1.LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Manuscript received: 2017-09-05 Manuscript revised: 2018-01-18 Abstract:By analyzing the outputs of the pre-industrial control runs of four models within phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, the effects of initial sea temperature errors on the predictability of Indian Ocean Dipole events were identified. The initial errors cause a significant winter predictability barrier (WPB) or summer predictability barrier (SPB). The WPB is closely related with the initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean, where two types of WPB-related initial errors display opposite patterns and a west-east dipole. In contrast, the occurrence of the SPB is mainly caused by initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean, where two types of SPB-related initial errors exhibit opposite patterns, with one pole in the subsurface western Pacific Ocean and the other in the upper eastern Pacific Ocean. Both of the WPB-related initial errors grow the fastest in winter, because the coupled system is at its weakest, and finally cause a significant WPB. The SPB-related initial errors develop into a La Ni?a-like mode in the Pacific Ocean. The negative SST errors in the Pacific Ocean induce westerly wind anomalies in the Indian Ocean by modulating the Walker circulation in the tropical oceans. The westerly wind anomalies first cool the sea surface water in the eastern Indian Ocean. When the climatological wind direction reverses in summer, the wind anomalies in turn warm the sea surface water, finally causing a significant SPB. Therefore, in addition to the spatial patterns of the initial errors, the climatological conditions also play an important role in causing a significant predictability barrier. Keywords: predictability barrier, initial errors, Indian Ocean Dipole, targeted observations 摘要:利用四个CMIP5模式的工业革命前控制试验结果,作者研究了初始海温误差对印度洋偶极子(IOD)事件可预报性的影响,揭示了初始海温误差能够导致IOD预测同时发生冬季预报障碍(WPB)和夏季预报障碍(SPB)现象。前者的主要误差来源为热带印度洋的海温误差,而后者的误差则主要来源于热带太平洋的海温误差。通过探讨初始误差的空间结构发现,最易导致WPB的初始海温误差主要集中在热带印度洋,其模态可以分为两种类型,且均呈现为东-西偶极子模态,但符号几乎相反;而SPB现象的初始海温误差主要集中在热带太平洋,其模态也可分为符号几乎相反的两种类型,但空间结构主要表现为热带西太平洋次表层和东太平洋上层的偶极子模态。最易导致WPB和SPB的初始海温误差均具有明显的局地性特征,意味着IOD预测对这些局地性区域的初始误差最敏感。因此,这些局地性区域可作为IOD预测的目标观测敏感区。 关键词:预报障碍, 初始误差, 印度洋偶极子, 目标观测
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3.1. Season-dependent evolution of prediction errors caused by initial errors
Based on the method in section 2, the prediction errors for each positive IOD event in the four models were calculated. Figure 2 shows the ensemble mean of the error growth rates for each positive IOD event in the four models. The error growth rates, η, are positive in some months and negative in others, indicating that the prediction errors increase in certain months but decrease in others. Therefore, the evolution of prediction errors shows clear seasonal dependence. In CanESM2 and MPI-ESM-LR, the prediction errors grow rapidly during April-May and July-August, in the late winter/early spring and summer, respectively. In MIROC5, the largest error growth rates occur during January-February and May-July, in winter and early summer, respectively. In CSIRO Mk3.6.0, the prediction errors grow rapidly in February and June-August. Therefore, there are mainly two periods during which the prediction errors increase rapidly in the four models, and they are generally located in late winter/early spring and summer. Referring to the definition of the WPB by (Feng et al., 2014b), the WPB phenomenon occurs in the four models when the prediction errors grow most rapidly in winter. We used this as the basis to define the existence of the summer predictability barrier (SPB) in the four models. Figure2. Ensemble mean of the monthly error growth rates for each reference IOD year (units: month-1) in models (a) CanESM2, (b) MPI-ESM-LR, (c) MIROC5 and (d) CSIRO Mk3.6.0. The horizontal axes denote the months from October to August. The vertical axes denote the reference IOD events.
