1.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters/Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster, Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 2.Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 3.NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller 2007, Norway Manuscript received: 2018-05-06 Manuscript revised: 2018-10-14 Manuscript accepted: 2018-10-29 Abstract:The boreal spring Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) has a significant impact on the spring and summer climate in China. This study evaluates the capability of the NCEP's Climate Forecast System, version 2 (CFSv2), in predicting the boreal spring AAO for the period 1983-2015. The results indicate that CFSv2 has poor skill in predicting the spring AAO, failing to predict the zonally symmetric spatial pattern of the AAO, with an insignificant correlation of 0.02 between the predicted and observed AAO Index (AAOI). Considering the interannual increment approach can amplify the prediction signals, we firstly establish a dynamical-statistical model to improve the interannual increment of the AAOI (DY_AAOI), with two predictors of CFSv2-forecasted concurrent spring sea surface temperatures and observed preceding autumn sea ice. This dynamical-statistical model demonstrates good capability in predicting DY_AAOI, with a significant correlation coefficient of 0.58 between the observation and prediction during 1983-2015 in the two-year-out cross-validation. Then, we obtain an improved AAOI by adding the improved DY_AAOI to the preceding observed AAOI. The improved AAOI shows a significant correlation coefficient of 0.45 with the observed AAOI during 1983-2015. Moreover, the unrealistic atmospheric response to March-April-May sea ice in CFSv2 may be the possible cause for the failure of CFSv2 to predict the AAO. This study gives new clues regarding AAO prediction and short-term climate prediction. Keywords: Antarctic Oscillation, interannual-increment approach, CFSv2, dynamical-statistical model, prediction 摘要:春季南极涛动(AAO)对我国春夏季气候异常影响显著。本研究评估了美国第二代气候预测系统(CFSv2)对于1983-2015年春季南极涛动的预测效能。评估结果显示,CFSv2对春季南极涛动的直接预测技巧有限,未能预测出春季AAO空间分布的纬向对称性,南极涛动指数(AAOI)与观测的相关仅有0.02。考虑到年际增量方法可以放大预测信号,本文选取了前期秋季观测海冰和同期模式春季海表面温度作为预测因子,建立动力统计预测模型来改进南极涛动指数的年际增量(DY_AAOI)。研究结果显示,该动力统计模型对DY_AAOI改进效果显著,改进后的交叉验证结果与观测的相关系数提高至0.59。然后,我们把改进后的DY_AAOI加上前一年观测的AAOI得出最终改进的AAOI,其与观测的相关提高到了0.45。此外,CFSv2未能成功模拟出春季大气对同期海冰的响应也许是导致CFSv2对春季AAO预测技巧有限的原因。本文的研究成果为AAO的预测以及短期气候预测提供了新的有效途径。 关键词:南极涛动, 年际增量方法, CFSv2, 动力统计模型, 预测
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2.1. Data
The monthly hindcasts (1°× 1°) of SLP, SST and sea-ice concentration (SIC) used in this study for March-April-May (MAM) during 1982-2015 are derived from CFSv2, which is operated with a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice-land model (Saha et al., 2014). The CFSv2 hindcasts are performed (0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC) for nine months, with initial conditions every five days, from 11 January to 5 February, in the MAM SLP, SST and SIC hindcast. The monthly data of the ensemble mean of these 24 forecasts is used in this study (http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/data/cfsr-rfl-mmts/). The observational data used in this study include monthly SLP (2.5°× 2.5°) derived from NCEP-1 (Kalnay et al., 1996), SST (2°× 2°) from ERSST.v3b (Smith et al., 2008), and SIC (1°× 1°) from the Met Office Hadley Center (https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadisst/) (Rayner et al., 2003). All datasets are interpolated to a 2.5°× 2.5° horizontal resolution using bilinear interpolation. Considering that this study focuses on interannual variability, all the data during 1983-2015 are detrended. The Antarctic Oscillation Index (AAOI) of boreal spring used in this study is defined as the time series of the leading empirical orthogonal function (EOF) mode of boreal spring SLP anomalies south of 20°S (Fan and Wang, 2006).
