本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-26
1994年获厦门大学学士学位,1997年获中国科学院微生物研究所硕士学位,2003年获美国加州大学圣克鲁斯分校 (University of California, Santa Cruz) 博士学位,同年进入美国斯坦福大学 (Stanford University) 从事博士后研究。2006年10月起任中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所研究员,博士生导师。获得国家自然科学基金委“国家****科学基金”、重点项目;科技部“重大科学研究计划”、“973”和中科院先导项目等项目资助。获得中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖。入选中国科学院****(终期评估“优秀”);科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”;****“科技创新领军人才”。担任国家自然科学基金委“糖脂代谢的时空网络调控”重大研究计划指导专家组成员;国家科技部“发育编程及其代谢调节”总体专家组成员。
许捷思 博士助理研究员
李 霞 硕士 助理研究员
王 威 学士 工程师
陈海洋 (硕博2005-2010,四川大学,教授,基金委“优青”);项延会 (博士2006-2010,中科院深圳先进院);马志国 (硕博2005-2011, OHSU, Postdoc);王超 (硕博2004-2011, 舒泰神生物制药股份有限公司);田嫄 (硕博2006-2012, 贵州大学, 副教授);葛庆兰 (博士2008-2012);宋松 (硕博2006-2012, Stanford University, Postdoc);刘元 (硕博2008-2014, 武汉大学,教授);毕俊峰 (硕博2007-2014, UCSD, Postdoc);王金铂 (硕博2007-2015);刘正隆 (硕博2009-2016, Mayo Clinic, Postdoc);范玮 (硕博2010-2017, UTSW, Postdoc);丁隆 (硕博2011-2018, New York University, Postdoc);姚艳 (硕博2011-2018, Columbia University, Postdoc);苏醒 (硕士2015-2019);杨晓 (博士2014-2019, 山东第一医科大学);杨雷雷(博士2013-2019)。
黄勋实验室发表的文章(# 通讯作者;*共同第一作者)
Representative Publications:
11. Yang, X., Liang, J., Ding, L., Li, X., Lam, S-M., Shui, G., Ding, M. and Huang, X.# (2020) Phosphatidylserine synthetase regulates cellular homeostasis through distinct metabolic mechanisms. PLoS Genetics In press
10. Yao, Y., Li, X., Wang, W., Liu, Z., Chen, J., Ding, M. and Huang, X.# (2018) MRT, functioning with NURF complex, regulates lipid droplet size. Cell Reports 24:2972-2984 PMID: **
9. Ding, L., Yang, X, Tian, H., Liang, J., Zhang, F., Wang, G, Wang, Y., Ding, M., Shui, G and Huang, X.# (2018) Seipin regulates lipid homeostasis by ensuring calcium-dependent mitochondrial metabolism. EMBO J. 37: e97572 PMID: **
8. Zhao, Y., Luo, L., Xu, J., Xin, P., Guo, H., Wu, J., Bai, L., Wang, G., Chu, J., Zuo, J., Yu, H.#, Huang, X.# and Li, J# (2018) Malate transported from chloroplast to mitochondrion triggers production of ROS and PCD in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Research 28:448-461 PMID: **
7. Fan, W., Lam, S-M., Xin, J., Yang, X., Liu, Z., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Shui, G. and Huang, X.# (2017) Drosophila TRF2 and TAF9 regulate lipid droplet size and phospholipid fatty acid composition. PLoS Genetics 13(3):e** PMID: **
6. Bi, J., Wang, W., Liu, Z., Huang, X., Jiang, Q., Liu, G., Wang, Y. and Huang, X.# (2014) Seipin promotes adipose tissue fat storage through the ER Ca2+-ATPase SERCA. Cell Metabolism 19(5):861-871 PMID: **
5. Liu, Y., Wang, W., Shui, G.# and Huang, X.# (2014) CDP-diacylglycerol synthetase coordinates cell growth and fat storage through phosphatidylinositol metabolism and the insulin pathway. PLoS Genetics 10(3):e** PMID: **
4. Bi, J., Xiang, Y., Chen, H., Liu, Z., Gronke, S., Kuhnlein, R. and Huang, X.# (2012) Opposite and redundant roles of the two Drosophila Perilipins in lipid mobilization. Journal of Cell Science 125:3568-77 PMID: **
3. Tian, Y., Bi, J., Shui, G., Liu, Z., Xiang, Y., Liu, Y., Wenk, M., Yang, H. and Huang, X.# (2011) Tissue-autonomous function of Drosophila Seipin in preventing ectopic lipid droplet formation. PLoS Genetics 7(4):e** PMID: **