By tracing the evolution of prediction errors in each prediction in the four models, it is found that some prediction errors grow fastest in winter or summer and cause a significant WPB or SPB. Conversely, other prediction errors show no season-dependent evolution. As the prediction errors are caused by initial errors only, we inferred that some initial errors could cause a significant WPB or SPB, whereas others could not. Therefore, we selected the initial errors that cause significant predictability barriers, analyzed their spatial patterns, and identified their effects on IOD predictability.
2 3.2. Spatial patterns of initial errors that cause a significant predictability barrier -->
3.2. Spatial patterns of initial errors that cause a significant predictability barrier
We selected initial errors that show season-dependent evolution and cause a significant WPB or SPB to identify their dominant spatial patterns. In particular, when prediction errors grow fastest in winter (summer), the corresponding initial errors are considered to yield a significant WPB (SPB). These initial errors are defined as WPB- and SPB-related initial errors, respectively. We then conducted separate empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analyses on the WPB- and SPB-related initial errors. The first EOF mode (i.e., EOF1) describes the dominant spatial patterns of these initial errors. The combination of the EOF1 mode and the corresponding time series (i.e., PC1) indicates that the initial errors can be divided into two types, with one type similar to the EOF1 mode and the other type as its opposite. Therefore, there are mainly two types of WPB- and SPB-related initial errors. When the individual values of time-series PC1 are positive (negative), the composite of the corresponding WPB-related initial errors is defined as type-1-WPB (type-2-WPB) initial errors. We defined the type-1- and type-2-SPB initial errors in a similar way. Figure3. Spatial patterns of the equatorial (5°S-5°N) subsurface temperature component of the (a) type-1-WPB initial errors, (b) type-1-SPB initial errors, and (c) the difference between them, in CanESM2 (units: °C). Panels (d-f) show the spatial patterns of the type-2-WPB initial errors, type-2-SPB initial errors, and the difference between them, respectively. Dotted areas indicate that the composites of the subsurface temperature errors exceed the 95% significance level, as determined by the t-test.
We use CanESM2 as an example to describe the dominant spatial patterns of predictability barrier-related initial errors (Fig. 3). Type-1-WPB initial errors show positive temperature errors in the western Indian Ocean and negative temperature errors in the eastern Indian Ocean. The largest values of the initial errors are concentrated at thermocline depth. Meanwhile, positive temperature errors occur in the subsurface western Pacific Ocean and negative temperature errors in the upper eastern Pacific Ocean. For type-2-WPB initial errors, the spatial pattern of temperature errors in the tropical Indian Ocean is almost opposite to that for type-1-WPB initial errors, whereas the initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean are very weak. These results indicate that the initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean play an important role in causing a significant WPB. In contrast, the initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean may have some effect on the occurrence of the WPB; however, this is not a requirement. For the two types of SPB-related initial errors, the temperature errors in the tropical Indian Ocean are weaker, or remain unchanged, compared with those for the WPB-related initial errors. Conversely, the temperature errors in the Pacific Ocean are significantly stronger than those for WPB-related initial errors. The spatial patterns of temperature errors in the Pacific Ocean for the two types of SPB-related initial errors are almost the opposite, with one pole in the subsurface western Pacific Ocean and the other in the upper eastern Pacific Ocean. This indicates that the initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean are closely related to the occurrence of the SPB, while the existence of the initial errors in the Indian Ocean is not a requirement. Figure4. As in Fig. 3 but for MPI-ESM-LR.
Figure5. As in Fig. 3 but for MIROC5.
Figure6. As in Fig. 3 but for CSIRO Mk3.6.0 model.
The major characteristics of the predictability barrier-related initial errors are similar in the other three models (Figs. 4-6). The occurrence of the WPB is closely related to the initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean, which show a west-east dipole pattern, with the largest values concentrated at thermocline depth. These results are consistent with those in previous studies (Feng et al., 2017; Feng and Duan, 2017). The initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean may have some effect on the occurrence of the SPB, but are not a requirement. Furthermore, the occurrence of the SPB is most likely caused by initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean, with one pole in the subsurface western Pacific Ocean and the other in the upper eastern Pacific Ocean. The presence of initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean is not a requirement for the occurrence of the SPB.