2 2.2. Methods -->
2.2. Methods
A dynamical-statistical model is established to improve the CFSv2-forecasted AAOI, based on the original numerical forecast of CFSv2 and a physical-statistical approach. The relationship of the boreal spring AAOI with concurrent SSTs and preceding autumn SIC is analyzed, whereby the physical-statistical approach utilizes the CFSv2-forecasted boreal spring SSTs and observed preceding autumn SIC as two predictors of the boreal spring AAOI, using a linear regression method. The dynamical-statistical model is expected to take into account information that might be misrepresented in CFSv2 regarding the dynamical processes linking preceding autumn SIC with the boreal spring AAO. Accordingly, an improved prediction of the AAOI is expected based on this dynamical-statistical model. The dynamical-statistical model is validated using the methods of two-years-out cross-validation (Michaelsen, 1987; Blockeel and Struyf, 2003), correlation, and root-mean-square error (RMSE) for the period 1983-2015. The two-years-out cross-validation method predicts the predictand in the specific two years with a model built by the sample of leaving these two years out. The statistical significance of correlation coefficients is estimated using the Student's t-test.
4.1. Predictors
The predictors for the MAM AAO can be selected via two ways. One way is to select the predictor/s that has/have a lead-lag relationship with the MAM AAO, which can be derived from the observational data for the months preceding MAM. The other way is to select factor/s concurrent with the MAM AAO that is/are well predicted by CFSv2, such as SST. It has been suggested that the seasonal predictability of the climate largely depends on the interaction between the ocean and atmosphere (Kushnir et al., 2002). Accordingly, two predictors that have considerable effects on the MAM AAO are selected for the dynamical-statistical model: the preceding SON SIC and concurrent MAM SSTs in the SH, which are derived from the observational data and CFSv2 predictions, respectively. The SIC can influence the atmosphere by changing the surface radiation balance and heat exchange because of its albedo effect (Stammerjohn and Smith, 1997; Zhang, 2007; Stammerjohn et al., 2008; Raphael et al., 2011; Xu et al., 2018). A significant lead-lag correlation relationship between the Antarctic SIC and MAM AAO was found by (Gao et al., 2003), where the Antarctic SIC leads the MAM AAO for two and six months, especially for the six-month lead-lag relationship. It has also been suggested that the Antarctic dipole-like sea-ice anomalies in boreal late autumn and winter have an important impact on the MAM AAO (Wu and Zhang, 2011). The Antarctic dipole-like SIC pattern is characterized by an out-of-phase relationship between SIC anomalies in the Weddell Sea and SIC anomalies in the Bellinsgauzen-Amundsen Sea. Positive SIC anomalies in the Weddell Sea and negative SIC anomalies in the Bellinsgauzen-Amundsen Sea in boreal autumn can cause anomalous poleward (equatorward) transient eddy momentum fluxes in the high (mid) latitudes of the SH, the effects of which persist through the following boreal spring and result in a poleward displacement of the tropospheric westerlies associated with the MAM AAO (Limpasuvan and Hartmann, 2000; Deser et al., 2007; Wu and Zhang, 2011). Thus, the preceding SON SIC in the Weddell Sea and Bellinsgauzen-Amundsen Sea can be considered a predictor for the dynamical-statistical model. Figure 6a shows the distribution of the correlation coefficients between the preceding SON SIC and MAM AAOI during 1983-2015. A large area of significant positive correlation is found in the Weddell Sea and a relatively small area of negative correlation is found in the Bellinsgauzen-Amundsen Sea, indicating an influence of the preceding SON Antarctic dipole on the MAM AAO. In addition, the correlation coefficients between the corresponding DY_SIC and DY_AAOI are computed. As shown in Fig. 6b, the DY_SIC and DY_AAOI exhibit a more significant correlation in the Bellinsgauzen-Amundsen Sea than the abovementioned correlation between the SIC and AAOI. The positive correlation coefficients between DY_SIC and DY_AAOI in the Weddell Sea are also of more significance than those between the SIC and AAOI. This increased correlation between DY_SIC and DY_AAOI reflects the advantage of the interannual-increment approach for amplifying the signals of interannual variability. Hence, the area-weighted areal mean SON DY_SICs in two key regions are calculated to be the sea-ice indices (DY_SICI), with Region-1 covering (60°-71°S, 30°-60°W) for positive correlation coefficients between DY_SIC and DY_AAOI and Region-2 covering (67°-73°S, 77°-108°W) for negative correlation coefficients, as shown in Fig. 6b. Hereinafter, the DY_SICI for Region-1 is labeled as DY_SICI_R1, and the DY_SICI for Region-2 is labeled as DY_SICI_R2. For comparison, the area-weighted areal mean SON SICs for Region-1 and Region-2 are also computed and labeled as SICI_R1 and SICI_R2, respectively. The correlation coefficient between DY_AAOI and DY_SIC_R1 (DY_SIC_R2) is 0.48 (-0.38), which is at the 99% (95%) confidence level. The correlation coefficient between AAOI and SIC_R1 (SIC_R2) is 0.43 (-0.24), which is at (below) the 95% confidence level. Thus, DY_SIC_R1 and DY_SIC_R2 are used in the dynamical-statistical model for predicting DY_AAOI. Figure6. (a) Correlation coefficients between the preceding SON SIC and MAM AAOI derived from observation during 1982/83-2014/15. (b) As in (a), but for the DY of sea ice and the DY of AAOI. Dotted areas indicate statistical significance at the 95% confidence level, based on the Student's t-test. The black curvilinear rectangles represent the key regions of SON SIC influencing MAM AAO.