2. Chen, H., Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2010) Drosophila models of peroxisomal biogenesis disorder: Peroxins are required for spermatogenesis and very long chain fatty acid metabolism. Human Molecular Genetics 19:494-505 PMID: **
1. Ma, Z., Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2010) OSBP- and FAN- mediated sterol requirement for spermatogenesis in Drosophila. Development 137:3775-3784 PMID: **
Other Publications:
34. Yao, Y. #, Ding, L. # and Huang, X. # (2019) Diverse functions of lipids and lipid metabolism in development. Small Methods
33. Xu, Y.,Mak, HY.,Lukmantara, I.,Li, YE.,Hoehn, KL.,Huang, X.,Du, X. andYang, H. # (2019) CDP-DAG synthase 1 and 2 regulate lipid droplet growth through distinct mechanisms. J Biol Chem.294(45):16740-16755 PMID: **
32. Chen, L. #, Chen, X.W. #, Huang, X. #, Song, B.L. #, Wang, Y. #, Wang, Y. # (2019) Regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism in health and disease. Sci China Life Sci. PMID: **
31. Gao, M., Huang, X., Song, BL., and Yang, H. (2019) Thebiogenesisoflipid droplets: Lipids take center stage. ProgLipidRes.75:100989 PMID: **
30. Huang, X. and Jin, Y. (2019). EOR-1 and EOR-2 act independently of RAS and WNT signaling pathways in RMED/V neuron specification. micropublication Biology 000140
29. Huang, X. and Jin, Y. (2019). New mutants defective in RMED/V neuron specification are alleles of EOR-1 and EOR-2. microPublication Biology 000139
28. Huang, X. and Jin, Y. (2019). EOR-1 and EOR-2 function in RMED/V neuron specification. microPublication Biology 000138
27. Liu, Y., Ji, Y., Li, X., Shui, G. and Huang, X. # (2019) Lipid storage regulator CdsA is essential for Drosophila metamorphosis. J. Genetics and Genomics 46(4):231-234 PMID: **
26. Wang, W., Xin. J., Yang, Y., Lam, S-M., Shui, G. #, Wang. Y# and Huang, X. # (2019) Lipid-gene regulatory network reveals coregulations of triacylglycerol with phosphatidylinositol/lysophosphatidylinositol and with hexosyl-ceramide. BBA-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1864(2):168-180 PMID: **
25. Zhan, N., Wang, C., Chen, L., Yang, H., Feng, J., Gong, X., Ren, B., Wu, R., Mu, J., Li, Y., Liu, Z., Zhou, Y., Peng, J., Wang, K., Huang, X., Xiao, S and Zuo, J. # (2018) S-Nitrosylation targets GSNO reductase for selective autophagy during hypoxia responses in plants.Molecular Cell 71(1):142-154 PMID: **
24. Chitturi, J.,Hung, W.,Rahman, AMA.,Wu, M.,Lim, MA.,Calarco, J.,Baran, R.,Huang, X.,Dennis, JW. andZhen, M. # (2018) The UBR-1 ubiquitin ligase regulates glutamate metabolism to generate coordinated motor pattern in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Genetics 14(4):e** PMID: **
23. Lam, S-M., Wang, Z., Li, J., Huang, X. and Shui, G.# (2017) Sequestration of polyunsaturated fatty acids in membrane phospholipids of Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larva attenuates eicosanoid biosynthesis for prolonged survival.Redox Biology 12:967-977 PMID: **
22. Tan, S., Cardoso-Moreira, M., Shi, W., Zhang, D., Huang, J., Mao, Y, Jia, H., Zhang, Y., Chen, C., Shao, Y., Leng, L., Liu, Z., Huang, X., Long, M. and Zhang, YE.# (2016) LTR retrotransposons create transcribed retrocopies in metazoans. Genome Research. 26(12):1663-1675 PMID: **
