桑涛 研究员 博士生导师
办公室:新实验楼 W211
Yan J,Song ZH, Xu Q, Kang LF, Zhu CY, Xing SL, Liu W, Greimler J, Zust T, Li JQ, SangT*. 2017. Population transcriptomic characterization of the genetic andexpression variation of a candidate progenitor of Miscanthus energycrops. Molecular Ecology 26: 5911-5922
Xu Q,Song ZH, Zhu CY, Tao CC, Kang LF, Liu W, He F, Yan J, Sang T*. 2017. Systematiccomparison of lncRNAs with protein coding mRNAs in population expression andtheir response to environmental change. BMC Plant Biology 17:42
Song ZH,Xu Q, Lin C, Tao CC, Zhu CY, Xing SL, Fan YY, Liu W, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*.2017. Transcriptomic characterization of candidate genes responsive to salttolerance of Miscanthus energy crops. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 9, 1222-1237
Zhu CY,Liu W, Kang LF, Xu Q, Xing SL, Fan YY, Song ZH, Yan J*, Li JQ, Sang T* 2017.Haplotypes phased from population transcriptomes detecting selection in theinitial adaptation of Miscanthus lutarioriparius to stressfulenvironment. The Plant Genome 10:2
XingSL, Kang LF, Xu Q, Fan YY, Liu W, Zhu CY, Song ZH, Wang Q, Yan J*, Li JQ, SangT*. 2016. The coordination of gene expression within photosynthesis pathway foracclimation of C4 energy crop Miscanthus lutarioriparius. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:109
Yan J, Zhu MD, Liu W, Xu Q, Zhu CY, Li JQ*, Sang T*. 2016. Geneticvariation and bidirectional gene flow in the riparian plant Miscanthuslutarioriparius, across its endemic range: implications for adaptivepotential. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 8: 764-776
Xu Q,Zhu CY, Fan YY, Song ZH, Xing SL, Liu W, Yan J, Sang T*. 2016. Populationtranscriptomics uncovers the regulation of gene expression variation inadaptation to changing environment. ScientificReports 6:25536
Liu W, Peng C, Chen ZF, Liu Y, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2016. Sustainablebioenergy production with little carbon debt in the Loess Plateau of China. Biotechnologyfor Biofuels 9:161
Fan YY,Wang Q, Kang LF, Liu W, Xu Q, Xing SL, Tao CC, Song ZH, Zhu CY, Lin C, Yan J,Li JQ, Sang T*. 2015. Transcriptome-wide characterization of candidate genesfor improving the water use efficiency of energy crops grown on semiarid land. Journalof Experimental Botany 66:6415-6429
Yan J,Zhu CY, Liu W, Luo F, Mi J, Ren YJ, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2015. High photosyntheticrate and water use efficiency of Miscanthus lutarioriparius characterizean energy crop in the semiarid temperate region. Global Change BiologyBioenergy 7:207-218
Xu Q,Xing SL, Zhu CY, Liu W, Fan YY, Wang Q, Song ZH, Yang WH, Luo F, Shang F, KangLF, Chen WL, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2015. Population transcriptomics reveals apotentially positive role of expression diversity in adaptation. Journal ofIntegrative Plant Biology 57:284-299
Liu W,Mi J, Song ZH, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2014. Long-term water balance andsustainable production of Miscanthus energy crops in the Loess Plateau ofChina. Biomass & Bioenergy 62: 47-57
Mi J,Liu W, Yang WH, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2014. Carbon sequestration by Miscanthusenergy crops plantations in a broad range semi-arid marginal land in China. Scienceof The Total Environment 496: 373-380
Li HQ, Li CL, Sang T, Xu J. 2013. Pretreatment on Miscanthuslutarioriparious by liquid hot water for efficient ethanol production. Biotechnologyfor Biofuels 6:76.
Sang T,Ge S. 2013. Understanding rice domestication and implications for cultivarimprovement. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 16:139-146.
Liu W,Yan J, Li J, Sang T. 2012. Yield potential of Miscanthus energy crops inthe Loess Plateau of China. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 4: 545-554.
Yan J,Chen WL, Luo F, Ma HZ, Meng A, Li X, Zhu M, Li SS, Zhou HF, Zhu W, Han B, Li J,T. Sang*. 2012. Variability and adaptability of Miscanthus speciesevaluated for energy crop domestication. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 4: 49-60.
Ge S,Sang T. 2011. Inappropriate model rejects independent domestications of indica and japonica rice. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences,USA, 108, E755.
Sang T.2011. Toward the domestication of lignocellulosic energy crops: Leaning fromfood crop domestication. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 53:96-104.
Sang T,Zhu WX 2011. China's bioenergy potential. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 3:79-90.
中国科学院植物研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-桑 涛
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-23
相关话题/中国科学院 植物
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