The variability of the SH atmosphere is significantly influenced by tropical and SH SSTs (Zhou and Yu, 2004; Gupta and England, 2007; Li et al., 2015). It is found that the tropical SSTs may influence the AAO via affecting the intensity and latitudinal displacement of the Hadley circulation. Specifically, positive SST anomalies in the tropical central Pacific can cause a strengthened Hadley cell and a poleward-shifted SH subtropical jet, which further causes an anomalous convergence of eddy momentum flux in the midlatitudes and a equatorward shift of the eddy-driven jet; consequently, the westerlies and eddy momentum flux convergence are weakened in the high latitudes on the poleward side of the eddy-driven jet, contributing to a negative-phase MAM AAO, and vice versa (Seager et al., 2003; Lim et al., 2013; Han et al., 2017). In addition, the extratropical SSTs also have a significant, albeit weak, influence on the atmosphere. During boreal winter and spring, positive SST anomalies in the midlatitude South Pacific and negative SST anomalies in the high-latitude Southern Ocean cause a strengthened Ferrel cell and a strengthened circumpolar low in the SH, resulting in a positive-phase AAO (Mo, 2000; Fan and Wang, 2007; Hao et al., 2017). Considering the significant impact of concurrent SST on the MAM AAO and the good skill of CFSv2 in predicting SST (Saha et al., 2014), the CFSv2-predicted MAM SST may be used as another predictor for the dynamical-statistical model. Figure 7 shows the correlation coefficients between the observed MAM AAOI (DY_AAOI) and concurrent CFSv2-predicted SST (DY_SST) during 1983-2015. The observed MAM AAOI and CFSv2-predicted SST exhibit a negative correlation in the tropical central Pacific and a positive correlation to the east of Australia (Fig. 7a). Nevertheless, for most areas of the SH Pacific, the SSTs have an insignificant correlation with the MAM AAOI (Fig. 7a). On the other hand, the observed MAM DY_AAOI and CFSv2-predicted DY_SST exhibit a more significant relationship in the midlatitude South Pacific, with significant correlation coefficients in the central South Pacific and to the east of Australia (Fig. 7b). In particular, considering that the interannual-increment approach can largely increase the signal of the predictand, the positive correlation coefficients in the midlatitude southeastern Pacific occupy a large area that is not observed for the correlation coefficients between the MAM AAOI and CFSv2-predicted SSTs, which reflects a significant relationship between the MAM AAOI and concurrent SSTs revealed by the interannual-increment approach. Figure7. (a) Correlation coefficients between the observed MAM AAOI and CFSv2-predicted SST during 1983-2015. (b) As in (a), but for the DY of SST and the DY of AAOI. Dotted areas indicate statistical significance at the 95% confidence level, based on the Student's t-test. The black curvilinear rectangles represent the key regions of SST influencing MAM AAO.