2 3.3. Physical mechanisms of development for initial errors that cause a significant WPB -->
3.3. Physical mechanisms of development for initial errors that cause a significant WPB
We explored why the two types of WPB-related initial errors grow fastest in winter and cause a significant WPB by tracking the evolution of sea temperature and wind anomalies. As the major results are similar between the four models, CanESM2 is taken as an example. When type-1-WPB initial errors are superimposed on the initial temperature field of the "predicted" IOD events (Fig. 7), positive errors in the western Indian Ocean deepen the thermocline and cause downwelling Kelvin waves, which propagate eastward and warm the subsurface eastern Indian Ocean. Meanwhile, the negative errors in the eastern Indian Ocean raise the thermocline and cause upwelling Rossby waves, which propagate westward and cool the subsurface western Indian Ocean. Therefore, several months later, a significant west-east dipole pattern appears in the subsurface ocean, with negative errors in the western Indian Ocean and positive errors in the eastern Indian Ocean. In December-February, the westerly wind anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean favor the formation of the dipole pattern in the subsurface Indian Ocean by inducing downwelling Kelvin waves and upwelling Rossby waves. Moreover, the westerly wind anomalies have the same wind direction as the climatological wind in the southern Indian Ocean (figure omitted), which increases the total wind speed and suppresses the surface warming in the southeastern Indian Ocean by releasing more latent heat flux (Fig. 8). It is suspected that the westerly wind anomalies in the Indian Ocean likely have a close relationship with the negative SST errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean, which induce easterly wind anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean and modulate the variation of the Walker circulation in the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans (Chen, 2010; Lian et al., 2014; Figure 7). In March-May, the westerly wind anomalies disappear, as well as the suppression effects of latent heat flux errors on the surface warming in the southeastern Indian Ocean (Fig. 8). Because the coupled system in the Indian Ocean is at its weakest in this period and is easily affected by perturbations (Feng et al., 2014a), the SST errors in the Indian Ocean grow rapidly and cause positive SST errors in the eastern Indian Ocean and negative SST errors in the western Indian Ocean, resulting in large prediction errors and a significant WPB. Figure7. Evolutions of the SSTA (units: °C) and sea surface wind anomaly (units: m s-1) over the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans (left column) and the equatorial (5°S-5°N) subsurface temperature anomaly (units: °C; right column) for the type-1-WPB initial errors. Dotted areas indicate that the composites of SST and subsurface temperature errors exceed the 95% significance level, as determined by the t-test.
Figure8. Evolutions of latent heat flux errors (units: W m-2) over the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans for the type-1-WPB initial errors in CanESM2.
Figure9. As in Fig. 7 but for the type-2-WPB initial errors.
When the type-2-WPB initial errors are superimposed on the initial field of the reference state IOD events, negative temperature errors appear in the western Indian Ocean, and positive temperature errors occur in the eastern Indian Ocean; whereas, the initial errors in the Pacific Ocean are weak (Fig. 9). In the first half of the prediction year, the sea temperature errors in the tropical Indian Ocean remain almost unchanged (Fig. 9). In winter, the weakest coupled system in the Indian Ocean favors the rapid growth of perturbations (Feng et al., 2014a). Hence, positive (negative) SST errors develop quickly in the eastern (western) Indian Ocean, and are further amplified by Bjerknes feedback, causing large prediction errors in winter and resulting in a significant WPB. Based on the above discussion, the occurrence of the WPB has a close relationship with the dipole pattern initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean. Although initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean have some influence on causing a WPB, this is not a requirement. In addition to the spatial patterns of initial errors, the climatological conditions in winter in the Indian Ocean also play an important role in causing a significant WPB.