21. Pagac, M., Cooper, DE., Qi, Y., Lukmantara, IE., Mak, HY., Wu, Z., Tian, Y., Liu, Z., Lei, M., Du, X., Ferguson, C., Kotevski, D., Sadowski, P., Chen, W., Boroda, S., Harris, TE., Liu, G., Parton, RG., Huang, X., Coleman, RA. and Yang, H.# (2016) SEIPIN regulates lipid droplet expansion and adipocyte development by modulating the activity of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase. Cell Reports 17(6):1546-1559 PMID: **
20. Zhang, B.#, Chen, X., Huang, X.# and Yang, X.# (2016) Research advances on animal genetics in China in 2015. Yi Chuan (遗传) 38(6):467-507 PMID: **
19. Qi, Y., Kapterian T., Du, X., Ma, Q., Fei, W., Zhang, Y., Huang, X., Dawes, I. and Yang, H.# (2016) CDP-diacylglycerol synthases regulate the growth of lipid droplets and adipocyte development. Journal of Lipid Research 57(5):767-80 PMID: **
18. Wang, J., Chitturi, J., Ge, Q., Laskova, V., Wang, W., Li X., Ding, M., Zhen, M.# and Huang, X.# (2015) The C. elegans COE transcription factor UNC-3 activates lineage-specific apoptosis and affects neurite growth in the RID lineage. Development 142:1447-1457 PMID: **
17. Huang, X.# (2015) A lipid pathway for heat adaptation. Sci China (Life Sciences) 58(7):727-728 PMID: **
16. Liu, Z., Li, X., Ge, Q., Ding, M. and Huang, X.# (2014) A lipid droplet-associated GFP reporter-based screen identifies new fat storage regulators in C. elegans. J. Genetics and Genomics 41:305-313 PMID: **
15. Zhang, J., Li, X., Jevince, A., Guan, L., Wang, J., Hall, D., Huang, X.# and Ding, M.# (2013) Neuronal target identification requires AHA-1-mediated fine-tuning of Wnt signaling in C. elegans. PLoS Genetics 9(6):e** PMID: **
14. Ma, Z., Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2012) Membrane phospholipid asymmetry counters the adverse effects of sterol overloading in the Golgi membrane of Drosophila. Genetics 190(4):1299-1308 PMID: **
13. Zhou, B., Yang, L., Li, S., Huang, J., Chen, H., Hou, L., Wang, J., Green, C., Yan, Z., Huang, X., Kaeberlein, M., Zhu, L., Xiao, H., Liu, Y. and Han, J.# (2012) Midlife gene expressions identify modulators of aging through dietary interventions. PNAS 109(19):E1201-9 PMID: **
12. Wang, C. and Huang, X.# (2012) Lipid metabolism and Drosophila sperm development. Sci China (Life Sciences) 55(1):35-40 PMID: **
11. Wang, C., Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2012) Rab32 is important for autophagy and lipid storage in Drosophila. PLoS One 7(2):e32086 PMID: **
10. Zhang, P., Na, H., Liu, Z., Zhang, S., Xue, P., Chen, Y., Pu, J., Peng, G., Huang, X., Yang, F., Xie, Z., Xu, T., Xu, P., Ou, G., Zhang, S. and Liu, P.# (2012) Proteomic study and marker protein identification of Caenorhabditis elegans lipid droplets. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 11(8):317-28 PMID: **
9. Yue, W., Wang, H., Sun, L., ……Huang, X., Lv, L., Li, T., Zhao, G., Huang, W., Zhang, X., and Zhang D.# (2011) Genome-wide association study identifies a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia in Han Chinese at 11p11.2. Nature Genetics 43(12):1228-1231 PMID: **
8. Wang, C., Ma, Z. Scott, M. P. and Huang, X.# (2011) The cholesterol trafficking protein NPC1 is required for Drosophila spermatogenesis. Developmental Biology 351:146-155 PMID: **
7. Tuxworth, RI., Chen, H., Vivancos, V., Carvajal, N., Huang, X. and Tear G.# (2011) The Batten disease gene CLN3 is required for the response to oxidative stress. Human Molecular Genetics 20:2037-47 PMID: **