Hence, the area-weighted areal mean MAM DY_SSTs of the CFSv2 prediction in two key regions are calculated to be SST indices (DY_SSTI): Region-3 covering the midlatitude southeastern Pacific (19°-37°S, 100°-135°W) for positive correlation coefficients, and Region-4 covering the equatorial central Pacific (5°N-4°S, 175°E-145°W) for negative correlation coefficients between DY_SST and DY_AAOI, as shown in Fig. 7b. Hereinafter, the DY_SSTI for Region-3 is labeled as DY_SSTI_R3, and the DY_SSTI for Region-4 is labeled as DY_SSTI_R4. For comparison, the area-weighted areal mean MAM SST of the CFSv2 prediction for Region-3 and Region-4 are also computed and labeled as SSTI_R3 and SSTI_R4, respectively. The correlation coefficient between DY_AAOI and DY_SSTI_R3 (DY_SSTI_R4) is 0.49 (-0.37), which is at the 99% (95%) confidence level. The correlation coefficient between AAOI and SSTI_R3 (SSTI_R4) is 0.05 (-0.33), which is below (at) the 95% confidence level. In particular, a significant correlation is found between the time series of the CFSv2-predicted and observed MAM DY_SSTI_R3 (DY_SSTI_R4), with a correlation coefficient of 0.53 (0.88) at the 99% confidence level, indicating a good performance of CFSv2 for the prediction of MAM DY_SSTI_R3 (DY_SSTI_R4). Accordingly, the CFSv2-predicted MAM DY_SSTI_R3 and DY_SSTI_R4 are used in the dynamical-statistical model for predicting MAM DY_AAOI.
2 4.2. Dynamical-statistical model and results -->
4.2. Dynamical-statistical model and results
To improve the CFSv2-predicted MAM AAOI, a dynamical-statistical model is established to improve DY_AAOI utilizing the abovementioned predictors, i.e., DY_SICI_R1, DY_SICI_R2, DY_SSTI_R3, and DY_SSTI_R4. An improved CFSv2-predicted AAOI is expected to be obtained by adding the improved DY_AAOI prediction to the observed MAM AAOI for the previous year. The dynamical-statistical model for MAM DY_AAOI prediction is established based on a multivariable regression method, as follows: DY_AAOI = a(DY_SICI_R1-DY_SICI_R2)+b(DY_SSTI_R3-DY_SSTI_R4), where DY_SICI_R1 and DY_SICI_R2 are the observed DY_SICI for the preceding SON for Region-1 and Region-2, respectively; DY_SSTI_R3 and DY_SSTI_R4 are the CFSv2-predicted DY_SSTI for the concurrent MAM for Region-3 and Region-4, respectively; a and b are the corresponding regression coefficients for the DY_SICI and DY_SSTI predictors, respectively. The predictive skill of this dynamical-statistical model is evaluated using two-years-out validations (Michaelsen, 1987; Blockeel and Struyf, 2003). Figure 8a shows the cross-validation results of DY_AAOI prediction obtained from this dynamical-statistical model. It can be seen that the predicted MAM DY_AAOIs for the period 1983-2014 in the two-years-out cross-validation are largely consistent with the observed MAM DY_AAOI in terms of interannual variability, with correlation coefficients of 0.58 between the predicted and observed time series significant at the 99% confidence level. The RMSE between the dynamic-statistical model predicted and observed time series is 0.90, reduced by 34% relative to the RMSE between the time series of the CFSv2-predicted and observed DY_AAOI. In comparison to the insignificant correlation between the CFSv2-predicted and observed DY_AAOI, the dynamical-statistical model produces a notably improved DY_AAOI prediction. Figure8. Predicted and observed (a) DY of AAOI and (b) AAOI for 1983-2015, in which the predicted DY uses the dynamical-statistical prediction model in the cross-validations. The abbreviation ccr represents the correlation coefficient of the two indices between observation and prediction.
Correspondingly, an improved AAOI prediction during 1983-2015 is obtained by adding the predicted MAM DY_AAOI in the cross-validations to the observed MAM AAOI for the previous year. The time series of this predicted MAM AAOI shows a general consistency with the time series of the observed MAM AAOI, with a correlation coefficient of 0.45 significant at the 99% confidence level (Fig. 8b). The RMSE between the dynamic-statistical model predicted and observed time series is 1.01, reduced by 25% relative to the RMSE between the time series of the CFSv2-predicted and observed MAM AAOI. On the other hand, there are several years where the predicted MAM AAOI still shows a discrepancy with the observed MAM AAOI, such as 1983, 1988, 1992, 1993, 2004, 2009, and 2010, in the cross-validation results (Fig. 8b), which are mainly due to the limitation of the DY_AAOI prediction (Fig. 8a). The interdecadal variability of the predicted MAM AAOI is essentially consistent with that of the observed MAM AAOI (Fig. 8b), exhibiting remarkable improvement relative to the CFSv2 prediction (Fig. 4a). Overall, the dynamical-statistical model demonstrates a considerable capability for improving the AAOI prediction of CFSv2.