a comprehensive analysis of background data on climate change, it can be concluded that:1)In the middle and late Tang Dynasty, there was indeed a large-scale flood event in the area where the Handongcheng site is located; 2)this flood event may be related to heavy precipitation; 3)according to a comparative analysis with modern flood records, the flood event recorded in the site strata should be larger in scale than those in 1998 and 2018.
Handongcheng site/
upper reaches of Yangtze River/
Han and Tang dynasties/
flood event


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