6. Fei, W., Shui, G., Zhang, Y., Krahmer, N., Ferguson, C., Kapterian, T., Lin, R., Dawes, I., Brown, A., Li, P., Huang, X., Parton, R., Wenk, M., Walther, T. and Yang, H.# (2011) A role for phosphatidic acid in the formation of “supersized” lipid droplets. PLoS Genetics 7(7):e** PMID: **
5. Song, S., Ge, Q., Wang, J., Chen, H., Tang, S., Bi, J., Li, X., Xie, Q. and Huang, X.# (2011) TRIM-9 functions in the UNC-6/UNC-40 pathway to regulate ventral guidance. J. Genetics and Genomics 38:1-11 (Cover story) PMID: **
4. Xiang, Y., Liu, Z. and Huang, X.# (2010) br regulates the expression of the ecdysone biosynthesis gene npc1. Developmental Biology 344:800-808 PMID: **
3. Song, S., Zhang, B., Sun, H., Li, X., Xiang, Y., Liu, Z., Huang, X.# and Ding, M.# (2010) A Wnt-Frz/Ror-Dsh pathway regulates neurite outgrowth in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Genetics 6(8):e**. PMID: **
2. Chen, H., Ma, Z., Liu, Z., Tian,Y., Xiang, Y., Wang, C., Scott, M. P. and Huang, X.# (2009) Case studies of Ends-Out gene targeting in Drosophila. Genesis 47:305-308 PMID: **
1. Huang, X.#, Warren, J. and Gilbert, L.# (2008) New players in the regulation of ecdysone biosynthesis. J. Genetics and Genomics 35:1-10 PMID: **
Huang Xun’s Publications during PhD and Postdoc (1997-2006)
8. Abrams, B., Grill, B., Huang, X. and Jin, Y. (2008) Cellular and molecular determinants targeting the Caenorhabditis elegans PHR protein RPM-1 to perisynaptic regions. Developmental Dynamics 237:630-639 PMID: **
7. Huang, X., Warren, J., Buchanan, J. A., Gilbert, L. and Scott, M. P. (2007) Drosophila Niemann-Pick Type C-2 genes control sterol homeostasis and steroid biosynthesis: a model of human neurodegenerative disease. Development 134:3733-3742 PMID: **
6. Huang, X., Suyama, K., Buchanan, J. A., Zhu, AJ. and Scott, M. P. (2005) A Drosophila model of the Niemann-Pick Type C lysosome storage disease: dnpc1a is required for molting and sterol homeostasis. Development 132:5115-5124 PMID: **
5. Nakata, K., Abrams, B.,Grill, B., Goncharov, A., Huang, X., Chisholm, A.D. and Jin, Y. (2005) Regulation of a DLK-1 and p38 MAP kinase pathway by the ubiquitin ligase RPM-1 is required for presynaptic development. Cell 120:407-420 PMID: **
4. Huang, X., Powell-Coffman, J. A. and Jin, Y. (2004). The AHR-1 aryl hydrocarbon receptor and its cofactor the AHA-1 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator specify GABAergic neuron cell fate in C. elegans. Development 131:819-828 PMID: **
3. Huang, X., Huang, P., Robinson, M., Stern, M. and Jin, Y. (2003). UNC-71, a disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM) protein, regulates motor axon guidance and sex myoblast migration in C. elegans. Development 130:3147-3161 PMID: **
2. Huang, X., Cheng, H-J., Tessier-Lavigne, M. and Jin, Y. (2002). MAX-1, a novel PH/Myth4/FERM domain cytoplasmic protein implicated in Netrin-mediated axon repulsion. Neuron 34:563-576 PMID: **
1. Zhen, M.,* Huang, X.,* Bamber, B. and Jin, Y. (2000). Regulation of presynaptic terminal organization by C. elegans RPM-1, a putative guanine nucleotide exchanger with a Ring-H2 finger domain. Neuron 26:331-343 (* co-first author) PMID: **
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