2 3.4. Physical mechanisms of development of initial errors that cause a significant SPB -->
3.4. Physical mechanisms of development of initial errors that cause a significant SPB
The occurrence of the SPB is mainly caused by initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean. In this section, in consideration of the similar results between the four models, we only use CanESM2 as an example, for simplicity, to explore how these initial errors develop and cause a significant SPB. Figure10. As in Fig. 7 but for the type-1-SPB initial errors.
Figure11. As in Fig. 8 but for the type-1-SPB initial errors in CanESM2.
Figure12. As in Fig. 7 but for the type-2-SPB initial errors.
Figure13. As in Fig. 8 but for the type-2-SPB initial errors in CanESM2.
When the type-1-SPB initial errors are superimposed on the initial field of the reference state IOD events, there are positive temperature errors in the subsurface western Pacific Ocean and negative temperature errors in the upper eastern Pacific Ocean; the initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean are weak (Fig. 10). The SST errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean show a La Ni?a-like development (Duan and Hu, 2016). In response to the negative SST errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean, strong easterly wind anomalies occur at the equator, which further induce westerly wind anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean by modulating the variation of the Walker circulation in the tropical oceans (Chen, 2010; Lian et al., 2014). On the one hand, the westerly wind anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean induce eastward downwelling Kelvin waves and westward upwelling Rossby waves, which cause positive (negative) temperature errors in the subsurface eastern (western) Indian Ocean. On the other hand, the westerly wind anomalies have the same wind direction as the climatological wind, particularly in the southern Indian Ocean, which increases the total wind speed and cools the sea surface water there by releasing more latent heat flux (Fig. 11). This results in basin-wide cooling for several months. When the climatological wind direction reverses in summer, the westerly wind anomalies in the eastern Indian Ocean decrease the total wind speed and in turn warm the sea surface water by decreasing the latent heat flux release (Fig. 11). Then, positive (negative) SST errors in the eastern (western) Indian Ocean further grow rapidly under the Bjerknes positive feedback. This causes large prediction errors in July and August, ultimately resulting in a significant SPB. When we superimpose the type-2-SPB initial errors on the initial state of the reference state IOD events, temperature errors with a west-east dipole pattern appear in the Indian Ocean. Meanwhile, negative (positive) temperature errors appear in the subsurface western (upper eastern) Pacific Ocean (Fig. 12). The initial errors superimposed in the Indian Ocean decay rapidly over the first few months. However, the evolution of SST errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean initially features a period similar to an El Ni?o decaying phase, subsequently exhibiting a transition to a cold phase and evolving into a La Ni?a-like mode (Duan and Hu, 2016). Corresponding to the positive SST errors in the Pacific Ocean in the first half of the prediction year, weak westerly wind anomalies appear at the equator, which further induces weak easterly wind anomalies in the Indian Ocean by modulating the variation of Walker circulation in the tropical oceans (Chen, 2010; Lian et al., 2014). Similarly, the westerly wind anomalies in the Indian Ocean in the second half of the prediction year are closely linked with the negative SST errors in the Pacific Ocean. This westerly wind anomalies in the Indian Ocean induce downwelling Kelvin waves in the second half of the prediction year, which pile up warm water in the subsurface eastern Indian Ocean. The cold water is supplemented in the subsurface western Indian Ocean. Moreover, the westerly wind anomalies first cool the sea surface water in the southern Indian Ocean, because of the same wind direction as the climatological wind, which increases the total wind speed and releases more latent heat flux (i.e., April in Fig. 13). In summer, the climatological wind reverses to a southeast wind, especially in the southern Indian Ocean. Therefore, the westerly wind anomalies in turn warm the sea surface water in the southeastern Indian Ocean (Fig. 13). With the help of positive Bjerknes feedback, the positive SST errors grow fastest in the eastern Indian Ocean and cause a significant west-east dipole pattern in the Indian Ocean. The prediction errors grow fastest in July and August and result in a significant SPB. Based on the above discussion, the occurrence of the SPB is mainly caused by the initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean. In addition, the reversal of the climatological wind direction also plays a key role in causing a significant SPB. Therefore, the occurrence of the SPB is closely related with the spatial patterns of the initial errors and the climatological conditions.